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JUNE-JULY 2021 SESSION Examination Date……..………………….









You are reminded of the necessity of orderly presentation of your material and good English

Where calculations are required, clearly show your working and be chronological in your answer



The different Basic Science subjects: Anatomy and physiology, pharmacology, nutrition, biochemistry and
laboratory techniques are represented in this paper in the mentioned percentages.

The questions are structured into MCQs, Short Answers and Essay


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SECTION A: Multiple Choice Questions –50 Marks

1. Mucous membranes:

a. Lines cavities of the body that are not open to the outside

b. Secret thin watery serous fluid

c. Cover the outside of suchorgans as the kidney and stomach

d. Are found lining the respiratory & urinary passages

2. Which tissue is characterized by the presence of cell bodies, dendrites and axons?

a. Muscle

b. Vascular

c. Nervous

d. Epithelial

3. It is a strong, flexible, connective tissue meshwork of collagen, reticular and elastic fibers.

a. Epidermis

b. Epididymis

c. The true skin

d. c and d only

4. The following are examples of flat bone except one:

a. Sesamoidbone

b. Bones of the Ribs

c. The sternum

d. Cranium

5. Whatis the function of the neuroglia?

a. To holdneuronstogether and protectthem.

b. It helps in the transportation of nerve impulses

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c. To attach the nerve cell to the substrate

d. It functionis not differentfromthat of the nerve cell

6. Which of the following statements about amino acids is correct?

a. Amino acids are classified according to the structures and properties of their side chains.

b. Amino acids are uncharged at neutral pH.

c. Amino acids in proteins are mainly in the D-configuration.

d. Twenty four amino acids are commonly used in protein synthesis.

7. The anatomicalterm opposite to lateralis: -

a. Proximal

b. Distal

c. Medial

d. Superficial

8. Which of the following are contains of the abdominal cavity?

a. Heart and lung

b. Reproductive organs and urinary bladder

c. Liver, spleen and stomach

d. Urinary bladder and lungs

9. The random movement of molecules from an area of high concentration to an area of lower concentration

is called: -

a. Diffusion

b. Exocytosis

c. Facilitated diffusion

d. Active transport

10. The Centrosome contains:

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a. Endoplasmicreticulum

b. Cilia

c. Centrioles

d. Flagella

11. Which two phases of cell division overlap:

a. Anaphase and telophase

b. Prometaphase and metaphase

c. Telophase and cytokinesis

d. b and c are correct

12. _____provides more than double the energy provided by carbohydrates or proteins in human body.

a. Starch

b. Minerals

c. Fats

d. Vitamins

13. The normal range for blood PH is……..

a. 6.4-7

b. 7.3-7.4

c. 7-8

d. 6-9

14. What do youunderstand by double circulation of blood in humans?

a. That blood in the body is made up of oxygenated and deoxygenated

b. The human body is able to separateoxygenatedbloodfromdeoxygenatedblood.

c. That during the cardiac cycle blood passes through the right side of the heart and then the left.

d. That during the cardiac cycle blood passes through the leftside of the heart and then the right.

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15. Protein digestion startsfrom………………

a. The mouth.

b. The jejunum

c. The stomach

d. The small intestine

16. Which of the followingis an accessoryorgan of the digestive system?

a. stomach

b. jejunum

c. pancreas

d. anus

17. The kidneyfunction in all of the followingexcept

a. Acid – base balance

b. An endocrine organ

c. By removingmetabolicwaste

d. By removingexcesscarbondioxide

18. The study of the effect of the body to the drugiscalled………………………………..

a. Pharmacology

b. pharmacokinetics

c. pharmacogenetics

d. pharmacodynamics

19. Triglycerides with double or triple bonds are said to be

a. Saturated

b. Unsaturated

c. Hydrophobic

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d. Hydrophilic

20. Neurotransmitterhelps in transporting nerve impulses from one nerve to another. The following are

examples EXCEPT

a. adrenaline

b. dozapine

c. Acetylcholine

d. Dopamine

21. There are……………….. Pairs of cranial nerves

a. 20

b. 8

c. 7

d. 12

22. Wha tis the purpose of the cerebrospinalfluid?

a. It bathes the brain and the spinal cord in nutrients and eliminatewaste,

b. To protect the central nervous system.

c. It helps in the process of nerve impulse transport.

d. a and c only

23. What are hormones?

a. These are chemicalsecretedinto the bloodstream to help in body functioning

b. Chemical messengersreleased by the glands of the endocrine system

c. They are elementsthat help in body activities

d. a and b only

24. The following are hormones secreted by the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland except one.


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b. ADH

c. Growth hormone

d. Thyroidstimulating hormone

25. Peptide bonds are found in

a. Carbohydrates

b. Proteins

c. Lipids

d. Nucleic acids

26. ______is any solid or liquid which when ingested will enable the body to carry out any of its life functions.

a. Food

b. Nutrient

c. Macronutrient

d. Micronutrient

27. _____is a nutritional problem related to protein energy malnutrition.

a. Marasmus

b. Beri-beri

c. Scurvy

d. Rickets

28. Excess carbohydrates are stored in animals in form of:

a. Starch

b. Glycogen

c. Insulin

d. Glucagon

29. The following are major classes of foodEXCEPT:

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a. Carbohydrates

b. Proteins

c. Lipids

d. Grains

30. A linear sequence of amino acids that forms a protein is called

a. Quaternary structure

b. Tertiary structure

c. Secondary structure

d. Primary structure

31. In which of the following pairs of carbohydrates are both members of the pair polysaccharides?

a. Cellulose and cellobiose

b. Starch and glycogen

c. Amylose and lactose

d. More than one correct response

32. ______is composed principally of cellulose and is known for keeping the digestive system healthier.

a. Vitamins

b. Roughage

c. Proteins

d. Lipids

33. The tourniquet is:

a. Applied very tightly to the arm

b. Used to increase venous fill

c. Applied about 6-8″ above the elbow

d. Tied in a knot to keep it on securely

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34. If a patient faints during a venipuncture, you should:

a. Call the physician at once

b. Remove the needle and attend to the patient

c. Yell loudly at the patient to keep him conscious

d. Continue the procedure until all blood is collected

35. _____is a condition characterized by inflamed gums, loose teeth, swollen and tender joints.

a. Pellagra

b. Beri-beri-

c. Scurvy

d. Haemorrhage

36. A blood specimen collected in a heparinized tube is centrifuged. It willseparateinto:

a. Serum and clot

b. Plasma and clot

c. Serum and plasma

d. Plasma, buffycoat, RBC

37. Latex gloves protect the lab employee from:

a. Accidentalneedlepuncture

b. Microtome injury

c. Body fluid

d. All of the above

38. What is pharmacology?

a. The study of drug interactions

b. The study of interaction of drugs with living organisms

c. It is the study of interaction of drugs with the body

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d. It is the study of interaction of body and drugs.

39. It is the dose (mg/kg), whichproduces a desiredresponsein 50 per cent of test population.

a. Half-life Dose

b. Median efficient dose

c. Median effective dose

d. Effect of Median dose

40. It is the penetration of a drug to the sites of action through the walls of bloodvesselsfrom the

administered site after absorption.

a. Pharmacodynamics

b. pharmacokinetics

c. drug distribution

d. Bioavailability

41. A 3 yearoldchildhaving body weight of 30 pound requires to administerdrug X. The adult dose is


a. 20g

b. 20mg

c. 40mg

d. 25mg

42. Rapid development of tolerance on repeated administration iscalled……………………

a. Drug tolerance

b. drugresistance

c. Body resistance

d. Tachyphylaxis

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43. The drugsthatproduceusefultherapeuticeffectmayalsoproduceunwanted or toxiceffects, thisisknown


a. sideeffect of the drug

b. Unwantedeffect of the drug

c. Poisonouseffect

d. Adverse form of the drug

44. …………………………. Are pharmacologicaleffectsproducedwiththerapeutic dose of the drug?

a. Adverse effects

b. Unwantedeffect

c. Sideeffect

d. a and b only

45. Which of the followingis a factor affectingdrug interaction?

a. BMI

b. sexdifferences

c. Breastfeeding

d. all of the above

46. The following are parental routes of drug administration except one.

a. Intradermal

b. Intravenous

c. Sublingual

d. Intramuscular

47. The universally accepted disinfectant for the medical workplace is:

a. 2% glutaraldehyde

b. 1% hypochlorite

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c. 10% formalin

d. 70% isopropylalcohol

48. A body mass index of 25 – 29.9 Kg/m2is classified as:

a. Underweight

b. Normal weight

c. Overweight

d. Class I obesity

49. The food component present in sugar is:

a. Fats

b. Proteins

c. Vitamins

d. Carbohydrates

50. Vitamin A deficiency is known as:

a. Constipation

b. Night blindness

c. Rickets

d. Scurvy

SECTION B: Short Answer Questions – 30 Marks

1. List FIVE functions of bones(5 marks)

2. What do you understand by the following terms as used in biochemistry? (3 marks)

i. Enzymes

ii. Vitamins

iii. Hormones

3. What is the difference between essential and non-essential amino acids? (1 marks)
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4. State any 3 glasswares and their uses. (3 marks)

5. Differentiate between a macronutrient and a micronutrient (2 marks)

6. List three functions of body proteins (3 marks).

7. List four causes of malnutrition worldwide (1 mark).

8. List the organs of the respiratory system and associated structures. (3 marks).

9. List the stages of cell division. (3 marks).

10. Define the followingterms as used in pharmacology (5marks)

i) Half life

ii) Drug tolerance

iii) Idiosyncraticreactions

iv) Teratogeniceffect

v) Drug Antagonism

11. Physiologicalbarriersto drug distribution include …………………. and …………………..(1mark)

SECTION C:Essay Questions – 20 Marks

1. What is the difference between monosaccharides and disaccharides? State and explain any 3

dissaccharides of your choice. (2 marks).

2. Discuss FOUR sources of infections in the medical laboratory. (2 marks).

3. Why has salt been chosen as vehicle for the supply of iodine to humans?(3 marks).

4. Describe the mechanism of breathing in man. (5 marks).

5. List 4 factorsaffectingdrug absorption and Bioavailability. (4 marks).

6. List FOUR parental routes of drug administration and their advantages. (4 marks).

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SECTION A: MCQs – 50 Marks

1. b 6. b 11. c 16. c 21. d 26. a 31. b 36. d 41. b 46. c

2. c 7. c 12. c 17. d 22. d 27. a 32. b 37. c 42. d 47. b

3. d 8. c 13. b 18. b 23. d 28. b 33. b 38. d 43. d 48. c

4. a 9. a 14. c 19. b 24. b 29. d 34. b 39. c 44. c 49. d

5. a 10. b 15. c 20. b 25. b 30. d 35. c 40. c 45. d 50. b

SECTION B: Short Answer Questions – 30 Marks

1. Functions of bones are:

 Supporting & protecting soft tissues.

 Attachment site for muscles making movement possible.

 Storage of the minerals, calcium &phosphate -- mineral homeostasis.

 Blood cell production occurs in red bone marrow (haematopoiesis).

 Energy storage in yellow bone marrow.


i. Enymes:These a biological catalysts, proteinous in nature, produced in the cells of living

organisms, to speed up the rate of different chemical reactions, that is, enzymes are protein

molecules that act as catalysts. Example; an enzyme called trypsin catalyses a reaction that

breaks down protein chains.

ii. Vitamins: Vitamins are organic substances that are essential for normal nutrition, but they are

not carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, or fats. Lack of vitamins in the body would lead to

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vitamin-deficiency diseases such as scurvy– a vitamin C deficiency characterised by bleeding

gums, loose teeth, cuts that did not heal, etc.

iii. Hormones:They are chemical messengers that are produced by the endocrine glands and are

transported by the bloodstream to various areas of the body. They can be steroids, polypeptide

chains, or proteins. These compounds, when released into the bloodstream or other body

fluids, travel throughout the body.

3. Essential amino acids are those which the body is not able to synthesise and which need to be

ingested by the individual while non-essential amino acids are those that are produced by the body.

4. Any glassware stated = 0.5mk, and use = 0.5mk.

5. Macronutrients are found in and used by the body in the largest amounts while micronutrients are

found in and used by the body in smaller amounts.

6. Structural and mechanical functions

Immune function



Acid-base balance

Transport functions

Fluid balance

Source of energy and glucose

7. Any four of the following: Poverty, Population growth, Urbanization, Infection and disease, War,

Political sanctions, Natural disasters, Inequitable food distribution

8. Nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea, two bronchi, bronchioles and smaller air spaces, two lungs and their

coverings, muscles of breathing (intercostal muscles and diaphragm).

9. Interphase, prometephase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase and cytokinesis

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10. Half life : the time taken for the drug to drop to halfits original value

Drug tolerance : When an unusually large dose of a drugisrequired to elicit an

effectordinarilyproduced by the normal therapeutic dose of the drug

Idiosyncraticreactions : The termidiosyncrasymeansone’speculiarresponse to drugs

Teratogeniceffect : Somedrugsgiven in the first threemonths of pregnancymay cause


Drug Antagonism : The phenomenon of opposing actions of twodrugs on the samephysiological

system iscalleddrugantagonism.

11. Blood brain Barriers and Placenter barriers

SECTION C: Essay Questions – 20 Marks

1. Monosaccharides are simple carbohydrates molecules that cannot be broken down into other

carbohydrates. Glucose and fructose are examples of monosaccharides. Disaccharides are

carbohydrates made up of two monosaccharides and which are missing one molecule of water

(dehydration). The chemical bond between two monosaccharides is known as a glycosidic bond.

Sucrose (table sugar) is a disaccharide that consists of a bond between one molecule of glucose and

one molecule of fructose. Maltose is a disaccharide that consists of two glucose molecules. Lactose

(milk sugar) is another disaccharide and it is created by a bond between one molecule of galactose

and one molecule of glucose.


 Inhalation of pathogens in the air which are released during breakage or spilling of infectious fluids,

centrifuging, dispensing or pipetting etc

 Ingestion of pathogens from contaminated food or finger.

 Ingestion of pathogens by mouth pipetting (so, mouth pipetting is discouraged).

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 Pathogens finding their way into the body through needle pricks, cuts, scratches, insect-bites,

sores or skin lesions.

3. Salt has been chosen as vehicle for the supply of iodine because it is used universally by all ages,

sexes, socio-economic, cultural and religious groups throughout the year. Iodized salt is also a

preventive and corrective measure for iodine deficiency and is the most effective low cost, long-term

solution to a major public health problem.

4. External respiration or breathing or pulmonary ventilation is the movement of air into and out of the

lungs. It involves two processes: inspiration and expiration.

 Inspiration: The drawing of air into the lungs.During inspiration,

 The external intercostal muscles contract.

 The ribcage moves upward and outwards.

 Diaphragm flattens

 Pressure outside the lungs is larger than pressure inside, and air rushes from the atmosphere

into the lungs.

 Volume of the thoracic cavity increases.

 Expiration: The expulsion of air from the lungs.

 The external intercostal muscles relax.

 The ribcage moves downward and inwards.

 Diaphragm assumes a domed shape.

 Pressure inside the lungs is larger than pressure outside, and air rushes from the lungs into the


 Volume of the thoracic cavity decreases.

5. Factors affecting drug absorption and bioavailability:

a) Physico-chemical properties of drug

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b) Nature of the dosage form

c) c) Physiological factors

d) d) Pharmacogenetic factors

e) e) Disease states.

6. – Intravenous: Disadvantage; The effect of the drug cannot be halt immediately the drug has been

administered it needs a specialist.

-intramuscular: Disadvantage; Pain on the site of infection

-Subcutanous: Disadvantage; Risk of injecting in muscle

-Intrathecal: Disadvantage; paralysis

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