Grade 7 - Practice Report Guidance - Thai Tuan 7B5

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Practice Report Section Guidance

Section 1 - Research Question:

What does the examiner say?
Read the advice of the examiner and answer the questions complete the task to create
your research paper:

Example 1 Why is there a water shortage in South Africa?

Problem This is not a global issue, this is a national issue

Improvement It just south africa

Example 1 What is the climate crisis?

Problem This is global issue

Improvement About environment

Example 1 How do we stop world hunger?

Problem Global issue

Improvement About world hunger

Example 1 Should students be made to compete in sports?

Problem This is not global issue , this is local issue

Improvement It just about students be made compete in sport

S - Specific: Encourage students to make their research questions specific and focused. This
helps them narrow down their topic and ensures clarity in their research.

E - Engaging: Research questions should be engaging and interesting to the student. Encourage
them to choose a topic that they are genuinely curious about and passionate to explore.

A - Appropriate: Students should ensure that their research questions are appropriate for their
grade level, align with the curriculum, and adhere to ethical guidelines.

R - Relevant: Research questions should be relevant to the subject area or topic being studied.
Students should consider how their research question connects to the broader context or real-
world applications.

C - Clear: Research questions should be clear and easily understood. Students should avoid
using jargon or complex language that may confuse the reader or themselves.

H - Hypothesis-driven: Encourage students to formulate research questions that can be tested

and have the potential for a hypothesis. This helps guide their research and analysis.
Choose 3 topics from the list above and create 3 research questions for each:
Environment,pollution and consevation
Climate change,energy and resources
education for all

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