PEOPLE Từ Vựng + Phiên Âm

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Mr. Lam English Center - Hotline: 0989401066 (Zalo)

Bill (n) a piece of paper that shows
/bɪl/ ə piːs əv ˈpeɪpə ðæt ʃəʊz
how much you owe somebody for goods
haʊ mʌʧ juː əʊ sʌmbɔdɪ fɔː gʊdz
or services
ɔː ˈsɜːvɪsɪz
the telephone / electricity / gas bill
Mr. Lam English Center - Hotline: 0989401066 (Zalo)
Order (for sth) a request to make or
/ˈɔːdə/ ə rɪˈkwest tuː meɪk ɔː
supply goods
səplaɪ gʊdz
Ex: I would like to place an order for ten
copies of this book.
Mr. Lam English Center - Hotline: 0989401066 (Zalo)
Reservation (n) an arrangement for a
/rezəˈveɪʃən/ ən əˈreɪnʤmənt fɔːr ə
seat on a plane or train, a room in a
siːt ɒn ə pleɪn ɔː treɪn, ə ruːm ɪn ə
hotel, to be kept for you
həʊˈtel, tuː biː kept fɔː juː
Mr. Lam English Center - Hotline: 0989401066 (Zalo)
Reservation (n)
Ex: I’ll call the restaurant and make a
We have a reservation in the name of
Mr. Lam English Center - Hotline: 0989401066 (Zalo)
Informative (adjective)
giving useful information
ˈgɪvɪŋ juːsfʊl ɪnfəˈmeɪʃən
Ex: The talk was both informative and
entertaining. OPP: Uninformative
Mr. Lam English Center - Hotline: 0989401066 (Zalo)
Informative (adjective)
Ex: The talk was both informative and

Mr. Lam English Center - Hotline: 0989401066 (Zalo)

To help someone with something
tuː help ˈsʌmwʌn wɪð ˈsʌmθɪŋ

Mr. Lam English Center - Hotline: 0989401066 (Zalo)

Directions (n)
1. instructions about how to do something
ɪnˈstrʌkʃənz əˈbaʊt haʊ tuː duː sʌmθɪŋ
where to go, etc…
weə tuː gəʊ
Ex: Let’s stop and ask for directions.
Mr. Lam English Center - Hotline: 0989401066 (Zalo)
Directions (n)
2. the general position a person or thing
ðə ˈʤenərəl pəˈzɪʃən ə pɜːsn ɔː θɪŋ
moves or points towards
muːvz ɔː pɔɪnts təˈwɔːdz
Ex: Tom went off in the direction of
home. Mr. Lam English Center - Hotline: 0989401066 (Zalo)
Assistant (n) a person who helps or
/əˈsɪstənt/ ə ˈpɜːsn huː helps ɔː
supports somebody, usually in their job
səˈpɔːts ˈsʌmbɒdi, ˈjuːʒʊəli ɪn ðeə ʤɒb

Mr. Lam English Center - Hotline: 0989401066 (Zalo)

/rɪˈpeəmæn/ /rɪˈpeərə/
Repairman (also Repairer especially
(n) in BrE)
a person whose job is to repair things
ə ˈpɜːsən huːz ʤɒb ɪz tuː rɪˈpeə θɪŋz
Ex: a TV repairman
Mr. Lam English Center - Hotline: 0989401066 (Zalo)
a person with special knowledge,
ə ˈpɜːsn wɪð ˈspeʃəl ˈnɒlɪʤ,
skill or training in something
skɪl ɔː treɪnɪŋ ɪn sʌmθɪŋ
Ex: a computer expert
Mr. Lam English Center - Hotline: 0989401066 (Zalo)
To manage
/tuː ˈmænɪʤ/
1. to keep somebody/somthing under control
tuː kiːp ˈsʌmbɒdi/ ˈsʌmθɪŋ ʌndə kəntrəʊl
to be able to deal with sb/sth
ˈtuː biː eɪbl tuː diːl wɪðˈ

Mr. Lam English Center - Hotline: 0989401066 (Zalo)

To manage
/tuː ˈmænɪʤ/
2. to succeed in doing something,
tuː səkˈsiːd ɪn ˈdu(ː)ɪŋ ˈsʌmθɪŋ
especially something difficult
ɪsˈpeʃəli ˈsʌmθɪŋ ˈdɪfɪkəlt
Mr. Lam English Center - Hotline: 0989401066 (Zalo)
These are some words you might hear in
questions about people:
an occupation title
Mr. Lam English Center - Hotline: 0989401066 (Zalo)
1. Who is your English teacher?
- Mr. Lam is
- It’s Mr. Lam
- His/her name is …

Mr. Lam English Center - Hotline: 0989401066 (Zalo)

2. Whose pen is it?
- It’s my pen
- It’s mine
- It’s yours/ours/theirs
- It’s hers/ his
- It’s Mr. Lam’s

Mr. Lam English Center - Hotline: 0989401066 (Zalo)

Who does this pen belong to?
- It belongs to me
- It’s my pen / mine
- It’s yours/ours/theirs
- It’s hers/ his
- It’s Mr. Lam’s
Mr. Lam English Center - Hotline: 0989401066 (Zalo)
3. Who’s going with you?
Who’s helping you?
Who’s your boyfriend?

Mr. Lam English Center - Hotline: 0989401066 (Zalo)

4. What’s your name?
What’s somebody’s name?
John Bill
Susan Jim
Eric Martha /ˈmɑːθə/
George /dʒɔːdʒ/ Sullivan /ˈsʌləvən/
Samantha /səˈmænθə/
Mr. Lam English Center - Hotline: 0989401066 (Zalo)
5.What do you do?
What do you do for a living?
What’s your job?
your career?
your profession?
your occupation?
Mr. Lam English Center - Hotline: 0989401066 (Zalo)

Mr. Lam English Center - Hotline: 0989401066 (Zalo)

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