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ADOLESCENT - a teenager who is almost an adult

ADOPTION - the legal process of becoming the parent of a child who is not your own

ANCESTORS - member of your wider family, lived long ago

ANCESTORS - people related to us who lived a long time before we did

ARRANGED MARRIAGE - when parents decide who their children will marry

BACHELOR (-ett) - a man (woman) who has never been married

BEST MAN - a male friend or relation of the bridegroom who stands with him and helps him during a
marriage ceremony

BLIND DATE - a romantic social meeting between two people who have never met each other

BREADWINNER - person whose earnings support the family

BREADWINNER - the person who earns the most money in a family

BRIDE (a woman who is about to get married or has just got married)

BRIDESMAID (a girl or woman who during the marriage ceremony helps the woman who is getting married)

BROKEN FAMILY / BROKEN HOME - family in which parents have divorced / separated

CAREERIST - person who is keen to advance his or her career by any possible means

CIVIL CEREMONY - a legally recognized marriage that takes place without a religious ceremony

CLOSE-KNIT FAMILY - its members care about each other a lot

COHABITATION - the act of living and having a sexual relationship with someone, especially someone you
are not married to

CONSENT - permission or agreement

DESCENDANTS - a person who is related to you and who lives after you, such as your child or grandchild

DIVORCE (v.) - to separate and be no longer legally married to your spouse

ENGAGEMENT - an arrangement between two people to marry each other in the future
EXTENDED FAMILY - a family including relatives who are not closely related, such as uncles and aunts and
their children

EXTENDED FAMILY - consists of parents, children. grandparents, aunts and other relatives

FIANCÉ – husband to be

FIANCÉE – wife to be

FOSTOR - to take care of a child, usually for a limited time, without being the child's legal parent

GENES - units of heredity which are passed from a parent to their children

GERIATRIC (n.) - a very old person, especially one suffering from poor health

GOD PARENT - (in the Christian religion) a person who, at a baptism ceremony, promises to help a new
member of the religion, usually a child, in religious and moral matters.

GROOM (a man who is about to get married or has just got married)

GUARDIAN - an adult who is responsible for the welfare of a young person who is not their biological child

HALF SIBLING - a sibling who is the child of only one of your parents

HEAD OF THE FAMILY; HEAD OF THE TABLE - the most important person of the family

HOME - a place where people or animals live and are cared for by people who are not their relations or

HONEYMOON - a holiday taken by a couple immediately after their marriage

HOUSEWIFE - woman whose occupation is looking after her family, cleaning the house, cooking, etc.

INHERITANCE (to inherit) - money or objects that someone gives you when they die

JUVENILE (adj.) relating to young people; immature

MARRIAGE - a legal union of a man and woman as husband and wife

MARRIAGE OF CONVRNIENCE - a marriage that is arranged for practical, financial, or political reasons. (It
was a marriage of convenience, to get the woman into England.)

MATERNAL - relating to mothers

NEWLYWED - someone who has recently married

NUCLEAR FAMILY - a family unit consisting of only parents and their children

NUCLEAR FAMILY - consists only of parents and their children

OFFSPRING - a person's child (Tom's sister came over on Saturday with all her offspring.) /children or the
young of an animal

ONE BIG HAPPY FAMILY - a community / school in which all members have a good relationship

ONE-PARENT FAMILY / SINGLE PARENT FAMILY - a family in which there is only one parent, either mother
or father

PATERNAL - relating to fathers

PROPOSIAL - an offer of marriage

PROTECTOR - person who keeps you safe from harm

REGISTRAR / REGISTRY OFFICE OFFICIAL - an official whose job is to keep official records, especially of
births, deaths, and marriages

REGISTRY OFFICE - a place where births, deaths, and marriages are officially recorded and where you can
get officially married, without a religious ceremony

RELATIVES - people who are related to you and who are still alive

RELIGIOUS CEREMONY - a wedding ceremony performed in a church in front of a god

ROMANCE - a close, usually short relationship of love between two people

ROOTS - place and people you came from

SENIOR CITIZEN - an old person who is probably no longer working

SEPARATION - an arrangement, often legal, by which two married people stop living together as a couple
(Couples may agree to divorce each other after a separation.)

SIBLINGS - brothers or sisters

SPINSTER - a woman who is not married, especially a woman who is no longer young and seems unlikely
ever to marry

STEP SIBLING - a child of your stepfather or stepmother with another person who is not your biological (=
related by birth) parent

STEPMOTHER AND STEPFATHER - the person your mother or father marries after your biological parents
have divorced, or one of them has died

THE BLACK SHEEP of the family - the one who is thought to be a disgrace to other members of the family

THE ELDERLY - a polite word for old people

THE LOVE - person who keeps the family together

THE STRENGTH - person who has power, makes decisions

They want a church wedding.

TO FLIRT - to behave as if sexually attracted to someone, although not seriously:

TO GROW TO LIKE SB (grow on sb - If someone or something grows on you, you like him, her, or it more
and more than you did at first)


UPBRINGING - how children are raised, educated, and nurtured

WIDOW/WIDOWER - a woman/man whose husband/wife has died

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