ES Parent Bulletin Vol#7 2011 Nov 11

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International School Manila

Volume 07 11 November 2011


12 15 16, 23 K-12 Dance Recital @ 3pm, Fine Arts Theatre ES Parent Coffee @ 7.30am, Little Theatre Wednesday Morning Student Late Start @ 8.30am

From the ES Administration

Dear Elementary School Parents, Creative and divergent thinking Last weekend, ISM faculty members spent time in a professional learning seminar focusing on reflective thinking. One of our five school-wide student goals is: Inquiring and reflective problem solvers An overriding theme for the day was investigating how we encourage creative and divergent thinking at ISM. Our curriculum is very much concept-based, where we target deep understanding for our students, focused on core concepts. Aligned with this, is empowering our students to be able to solve problems in real life contexts, as we believe this demonstrates true understanding. Most importantly, finding ways for students to show what they are learning in an authentic context reflects what learning in the real world looks like. Scaffolding and modeling creative and divergent thinking is part of this process. We are constantly challenging our students to view situations and problems from a variety of perspectives in order to give them a greater understanding. Creative and divergent thinking does not happen in a certain timetabled period at the same time each week. It is an underlying principle that is weaved into all aspects of our curriculum, such that our students are developing their ability to solve problems creatively as a normal part of everyday learning. One of our key learning principles at ISM is: Different types of thinking such as classification and categorization, inferential reasoning, analysis, synthesis and metacognition, mediate and enhance learning. In our classrooms, problems in Mathematics, Language and other curriculum areas are all posed in such a way as to encourage and facilitate such thinking. This thinking needs to be explicitly discussed with students so they see how this can look. One phrase that our students will often hear is making your thinking visible. Visible thinking is cultivating students' thinking skills and dispositions whilst at the same time helping to deepen content learning. We learn best what we can see and hear. Through using visual organizers to scaffold and support our students thinking, we are leading them to a deeper stage of cognition.
(Continued on page 2)

21 - 24 PTA New Book Fair, FAT Lobby 25 30 Filipiniana Bonifacio Day Holiday - No Classes

2 5, 6 9 13 15 Kindergarten Concert @ 8.15am, Little Theatre Grade 1 Concert @ 1pm, Little Theatre ES AFAC Recitals @ 3.30pm, AMR ES Parent Bulletin 1st Semester Report Card Distribution End of 1st Semester


In order to best serve the ISM Parent Community, it is essential that information be quickly disseminated when necessary. For this reason, the accuracy of your contact details in our database is of the utmost importance. Please note that Parent Contact Information must be updated online by the parent. To make any changes or verification in contact information, please access one of your childrens data file via the ISM website ( and then under Login, click on Powerschool Public Access and enter your Username and Password. On the page that opens, click on the Demographic Update icon for changing or updating demographic information.

Elementary School Parent Bulletin

11 November 2011

From the ES Administration

(Continued from page 1)

When you spend some time in our classrooms, please have a look around the room for some examples of our students thinking this may be in the form of mind-maps, post-it note displays, Venn diagrams, idea webs, fish-bones, or other graphic organizers for thinking. The real magic of discovery lies not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes. Marcel Proust Filipiniana On Friday, 25 November, we will be celebrating Filipiniana at ISM. This is a chance for all the ES students to delve deeper into the culture of the Philippines through a variety of hands-on activities. For ES students, our day will start with an ES assembly in the Fine Arts Theatre, starting at 8am, run by our Student Council. Each grade level will then have a variety of activities through-out the day, incorporating the MS and HS Filipiniana parade at 12pm. Please refer to your class teacher for more specific information regarding what is taking place on the day. We look forward to welcoming you onto campus throughout the day.

Adam Campbell
Elementary Principal

Elementary Asst. Principal

Michael Rourke

From the Music Department

You are cordially invited to the Kindergarten and Grade 1 Music Concerts to be held: Friday, December 2 Little Theatre

Nursery Rhymes and Folktales 8:15am

Grade 1
Lets Create 1:00pm

Elementary School Parent Bulletin

11 November 2011

From the PE Department

We are planning another bulletin board in the playground showcasing all the ways our community was physically active over the recent October break holidays. Please send/e-mail me a photo of you and/or your children being active. You can place photos in an envelope and send to school with your child addressed to Amanda Pekin, Elementary School Physical Education or simply e-mail me at Thanks to those parents who have already sent in photos. We have a website which has a list of the activities children can become involved in and around Manila. Check out

From the Art Department

ES Art Department needs your junk! We have been so busy creating amazing art this semester that we have used up a lot of the resources you sent at the beginning of the year. We would hugely appreciate your help in providing any of the flowing items: Boxes, toilet and kitchen roll tubes, newspapers and magazines, egg cartons, yogurt pots, polystyrene and plastic takeaway boxes, old and even broken toys and dolls, cds, wrapping paper, ribbons, fabric, beads and unwanted costume jewelry, old shoes and bags. These items can be brought to room 1189-1191 at anytime or you can get your children to bring them in with them to their art class. If you do not have any items now we hope you will collect them for us and bring them in the future. Many thanks for you continued support,

ES PE Dept. From the Uniform Shop

ITEM DESCRIPTION COLOR SIZE 2 4 6 8 4 2 2 6 20% Discount 41 50% discount

The ES Art Team

"SECONDS" items @ 50% discount 39 21 13 2

White Kids Shirt Yellow Green Black KIDS BOTTOMS G/Skort MALE TOPS Male Shirt Total Items for Sale

90 169 9

Khaki White

12 M 41 259

1 3 88

Elementary School Parent Bulletin

11 November 2011

From the School Clinic

The Clinic is offering the next session of vaccination on Wednesday November 23rd . This month in partnership with GSK we are offering Typherix vaccine at a cost of 871.00PHP. Typherix is a vaccine which helps prevent typhoid fever, an infectious illness caused by a type of bacteria called Salmonella typhi. This vaccine can be given to both adults and children aged 2 years and over. Typherix contains a small part of the bacterium which causes typhoid fever. This is not infectious and cannot make you ill. When you are given the vaccine it will trigger the bodys immune system to prepare itself to protect against typhoid fever in the future. Typherix will only prevent disease caused by the bacterium Salmonella typhiand not against salmonella bacteria that can cause food poisoning or gastroenteritis. Since the bacterium is present in the bowel movement (motion), the infection can occur in any country, but it more commonly occurs in places or countries with poor personal or public hygiene. This vaccine is required every 3 years. The last day to book/pay for the vaccine is November 16th.

From the Fine Arts Office

Elementary School Parent Bulletin

11 November 2011

From the PTA

NEW BOOK FAIR 2011: Read a Book - Travel the World! 21st to 24th November, 2011 Fine Arts Theater Lobby Daily 7:00 am 4:00 pm The ISM community are all invited to join us for this special event!

This year, the PTA and National Bookstore have teamed up once again to bring you discounts and freebies as a "Thank You!" for your continued support of the New Book Fair: 10% discount off all book purchases Discounts will automatically be deducted upon payment at the register.

JOIN US on Monday 21st November for our opening breakfast and to watch a cooking demonstration by our special guest, Aileen Anastacio!
10% of the value of sales from the book fair will go towards book purchases for the various Service Learning projects supported by the school. There will be Question of the Day quiz for students, raffle tickets, discounts, freebies and lots more. The school librarians have put together some suggestions for ES, MS and HS. Please check out your Parent Bulletins and the PTA website for more details! A leaflet describing the events of the New Book Fair will be sent home with the students on Thursday, 17th November, 2011. New Book Fair Committee Co-Chairs Kelly Hauber Winnie Lo-Kuefner Sarah Stalley Simran Uttam Maggie Vanwijnen

Elementary School Parent Bulletin

11 November 2011

Upcoming Event for ISM Parents

the Filipino author of Before Ever After

Will be coming to ISM as part of the New Book Fair to talk about her debut novel. Thursday, 24th November, 2011 7:45 am, Loft B ES Block, 3rd Floor Heres an opportunity to read the book before meeting her in person. You can buy a hardback copy of the book for PHP 499! For a copy of the book. Call or Text the PTA NEW BOOK FAIR TEAM Kelly 0917 888 0704 or Maggie 0917 597 7493

Elementary School Parent Bulletin

11 November 2011

Elementary School Parent Bulletin

11 November 2011

Saturday, December 10th
Welcome to the Sailfish Swim Club Swimathon! It is a fun activity for all of our swimmers and the ISM community as a whole (Parents, Teachers, and Students). It gives the kids and parents a chance to set goals, and strive to exceed those goals. Goal distance will be set based on squad level and development. Our objective for Swimathon is twofold: 1. Ensure that the swimmers have a positive experience and can demonstrate their increased ability in the sport. 2. Help the swim club raise funds for the Child Hope charity, for equipment as well as end of year awards. We hope that each swimmer will participate in the Swimathon to the best of their ability. Thank you very much for your participation!

Parent Volunteers are required to assist with registration; at least 3 parents are needed during the 15 minute registration period. Please go here to register your help.

Pledge forms are attached so swimmers can start collecting pledges. On the day of the Swimathon, swimmers are asked to bring along a plate of food for share after they have finished their swim, they will have earned it. Please arrive early to allow time to register and prepare for the swim. It is a good idea to have a large water bottle on pool deck to sip on during the swim. Once the Swimathon is complete, you will need to gather your pledges and pay to the school cashier into the Sailfish Account by Thursday 15th December. GROUP Elementary School Middle School ISM COMMUNITY High School REGISTRATION 2:15-2:25 pm 3:15-3:25 pm 4:15-4:25 pm 5:15-5:25 pm MEAL TIME 3:30 pm 4:30 pm 5:30 pm 4:30 pm SWIM TIME 2:30-3:30 pm 3:30-4:30 pm 4:30-5:30 pm 5:30-7:30 pm TARGET METERS / LAPS 1,000-2,500m / 40-100 2,000-3,500m/ 80-140 1,000-2,500m / 40-100 5,000-9,000m / 200-360

1. Swimmers may start collecting pledges as soon as they receive the pledge sheets. Reminder: Pledge sheets need to be turned in on Swimathon day. Pledges may be made by anyone. 2. Each sponsor making a pledge should write their name, pledge per lap, and maximum pledge or set amount pledge. Swimmers may collect the pledge in advance but must keep pledges until all are collected then take the total to the cashier. 3. On the day of the Swimathon, each swimmer MUST have an adult lap counter/ supervisor, to keep track of the number of laps completed. Swimmers will not be able to swim if they dont have an adult supervisor. Each group will swim during a specified period in our pool. Each lap is 25 meters. 4. During the Swimathon, swimmers are allowed to stop as needed for toilet and water breaks. If a swimmer needs to stop they simply move to a corner of their lane or get out of the pool so that other swimmers may continue unimpeded. Older swimmers are encouraged to stop as little as possible. Do note that swimming aids of any form are not allowed. 5. Upon completion of the Swimathon, students will get their lap count approved. A volunteer will record each students lap total on their pledge sheet and return it. Students may then collect outstanding pledges. Please pay the pledges to the school cashier into the Sailfish Account as well as return the pledge sheets to the ISM Sailfish Swim Club by Thursday 15th December, or on the day of the event. We look forward to all our participants having a great time! For questions or concerns, or to volunteer, contact Andy Astfalck, Head Coach at 8

Elementary School Parent Bulletin

11 November 2011

ISM Sailfish Swim Club - Swimathon

Saturday, December 10th
Name School Grade Pledges: A sponsor can pay a flat rate or pay a rate per lap. Swimmers are encouraged to collect their pledges in advance. Swimmers must collect their pledges and hand in by Thursday 15th, December, or on the day of the event. Pledges will go toward: 1. Child Hope which is a school sponsored charity 2. Club equipment and end of years awards ceremony









Elementary School Parent Bulletin

11 November 2011


Elementary School Parent Bulletin

11 November 2011


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