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FAQ/Walkthrough by azrealhk
Version: 1.1 | Updated: 05/20/07 | Search Guide | Bookmark Guide

(THQ/Iron Lore)
Version 1.1

Version History

0.8: 11th of Aug 2006 ¡V The main base information of the guide completed,
some information to be verified. To do : some monsters to be filled in;
quest details for epic and legendary.
0.9: 30th of Aug 2006 ¡V Corrected some mistakes, added comments to skills and
filled in more of the rewards for quests, updated and corrected monster
list. Corrected location of second bag.
1.0: 4th of Sept 2006 - Completed all quest XP. Added some skill
descriptions,and also added some points to types of damage. Added Max stats
for each character class, and max stats for epic/legendary items. Added tiny
section on Sets in item section. Add top bonus for items section.
1.1: 28th Sept 2006 ¡V Corrected some figures in mastery tables. Added some
1.2 patch changes. Finally removed Hermes' Sandals from Charms.


1. General Information
1.1 Introduction
1.2 What is Titan Quest
1.3 Differences compared to Diablo
2. Walkthrough
2.1 A troubled village
2.2 Spartans at war
2.3 The words of the Oracle
2.4 The source of the monsters
2.5 The Order of Prometheus
2.6 The Blindness of the Gods
2.7 The Invocation
2.8 A Telkein in Egypt
2.9 The Sickle of Kronos
2.10 Hunt for the Sickle
2.11 Journey to the Jade Palace
2.12 Under Wusao Mountain
3. Items and equipment
3.1 Weapons, armor and rings types
3.2 Relics and charms
3.3 Shrines
4. Monsters
4.1 A troubled village
4.2 Spartans at war
4.3 The words of the Oracle
4.4 The source of the monsters
4.5 The Order of Prometheus
4.6 The Blindness of the Gods
4.7 The Invocation
4.8 A Telkein in Egypt
4.9 The Sickle of Kronos
4.10 Hunt for the Sickle
4.11 Journey to the Jade Palace
4.12 Under Wusao Mountain

5. Skills and skill trees

5.1 Character class table
5.2 Skills
5.3 Mastery attribute bonuses
5.4 Defense Mastery Skill Bonuses
5.5 Earth Mastery Skill Bonuses
5.6 Hunting Mastery Skill Bonuses
5.7 Nature Mastery Skill Bonuses
5.8 Rogue Mastery Skill Bonuses
5.9 Spirit Mastery Skill Bonuses
5.10 Storm Mastery Skill Bonuses
5.11 Warfare Mastery Skill Bonuses
6. Combat and character builds
6.1 Combat
6.2 Character builds
6.3 Difficulty levels
6.4 What am I doing wrong?
7. Hints and Tips
7.1 General
7.2 Exploration
7.3 combat
7.4 Inventory
7.5 Character building
8.0 Interesting little things
8.1 Cheats?
8.2 Final things
9.0 Credits

Disclaimer and terms of use

The author of this guide is not affiliated in any way with THQ or Iron Lore.
This FAQ is (c) azrealhk. You are not allowed to alter this FAQ in any way,
nor post on any site without my approval.

Current sites posted:


This document is given for free to the community of Titan Quest players and
cannot be used for any commercial or monetary gains. This document is
provided as is, and the author is under no obligation to update or correct
this document.

All statistics in this document is based upon the TQ 1.11 build, Iron Lore
may change the these values to balance the game in later patches, and the
author makes no guarantee to their accuracy.

If you want to post this guide on your site, mail me at azrealhk at bigfoot
dot com. The author is under no obligation to read or reply to any emails.
For those who send thanks and other similar emails to me, I will just say
thanks in advance, but will most likely not return your emails for various

1. General Information

1.1 Introduction

Information from this guide is mainly based on the playing experience of the
author, as well as information given from mod tools and some information
from various gaming forums.

I will use N,E,W,S,NE, etc to mean direction points of the compass where N
is the top of the screen. Since some of the maps are not big open areas, but
winding paths etc. It is difficult to give exact directions. In general the
directions are relative to a certain landmark (which would be described), or
relative to the center of the area (if no relative point described). Since
most maps areas are linear with one entry and one exit, it is hard to get

The side quest title description has the following format

Side quest : <side quest name> : <source of quest> : <destination of quest>
Source of quest: where the quest is given
Destination of quest: Where the quest is fulfilled

Final note, please do not play a pirated or illegal copy. If you like the
game, buy it (even if it is the only one you buy). Then Ironlore will have
more incentive to make an expansion and maybe even a sequel. ļ

What is Titan Quest?

The Greeks Gods of Mythology came to power by defeating the Titans, however
something has disrupted the imbalance and monster seem to be going wild.
What is going on?

That about sums up the story. So here is some information of what to expect
from TQ.

For those who are unfamiliar with the Diablo style "action-RPG", here is a
basic description. It is not a RPG, don't expect amazing story unfolding
before you, or interesting dialogs and conversation trees with NPCs, don't
expect an interesting world, full of guilds, people going about their lives,
don't expect inventing potions etc. TQ is action , which means it
concentrates on pure combat, both melee and ranged. There is no amazing
skills with the mouse or the keyboard, just click to kill ( and click to
talk and click to pick up items), and there is plenty to kill; hence the tag
of "click-feast". So what's so good about just clicking and killing, well,
the answer is you get to build the ultimate killing machine.

TQ is about creating a character that can basically kill all beasts as

quickly as possible, with weapons of choice, skills and special items that
add bonuses to your attack or defense. Unlike "normal RPGs", TQ is quick
paced, in less than ten seconds, pick up another weapon, whack a few
enemies, and decide if the weapon is worth keeping. There's lots of weapons
and items and skills such as armor, shields, special bonus enhancing stones
etc, which boost you attack speed, damage, defense, or attributes. This
means there is many many possible ways to tweak your killing machine, and it
is a constant and fast pace. You will always find a weapon that is slightly
better, in damage it does, or speed, or range, but also items which are
slightly just beyond you characters attributes, eg. Not enough strength, or
dexterity or level, which makes you think about your character planning. So
everything to improve your character is right before your eyes, but just
slightly out of reach.

TQ is all about picking up and improving your character so that it kills

monsters faster (Oh there is the story as well). This is not a game for
everyone, but a lot of people will like it, just because you can basically
play it without any learning curve. No special skills, just click to kill.
Do not expect a game where you talk about the amazing story, or fantastic
adventure, but do expect to talk about how you killed 10 enemies in 15s with
your super hunter with an ultra enhanced longbow.
It is a game where you can sit down and play for hours without noticing time
going by, or just play for 30mins and know that after the 30mins you
character will be better (more dangerous to the monsters of TQ) than it was
30mins ago.

1.3 Difference compared to Diablo

This section deals with slight variations in game play from Titan Quest and
Diablo (LOD). This is intended for Diablo players, and things which they
will find helpful whilst playing Titan Quest (TQ). Players, who have not
played Diablo, may skip this section, although there is some information
that may be useful.

Character differences:
The first major difference is that there are NO classes. You are male or
female, and you give them a name, that is all to it in character generation.
This means there does not seem to be any character advantages or
disadvantages to each character.

You class is determined by your skills. On level 2 you will choose one
mastery out of eight, which determines your main class, e.g. fighter, magic
user, etc. Then at level 8 you can choose your secondary mastery, which
fixes your class. Your second mastery can be same as you first (one mastery
character) or different (2 mastery character), giving a total of 36
different classes, each with their own skills that they can master. (See
section 3.1).
Although there are no classes, so to say, when you add skill points to
certain mastery tiers (see next section), you get bonuses on your attributes
e.g. a skill point on Warfare tier will give you attribute points added to
strength, dexterity and health.

The skill section is also slightly different. As well as the standard skill
tree, you will also get mastery "tier". The "tier" is like a special skill
allocation that does not allow you to put points into a higher-level skill
until you have "unlocked" a tier.
For example,
The first tier requires 1 skill point, so you need to invest 1 skill point
into the tier to unlock all first level skills of the mastery. Once unlocked
you will be able to allocate your remaining skill points to skills on the
first tier.
The second tier requires 4 skill points, that means in addition to the first
skill point to unlock the first tier, you need to use three more skill
points to unlock the second tier skills. Of course instead of using three
points to unlock the second tier, you can always spend it on all first level

Inventory and loot:

In TQ the first thing you notice is that there is no stash. You carry
everything, including your gold. You cannot store items in your stash until
you have enough level or attributes to use them; you have to keep it in
inventory. I do not know why there is no stash, but I guess it is because in
TQ you are always moving forwards as opposed to Diablo return to camp. Since
in TQ you are moving from one place to another, it would be strange if your
stash would appear in the village ahead, so I guess that is why it is not in
TQ. As you advance in the main story you will add extra "bags" which allow
you to carry more and by the time you get to the last part of the single
player quest your character has three extra bags for loot.

Items and equipment is pretty similar to Diablo, all color coded, and
different levels of rarity. There is one nice touch and that is the "ALT"
key only shows "normal" or better items, so broken, cracked, damaged items
are not shown when you use the "ALT". However there are two more keys, one
that shows all items (including damaged), and one to only show special items
only (nice touch).

The inventory is pretty similar except no shoes/sandals whatever, and no

belt/sash. All potions take up room in your inventory.
There are special items later on to increase the size of your inventory.

Equipped items can now be compared with each other. In TQ whenever you mouse
over an item, it will display the properties of that item AS WELL AS the
corresponding item you have equipped. This means you can compare the two
items to see which one is better. This is a great little feature.

Other differences:

No corpse: One thing (which may be a blessing), is that when you die, you
get reborn at a rebirth fountain. But you DON'T loose any of your equipment,
so you DO NOT have to recover your corpses (yippee). However you do loose
experience even at normal level.

No arrows: Actually infinite arrows wow. You do not have to keep on "equip"
arrows because there are no arrows. Once you equip a bow, you can fire as
many arrows as you like.

No stamina: There is no stamina, so you do not "walk", and do not worry

about running out of speed.

No durability: Weapons and stuff do not wear out.

Potion delay: After you use a potion, there is a delay before you can drink
another potion. When I first read this in the manual I said WTF. But then
realized it is a nice feature; the delay is short and it prevents the
dreaded "potion panic" of Diablo where you drink too many potions at once ¡V
wasting them.

Skills delay: Some skills, like potions have a delay after each use. Slow
skill delays are quite long, so beware.

Infinite portals: In Diablo, people always stocked up their tome of portals.

TQ has done away with this altogether and decided to give you infinite
portals. You can open a portal anytime and go to any of the "main" portals
found at various points in the game.

Portals don't stay around. When you die your last portal is gone. You cannot
open a portal outside a boss screen, and when you die, use your portal to go
back quickly. That is because when you die so does your portal, also you get
reborn at your last activated rebirth fountain and not near a main portal

2. Walkthrough

Just one note before we start. I think I have seen different amount of XP
awarded, for the main quests. I am not too sure, but I know I have modified
a few figures , maybe that is why main quest XP is not shown in the quest
window . This may mean the XP may be character level related or something,
so the values shown should act as a guideline rather than a true figure.

2.1 A Troubled Village

Map areas:
Road to Helos
Helos (rebirth fountain, portal)
Helos farmland
Helos Woods

When you walk up the path you will find a guy (Timaeus) next to a field. He
will say his horse in being attacked by monsters. If you enter the field two
satyrs and a boar will be attacking a black horse. This quest is easy, as
the enemies will just attack the horse (I do not think the horse can die,
but I have never just watched anyway). Kill the enemies and return to the
character to complete the quest. There is no reward, and Timaeus will say
that in the village ahead more people need help etc.
NOTE: Timaeus is name of a text by Greek philosopher Plato, which describes
the formation of the Universe. Appropriate for the start of the game?
Note: In Greek mythology Satyrs are the companions of Dionysus, the god of
wine, and they spent their time drinking, dancing, and chasing nymphs. (so
where are the nymphs???)

Proceed up the path, and you will see some soldiers fighting some satyrs (or
already killed the satyrs, if you were slow in rescuing the horse). If they
are still fighting, you can join in the fight).

Enter the village (Helos), and activate the rebirth fountain. You can go
around taking to people in the village. One will be the village leader
(Diomedes) who will tell you of your next quest, the "satyr shaman". East of
Diomedes in the village is a merchant, take note as you can sell some of
your loot later on and also buy new equipment here. SE of the village is a
portal, which you need to activate, but cannot go anywhere yet (first
portal), and also the way out of the village (which you cannot pass until
you kill the Satyr shaman).

OK so to kill the shaman, proceed N of the village over a bridge and into a
field (Helos farmland). Kill all the beasts and the satyrs you find. There
are also some chests lying around so open them for some goodies; you should
equip the best items and go back and sell the rest for some gold (and maybe
buy some better equipment, if you have enough gold). Continue to proceed
north to the camp. You will also probably gain a level during this trip so,
level up before you proceed into the camp.

The Satyr Shaman (Dark Satyr) cannot be missed; it's a big Satyr that can
throw fireballs. This should be easy, just run around killing the minions as
they get in the way, and then kill the Shaman for the equipment. There is a
also a chest, so open it after you've killed the shaman. Grab the goodies
and return to village and talk to Diomedes for reward.
Normal: 1000 Gold and 150 XP (experience points).
Epic: 50000 gold and 30000XP.
Legendary: 650000 gold and 30000XP.

Now trade your stuff for more gold, buy some more equipment before moving to
the next quest, looking for General Leonidas.
Note: Leonidas was a Spartan King who led armies against the Persians lead
by Xeres.

2.2 Spartans at war

Map areas:
Helos (rebirth fountain, portal)
Laconia (rebirth fountain)
Laconia woods
Laconia hills (rebirth fountain)
Spartan Road
Spartan war camp (rebirth fountain, portal)
Pellana Valley
Spartan Highlands (rebirth fountain)

When you're ready, go SE of the village of Helos where the portal is

located. Now that you killed the Shaman the guards will let you pass through
and exit to the wilderness. I will not describe which path to go since it is
quite linear. The map basically only has one route, with a few side routes
leading to "dead ends"e.g. cave/ruins etc. This means you basically cannot
go wrong; also main routes are marked by braziers/torches on side of roads.
This is typical of the whole map in TQ. You basically battle your way
through until you reach the Spartan camp. This is basically a level up and
equipment gathering part, and allows you to up you character and establish
your mastery.

There are four side quests.

Side quest: Monstrous brigand: Helos : Laconia

The first side quest is presented to you when you first exit the village. A
guy (Nicostratus) will run up to saying his friend has been captured and put
into a cave by Satyrs. The cave is near the village and easy to find, just
follow the red marker. Enter the cave kill everyone and you find the guy
(Tellis) in the NE corner. Talk to him for reward.
Normal: Magic jewelry and 300 XP
Epic: Magic jewelry and 25000XP
Legendary: Magic jewelry and 55000XP

Side quest: Cornered man: Laconia Woods: Laconia Woods

During your journey you will find the satyr camp, and further on you will
come across a small farm, lots of Satyrs inside. The farm is on the right
side of the road, and not hard to miss especially since you will see the
Satyrs and instinctively rush in to kill them (even before you see the guy).
Again just kill the Satyrs, talk to the guy you just rescued (Lycus) for
your reward.
Normal: 1500 Gold, 300 XP
Epic: 60000 gold and 27500XP
Legendary: 60000 gold and 60000XP

Side quest: Medicines Wayland: Laconia Hills : Laconia Hills

On your way, you will find a guy (Euphadimus) next to a cart. He explains he
is taking medicines to a sick village but creatures and a big monster blocks
the road. The road is ahead of you and there is no other path. The big
monster (Satyr ¡V brute) , is simple, but again ready your potions. Just kill
the big guy, clean up the remaining Satyrs, and go back and talk to the
Euphadimus for reward.
Normal: Replenish Life and Energy, some potions, 350 XP
Epic: Replenish Life and Energy, some potions, 27500XP
Legendary: Replenish Life and Energy, some potions,60000XP

Side quest: The lost dowry: Laconia hills : Laconia hills

Along your way to the Spartan camp, you will find a lonely guy (Theages) in
the middle of nowhere, talk to him and he will say his village was raided
and the creatures stole his daughter's dowry. OK, go E and fight some
creatures, before you reach a cave. Enter the cave, battle your way through
and kill the creature (Pandarus ¡V Thieving Eurynomus) that has a aura
surrounding it for the dowry. Don't forget the loot all around the place.
Return the item to the guy for reward.
Normal: Relic, 400 XP
Epic: Relic, 30000 XP
Legendary: Relic, 65000XP

Finally we reach the Spartan camp. Leonidas is to the N but his tent is
guarded, talk to guy (captain Brasidas) just to the E of the entrance to the
guarded tent and he will explain that you are unworthy to see great General
Leonidas, and he is too busy. However, there is one thing you can do to
prove your worthiness, kill the great Centaur Nessus, as they the Spartan
warriors (with a camp full of warriors) cannot spare anyone. So there's your
quest. But before you go, there is a rebirth fountain and a portal to the SE
of the captain, and then further SE a merchant and an archanist (for magical
items), so stock up and buy/sell before you go, but some health potions just
in case.

Note: Nessus, the Centaur of Greek mythology. He kidnapped and tried to rape
Heracles's wife. Heracles killed him, but on his dying breath he trick the
wife to spread his blood mixed with his semen on Heracles (which was
poison). It was this tainted blood poison that killed the great hero
Heracles. Don't you just love Greek mythology?

As you exit the camp (NE from the center of the camp), just past the rebirth
fountain (there is another exit E, but we will not get the side quest), a
soldier (Euthycles) will tell you that he heard a great warrior and mentor
was lost in the valley (lol), this is the "Ancient of War" side quest.

Anyway the Centaur camp is to the NNE of the Spartan camp. You will know you
have found it because you enter a fenced camp with a large Centaur (with
aura) surrounded by his centaur minions. If you kill the minions Nessus will
just call more on his horn. The best technique I have found was to kill the
minions, then lure Nessus away, so when he calls his minions, they will
appear in the camp and not see you. Note: Nessus will throw some "windmill"
traps, which are annoying, destroy them if you have time. Back to Nessus,
once you have lured him away, you can kill him which every way you like;
Nessus will run back to camp if you run too far, so you need to keep running
towards him to attract him and to keep him from running back to camp. Nessus
is quite tough, and I found ranged weapons work best because he does some
mean damage with melee, but this takes time. My melee character did better,
I just bashed until my health was low, then changed to a bow to finish him
off, which was quick and I did not need to use any potions (read the tips
section 7 for hit and run tactic). Kill Nessus, grab the goodies, especially
the armor (which will benefit your melee character at least until you get
the archnos chitin armor) and return to Captain Brasidas.

On return and talking to Brasidas to get reward and see Leonidas.

Normal: 1 extra skill point and 750 XP.
Epic: 1 extra skill point and 32000 XP.
Legendary: 1 extra skill point and 70000 XP.

Leonidas gives a long boring speech that leads to next part of the quest.
Seek the Oracle in Delphi.

2.3 The Words of the Oracle

Map areas:
Spartan war camp (rebirth fountain, portal)
Pellana Valley
Spartan Highlands (rebirth fountain)
Mycenean Ruins (rebirth fountain)
Spartan woods
Village of Tegae (rebirth fountain)
Tegea Forest
Tegea Graveyard
Megara Bluff (rebirth fountain)
Megara Coast
City of Megara (rebirth fountain, portal)
Megara Outskirts
Kerata Forest
The Old Eulesis
Halcyon Coast (rebirth fountain)
Ambrossos Farmland
Chirons Grove
Village of Ambrossos (rebirth fountain)
Helicos Valley
Helicos Pass (rebirth fountain)
The Olive Groove
Phocian Swamp
Lower Delphi
Crisaeos Falls (rebirth fountain)
Delphi Highlands
City of Delphi (portal)

Off we go again, (if you have not done the "ancient of war" side quest, you
might as well do it, and return to sell your loot and buy/sell your stuff
before moving on.

Side quest: Ancient of war: Spartan war camp: Pellana Valley

This is not much of a quest, as it just involves wandering around Pellana
Valley until you find a guy surrounded by dead monsters, talk to the guy
(Hippias) who is the mentor, who says that he just slained the creatures and
taking a rest. Return to Euthycles at the Spartan War Camp for reward.
Normal: 2000 gold and 500 XP
Epic: 70000 gold, 25000XP
Legendary: 65000 gold, 60000XP

Note: Hippias was a cruel ruler, enemy of the Spartans, and was exiled.
Later to be killed in the battle of marathon. Not so great a warrior after

Again the next part is pretty linear. You will find ruins and caves that
have lots of loot, and encounter zombies and skeletons, Lich etc. It is wise
to stock up on your potions. Lich are a pain in the backside at this stage
and it is wise to lure the skeleton warriors away from the lich, and kill
them off first as they are easy, and then get back to the lich and kill it

The map is a bit less linear than the first part but there is only one main
path. The rest will lead to dead ends, ruins or a cave, so you cannot go
wrong. It is worth exploring every part of the map to get the loot, and
experience. You will encounter the Mycenean Ruins to the NE of the camp,
which is good for loot, but this is where you will first meet the skeletons.

After the ruins you will find a village (Tagea).

Side quest: The poisoned spring: Village of Tagea : Tagea Forest

On entering the village Tagea a guy (Olorus) will tell you of a strange
plague and all villagers getting ill. This is your quest. Journey out the W
of the village to where the guards are, to start the quest (Tagea Forest).
Note: You can lure creatures back to these guards and let them kill it, but
you will not get experience. This is good, if you are overwhelmed etc.
This is where you first meet the spiders (arachnos), lots of different ones,
and the nice arachnos chitin armor. The destination is to the NNW, where you
will find Pagaea the water nymph; she says the source of the poison is in
the cave to the N (Fetid Lair). Enter the cave, explore and kill the boss
with the aura. Note: For non-melee characters you will meet spinners, which
can throw a net trap that stops you from running. You will not be able to
run away and will be surrounded by spiders, so beware.
Kill all spiders and go out and talk to water nymph for reward.
Normal: Extra health points and 1500 XP.
Epic: Extra health points , 30000 XP
Legendary: Extra health points , 70000 XP

Back to the village and everyone is getting better. Leave the village from
one of the other exits, it does not matter, as it will merge into one big
area with one "exit" any way (Megara Bluff). Proceed with your quest
battling through camps and ruins etc.

Back to the main quest; as you continue onwards, you will reach the coast
(Megara coast). Keep on battling until you reach the City of Megara. In the
city you will find merchants and arcanist. You should talk to the people,
one of which is Timon, who will tell you that you need to give an "A proper
offering" to the Oracle (side quest) or she will not grant you an audience;
this will trigger the addition of your first extra bag in your inventory. In
addition you will find a stranded sailor (Anton) who will give you one side
quest, about a shipwreck, and lost treasure ("News of a ship wreck). Also,
you will find a guy near the entrance to the city (Nireus) will talk about
being invaded by skeletons, you will see two guys at a doorway of the house,
just above where Timon stands. Talk to Autolycus first (as he has the ! on
his head) and then to the second guy (Meikiades) and they will say the
source of the undead are in a ruin at "The Old Eleusis". Proceed up the path
from the two guys to find the portal and the rebirth fountain. This is the
"Skeletal raiders" side quest.

Side quest: Skeleton Raiders: City of Megara : The Old Eleusis

On your way out of the city, you'll pass a small village and a forest, and
to the N/NE is "The Old Eleusis". Enter the ruin and down the stairs, to
battle the three princes who have been terrorizing the city. The three
princes are pretty simple; they are just big red skeletons. You will also
find a blade trap, which shoots blades in "all" directions; they fire at
fixed angles, so if you move slightly off one of the angles, you can pick it
off using a ranged weapon without getting hurt. One prince uses a bow (Menon
¡V prince of bow), and is very ineffective at close range, one uses melee
(Polypas ¡V prince of blade) and the last uses magic (Aristeus ¡V prince of
storm). I found the magic user most problematic, I think because it had the
most health (if that could be said about the undead). They are in separate
sections of the ruins, so you do not battle all three at once. After you
killed them all, loot the ruins for some nice loot. Return to city and talk
to guys (Autolycus or Nireus) for reward.
Normal: 2500 XP
Epic: 35000XP
Legendary: 75000XP

Now let's go back to the main quest. After the ruins, to the N is a bridge
(Halcyon Coast). Assuming that you have just killed the three princes and
went back at the city, it is wise to sell your loot, and stock up on
potions, because the next part is hard. You should leave some room in your
inventory, as there will be some good loot. As you cross the bridge after
the ruins, you'll see some soldiers running forwards (N), follow them and
you meet Polyphemus (the original Cyclops). He is one bad mother, and kills
the soldiers with ease. Polyphemus is hard, both for melee and ranged
attackers, but the run and shoot tactic should work. The Cyclops will not
cross the bridge further than the two braziers, so ranged weapons is best.
Shoot it, and run past the braziers, and the Cyclops will turn it back and
walk back towards is original position. Now cross over the bridge attack it
again whilst his back is turned (he will turn around and move towards you),
and when he is approaching, run back pass the braziers and he will not
attack (walk back). This method is slow, but saves potions and works quite
well in quite a few places. When you kill him, go NNE from the bridge to his
cave for loot.
Note: The famous Polyphemus, son of Poseidon the sea god, the original
Cyclops. Tricked by Odysseus in Homer's Ilyad, to poke out his only eye. In
his rage he threw a great rock from the coast of Megara at Odysseus's ship.
(Explains the shipwrecked sailor as well??).

To the N (next to the Polyphemus's cave), is a path that leads down to the
beach (Megara coast). Note the two braziers on the side of the path. At the
bottom, do a U-Turn to find the shipwreck loot.

Side Quest: News of a shipwreck: City of Megara : Halcyon Coast

On the beach (after you U-Turn), you will find the loot, but a load of
"drowned sailors" will spawn and attack you. Kill them and collect the loot,
and experience
Normal: 2000 XP
Epic: 18000XP
Legendary: 40000XP

Proceed back where you can from and up (N-NW) the coast. Keep following the
coast, and there are two exits, both lead to same place (Boetia).

Keep going until you reach the Ambrossos Farmland. At the end to the N is a
small bridge leading to the village of Ambrossos. If you do not cross the
bridge but go due E you will find a centaur NPC (Chiron) next to the field
and in the shade of the trees for a side quest.

Side quest: The Good Centaur: Ambrossos : Chirons Grove

Talk to Chiron for the quest (need to do it twice). Well a mean Maenad has
stolen his bow, boohoo. Cross the bridge and into the cave to retrieve it.
Your will battle some Maenads but your target is the one that keeps on
running further into the cave. Keep following until the dead end and kill
her off. She is quite easy, collect the bow and the loot and return to
Chiron for the reward. Note: The bow is a quest item, and although you can
redo the quest (after a reload), you cannot give it to Chiron a second time.
You cannot use it or sell it.
Normal: 2 extra attribute points, 3000 XP
Epic: 2 extra attribute points, 35000 XP
Legendary: 2 extra attribute points, 80000 XP

From Chiron, go west and you will see a bridge, go across into the village.

Across the bridge until you reach the Village of Ambrossos. You will find a
rebirth fountain, and merchant here. Also there is a guy (Admetus) who tells
you of a blacksmith for the "A master blacksmith" side quest, but we do not
have to worry about this for a while. Near the exit you there is a guy
(Asimidas) who says he lost all his goods when attacked by skeletons, as far
as he is concerned anyone who finds it can have it (Abandoned goods side

Leave the village and keep going until you reach a bridge at Helicos Pass.
Across the bridge is a rebirth fountain (this area has two rebirth
fountains, one here and one at the "end" of the area).

Talk to the old guy ( Eurytimus) to update a side quest -A Proper Offering.
He says the Olive groove just ahead (to the N), but over run by monsters.

Side Quest: A proper offering: City of Megara : The olive groove

Proceed into the olive groove. The spiders should not give you too much
problems, and keep clearing the area until you reach the stone steps. By
this time you would have noticed Arachne ¡V Spider Queen. Mean green spider,
which has a mean melee and cast spells as well, has a lot of HP and
relatively fast. She is tough (almost as bad as Polyphemus), but again the
hit and run tactic works, as she only follows you to the main Olive trees
(back up the path), before turning back. However, the little spider minions
she summons can go pass the invisible boundary, but they are not much of a
problem. Kill Arachne and proceed up the stone steps into the ruins. Click
the "pedestal" to get the "olive branch" for the quest. All open the other
chests for loot.
Normal: +5% Bonus resist, when offered the branch at Delphi.
Epic: +7% Bonus resist, when offered the branch at Delphi.
Legendary: +5% elemental resist, when offered the branch at Delphi.

Note: Arachne was a mortal who claimed to be better at weaving than the
Goddess of weaving (Athena). To cut a long story short, the Goddess turned
Arachne into a spider.

Exit the olive groove and proceed W until it turns south, at the bottom, you
have a choice of E or W. Go W for "Goods Abandoned" side quest, otherwise
proceed E

Side Quest: Abandoned Goods: Village of Ambrossos: Helicos Pass

If you go W you will find ruins with some skeletons and maybe some zombies.
Not as bad as the merchant described and should be a pretty easy clean up.
Kill the monsters for reward.
Normal: 1000 XP
Epic: 18000XP
Legendary: 40000XP

Proceed E until you reach the second rebirth fountain in Helicos Pass, at
the edge of the Phocian Swamp. There is a cave to the N of the rebirth
fountain but you do not need to go there if you do not wish. Go E across the
swamp to Lower Delphi. At lower Delphi you will see a bridge. At this point
you can do the blacksmith side quest or cross the bridge to continue the
main quest.

Side quest: A master blacksmith: Ambrossos Village: Lower Delphi

Not much of a quest at all. If you do not cross the bridge at Lower Delphi
but instead you will find the blacksmith who is just a short distance
further up the path to complete the quest. Note: The blacksmith offers item
which are a few levels beyond normal merchants, and you will find some high
level, but expensive items. However this is only when you complete the
quest. After you complete the quest and leave the area (or reaching the next
rebirth fountain or after a certain time; I am not too sure which), the
blacksmith becomes a "normal" merchant.
Normal: 1500 XP
Epic: 20000XP
Legendary: 55000XP

Cross the bridge and there is a cave to the SW, again you do not need to go
there. Continue along the path (NW), keep going pass Delphi highlands until
you reach the City of Delphi. On the way you will met a lot of Maenads (you
probably met some before, but not as many as here).
Note: Maenads are also minions of Dionysus, the god of wine, just like
Satyrs. They are also known for their wild crazy behaviors. They were the
subject of Euripides's play "The Bacchae"; Bacchae being roman for the
Maenads. They also wear leopard skins, and if you zoom in TQ also skinned
them with leopard skins.

At the city of Delphi, visit the Oracle. If you have the "branch of the
Olive tree" talk to the temple attendant (Astyoche) for reward, but this is
not necessary.

The oracle will give a long speech, but basically saying you need to
continue your journey (Parnassus Caves) etc. Complete.
*****Note: Delphi, city of Apollo (Apollo Delphius), was famous for the
Oracle of Apollo.

Normal: 2000XP
Epic: 40000XP
Legendary: 90000XP

In Delphi you will find merchants and archanist, also you will see your
first mystic (Pausanias) who can redistribute your skill points (for a
price). There is a portal, but no rebirth fountain in Delphi. If you wander
around you will meet Iodame for the "Grieving widow" side quest.

Congratulations you are now a quarter of the way through the game.

2.4 The source of the monsters

Map areas:
City of Delphi (portal)
Parnassus Foothills
Parnassus Caves (rebirth fountain)
Parnassus Hinterlands (rebirth fountain, portal)
Cephesus Woods
Lower War-Camp (rebirth fountain)
Upper War-Camp (rebirth fountain)
Pythian Caves (rebirth fountain)
Athenian Passage (rebirth fountain)
Kephisos Valley
Athenian Swamps
Monster Encampment (rebirth fountain)
Athenian Mortuary
Athenian Battleground
City of Athens (rebirth fountain, portal)

Leave the City of Delphi, kill the monsters and follow the marker until you
reach the Parnassus Caves, enter and there should be rebirth fountain near
the entrance.

Side quest: The Grieving widow: City of Delphi: Parnassus Cave

If go NNE from the rebirth fountain you will find a small narrow passage
leading to a cave with a boss (Cephasus, Master of the Flame) . Just kill
the monster and collect the loot and go back to Iodame for the reward.
Normal: 3000 XP
Epic: 35000XP
Legendary: 85000XP

In the Parnassus cave, keep moving eastwards and eventually you will find an
exit to the Parnassus Hinterlands and another rebirth fountain. Near the end
of this area is the "Parnassus" portal, with a Satyr merchant, for all the
loot you will find in the next section. From here just keep going, through
the Lower war camp (which updates your quest) and upper war camp. There in
nothing special in these areas, except a cave due E in Parnassus
Hinterlands, and a cave due NE in the lower war camp.
There are quite a lot of monsters in these areas so stock up with potions
and remember to activate the rebirth fountains.

After battling through the Lower war camp, you will reach some stone steps
and the entrance to the upper war camp. You will see a guy crawl out of the
bushes (Hylas), you can talk to him for a main quest update. There is a
rebirth fountain so activate it. The steps lead to an area mostly populated
by skeletons. Not hard but there are a lot of them. The exit is actually NW
but turns back round to the SE. You basically go up and then back down the
other side where the camp is. The camp is a large ground area, again full of
monsters. Whilst battling in the lower grounds, you will see some statues of

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