W1. Whats A Review

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ACTIVITY 1: Read the Review again and answer the questions.

a. What is the purpose of the website?

b. Why does the writer like the website?
c. What is one problem with the site?
d. What is the writer's conclusion about the site?

A review on Canva
One of the best websites to create a digital CV is Canva. It is a fantastic design tool
to make social media visuals, presentations, posters, and CVs because it's free and
simple to use.
One thing I really like about Canva is that it has a great variety of templates. You
can select from various categories like modern, minimalist, and corporate styles.
The best thing is that you only need to copy your text into the template to get
started. Also, you can upload your own images and change the colors and fonts to
give your CV your own personal touch. It is the perfect tool for design lovers.
However, one big disadvantage of Canva is that its templates usually leave
important information out. This happens because Canva CVs only have one page,
which is not enough space to present all your information about experience and
In general, it is a useful site to create your CV when you are good at summarizing,
but not for those people that like to show specific details or long lists of experience.

ACTIVITY 2: Read the Review again and highlight with colors any useful phrases in the text

a. give positive opinions.

b. give negative opinions.
c. sum up the writers’ opinion.
ACTIVITY 3: Match these phrases to the usages. See the examples.

One of my favorite__ is... It is defined as… One big disadvantage is that...

The only problem is that... It has… It´s annoying when...

One of the best/most famous, most recognized ____is… There is also...

Another good point about ___ is... In my opinion,

It is a great __ for… First, it is... Another bad point is that...

On the whole, ... A downsize of ___ is that…

It is perfect for… One concern about ___ is … To sum up, ...

One thing I really like is that... The ___ has quite a few good features...

A positive characteristic is that… In general, ... It is a fantastic ___ for….

The drawbacks of ___ are …
To give positive To introduce a To give negative To sum up the writer’s
opinions description opinions opinion.
One of my It is defined as… One big
favorite__ is... disadvantage is

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