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Starry Night

• Made by Vincent Van Gogh Inside the Asylum Core Principles

(Southern France) out of depression • movement
Gaguin - the one who has a conflict with van • harmony
Gogh • contrast
• proportion
Kevin Eric Raymundo • balance
• famous for his artwork "Tumindig" • patterns
• unity
• human activity that involves the creation of Formalism
visual auditory or performed artifacts known as • a strict or a technical canon that artist's tend to
artworks follow in the early day of art
• Latin: Arse skills / craft • (The Entomb ment of Christ - Caravaggio)
• First used in 19th century.
Functional Arts • based on everyday living
• aesthetic arts that has a function: Architecture - • (Burial at Ormans - Gustave Courbet)
way of life can be characterized through the
lens of mimesis, communication, power to Concepts that are associated with the Evaluation of
convey emotions and the ability to represent Artwork.
what is thought or expressed Mimesis
• Greek: imitate
Classical Branches of Art • the presentation of nature and all art that has
1. Sculpture-making 3D artwork been created has undergone a form of
2. Architecture-designing / constructing a building (imitation (Early text of Plato)
3. Painting - using painting
Art replication of something beautiful and meaningful
Why do we need to define art?
Art is consumed every day "Those who refuse to Imitate anything produce
• allows you to have an eye for aesthetics nothing"
• offers psychotherapeutic benefits - Salvador Dali
• trains your mind to evaluate scrutinize and
criticize elements of an "lmitation is a driver of production"
Nature of Art • is taken from the idea that art conveys as a
• can take many visual forms from photorealism vehicle for conveying feelings and emotions
to abstraction
Photorealism - easily distinguishable Leo Tolstoy (1697)
Abstraction - \not easily distinguishable • as an expression of feelings and experience
John Hospers
Individuals can describe an artwork using fundamental • reiterated that art might be not stem primarily
element and core principles. from intense emotions alone
Benedetto Croce
Fundamental Elements • describe art is an intuition that may only arise
• line with intense feelings.
• color
• shape Man-made objects, readymade and found objects
• valve • a concept of taking in pre-existing objects and
• texture elevating them to the level of art
• form
• space
Marcel Duchamp
• one of the most influential artists of the 20th Tangible and Intangible Art Forms
• known for his iconic readymade Bicycle wheel in Tangible - inside a variety of artworks that can be
1919 touched seen, or transporter

Forms & Traditions: What are the Art Forms Found in Examples
the Philippines? • Weaved Products
• Clay and porcelain
Indigenous Art Forms • Stone sculpted product
• an art from created by various ethnolinguistic • Wood sculpted product
groups and characterized Dy their culture and • Natural ink drawings and paintings in the form
traditions. of tattoos and wood grained carving
• uses indigenous material that are assembled to
create comprehensible artwork Intangible indigenous Art
• an intangible forms, such as oral forms, music, Oral traditions, Expressions and Language
traditions and celebrations representing the • It may be in the form of songs epics saying and
ethnolinguistic group where it come from community-based language calls

Cloth weaving Hinilawod - longest epic in the Philippines.

• one of the most precious living traditions that
are still kept until today 3 Sundaon demigod brothers.
• Dumalapdap
Basket Weaving Baskets • Humadapnon
• are mainly used by the Cordilleras for their • Labaw Donggon
occupation. They use them as a storage for their
fear when they need to go to mountain terraces Biag ni Lam'ang - Ilocos
to cultivate their land's Mahabharata - Longest epic in India

Pottery Performance Art - street dancing during more Moro,

• Their designs usually geometric with stylized Chanted Pasyon and Moriones
nature motifs pottery became mort functional
as time goes by Mora-Moro
• earliest form of theater in the Philippines
Wood caring • comedia
• Philippine Scripture is the most familiar art form • Introduced by Spanish priest
among Filipinos • revolves between Christians and Muslims
• Anitos most popular wood carving in the
Philippines as well as statues of Christ and 3Ds - goals of Spaniards in colonizing
blessed Mother GOD, GOLD, GLORY
• Bul'ul-Ifugao
• Hagabi Moriones
• religious festival in Marinduque
Tattoos • they imitate Roman soldiers, during lent season
• Philippine tattoos have a rich History dating
back to before the Philippine islands were Social practices Ritual and festivities
colonized by Spaniards Social practices, rituals and festivities such as:
• Uyauy (Ifugao wedding dance)
Visayas Islas de los pintados - Island of the • Atang (Burial Ritual)
Painted people • Pangasi (Rice wine making ritual)

• when Spanish Tribes first arrived they were

greeted by the nearly tattooed Visayas Tribe
Elements of Art
Art has a set of fundamental elementals that when • is the addition of either light or dark in an
effectively put together makes it pleasing to the senses. artwork and is often characterized by tint and
Most used in Visible Art shade
• Tint-light use
7 Seven Fundamental Elements of Art • Tone-gray use
• Shade-dark use
Line Color
• is defined as a mark connecting the space • fundamentally artistic element in many visually
between two points sensed art forms, such as paintings, dances, and
• unidentifiable path Created by a point moving theater most complex out of the seven element
in a space because of the vast combinations and
• helps create form and shape complexity of color mixing
• usually Characterized by their length and width • Primary, Secondary, Tertiary
as well as the path they take
• I dimensional Integral Parts of Colors
• Could determine energy motion, direction Hue-Color in the color itself
within a work of art Saturation- Intensity
Value-Lightness or Darkness
Common Types of lines
• Vertical - The Parthenon in Athens, Greece Biomorphic Form- based on features as well as our
• Horizontal - The Monk by the sea by Caspar living elements and nature
David Freidrich
Horizon - the sky and earth surface meet Texture- is the tactile quality of the surface or the
• Diagonal -The Europe Bridge by Gustave perceptible sense of touch of an art
• Curve - Starry Night by Vincent Van Gogh Kinds of texture
• Zigzag Visual Texture - is an implied sense of touch made
by using artistic elements
Types of Lines Based on their Use
Actual Texture - the physical texture or real
• Actual Lines - Are physically present, acting as a tangible texture that can be achieved through
solid connection between two lines. how the medium is applied or the specific use of
• Implied Line - Are the paths that the viewers materials
eye take as they follow through the other
components such as colors, shape or forms Form
• Classic / Straight Lines - Are used to add stability • the overall physical nature that the work
and are usually in the form of vertical horizontal occupies
and diagonal lines • It may also refer to the elements of shape made
• Expressive Lines - Are marks, usually in the form by the various elements in a work
of a curve, that creates the dynamism of a work • 3 Dimensional
of art
(Portrait of Dr Gachet by Vincent van Gogh) Space
• area that exists between two identifiable points
Outlines or Contour Lines • defined by the positive and negative space
• It define as a shape Dy outlining the edge or • shallow and deep space
perimeter of a snape • the background, foreground, middle ground as
well as the distances between, around and
Hatch lines within an artwork
• Short, separated lines typically in a single
direction and are used to add volume and
texture to a flat face
Positive Space-best described as the areas in a
work of art that are the subjects, or areas of

Negative space-area around the subject or areas

of interest

Shallow space
• 3 dimensional (Delivery of the keys: Pietro
Sistine Chapel
- zoomed in

Deep Space
• 1 dimensional (Avenue de l'opéra: Morning
Sunshine: by Camille Pissarro)
Philadelphia Museum of
• zoomed out

• refers to the area, defined by boundaries
and edges in a two-dimensional space
• Enclosed space

• generally have a specific name associated
with them

Organic / Freeform space

• follow no rules
• resemble things that we found in nature
• no name associated with them

• Letters or text are overlooked as an
element of art
• Each letter can be illustrated in various font
design and colors
• Used in commercial arty, commonly.

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