SEC Presentation

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Good Morning Everyone! My name is Shreya Tiwari and today me and my teammates ANKIT, SAI and
ABHISHEK are presenting the first unit of our syllabus, that have 4 important parts and we are going
to dive into the topics and discuss it with easy and impactful explanation.

So firstly we are starting with the ‘ Introduction to effective communication- it’s features with
advantages and disadvantages.

Effective communication is a crucial aspect of personal and professional life, facilitating the exchange
of ideas, information, and emotions between individuals or groups. Talking about it’s features:

•Messages should be clear and easily understandable to avoid misinterpretation.

•Next, Communication should be brief and to the point so that it can avoid unnecessary details.

•There should be Consistency that means Messages should be coherent and align with the sender's

•Giving Feedback helps ensure mutual understanding and promotes effective communication.

•And the last feature is Medium: Choosing the appropriate communication channel (verbal, written,
non-verbal, etc.) is essential for effective transmission of messages.

●Next up we have Advantages of Effective Communication:

•It Improves relationship as Clear communication fosters trust and strengthens relationships among
individuals or within organizations.

•It Increases Productivity as it reduces misunderstandings and promotes efficiency in task


•Helps in Conflict Resolution by addressing issues directly and finding mutually acceptable solutions.

•Enhances Access to relevant information and open communication channels encourages informed
decision making.

•It also helps in Better Innovation by sharing of ideas and feedback, leading to creativity.

○ Now we’ll discuss about the Disadvantages of Effective Communication:

•Firstly, Misunderstandings: Poor communication can lead to confusion and misinterpretation of


•It Decreases Productivity as lack of communication results in delays and errors in task completion.

•Ineffective communication may lead to mistrust and conflicts among individuals or within teams.

•Incomplete information due to ineffective communication can result in poor decision making.

•Employees may feel demotivated or undervalued, leading to decreased morale and engagement.

So, summarizing the above gives us a result that says, while effective communication offers
numerous benefits like collaboration, and efficiency it’s absence or ineffectiveness can lead to
misunderstandings, and strained relationships. The next topic is importance of listening and Now my
teammate Ankit will explain that for you.

Thank you Shreya for the introduction hello to everyone my name is Ankit and my topic is
Importance Of Listening :

As we all know Listening is crucial in various aspects of life for several reasons like-

•Effective Communication that includes Listening attentively which enhances communication by

ensuring that messages are accurately received and understood. It allows for better comprehension
of others' perspectives, leading to more meaningful interactions.

•Secondly, listening builds Relationships as it fosters trust and empathy and When people feel heard
and understood, they are more likely to connect and collaborate.

•Problem Solving is another essential aspect for Listening for gathering information and
understanding the root causes of issues. Individuals can identify solutions that address underlying
problems effectively.

•Next up we have Conflict Resolution, listening helps in de-escalating tensions and finding common
ground. By acknowledging each party's feelings and concerns, conflicts can be resolved more
peacefully and constructively.

•It helps in Learning and Growth as Listening to feedback, advice, and different perspectives
facilitates personal and professional growth. It enables individuals to learn from others' experiences
and expertise, leading to continuous improvement.

•it enhances Leadership qualities as leaders prioritize listening as a key leadership skill. By actively
listening to their team members, leaders can inspire trust, motivate others, and make well-informed

Now I would like to invite Sai my teammate to explain meaning, importance and features of Oral

Good morning everyone myself Sai and I am going to tell you all about Oral communication, it’s
Meaning, Importance & Features.

So, Oral communication refers to the process of conveying information or messages through spoken
words. It encompasses face-to-face conversations, telephonic conversations, speeches,
presentations, and other forms of verbal interaction.

Now talking about it’s Importance :

•Oral communication allows for immediate clarification and feedback which reduces the chances of

•It provides Personal touch that provides an opportunity for individuals to convey emotions, tone,
and sincerity effectively, fostering stronger interpersonal relationships.

Also It offers flexibility in adapting the message according to the audience's response and

•Enhances Efficiency as In many situations, oral communication can be more efficient than written
communication, especially for quick exchanges of information or complex discussions.

•Oral communication also Promotes teamwork for collaborative efforts, enhancing coordination and
teamwork within organizations.

Now we will talk about it’s features:

Firstly, there is Spoken words: Oral communication relies on spoken words, which are transmitted
through verbal means such as face-to-face conversations, phone calls, meetings, or presentations.

Secondly, we have Immediate feedback: It allows for immediate feedback and clarification, enabling
real-time interaction and adjustment of messages.

Next there is Non-verbal cues: Along with spoken words, oral communication involves the use of
non-verbal cues such as facial expressions, gestures, tone of voice, and body language, which
enhance the understanding of the message.

Other features includes Interaction: Oral communication typically involves a two-way interaction
between the sender and receiver, facilitating engagement and comprehension.

And there is a feature called as Contextual: It is influenced by the context in which it occurs, including
the physical environment, cultural norms, and relationship between the communicators.

And then lastly we have Dynamic that means Oral communication can be spontaneous, allowing for
improvisation and adaptation to the changing needs of the situation.

Now, we are coming towards the end and to explain the final part of this presentation I would like to
call Abhishek.
Hello people my name is Abhishek and I am going to tell you about the

‘Readings that have documented speeches and delivered in the past, Understanding the art of
word play, vocabulary and putting thoughts into my words:

Analysing public speeches from the past can provide valuable insights into the art of wordplay,
vocabulary, and expressing thoughts effectively, we can approach it by

Choosing Relevant Speeches: Selecting speeches that are renowned for their eloquence, impact, and
historical significance. Examples include Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have a Dream," Winston
Churchill's wartime addresses, or Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address.

Secondly, Identify Wordplay and Vocabulary: Paying attention to the use of rhetorical devices such
as metaphors, similes, alliteration, and parallelism. Highlighting instances where the speaker employs
powerful and evocative language to convey their message. For example, in Martin Luther King Jr.'s
speech, the phrase "I have a dream" is not only a powerful metaphor but also a memorable
rhetorical device.

Also, Analyse Thought Expression: Examine how the speaker structures their thoughts and ideas.
Noting how they introduce a topic, develop their arguments, and conclude their speech. Looking for
transitions between ideas and how they maintain coherence throughout. For instance, in Winston
Churchill's speeches, he often started with a bold statement to capture attention, followed by a
series of supporting arguments and a memorable conclusion rallying the audience.

Then we have Drawing Real-life Connections: Relating the speech content to contemporary issues or
situations. Discussing how the themes and messages of the speech are still relevant today. For
example, Martin Luther King Jr.'s message of equality and justice resonates in movements advocating
for civil rights and social justice in the present day.

Provide Practical Examples: Offer examples from everyday life that illustrate the effectiveness of the
techniques used in the speech. This could include instances where persuasive language or compelling
arguments have influenced opinions or motivated action.

And lastly we have Demonstrating Understanding: Clearly articulate your understanding of the
speech, highlighting specific examples and their impact. Discussing how the speaker's choice of
words and expressions contributes to the overall effectiveness of the speech.

So with explaining that we are done with our presentation, me and my whole team thanks you all for
showing patience and I hope you all have understood everything.

If anyone have any questions regarding any topic please feel free to ask.

Thank you!

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