Ak Mathematics Iii Unit 1

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1. Rate of convergence of the Newton-Raphson method is generally:

Answer: b) Quadratic
2. The Newton-Raphson method of finding roots of nonlinear equations falls under the category of
which of the following methods?
Answer: b) open
3. At which point the iterations in the Newton Raphson method are stopped?
Answer: a) When the consecutive iterative values of x are not equal
4. What is the source of discretization error in the finite difference method?
Answer: c) Truncation error
5. Which is the major error occurring due to the finite difference approximations?
Answer: a) Discretization error


1. Define Newton-Raphson method

Answer: The Newton-Raphson method is an iterative numerical technique used for finding
successively better approximations to the roots of a real-valued function. It is also known as Newton's
method. The method starts with an initial guess for the root and then iteratively refines this guess
until a satisfactory approximation is obtained. At each iteration, the method uses the tangent line to
the function at the current guess to compute a new estimate for the root. The formula for updating the
guess is derived from Newton's approximation formula, resulting in rapid convergence, especially for
functions with well-behaved derivatives.

2. What do you mean by error and their computations?

Answer: Error: In numerical computation, error refers to the difference between the exact or true
value and the approximate or computed value of a quantity. Errors can arise due to various factors
such as approximation techniques, rounding-off, truncation, and numerical instability.
Types of Error:
i. Absolute Error: The absolute value of the difference between the true value and the
approximate value.
ii. Relative Error: The ratio of the absolute error to the true value, often expressed as a
iii. Percentage Error: The relative error expressed as a percentage of the true value.
iv. Truncation Error: Error introduced by approximating an infinite process, such as an infinite
series or integral, by a finite process.
v. Round-off Error: Error introduced by rounding off numbers to a specified number of
significant digits.
vi. Computations: Errors are typically computed using mathematical formulas or algorithms
specific to each type of error. For example, absolute error is calculated as the absolute
difference between the true and approximate values, while relative error involves dividing the
absolute error by the true value and multiplying by 100 to obtain a percentage.

3. Define significant digits.

Answer: Significant digits, also known as significant figures, are the digits in a number that carry
meaningful information about its precision or accuracy. They include all non-zero digits and any
zeros between them, as well as trailing zeros after a decimal point. Leading zeros are not considered
significant unless they occur before the decimal point. The number of significant digits indicates the
certainty or uncertainty of a measurement or calculation. For example, the number 3.14 has three
significant digits, while 0.0025 has two significant digits.

4. What is round off numbers?

Answer: Round-off numbers are approximations of real numbers obtained by replacing them with
simpler, more manageable values. When rounding off a number, the value is adjusted to a specified
number of significant digits or decimal places. The rounding process involves examining the digit to
the right of the desired precision and adjusting it based on the value of the following digit. Common
rounding rules include rounding up if the following digit is 5 or greater and rounding down if it is less
than 5.

5. What is truncation error?

Answer: Truncation error is the error introduced in numerical methods or computations when an
infinite process, such as an infinite series or integral, is approximated by a finite process. It arises due
to the omission of higher-order terms or the truncation of an infinite sequence. Truncation error
decreases as the step size or approximation interval decreases and can often be minimized by using
higher-order approximation methods or increasing the number of terms considered in the


1. Find a Positive Root of the Equation 𝑥𝑒^𝑥 = 1 Between 0 and 1:

Answer: To find a positive root of the equation =1xex=1 between 0 and 1, we can use the bisection
method, which involves repeatedly bisecting the interval and narrowing down the range until the root is
Start with the interval [a, b] where =0a=0 and =1b=1.
Compute the midpoint 2c=2a+b.
Evaluate the function at the midpoint: f(c)=cec.
If 1f(c)=1, then c is the root.
If 0f(a)⋅f(c)<0, then the root lies between a and c, so update b=c.
If 0f(c)⋅f(b)<0, then the root lies between c and b, so update a=c.
Repeat steps 2-6 until the interval is sufficiently small.
Let's perform the calculations:
Initial interval: [0, 1]
Midpoint: 0+12=0.5c=20+1=0.5
Since, 1f(c)>1, the root lies between 0 and c.
Update interval: [0, 0.5]
Repeat the process until the root is found within the desired tolerance.

2. Use the Method of Regula Falsi to Determine the Root of 𝑥2.2=69x2.2=69 Between 5 and 8:

Answer: The method of regula falsi, also known as the false position method, is an iterative numerical
technique for finding roots of equations within a given interval. It involves linear interpolation between
two points on the function curve to approximate the root.
i. Start with the interval [a, b] where the function values at a and b have opposite signs.
ii. Compute the next approximation c using linear interpolation: c=a−f(b)−f(a)f(a)⋅(b−a).
iii. Evaluate the function at c: f(c).
Update the interval [a, b] based on the sign of f(c).
Repeat steps 2-4 until the root is found within the desired tolerance.
Let's perform the calculations:
Initial interval: [5, 8]
=5a=5, =8b=8
Calculate c using linear interpolation.
Evaluate f(c).
Update the interval based on the sign of f(c).
Repeat the process until the root is found within the desired tolerance.

3. Use Iteration Method to Find a Positive Root of 𝑥𝑒𝑥=1xex=1 Between 0 and 1:

Answer: The iteration method involves repeatedly applying a function to an initial guess to obtain
successively better approximations of the root.
i. Start with an initial guess 0x0 within the given interval.
ii. Apply the iteration formula: +1=xn+1=e−xn.
iii. Repeat step 2 until convergence or until the desired accuracy is achieved.
Let's perform the calculations:
i. Start with an initial guess 0=0.5x0=0.5.
ii. Apply the iteration formula: 1=0.5≈0.6065x1=e−0.5≈0.6065.
iii. Continue iterating until convergence or the desired accuracy is achieved.

4. Find a Root of the Equation 𝑥sin⁡+cos⁡=0xsin(x)+cos(x)=0 Using Secant Method:

Answer: The secant method is an iterative numerical technique for finding roots of equations. It
involves approximating the derivative of the function using finite differences to iteratively refine the
root estimate.
i. Start with two initial guesses 0x0 and 1x1 near the root.
ii. Compute the next approximation +1xn+1 using the secant formula: +1= +1=xn−f(xn)−f(xn−1) f (xn)⋅(xn
iii. Repeat step 2 until convergence or until the desired accuracy is achieved.
Let's perform the calculations:
i. Start with two initial guesses 0=0x0=0 and 1=1x1=1.
ii. Compute 2x2 using the secant formula.
iii. Continue iterating until convergence or the desired accuracy is achieved.

5. Find the Root of the Equation 𝑥=𝑒−𝑥x=e−x Using the Newton-Raphson Method:

Answer: The Newton-Raphson method is an iterative numerical technique for finding roots of
equations. It involves linearizing the function using its derivative and iteratively updating the root
i. Start with an initial guess 0x0 near the root.
ii. Compute the next approximation +1xn+1 using the Newton-Raphson formula:
iii. Repeat step 2 until convergence or until the desired accuracy is achieved.
Let's perform the calculations:
i. Start with an initial guess 0=0x0=0.
ii. Compute 1x1 using the Newton-Raphson formula.
iii. Continue iterating until convergence or the desired accuracy is achieved.

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