Women Empowerment in India: Dr. P. Ponraj & Dr. K. Gnanaguru

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Volume 4 Issue 4 October 2016 ISSN: 2320 – 4168


Dr. P. Ponraj1 & Dr. K. Gnanaguru2

M.Com., M.Phil., M.B.A., Ph.D, Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce & Research Centre,
Sourashtra College, Madurai – 4
M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D, Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Sourashtra College, Madurai – 4

Women play a very good role in the development of economy and society. Woman is the
leader, planner of the family, the trainer, supplier of labour power and playing important role in
the development of agriculture, industry and service sector. But status of women is so poor and
incidence of poverty is more on woman only. Empowering women is the only solution for all the
problems. If woman is educated and empowered her potential power can be utilized for the
economic development. Empowerment aspect visualizes the full participation of people in the
decision making process that shapes their lives. The goal of inclusive growth and human
development cannot be achieved without the development and empowerment of women. This paper
contains need, objectives, importance of women empowerment, role of women empowerment in
India, Government schemes of women empowerment and conclusion.
Key words: Women, empowerment, education, confident, self respect

“Women’s empowerment and their full participation on the basis of equality in all
spheres of society including participation in the decision making process and access to
power are fundamental for the achievement of equality, development and peace”.
Beijing Declaration

Women empowerment refers to increasing and improving the social, economic,
political and legal strength of the women. To ensure equal right to women, to make them
confident, freely live their life with self respect and self dignity. Empowerment aspect
visualizes the full participation of people in the decision making process that shapes their
lives. The goal of inclusive growth and human development cannot be achieved without
the development and empowerment of women. This paper is confined to the role of
empowerment aspect in the human resource development focusing on women employees.

Objectives of the Study

The study has following objectives:
 To study the status of women and efforts made in present
 To study the necessity of women empowerment
 To know the available schemes for women empowerment in India

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Volume 4 Issue 4 October 2016 ISSN: 2320 – 4168

Aspects of Empowerment
Women employees are assessed on the basis of ten important aspects related to
empowerment. As the qualitative aspects related to the women employees are not
directly measured. The empowerment of women employees is considering all the aspects
to compare different categories of employees on a common scale. The various aspects of
women empowerment are:
 Ability to acquire skills
 Access to information sources
 Self confidence
 Ownership of assets
 Freedom to spend own income
 Recognition of ability
 Decision making
 Freedom in mobility
 Freedom in social involvement
 Ability to make positive changes

Status of Women in India

Traditionally, an Indian woman had four-fold status. These were daughter, wife,
home maker and mother. The woman status was fixed in the society. But in modern times,
women status is changing. They are actively participating in social, economic and political
activities. They received higher education, employment, higher salary and they achieved
higher status also. Several social, economic and cultural factors are associated with the
women’s contribution to the development of health and education sectors. The progressive
social movements, government policies and a historically conducive climate are some of the
key factors responsible for the success of women. The reduction in gender disparities
during economic growth happens due to the variables such as female literacy and labour
force participation rates that are closely aligned to women’s empowerment. These require
supplementation by public action in education, women’s ownership and political
participation. Access to education played a crucial role in providing job opportunities to
women or it even empowered the unemployed housewives.

Importance of Women Empowerment

 A large number of women around the world are unemployed. The world economy
suffers a lot because of unequal opportunity for women at work places.
 Women are equally competent
 Women are as talented as men
 Women empowerment helps to develop the society

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Volume 4 Issue 4 October 2016 ISSN: 2320 – 4168

 Women empowerment helps women to stand on their own legs become

 It leads to decrease in domestic violence
 It helps women to get educated
 It helps women to know their rights and duties and it can stop corruption
 It helps to reduce poverty
 Women are increasingly participating the national development process

How to Empower Women

Empowerment of women would result in better developed society. When women
contribute equally with men, the world would surely a better place to live. There are
several ways to empower women.
Create safe work place
The work places should be safe for the female members of the society. Women can
be empowered through the creation of safe working environment
Women Education
 Female education contributes towards health and well being of the family
 By getting education, women contribute to the national income of the country
 Educated women are considered active in politics also
 Educative women know their right and able to protect themselves better
Raise voice against gender inequality
Women can be empowered by decreasing the gender inequalities in society
Job skills
Proper training should be provided to women for better results
Create more part time job opportunities
More part-time and flexible jobs should be created so that more and more women
get employment opportunities

Women’s Role in Society

Many women actively supported and participated in the nationalist movement,
eminent positions and office administration in India. Previously men-folk used to
discourage women from leaving their households for social functions. Now the spread of
education, social attitudes of educated women have changed the order. The modern
woman has started caring for health, figure, cultural, needs and interest, academic
pursuits, social intercourse, religious activities, recreational needs, etc.
Women are gradually participating in the political life also. Some are enrolling
themselves as members of political parties, attending party meetings, conventions and
carrying out political programs.

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Volume 4 Issue 4 October 2016 ISSN: 2320 – 4168

Government Schemes for Women Empowerment

The Government of India has been trying to empower the women through various
 Beti Bachao Beti Padhao scheme
 One stop centre scheme
 Women helpline scheme
 Working women hostel
 Rajiv Gandhi National Creche Scheme
 Ujjawala Scheme
 Support to training and Employment Programme of Women
 Mahila Police Volunteers
 Indira Gandhi Matritva Sahyog Yojana

The women play a strategic role in the society and the economy. The status of
women in India is rising. The government of India, by passing timely acts and implementing
rules and regulations trying to empower the women. The effect of women employment on
family and society is more evident in situations where women possess higher levels of
employment and income. The empowerment of women employees is also higher when they
are at high levels of employment. No doubt, the government of India has many weapons to
tight for women empowerment.

 Khari DS (2009). Women Empowerment in India, ALP Books, New Delhi
 Ganesamurthy VS (2007). India: Economic Empowerment of Women, New Century
Publications, New Delhi pp. 87 – 102.
 Women Empowerment in India: A Brief Discussion, Dhruba Hazarika Duliajan
College, Dept. of Sociology, Assam, India, International Journal of Educational
Planning & Administration, ISSN 2249 – 3093 Volume 1, Number 3 (2011),
pp. 199 – 202.
 Keeping Women Safe Gender Online Harassment and Indian Law, Vol – XLVIII No. 26
– 27, June 29, 2013
 Empowerment of Women for Social Development ( A Case Study of Shri Mahila Griha
Udyog Lijjat Papad, Hyderabad District) Shaik Shafeequr Rahman, Director,
Hyderabad, AP, India. Nikhat Sultana, Associate Professor, Samatha Colony
Tolichowki Hyderabad, AP, India
 www. cfr.org/India

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