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No. Students Name Students ID
1 AINA MUHMAD SALEH 2022567713

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Submission Date:
5th January 2024

Table of Content
No. Topic Page
1 Introduction
1.1 Background of Marrybrown Sdn Bhd 3-4
1.2 Product Life Cycle Strategy of Marrybrown
2 Current strategic marketing issue - Lack of innovation
2.1 How does lack of innovation affect Marrybrown domestically? 5-6
2.2 How does lack of innovation affect Marrybrown internationally?
3 Actions to overcome the lack of innovation
3.1 How lack of innovation can be overcome?
4 Conclusions 9
5 Reference 10
6 Articles 11

1.0 Introduction
1.1 Background of Marrybrown Sdn Bhd.
Marrybrown was found by Lawrence Liew and his wife Nancy Liew in Johor Bahru,
Malaysia around year 1981. They opened their first restaurant at Wong Ah Fook Street, Johor
Bahru. However, this store seems has been shut down. From its humble beginnings as a single
store, Marrybrown has grown from nationally to worldwide. Marrybrown has a presence in
several nations and has grown its business outside of Malaysia over time. It operates more than
350 restaurants worldwide in addition to more than 130 QSRs (quick serving restaurants) in

Malaysia (1981) Qatar (2000) Maldives (2011)

Singapore (1990) Saudi Arabia (2000) Indonesia (2012)
Brunei (1990) UAE (2000) Myanmar (2013)
China (1996) Kuwait (2000) Thailand (2015)
India (1999) Syria (2005) Australia (2023)
Bahrain (2000) Azerbaijan (2009)

The recognition of Marrybrown as a worldwide fast-food brand has been facilitated by

its foreign growth. Marrybrown has a reputation for getting its items certified as Halal. This
accreditation guarantees that the company's food and beverage offerings adhere to Islamic
dietary regulations.
Product offered
Fried chicken is everyone’s favourite. Hence fried chicken is one of Marrybrown's
specialty. Other than that, these restaurant serves a wide range of chicken-based dishes. The
menu offers a variety of side dishes, burgers, rice dishes, and seafood in addition to the house
specialty. The firm strives to satisfy a wide range of inclinations and interests.

To set themselves apart from the other early fast service restaurants in Malaysia, which
mostly served American fare like fried chicken and burgers, they started incorporating and
blending Malaysian flavors to enhance the western dishes. With the debut of Nasi Marrybrown
in 1986, followed by Nasi, Chicken Porridge and Curry Noodles, it was the first fast-food
restaurant in Malaysia to serve rice. Chicken rice, Bubur Pedas, Nasi Kandar, fried bread, fish
and chips, cheesy potato wedges, mashed potatoes, and other drinks are also available on the
Marrybrown menu. Crispy chicken, satay burgers, Fish n Chips, Mi Kari, Chicken Porridge,
and other finger foods are available at Marrybrown, along with regional beverages.

Regionalized dishes would be introduced by the brand at its overseas sites, alongside
Malaysian and Western cuisines. They include Curry Tuna Biryani and Tuna Burger in the
Maldives. While Marrybrown's Swedish location serves churros and mozzarella sticks, its
Tanzanian branch serves wraps and vegetarian burger meals. In the UAE, wraps, spaghetti, and
spicy rice are included in the meal. In India, they introduced dipping sauce that match with
their bud taste which is Lemon Chilli and Curry.

1.2 Product Life Cycle Strategy of Marrybrown

Adapting marketing and commercial techniques to a product's life cycle—which

includes introduction, growth, maturity, and decline—is known as the Product Life Cycle
(PLC) approach.
Marrybrown has to raise awareness and draw in early adopters during the Introduction
stage. To introduce the brand and its products, they might engage in intensive marketing and
promotional efforts. Prioritize building a clientele and setting your business apart from
Marrybrown increases profitability and market share throughout the growth stage. They
must open more locations, diversify into new areas, and increase their product offering. To
profit from rising demand, spend money on marketing. Improve methods of distribution and
think of new or improved products.
Reaching the maturity stage, hold onto market share, and prolong the life of the product.
For efficiency, Marrybrown must optimize processes. Expand the range of products offered to
accommodate shifting customer demands. Use marketing campaigns and loyalty programs to
emphasize brand loyalty. Investigate foreign markets in order to grow even more.
The Marrybrown restaurant, which was previously operational in Sweden and
Tanzania, has closed. This is the Decline stage, the last step. Marrybrown has to learn how to
handle decline and look for new prospects if they want to prevent this from happening again in
the near future. They must assess the performance of the product and the state of the market.
Think about branching out into different product categories or markets. If necessary, put cost-
cutting measures into action. Give attention to environmental concerns and sustainability.

Marrybrown in Hulhumale City, Maldives

2.0 Current strategic marketing issue - Lack of innovation

2.1 How does lack of innovation affect Marrybrown domestically?

Concerning Marrybrown's market problem, without ongoing innovation, a fast-food

business like theirs would struggle to keep customers interested in its menu. Consumer interest
may decline in the absence of compelling and innovative offers, which might result in a decline
in foot traffic and income. In the highly competitive fast-food industry, staying ahead of the
competition often requires continuous innovation. If Marrybrown doesn't offer novel and
unique menu items, promotions, or marketing strategies, it might lose market share to rivals
that are more flexible and attuned to changing consumer preferences.

To draw in new clients, particularly those searching for unique and fashionable eating
experiences, innovation is essential. They can have trouble attracting potential clients if they
do not have fresh and creative products to offer, especially in a market where customer
preferences change over time.
Consumer preferences and dietary trends can change rapidly. If restaurants don't innovate,
it could be harder for them to adapt to shifts in consumer demand, including a rise in interest
in plant-based meals, healthier alternatives, or foreign cuisines. Regular innovation keeps the
brand fresh and appealing, which boosts customer loyalty. If Marrybrown doesn't regularly
offer its customers new goods, it can struggle to retain loyal customers who need novelty and
variety in their dining experiences.
And lastly, nobody knows anything about Marrybrown. Determining how customers see
them is a major task for their marketing staff. However, the majority of people, Muslims in
particular, have chosen Marrybrown above all other brands that support Israel, including as
McDonald's, KFC, Texas Chicken, and A&W, due to the conflict between Israel and Palestine.
Now is a fantastic time for Marrybrown to expand.

2.2 How do the issues affect the industry internationally?

A lack of innovation might significantly impact Marrybrown's worldwide operations as

well as a variety of aspects of the brand's performance and competitiveness. Global markets
offer a plethora of choices to consumers along with often fierce competition. They may struggle
to differentiate themselves from competitors without continuous innovation, which might lead
to a loss of market share to businesses who provide more innovative and enticing products.
They can also find it more difficult to capitalize on untapped market segments or emerging
trends if they lack imagination. Technological advancements that promote sustainability,
provide healthier substitutes, or meet specific dietary needs might open up new commercial
opportunities. A feeling of stagnation or a lack of relevance brought on by a lack of innovation
might damage the overall company image. If consumers think a brand is outdated or less
receptive to their tastes, this might have an effect on their long-term brand loyalty.
In addition, this could also hold true in the digital realm, impacting the brand's exposure
and customer relations there. In the present digital era, using technology and digital platforms
is necessary to reach and maintain a global consumer base. Global marketplaces may exhibit a
broad spectrum of cultural inclinations and preferences. It takes imagination to change the
menu to accommodate local preferences. If this is not done, there may be a gap with the target
demographic and the brand may be less well-liked in new markets.
If Marrybrown wants to succeed like the other well-known fast-food restaurant, they may
need to invest in market research, culinary development, and regionally-specific marketing
strategies, much like other global fast-food enterprises. To compare, McDonald have 40,275
restaurants around the world, KFC with 25,000 restaurants, Texas Chicken have 1,700 outlet,
Jollibee with 1,500 restaurants and A&W with nearly 1,000 restaurant around the world. There
is a lot of action need to be taken if Marrybrown want to be success like them.

3.0 Actions to overcome the lack of innovation

3.1 How lack of innovation of Marrybrown can be overcome using appropriate theory or
concept with reference to the MKT646 syllabus.

Marrybrown can solve this problem by following the eight phases of the New Product
Development process. Idea generation comes first, then idea screening, concept
development and testing, product development, market testing, marketing strategy, and
In order to successfully complete the first phase, idea generation, Marrybrown must
promote an innovative culture inside the company. Encourage staff members, clients, and
other stakeholders to submit ideas. To find new trends and unmet customer demands, do
market research. Look into joint ventures or partnerships that might generate new concepts.
Marrybrown could launch an internal "Innovation Challenge" in which staff members from
different divisions contribute concepts for fresh menu items, marketing campaigns, or
improved customer service. In order to determine the most popular requests or
recommendations, they might also use surveys or social media to get input from their
Idea Screening comes in second. Establish precise standards for judging concepts, with
special emphasis on elements like feasibility, market attractiveness, and brand identity
congruence. Give top priority to concepts that might set Marrybrown apart from rivals and
appeal to the target market. The group may take into account elements including demand in
the market, distinctiveness, and possible effects on brand perception. Prioritization could be
given to concepts that fit Marrybrown's brand and have a lot of market potential.
Next is Concept Development & Testing. Create detailed concepts by developing ideas
that show promise through concept development. Test the concept with target consumers to
gain their input. Make sure the concepts satisfy changing customer demands and are
consistent with Marrybrown's brand image and values. Marrybrown could create thorough
ideas for certain recipes, test recipes on dedicated patrons or focus groups, and get input on
flavor combinations, presentation, and allure.
Regarding Business study, Marrybrown is capable of carrying out a comprehensive
study of the chosen concept, taking into account projected returns, possible pricing schemes,
and manufacturing costs. Make sure the new product fits in with the company's financial
objectives. Examine creative and economical methods for developing new products. For
example, Marrybrown would carry out a comprehensive business study after selecting a
fusion menu idea. This would entail calculating possible sales quantities, choosing suitable
pricing strategies, and assessing the manufacturing costs. The study would guarantee that
Marrybrown's financial objectives are met by the additional menu items.
Product Development comes next. Here, research & development expenditures are
necessary for Marrybrown to realize the selected idea. Utilize sustainable practices, culinary
know-how, and technology to improve the product creation process. Work together with
partners and suppliers to guarantee effective and superior manufacturing. Following

approval of a fusion menu concept, the R&D team at Marrybrown would get to work
perfecting recipes, locating ingredients, and streamlining the cooking process. In order to
guarantee the availability of distinctive and fresh ingredients for the new menu items, the
team may investigate forming alliances with nearby suppliers.
Get customer input via real-world interactions, track sales figures, and evaluate the
efficacy of marketing tactics for market testing. Utilize market research to inform future
product and marketing strategy decisions by using real consumer feedback. For instance,
Marrybrown may launch the fusion menu in a few shops across various geographical areas.
This enables them to evaluate local tastes, obtain firsthand input from clients, and pinpoint
any operational difficulties.
And lastly, the commercialization. Expand the product's reach while putting a thorough
marketing plan into action. Make use of a variety of media, including digital ones, to raise
awareness and spark interest. Make sure the product's distribution channels are tailored to
allow for widespread availability. After receiving favorable response from market testing,
Marrybrown decided to introduce the fusion menu on a larger scale. Marketing initiatives
would emphasize the menu items' distinctiveness and its blending of cultures using a
combination of conventional and digital media. Widespread availability would be achieved
by optimizing the distribution network.

4.0 Conclusion

Because to Marrybrown's expansion and success, the Malaysian economy has benefited
from increased money, job opportunities, and support for local suppliers. As the firm grows,
more consumer spending and commercial transactions may be made, which will boost
economic activity.
Apart from that, Malaysia benefits from increased visibility on the international scene
thanks to Marrybrown's global expansion. It presents Malaysian brands in a positive light and
shows that the nation can create prosperous companies that can compete on a global scale.
Their focus on acquiring Halal certification for their goods further enhances Malaysia's
standing as a center for Halal cuisine. This is particularly crucial for drawing Muslim travelers
and investors who are looking to purchase halal goods and services. Take use of this
opportunity to present Marrybrown to the world, particularly during this season of boycotting
Israel-related products.
Marrybrown may promote competition in the Malaysian food sector by consistently
introducing innovative menu options and marketing tactics. This might spur further companies
to innovate and adjust to shifting customer tastes, resulting in a more vibrant and dynamic
sector. Being a Malaysian company, Marrybrown is a representation of Malaysian food and
culture. It may support the promotion of Malaysia's diverse culture and rich culinary legacy as
it grows internationally, enhancing favorable perceptions of the nation.
Lastly, well-known and prosperous domestic businesses like Marrybrown may boost
tourism by drawing tourists eager to sample regional cuisine and merchandise. Consequently,
this might strengthen Malaysia's hospitality and tourist industry. Include distinctive Malaysian
tastes and ingredients on the menu to highlight the variety of Malaysian cuisine. This not only
gives visitors a genuine eating experience but also highlights Malaysia's diverse culinary scene.
Open stores strategically near tourism hotspots like airports, well-known retail centers, and
tourist destinations. This guarantees that visitors looking for regional cuisine can find
Marrybrown quickly.
It is important to remember that Marrybrown's influence on Malaysian industry will be
contingent upon a number of variables, such as its business plans, its capacity to adjust to
changes in the market, and the state of the economy as a whole. Furthermore, Marrybrown's
dedication to sustainability and moral business conduct might strengthen its beneficial effects
on Malaysia's sector.

5.0 Reference


6.0 Article


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