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2020 IEEE Region 10 Symposium (TENSYMP), 5-7 June 2020, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Diagnosis of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Using

Machine Learning Algorithms
Subrato Bharati1, Prajoy Podder2, M. Rubaiyat Hossain Mondal3
Institute of Information and Communication Technology
Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology
Dhaka, Bangladesh,,

Abstract— This paper focuses on the data-driven diagnosis (ii) applying machine learning algorithms on the
of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) in women. For this, important features of the PCOS dataset.
machine learning algorithms are applied to a dataset freely (iii) comparing the machine learning algorithms with
available in Kaggle repository. This dataset has 43 attributes of those reported in the literature in terms of testing accuracy
541 women, among which 177 are patients of PCOS disease.
and recall.
Firstly, univariate feature selection algorithm is applied to find
the best features that can predict PCOS. The ranking of the The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section II
attributes is computed and it is found that the most important provides a brief literature review on the application of
attribute is the ratio of Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and statistical tools and machine learning on the diagnosis of
Luteinizing hormone (LH). Next, holdout and cross validation PCOS. Section III describes the overall methodology applied
methods are applied to the dataset to separate the training and to conduct this research work. The process of finding the
testing data. A number of classifiers such as gradient boosting, most significant features of PCOS is described in Section IV.
random forest, logistic regression, and hybrid random forest The results obtained using the application of machine
and logistic regression (RFLR) are applied to the dataset. learning on PCOS dataset are described in Section V.
Results show that the first 10 highest ranked attributed are Finally, Section VI provides the concluding remarks.
good enough to predict the PCOS disease. Results also
demonstrate that RFLR exhibits the best testing accuracy of II. LITERATURE REVIEWS
91.01% and recall value of 90% using 40-fold cross validation This section provides a brief literature work on PCOS [3-
applied to the 10 most important features. Hence, RFLR is 13]. Table I summarizes the literature survey. In the literature
suitable for reliably classifying PCOS patients.
of PCOS, follicles detection has been described in two
Keywords— PCOS, gradient boosting, random forest, logistic methods, one is stereology and the other is a sequential
regression, recall, precision. process of classification and feature extraction. In [3],
polycystic ovary has been recognized conducting stereology
I. INTRODUCTION to compute the number and the size of respective follicle and
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a regular using Euclidean distance to measure the diameter of the
endocrine syndrome in females affected by elevated follicle. On the other hand, in [4-5], Gabor Wavelet is used
androgen. Treatment of PCOS is based on some cardinal for feature extraction. Moreover, Conjugate Gradient-
features including anovulation, hyperandrogenism signs, and Fletcher Reeves and Lavenberg-Marquardt Optimization are
menstrual dysfunction. Some of the important symptoms of used as a variation of backpropagation to classify PCOS [4-
this disorder are pelvic pain, excess hair, acne, hirsutism 5]. In the work of [6], the segmentation of the follicles is
done using particle swarm optimization (PSO) to make
velvety skin, male hormone, irregular periods, danker, etc.
modifications to the fitness function. The authors in [7]
Approximately 5-10 % of reproductive age (15-49 years)
conduct research using three classifiers namely (1) support
women are suffered from this problem. The outbreak of vector machine (SVM) with RBF kernel, (2) k nearest
PCOS was documented to be 8% and 4.8% in African neighbors (kNN) – Euclidean distance, and (3) neural
American women and white women, respectively [1-2]. network - learning vector quantization (LVQ). In [8],
Women with this ovarian dysfunction are associated with follicles are segmented using region growing scheme. This
hypertension, increased risk of cardiovascular disease, technique tests whether the neighbor of initial seeds should
obesity, gynecological cancer, type 2 diabetes mellitus, etc. be added to segmentation region. The segmentation process
Moreover, recent research has shown that PCOS causes of ultrasound image of PCOS has been done in [9, 10] using
higher risk of first trimester miscarriage. PCOS causes in edge detection. The authors of [9] consider a median filter to
ovaries inappropriate growth of follicle that are prevented at remove noise from PCOS images. The main idea of this filter
a primary stage and miscarry to mature. This is one of the is to find a median in a specific picture element window. The
causes for infertility. Therefore, it is significant to screen the center window will be updated with a median of the window.
patients at a primary stage to prevent any serious moment of Meanwhile, Otsu global threshold [10] of the image is a way
the PCOS disease. This paper focuses on the prediction of to find the pixel similarity to its neighbors. Otsu’s
PCOS. The main contributions of this work as follows: thresholding method iterates through the threshold values.
(i) selecting the most important attributes of PCOS Furthermore, this threshold calculates a measure of the
patients for the given dataset using feature selection method. spread for the pixel levels on each side of the threshold. In
the Canny edge detection, a computational approach to

978-1-7281-7366-5/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE


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Canny edge detection was presented in [11]. It can be used to The experiment has a number of stages. Fig. 1 illustrates
detect follicles in the ultrasound image for the diagnosis of the work flow process. Data labelling, encoding non-numeric
PCOS. columns into numeric, etc. are the stages of data pre-
However, little work has been reported regarding the use processing. Feature selection is applied after data pre-
of machine learning techniques on the clinical parameters for processing. Next, a number of classification algorithms
screening PCOS patients. So, this research focuses in the including gradient boosting, random forest, logistic
early detection of PCOS disease. regression and hybrid random forest and logistic regression
(RFLR) are used. Note that RFLR is implemented in Orange
where random forest and logistic regression are aggregated
Ref Methods used Research objective using stacking process. The dataset is divided into training
and testing portions using holdout and cross validation
[3] Euclidean distance to measure the Determination of polycystic
diameter of the follicle ovary syndrome
methods. For the holdout method, train_test_split() function
from scikit-learn library is used in order to split the dataset.
[4] Modified backpropagation algorithm Ultrasound images based For separating the training and testing data samples, cross
PCOS detection
validation method is also applied using cross_val_score()
[5] Wavelet-SVD Digital image compression function from scikit-learn library. These records are
[6] Particle swarm optimization PCOS detection categorized into two classes: 0 and 1, where 0 means normal
women and 1 means women having PCOS. At the data
[7] (1) SVM – RBF kernel, Follicle detection of PCOS
labelling stage, the non-numerical categorical attributes are
(2) KNN – Euclidean distance, (3) using ultrasound images
neural network - learning vector
converted into numerical values. The MinMax scaler or min-
quantization (LVQ) max normalization is used as follows:
[8] Particle Swarm Optimization and PCOS classification using = (1)
Supervised Learning ultrasound images
[9] Automated PCOS image processing Here, denotes the original value of the feature, is
ovarian follicle recognition the minimum value of , is the maximum value of ,
[10] Automated algorithm Ovarian cysts detection and is the normalized value of . MinMax scaler mainly
transforms features by scaling each feature to a range.
III. METHODOLOGY Standard deviation of features is small due to scaling.
This section briefly explains the experiments that are IV. FEATURE SELECTION
carried out to predict PCOS using machine learning
This section discusses the feature selection process.
classifiers. For this, a dataset with 43 attributes of 541
Feature selection is the procedure of taking some informative
women are collected from the Kaggle repository [14]. Out of
and significant features from a huge number of features. This
these 541 instances, 364 are for normal and the remaining
can produce a better pattern characterization of multiple
177 are for PCOS affected patients. For the experiments,
classes. Taking irrelevant features in the data can reduce the
Python programing language is used as a machine learning
accuracy of the classification models. Feature selection can
tool. For this, Anaconda distribution package, Scikit-learn
reduce overfitting and improve accuracy.
library, Jupiter notebook, Spyder, Orange, etc. are used for
One form of feature selection approach is the filtering
the deployment of Python.
based univariate feature selection method which considers
each feature independently that is with regard to the
dependent variable. Each feature is scored individually on
certain specified criteria and the features are then selected
based on the higher scores or higher ranks. In this work,
univariate feature selection method has been used for
identifying the important features and finding the score. For
selecting the best features from the PCOS dataset,
Algorithm 1 [15] is used.

Algorithm 1. Feature selection and other preprocessing

Input: A training dataset
Output: Selected features ranked according to p-value
1. Load the data using read_csv() function
2. Delete any null column using drop() function
3. Label the target using LabelEncoder() function
4. Divide the data and assign the dataset to x (without the
5. Assign the target to y
6. Scale the features for a range of 0 to 1 with
MinMaxScaler() function
7. Obtain selected number of features using SelectKBest()
Fig.1. Work flow chart function having arguments of chi2()


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V. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION the accuracy value is lower and the AUC value is higher
This section presents the results of the application of than the corresponding values obtained with 40-fold cross
machine learning algorithms on the PCOS dataset. Using validation shown in Table IV. Table V also shows that
Algorithm 1, the ranking of all the 43 features are random forest has accuracy, recall and AUC values of
determined. Table II shows the ranking of the best 10 88.94%, 89% and 88%, respectively when test size is 40%.
features. It can be seen that the ratio of Follicle-stimulating For random forest, the value of accuracy obtained with
hormone (FSH) and Luteinizing hormone (LH) indicated as holdout method shown in Table V is slightly higher than the
FSH/LH has the best ranking. The feature FSH and Anti- value obtained with cross validation shown in Table IV.
Mullerian hormone (AMH) have the second and the third However, for random forest, the values of recall and AUC
best ranking, respectively. For finding the optimum number are higher for cross validation method than holdout method.
of features, different classifiers are applied to data for the TABLE II. RANKING OF BEST 10 FEATURES
case of different number of features. For 10 features with Features name Ranking
20-fold cross validation, a number of classifiers are used. FSH/LH 1
With this condition, the classification accuracy obtained by FSH (mIU/mL) 2
k nearest neighbors (kNN), random forest, decision tree, AMH (ng/mL) 3
light GBM (LGBM), adaptive boosting (AdaBoost), BMI 4
gradient boosting, logistic regression, multilayer perceptron Weight gain (Y/N) 5
(MLP), hybrid random forest and logistic regression (RFLR) Follicle No. (L) 6
are 69.87%, 87.83%, 85.18%, 88.58%, 85.96%, 88.75%, Follicle No. (R) 7
86.52%, 83.22% and 90.01%, respectively. It can be seen Avg. F size (L) (mm) 8
that good accuracy scores are obtained by gradient boosting, Cycle (R/I) 9
random forest, logistic regression, and RFLR, hence only Cycle length (days) 10
these four classifiers are considered for the rest of the paper.
Next, different number of features are considered for TABLE III. PERFORMANCE USING 30-FOLD CROSS VALIDATION FOR
predicting PCOS patients. For the given dataset and for the DIFFERENT NUMBER OF FEATURES

four classifiers, the use of 10 or 14 number of features show Classifier Number of Precision Recall Accuracy
competitive good results when both accuracy and low features
feature numbers are taken into consideration. This is
because low number of features ensures low computation Gradient 10 85% 85% 88.72%
time and low complexity. Table III shows the values of Boosting 14 85% 85% 88.72%
precision, recall and testing accuracy for the four algorithms Random 10 88% 88% 87.99%
when 30-fold cross validation is used. It can be seen that Forest 14 88% 88% 87.98%
the performance is almost the same for 10 and 14 features so
Logistic 10 85% 85% 88.35%
the lower value that is 10 number of features are suitable for
PCOS prediction. It can be seen that RFLR has the best regression 14 83% 83% 88.35%
classification accuracy being 90.01% and 89.27% for 10 and RFLR 10 89.90% 90% 90.01%
14 features, respectively. 14 89.20% 89.30% 89.27%
Next, the impact of cross validation number is
investigated. Table IV shows that gradient boosting obtains TABLE IV. PERFORMANCE USING K-FOLD CROSS VALIDATION
its highest accuracy of 88.92% when 40 fold cross
Classifier Value of K AUC Precision Recall Accuracy
validation is applied. However, the same area under the
curve (AUC) value of 84% is obtained at 10, 20, 30 and 40- Gradient 10 84% 85% 85% 87.43%
fold cross validation. On the other hand, at 40-fold cross Boosting 20 84% 85% 85% 88.72%
validation, random forest provides a good accuracy of 30 84% 85% 85% 88.72%
88.24%, recall value of 90% and AUC value of 90%. It can 40 84% 85% 85% 88.92%
be seen that the performance of RFLR is the best at a cross
Random 10 91% 91% 90% 88.16%
validation of 40 where the accuracy, recall and AUC values
are 91.01%, 90% and 92.90%, respectively. Forest 20 90% 90% 90% 87.79%
Next, the effectiveness of holdout and cross validation 30 89% 88% 88% 87.99%
methods is investigated for predicting PCOS. The 40 90% 90% 90% 88.24%
comparison of these two approaches is performed for the
Logistic 10 82% 83% 83% 88.53%
four classifiers. Table V shows the performance results for
different values of train test splitting. Test size of 20%, 30% regression 20 82% 83% 83% 88.53%
and 40% of the total samples are considered. Note that a test 30 82% 83% 83% 88.35%
size of 40% means, the training data is 60% of the total 40 82% 83% 83% 88.39%
sample size. From Table V, it can be seen that RFLR
RFLR 10 92.90% 90.10% 90.20% 90.20%
obtains an accuracy of 88.52% when the test size is 40%.
This value is lower than the value for RFLR with 40-fold 20 92.90% 89.90% 90% 90.01%
cross validation as shown in Table IV. Gradient boosting 30 92.90% 89.90% 90% 90.01%
performs the best when 40% is the test size where the 40 92.90% 89.90% 90% 91.01%
accuracy value is 87.09% and AUC value is 86%. However,


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TABLE V. PERFORMANCE USING HOLDOUT METHOD Furthermore, a number of hybrid methods can be developed
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be validated with a number of different datasets. 673-678.


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