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Ex 4) The long-running argument in the software industry

about proprietary versus open platforms has an impact
on developer strategy and user experiences.
A strictly regulated environment is provided by
proprietary systems, guaranteeing dependability,
security, and consistency. Businesses that make research
and development investments provide cutting-edge
features and committed assistance. However, users'
freedom and flexibility are constrained by their limited
customization possibilities and possible vendor lock-in.
On the other hand, open platforms benefit greatly from
openness and cooperation. Source code is publicly
accessible, editable, and distributable by users,
encouraging adaptability and community-driven
creativity. Open platforms encourage transparency and
flexibility, but they can also have fragmentation,
compatibility problems, and inconsistent support.
In conclusion, a person's needs and priorities will
determine whether they choose open platforms or
proprietary solutions. Whereas open platforms provide
more emphasis on flexibility and teamwork, proprietary
systems place more emphasis on control and
dependability. Stakeholders in the ever-changing
software development ecosystem can make well-
informed decisions to fulfill their individual needs by
knowing the benefits and drawbacks of each approach.

Ex 6) The graph shows OS market share in 2015 and

2019. Windows dominated in 2015 but dropped
significantly by 2019. Android gained the most ground,
likely due to a wider range of affordable devices. The
maturing market and rise of 2-in-1 laptops could also
explain the shift.

Ex 1)
Active Sentence Passive Sentence with Object of Agent
Where do we store important data? Where is important data stored?
We use the decimal system for scientific The decimal system is used for scientific
purposes. purposes.
We can use transistors for amplification and Transistors can be used for amplification and
frequency conversion. frequency conversion.
Smart devices will perform many ordinary chores Many ordinary chores will be performed by smart
in the future. devices in the future.
Can we control the amount of data that we store Can the amount of data that we store in
in databases? databases be controlled?
Powerful computers compute data at staggering Data is computed at staggering speeds by
speeds. powerful computers.
The introduction of the new computer system has Production has been optimized by the
optimized production. introduction of the new computer system.
A scanner converts the barcode into electrical The barcode is converted into electrical pulses by
pulses. a scanner.

Ex 2)
Passive Forms Active Forms
Noise reduction in hydraulic systems demands a
We consider hydraulic systems the most
lot of attention from the industrial as well as
preferred source of power transmission.
academic researchers.
Legislation is now placing clear demands on We also know the hydraulics and pneumatics field
manufacturers to reduce noise levels. as 'Fluid Power Technology'.
Fluid power systems have a wide range of
The health and safety issues relating to noise
applications which include industrial, off-road
have been recognized for many years.
vehicles, automotive systems, and aircraft.
Hence, noise reduction in hydraulic systems
One of the main problems with the hydraulic
demands a lot of attention from the industrial as
systems is that they generate noise.
well as academic researchers.
A good understanding of how the noise is
generated is needed.
A good understanding of how the noise is
- generated is needed and propagated in a
hydraulic system in order to reduce it.

b & c)
Sentence Passive/Active Justification Correction
We consider hydraulic
systems the most b) focus on "we" (not
Active X
preferred source of academic)
power transmission.
We also know the
hydraulics and
b) focus on "we" (not
pneumatics field as Active X
'Fluid Power
Fluid power systems
have a wide range of
applications which
b) focus on "we" (not
include industrial, off- Active X
road vehicles,
automotive systems,
and aircraft.
But, one of the main
But, one of the main
problems with the f) focus on the problem
problems with the
hydraulic systems is Active rather than on the
hydraulic systems is the
that they generate solution
generation of noise.
The health and safety Health and safety
issues relating to noise issues relating to noise
Passive d) focus on the action
have been recognized have been recognized
for many years. for many years.
Clear demands are now
Legislation is now
being placed on
placing clear demands
Passive d) focus on the action manufacturers by
on manufacturers to
legislation to reduce
reduce noise levels.
noise levels.
Hence, a lot of
Hence, noise reduction
attention is demanded
in hydraulic systems
from industrial as well
demands a lot of
Passive a) focus on results as academic
attention from the
researchers for noise
industrial as well as
reduction in hydraulic
academic researchers.
A good understanding e) focus on the A good understanding
of how the noise is Passive problem not on the of the generation of
generated is needed. solution noise is needed.
A good understanding
A good understanding
of how the noise is
of how the noise is
e) focus on the generated and
generated is needed
Passive problem not on the propagated in a
and propagated in a
solution hydraulic system is
hydraulic system in
needed in order to
order to reduce it.
reduce it.

We consider hydraulic systems the most preferred source
of power transmission in most of the industrial and
mobile equipment due to their power density,
compactness, flexibility, fast response, and efficiency.
We also know the hydraulics and pneumatics field as
'Fluid Power Technology'.
Fluid power systems have a wide range of applications
which include industrial, off-road vehicles, automotive
systems, and aircraft.
But, one of the main problems with hydraulic systems is
that they generate noise.
The health and safety issues relating to noise have been
recognized for many years, and legislation is now placing
clear demands on manufacturers to reduce noise levels.
Hence, noise reduction in hydraulic systems demands a
lot of attention from industrial as well as academic
A good understanding of how the noise is generated is
needed and propagated in a hydraulic system in order to
reduce it.
Hydraulic systems are considered the most preferred
source of power transmission in most of the industrial
and mobile equipment due to their power density,
compactness, flexibility, fast response, and efficiency.
But, one of the main problems with hydraulic systems is
the generation of noise.
The health and safety issues relating to noise have been
recognized for many years, and clear demands are now
being placed on manufacturers by legislation to reduce
noise levels.
Hence, a lot of attention is demanded from industrial as
well as academic researchers for noise reduction in
hydraulic systems.

Ex 4)
a) Subtraction is when one number or amount is taken
away from another.
b) A circuit is a series of components through which the
flow of electricity is modified.
c) Theoretically, the four arithmetic functions could be
easily handled on this machine.
d) Database administrators are prone to making mistakes,
or data may be entered into the database incorrectly.
e) Updates of the operating system will be installed
f) Let it be known that the product license will expire in 1
g) Team members will be informed about the security
changes by the maintenance officer.
h) Having installed an antivirus does not necessarily
mean being protected.

Ex 5)
a) This term is also used in different advancements of
computer technology.
b) New technologies that affect the way we live, work,
and play are constantly being developed by researchers.
c) The light bulb was invented by Thomas Edison at the
same time as vacuum tubes, which were invented by Lee
De Forest and worked very similarly to light bulbs.
d) Transistors made of solid material, including silicon, an
abundant element found in beach sand and glass (second
only to oxygen), were made by scientists.
e) It was discovered that transistors conduct electricity
faster and better than vacuum tubes.
f) It was not predicted that thousands, even millions of
transistors (circuits) could be compacted into such a small
g) More calculations and faster speeds could be reached
by computers by putting millions of transistors onto one
single chip.
h) A chip the size of a pencil eraser that could perform all
the computing and logic work of a computer was
invented by Ted Hoff, employed by Intel.

Ex 6)
a) Computerele de a patra generație au fost dezvoltate,
folosind un microprocesor pentru a localiza multe dintre
capacitățile de procesare ale computerului pe un singur
cip (mic).
b) Computerele transistorizate sunt de obicei denumite
'Generația a doua' și au dominat sfârșitul anilor 1950 și
începutul anilor 1960.
c) Echipa de programare pretinde că trebuie luate măsuri
rapid pentru ca sistemul să nu fie supus unor atacuri de
securitate suplimentare.
d) S-a afirmat că tehnologia computerelor va evolua până
la un punct dincolo de care progresul suplimentar va fi
imposibil. Adevărul este că nu se poate imagina cum va fi
viitorul tehnologiei cu mințile pe care le avem astăzi.
e) Serviciile și produsele online vor fi, probabil, plătite în

Ex 7)
Step 1: Ensure that the computer is disconnected from
any power source to avoid electrical shock.
Step 2: The casing lid is removed to access the internal
Step 3: Identify the video card slot on the motherboard.
Step 4: The screws securing the old video card are
loosened and removed using a screwdriver.
Step 5: The old video card is carefully taken out of the
Step 6: The new video card is inserted into the vacant slot
on the motherboard.
Step 7: The screws are tightened to secure the new video
card in place.
Step 8: If necessary, any power cables required by the
new video card are connected to the power supply.
Step 9: The casing lid is securely replaced.
Step 10: The computer is plugged back into the power
Step 11: The computer is powered on and the necessary
drivers for the new video card are installed.
Step 12: The functionality of the new video card is tested
by running graphics-intensive applications.
Step 13: If everything is functioning properly, the process
is complete. If not, troubleshoot any issues that may

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