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Daily Tutorial Sheet-1 Level – 1

1.(C) Maximum value of n  4 (Period)

Sum of ns e   np e   4 (IVA )

2.(A) Can’t predict the stable valency states of elements.

3.(B) Transition elements  Group 3 to 12

Representative elements  Group 1, 2 & 13 – 18

4.(C) Ozone is an allotrope of oxygen.

5.(C) Metalloids = B, Si, Ge, As, Sb, Te, Po, At.

6.(B) Check the positions of the given elements from periodic table and use the rules of size i.e. as we go across
the periodic table size decreases and as we go down the periodic table size increases.

7.(C) 15th group elements are N, P, As, Sb, Bi.

8.(C) Fluorine is the most electronegative atom.

9.(C) No. of elements in a period

If n = even    2
 2 
 
 n 1
If n = odd    2
 2 
 

10.(D) In Na  , 11 proton are attracting 10 electrons.

Increasing order of size  Na   F   O2   N 3 

11.(B) Electronic configuration with exactly half filled orbitals have high ionization energy.

12.(C) Except option ‘C’ all are ‘d’ block elements.

13.(D) Ca and Zn belongs to different groups.

14.(B) I.E. of Pb > I.E. of Sn due to poor shielding of d & f orbitals.

15.(D) Nitrogen has exactly half filled valence subshell which makes pulling out an electron from it even more
difficult than oxygen.

Solution | Chemistry 130 Periodic Properties

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