DLP 2 16 24 Overview in Teaching Macro Skills

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Republic of the Philippines


Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija ISO 9001:2015 CERTIFIED


Lesson Plan for Teaching and Assessment of the Macro Skills

Date: February 16, 2024

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
a) Recognize important concept in teaching the macro skills.
b) Discuss the connection of teaching the macro skills with the other language skills and
c) Identify appropriate methods and approaches to teach the English macro skills; and
d) List down the qualities of an effective English teacher in the macro skills.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Overview on the Teaching of the Macro Skills
Reference: Teaching and Assessment of the Macro Skills Book
Materials: Laptop, PowerPoint Presentation, Zoom
Values Integration: Express ideas in a way that is respectful and considerate of others.

III. Procedure

A. Routinary Activities

Good morning, everyone.

Good morning, Sir.
Before we start let’s have a prayer first. Who
wants to lead the prayer.

Let’s bow our head.

(The student starts the prayer.)
Classroom Management

Before we start, make sure that you have stable

internet connection so that our discussion will
not be interrupted.

Checking of Attendance
Ms. Secretary, is there any absent in our class (The students will say present)

I’m glad that you are all present.

B. Review/Motivation


Before we proceed to our topic, let’s have a

review about our previous lesson. Can (The students recall their previous lesson.)
somebody tell me what the previous lesson is?

Okay, thank you.


Before we start our discussion let’s have an ice

breaker. For our ice breaker the name of the
game is…


I will play a song from 2010 to 2023

You need to guess the title of the song

presented on the screen while the minus one is
playing. You may raise your hand if you want
to answer. Is that clear?
(Yes, Sir.)
Before the may I ask someone to help me
check those people who will get the correct
answer? Okay that’s great, Let’s start the game!

(The song will be play) (The students listening to the song)

Okay class, Let’s give yourselves a round of

applause for actively participating in our
icebreaker for today. “And that’s all I hope you
enjoyed it.”

C. Discussion of the Lesson

Our lesson for today is about Teaching of the

Macro Skills

So, why do we need to study teaching and

assessment of macro skills?

This course allows the pre-service English

teachers to explore the nature of the macro
skills and the theoretical bases, principles, and (The students listening to the discussion.)
methods and strategies in teaching and
assessing listening, speaking, reading, writing,
and viewing.

The five macro skills in the English language

are speaking, listening, viewing, reading, and

Receptive and Expressive macro skills are two

categories that encompass the four main
language skills: listening, speaking, reading,
and writing.

Receptive Skills

Receptive skills involve the comprehension or

understanding of language input. They are
called "receptive" because individuals receive
and process information.
The two receptive macro skills are:

Listening: Listening involves understanding

spoken language. It includes recognizing
words, phrases, and intonation patterns, as well
as comprehending the overall message being (The students listening to the discussion)

Reading: Reading is the skill of interpreting

written language. It involves understanding
written words, sentences, and paragraphs, as
well as grasping the meaning of the text,
inferring information, and making connections
between ideas.

Expressive Skills

Expressive skills involve the production or

output of language. They are called
"expressive" because individuals express their
(The students listening to the discussion)
thoughts, ideas, and feelings through language.
The two expressive macro skills are:

Speaking: Speaking involves producing

sounds, words, and sentences to express ideas
and communicate with others. It includes
pronunciation, fluency, vocabulary usage, and
grammatical accuracy.

Writing: Writing is the skill of producing

written language. It involves composing
coherent and well-structured texts, using
appropriate vocabulary and grammar,
organizing ideas effectively, and conveying
meaning clearly to the intended audience.

Connection of the Macro Skills with

Vocabulary, Grammer and Literature

Macro skills is the primary ability that

involves the process of developing our
knowledge and competency. Each of our macro
skills works on improving certain ability to
comprehend components of language that
includes the vocabulary, grammar and (The students listening to the discussion)
literature. The fluency and accuracy within
these components boil down on how we
improve and develop our macro-skills. It
promotes communicative competence which
involves the competency on the appropriate use
of vocabulary, grammar and literature.
Review on Communicative Competence

It encompasses an examination of how

language learners develop the ability to
effectively use the four main language skills
(listening, speaking, reading, and writing) in
real-world communication situations.

Communicative Competence Theory a term

coin bey Dell Hymes in 1972

It refers to the ability to use language with (The students take notes about the discussions)
appropriateness with cohesion and appropriate

Communicative Competence includes:

1) Linguistics Competence

2) Sociolinguistics Competence

3) Discourse Competence
(The students take notes about the discussion)
4) Strategic Competence


Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills

(BICS) refer to linguistic skills needed in
everyday, social face-to-face interactions.

Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency

(CALP) focuses on proficiency in academic
language or language used in the classroom in
the various content areas.

So, how they are different? For BICS its more

of learning the language beyond the classroom (The students take notes about the discussion)
it’s like highlighting natural communication
more of the descriptive grammar, so they are
not so strict in terms of implementing the rule
as long as it could be understood.

However, with the CALP its goal is to actually

teach the students how to use the language
proficiently in the academic sense. Meaning
you have to use the language accurately they
are strict in terms of implementing the rules.


It helps students to develop valuable study

skills such as note taking, summarizing and
extracting key information from texts. The
main goal of CBI is to build proficiency and
confidence in the target language, much as if
the students were in an immersive

Whenever we talk about content-based

instructions just remember the word
“Integration”, Content by content.


focuses on developing communicative

competence. the ability to use language
effectively in real-life communication
situations. In teaching macro skills, CLT
emphasizes meaningful interaction and
authentic communication tasks. Learners
engage in activities that promote listening,
speaking, reading, and writing in
communicative contexts, fostering fluency, (The students taking notes about the topic)
accuracy, and confidence in language use.


1. Competence and Patience

2. Personalized Learning Environment

3. Hopefulness

4. Be passionate and generate passion

(None, Sir)
5. Connect

6. Mistakes = learning happening

7. Explore different teaching methods

8. Hold students accountable

Is that clear? Any other questions?

(The students start to do the activities)

D. Application

Regarding in our discussions about an

overview on the teaching of macro skills, in
one whole sheet of paper kindly answer the
following activities. The deadline of your
activities is on our next meeting.

Part I

Make a Venn Diagram in understanding

English Macro Skills concept. Differentiate
Receptive and Expressive macro skills


(The students start to answer the questions)

1.) What is the significance of providing an
overview in teaching macro skills, and how
does it contribute to students' language

2.) Why is it important for language learners to

develop proficient viewing skills?

3.) What are the connections of the macro skills

with vocabulary, grammar, and literature?

4.) Why is it important to distinguish between

Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills
(BICS) and Cognitive Academic Language
Proficiency (CALP) in language learning?

5.) Give me at least 5 qualities of effective

English macro skills teacher possess, and how
(The students answer the question)
do these qualities contribute to students'
learning experiences?

E. Generalization

To see if you really understand the discussion, I

will be asking questions regarding our topic.

Can someone tell me about the difference of

the two-macro skills concept?

What have you learned about the topic for


In general, Macro skills refer to the primary

language skills that individuals use to
communicate effectively in a language.

Teaching and assessment of macro skills in

language education involve strategies and
methods aimed at developing and evaluating
students' proficiency in listening, speaking,
reading, and writing. it's essential for educators
to consider the interconnectedness of the skills
and provide integrated instruction and
evaluation opportunities. Additionally,
assessments should align with learning
objectives, be authentic and meaningful, and
provide students with opportunities for
(Students listening attentively to the
feedback and reflection to support their
language development.

Understood? Do you have any other questions?

(None, Sir)

IV. Evaluation

Directions: In a whole sheet of paper kindly

make a reflection essay on Qualities of an
Effective English Macro-Skills Teacher

(Focusing on unique ideas presented,

organization of ideas and concepts/approaches (The students start to do the activities)

You may submit your output together with the

activities that I discussed to you a while back.
Deadline is on or before Friday next week.
(February 23, 2024)

V. Assignment

For your assignment, Kindly browse and make

an advance reading about the Expressive Macro
Skills particularly in Speaking.

Do you understand? Yes, Sir.

That’s all for today, any question

or clarification? None, Sir.
Okay, that’s all. Goodbye

Good bye, Sir.

Prepared by;



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