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The role of human rights in protecting women and creating a more just and dignified


The concept of human rights (HAM – Hak Asasi Manusia) is of great importance in
maintaining the dignity and freedom of every individual. HAM includes the fundamental
rights inherent in all human beings as social beings, including the rights to life, liberty, and
equality. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (DUHAM), adopted by the United
Nations General Assembly in 1948, emphasizes the importance of HAM in protecting the
rights of all individuals in all countries.
DUHAM has 30 principles including Liberty and Equality, HAM for all, the right to life,
security and liberty, the right to be free from slavery, the right to be free from torture, the
right to equality. There are different human rights. The right to a trial before the law, the
right to legal assistance, the right to freedom from arbitrary arrest, and the right to a fair
and public trial. Equality in HAM asserts that human rights apply to all people, without
discrimination based on region, ethnicity, race, status, gender, religion or other differences.
Specific incidents such as the sexual harassment incident related to Miss Universe
Indonesia that were reported as violations of HAM demonstrate the importance of
protecting human rights, especially the right to security and personal freedom. Incidents like
this highlight the need to enforce HAM to prevent abuse of power and protect the dignity
of all individuals. This case is involving Miss Universe Indonesia and potential human rights
violation. This is a way to show the importance of protecting women’s rights.

This highlights the real world example of the challenges women face, emphasizing
the need for education, advocacy, and legal mesures to ensure the rights of women are
respected and protected, aligning with the broader message im trying to spread. Together,
these emphasize the treated with respect.

From a Pancasila perspective, HAM violations such as the Miss Universe Indonesia
sexual harassment incident violate fair and civilized humanitarian principles. Pancasila
values equality, justice and protection of human rights. Violation of HAM in such cases
shows that he does not follow the values of Pancasila, which prioritizes human dignity.

As individuals, we can uphold HAM and equality from a Pancasila perspective by

raising awareness of human rights and equality through education and socialization.
Defense of human rights violation cases. We become agents of change by promoting
humanitarian values and equality in our communities. In this way, we can actively
contribute to the maintenance of his HAM and equality in line with Pancasila values.

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