Artigo Zona de Inervacão Do Bíceps Braquial

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Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 16 (2006) 144–148

Innervation zone shift with changes in joint angle

in the brachial biceps
S. Martin *, D. MacIsaac
Institute of Biomedical Engineering, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of New Brunswick, 25 Dineen Dr.,
P.O. Box 4400, Fredericton, NB, Canada E3B 5A3

Received 8 November 2004; received in revised form 16 June 2005; accepted 20 June 2005


Empirical evidence is presented suggesting that the innervation zone of the brachial biceps shifts relative to recording electrodes
with changes in joint angle. Myoelectric signal data were acquired from five subjects using a 16-channel linear electrode array, and
analyzed to determine a reversal in signal propagation direction indicating innervation zone location. An analysis of the effect of
joint angle changes on innervation zone location yielded statistically significant results (ANOVA, a = 0.05, p < 0.001) suggesting
that the innervation zone moves between 5 and 30 mm in a direction distal to the shoulder as the arm is extended, statistically inde-
pendent of force level (ANOVA, a = 0.05, p > 0.2).
 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Innervation zone; Electrode array; Myoelectric signal; Conduction velocity

1. Introduction the introduction of new fibers into the electrode detec-

tion region because of changes in joint angle. CV accu-
Muscle fiber conduction velocity (CV) is a frequently racy also depends on certain assumptions, the first of
used measurement in muscle fatigue assessment strate- which is that the recording electrodes are perfectly
gies [1,2] and the analysis of muscle pathology [11]. aligned along the length of the muscle fiber. Because
CV estimation using surface myoelectric signals (MES) muscle fibers are not all parallel, this assumption can
is often achieved by taking the cross-correlation of two never be completely valid. Limiting the inter-electrode
measurements separated along the MES propagation distance has been shown to minimize this effect [3].
path by a known distance. The time shift in the cross- The second assumption is that the fibers are sufficiently
correlation from zero represents the time taken by the long such that the effects of non-propagating end effects
propagating signal to travel the separation distance. may be ignored. Although this assumption may be real-
Dividing the inter-electrode distance by the time shift ized for certain joint angles, muscle geometry changes
yields CV [2]. during dynamic contractions may render the assumption
Because the MES is a summation of activity across invalid.
multiple muscle fibers, CV estimation using the above The third assumption is that both recording elec-
method will result in a CV averaged across the active fi- trodes are on the same side of the muscle innervation
bers. This estimate may be altered due to (1) fiber zone (IZ). Through the use of judicious electrode place-
recruitment during increased force production, or (2) ment, this assumption may be met under static condi-
tions. However, when considering dynamic conditions,
Corresponding author. changing muscle geometry may cause the IZ to move
E-mail address: (S. Martin). relative to the recording electrodes, which in turn may

1050-6411/$ - see front matter  2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
S. Martin, D. MacIsaac / Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 16 (2006) 144–148 145

result in one or more electrodes being placed over the IZ

[4]. Thus, an initial step in obtaining an accurate CV
estimation technique, particularly for use in dynamic
contraction scenarios, is to determine the amount of
innervation zone shift with changes in joint angle, and
whether this shift is affected by the contraction level.

2. Materials and methods

2.1. Subjects

Five healthy voluntary participants were used for

data collection; one female and four males, aged 22,
23, 24, 25 and 38, with no known instances of neuro-
muscular disorders. The muscle of interest was the bra-
chial biceps in the dominant arm. Each participant
signed an informed consent form before data collection

2.2. Test procedure

The apparatus used to enable proper joint angle posi-

tion consisted of a large disc attached to a central pulley
at its axis as previously described in [8], and as shown in
Fig. 1(a). This apparatus allowed the subjects to rest
their upper arm on a platform while flexing and extend-
ing at the elbow to create the desired joint angle. By
attaching a mass to the pulley, a specified force could
be applied perpendicular to the forearm regardless of
joint angle. Fig. 1. (a) Central pulley apparatus. (b) 16-channel linear electrode
The data acquisition stage was divided into two ses- array (left) and adhesive attachment strip (right).
sions. During the first session, maximum voluntary con-
traction (MVC) measurements were obtained for the each angle. Each angle–force combination was held for
dominant arm of each subject for joint angles of 50, 10 s, with two minute intervals between each contrac-
70, 90, 110 and 130 (relative to 180 at full elbow tion. The order of the joint angles used in each trial
extension). To accomplish this, the central pulley appa- was randomized.
ratus was used in a fastened mode by attaching the pul- The MES was recorded from the brachial biceps
ley to the frame via a LC105 Aluminum ÔSÕ Beam Load using a flexible, adhesive 16-channel linear electrode ar-
Cell. The load cell output a voltage proportional to the ray as shown in Fig. 1(b), with an inter-electrode dis-
amount of tension being exerted. Subjects were encour- tance of 10 mm. Each electrode was rectangular and
aged to pull as hard as possible against the fastened pul- approximately 5 mm · 1 mm. An Ag|AgCl Red-dot
ley for approximately 5 s. The process was repeated electrode was placed on the triceps muscle as a reference.
three times, with two minute intervals between each con- Before electrodes were placed, the skin surface on which
traction. The highest value for each joint angle across they were mounted was cleansed with rubbing alcohol.
the three trials was used as the MVC for that angle. The array was placed along the length of the bicep mus-
The order of the joint angles used in each trial was cle on the dominant arm, with 20 lL of electrode paste
randomized. being applied to each electrode using a method similar
Subjects returned for a second session at least one to that described in [5].
hour after the MVC test. This delay was deemed ade-
quate to allow subjects to recover from the MVC mea- 2.3. Data acquisition
surements, and thus not corrupt the data set with
fatiguing conditions [10]. Using the central pulley appa- The MES data from the electrode array were pro-
ratus, subjects were instructed to hold the disc at 50, cessed first through a Prima EMG16 acquisition system
70, 90, 110 and 130 against loads equivalent to in a single differential mode with a gain of 5000 and
approximately 20%, 40% and 60% of their MVC for using a 10–500 Hz, fourth-order Bessel band-pass filter.
146 S. Martin, D. MacIsaac / Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 16 (2006) 144–148

The CMRR for the acquisition system was >96 dB, with served, resulting in IZ locations (assumed to be centered
an input impedance >90 MX over the entire bandwidth. on these boxes) of 55, 75, 75, 75 and 85 mm for joint an-
The data were then sampled using a National Instru- gles of 50, 70, 90, 110 and 130, respectively.
ments 12-bit DAQ-6024E PCMCIA acquisition card A plot of the mean IZ estimate at joint each angle
with a sampling frequency of 1024 Hz. averaged across subjects for each MVC level is shown
in Fig. 3. The IZ estimates are shown in terms of a
2.4. Data processing change from the estimate at 50 (taken as 0 mm). This
plot shows a statistically significant angle effect (ANO-
In total, 45 data records were recorded for each sub- VA, a = 0.05, p < 0.001), but no statistically significant
ject. To determine the location of the IZ estimate, force effect (ANOVA, a = 0.05, p > 0.2). The total
100 ms segments of raw MES from adjacent channels amount of IZ shift observed was between 5 and
were plotted to observe the location of the reversal in 30 mm over the range of joint angles.
signal propagation direction [6]. The location of the IZ Table 1 summarizes the CV estimates (in m/s) for
under the electrode array was estimated by determining each joint angle for subject P2 for 20% MVC, and shows
which electrodes encompassed this reversal. An estimate the influence of the IZ shift on the variability of CV
of the IZ location for each subject was made at each an- measurements as the joint angle changes.
gle for the three trials, and then averaged across trials,
giving an estimate for the location of the IZ at each joint
angle for each subject. This procedure was repeated for
each MVC level. To determine the amount of shift, the
channel most proximal to the shoulder was designated
to be at 0 mm, and each of the remaining channels
was located in reference to it. To demonstrate the effects
of any shift on CV estimation, an estimate of the CV
between channels for each joint angle was calculated
using the cross-correlation method, and then averaged
across trials.

3. Results

A plot of a sample of raw MES for subject P2 at 20%

MVC is shown in Fig. 2. Boxes indicate the channels be-
tween which a reversal in propagation direction was ob-

Fig. 3. The mean IZ location estimate for each joint angle across
subjects for MVC levels of 20%, 40% and 60%.

Table 1
CV estimates in m/s for subject P2
Channel Angle ()
50 70 90 110 130
1 Inf 22.8 18.5 14.2 12.8
2 14.2 8.5 8.5 8.5 9.1
3 9.1 12.8 11.9 11.9 9.7
4 7.1 8.1 8.1 7.7 6.8
5 11.0 5.5 5.2 5.0 4.7
6 9.2 5.3 5.0 5.1 5.0
7 18.5 7.0 5.7 5.1 5.0
8 18.5 0.7 3.0 4.5 7.0
9 11.9 11.9 14.2 24.2 5.0
10 8.7 6.4 5.5 5.5 5.5
11 8.5 6.7 5.7 5.5 5.7
12 11.1 7.4 7.0 5.5 5.1
13 15.6 14.2 10.5 7.8 6.2
Fig. 2. Raw MES collected from channels 5–12 for subject P2. Boxes
14 12.8 11.9 11.1 9.7 9.1
indicate channel range in which reversal in propagation direction was
15 2.2 2.4 2.4 3.0 3.4
S. Martin, D. MacIsaac / Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 16 (2006) 144–148 147

4. Discussion small, IZs distributed across a small region of the biceps

[7]. Again, a decrease in inter-electrode distance may
Results from this experiment indicate that there is a yield more information about the presence, if any, of
statistically significant IZ movement in a direction distal multiple IZs.
to the shoulder as the arm is extended from 50 to 130.
This corresponds to what we would expect if the shift
5. Conclusions
was the result of muscle lengthening as joint angle
changes. The amount of movement is subject dependent
Statistically significant results for the effect of joint
due to the varying nature of bicep geometries and arm
angle on IZ shift were presented. The movement was ob-
lengths. Similar results have been previously reported
served to take place in a direction distal to the shoulder
in [9].
for each of the five subjects, with a maximum shift of
There are multiple possible explanations for the ob-
30 mm. This effect was also shown to be independent
served changes in IZ location. One explanation is that,
of an increase in force level.
due to muscle shortening/lengthening, the IZ may shift
This work provides a starting point to implement a
relative to the recording electrodes or fiber terminations.
variety of dynamic contraction CV estimation tech-
A second explanation is that, due to increased force, more
niques, such as the use of a gating algorithm to selec-
motor units (MU) are contributing to the contraction,
tively turn off electrodes that are deemed to be within
and thus the IZ as detected by the electrode array may ap-
the IZ. Future iterations of this study could incorporate
pear to be increasing in size. This may occur if the neuro-
an electrode array with a more dense distribution of
muscular junctions of the recruited fibers are outside of
electrodes, which may provide more accurate IZ estima-
the IZ range estimated during the lower contraction level.
tions, as well as a larger number of force levels to im-
However, increased force (and thus increased MU
prove the analysis of force effects.
recruitment) did not result in significantly different esti-
mates for IZ location; therefore, increased MU recruit-
ment may be discounted as a possible explanation. Acknowledgment
An analysis of the CV estimates yields an interesting
trend; as joint angle increases from 50 to 130, the vari- This work was supported in part by NSERC Grant
ability of CV estimates across channels decreases. It is 261794-04.
hypothesized that this decrease is because, as the muscle
is lengthened, there is more distance between the IZ and
the end points, thus affording more acceptable electrode References
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148 S. Martin, D. MacIsaac / Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 16 (2006) 144–148

[10] I. Yaar, Innervation-zone width in disease and its changes with Dawn MacIsaac received a PhD from the
fatigue, Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 2 (4) (1992) University of New Brunswick in 2004, a
252–256. M.Sc.E. in Electrical Engineering from the
[11] M.J. Zwarts, G. Drost, D.F. Stegeman, Recent progress in the University of New Brunswick in 1999, and
diagnostic use of suface EMG for neurological diseases, Journal received a BEng in Electrical and
of Electromyography and Kinesiology 10 (2000) 287–291. Computer Engineering from McMaster
University in 1996. She also holds a BEd
Shawn Martin is a M.Sc.E.E. candidate at from QueenÕs University, which she
the Institute of Biomedical Engineering and received in 1991 and a BPE from McMas-
the Department of Electrical and Computer ter University in 1990. She is currently an
Engineering, University of New Brunswick, Assistant Professor in the Department of
Fredericton, Canada. He received a B.Sc.E. Electrical and Computer Engineering, and
in Computer Engineering from the Uni- the Faculty of Computer Science at the University of New Brunswick.
versity of New Brunswick in 2004. His Her research interests are in EMG signal processing and applications
current research interests are in the area of of time–frequency analysis to biosignals. She is a member of the IEEE
biological signal processing. Engineering in the Medicine and Biology Society, the IEEE Signal
Processing Society, and the Canadian Medical and Biological
Engineering Society.

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