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Infinitivo Pasado Traducción Infinitivo Pasado Traducción

Act Acted Actuar Cargar /
Charge Charged
Sumar / Cobrar
Add Added
Añadir Clean Cleaned Limpiar
Aid Aidded Ayudar Climb Climbed Escalar
Arrest Arrested Arrestar Comb Combed Peinar
Assist Assisted Asistir Cover Covered Cubrir
Address Addressed Dirigirse Cry Cried Llorar
Advertise Advertised Anunciar Gatear /
Crawl Crawled
Amuse Amused Entretener Arrastrarse
Approach Approached Acercarse Dance Danced Bailar
Preguntar / Dress Dressed Vestir
Ask Asked
Pedir Soltar / Dejar
Dropp Dropped
Acompany Accompanied Acompañar caer
Accustom Accustomed Acostumbrar Die Died Morir
Estar de Declare Declared Declarar
Agree Agreed
acuerdo Delay Delayed Tardar
Annoy Annoyed Molestar Deliver Delivered Entregar
Answerd Answered Preguntar Deny Denied Negar
Appeal Applealed Atraer Dine Dined Cenar
Appear Appeared Aparecer Dry Dried Secar
Arreglar / Enjoy Enjoyed Disfrutar
Arrange Arranged
Ordenar Engage Engaged Comprometer
Arrive Arrived Llegar Envy Envied Envidiar
Board Boarded Abordar Express Expressed Expresar
Balance Balanced Equilibrado Exclaim Exclaimed Exclamar
Banish Banished Desterrar Explain Explained Explicar
Bark Barked Ladrar Fracasar /
Fail Failed
Bless Blessed Bendecir Fallar
Brush Brushed Cepillar Fasten Fastened Abrochar
Behave Behaved Comportarse Archivar /
File Filed
Belong Belonged Pertenecer Guardar
Suplicar / Fill Filled Llenar
Beg Begged
Mendigar Echar del
Boil Boiled Hervir Fire Fired trabajo /
Breathe Breathed Respirar Disparar
Complete Completed Completar Follow Followed Seguir
Consist Consisted Consistir Frighten Frightened Espantar
Count Counted Contar Fry Fried Freir
Close Closed Cerrar Finish Finished Terminar
Cook Cooked Cocinar Fish Fished Pescar
Crash Crashed Chocar Arreglar /
Fix Fixed
Call Called Llamar Solucionar
Care Cared Cuidar Gain Gained Ganar
Carry Carried Llevar Guess Guessed Adivinar
Change Changed Cambiar Help Helped Ayudar
Check Checked Comprobar Happen Happened Suceder

Roberto Alcaraz Machado | Inglés B1,B2,C1 1


Infinitivo Pasado Traducción Infinitivo Pasado Traducción

Desear / Report Reported Informar
Hope Hoped
Esperar Solicitar /
Request Requested
Hurry Hurried Apurar(se) Pedir
Imagine Imagined Imaginar Rest Rested Descansar
Iron Ironed Planchar Reach Reached Alcanzar
Judge Judged Juzgar Rehusar /
Refuse Refused
Kiss Kissed Besar Negarse
Kill Killed Matar Raise Raised Levantarse
Laugh Laughted Reir Rain Rained Llover
Leak Leaked Gotear Matricularse /
Register Registered
Like Liked Gustar Registrarse
Cerrar con Recive Recived Recibir
Lock Locked
llave Permanecer /
Look Looked Mirar Remain Remained Quedarse /
Marcar / Sobrar
Mark Marked
Señalar Remember Remembered Recordar
Miss Missed Extrañar Repair Repaired Reparar
Manage Managed Manejar Require Required Requerir
Marry Married Casar(se) Reservar /
Reserve Reserve
Massage Massaged Masajear Guardar
Measure Measured Medir Row Rowed Remar
Move Moved Mover Return Returned Volver
Observe Observed Observar Search Searched Buscar
Offer Offered Ofrecer Save Saved Salvar
Open Opened Abrir Settle Settled Establecer
Order Ordered Ordenar Sign Signed Firmar
Llamar por Smile Smiled Sonreír
Phone Phoned
teléfono Snow Snowed Nevar
Plan Planned Planear Spill Spilled Derramar
Tocar un Permanecer /
Stay Stayed
Play Played Instrumento / Quedarse
Jugar Study Studied Estudiar
Prefer Prefered Preferir Suffer Suffered Sufrir
Prepare Prepared Preparar Swallow Swalloed Tragar
Pull Pulled Tirar Slip Slipped Resbalar
Park Parked Estacionar Smoke Smoked Fumar
Pass Passed Pasar Detener /
Stop Stopped
Pick Picked Recoger Parar
Please Pleased Complacer Cambiar /
Switch Switched
Polish Polished Pulir Accionar
Practise Practised Pulir Stretch Stretched Estirar
Promise Promised Prometer Hablar /
Talk Talked
Pronounce Pronounced Pronunciar Conversar
Punish Punished Castigar Thank Thanked Agradecer
Push Pushed Empujar Touch Touched Tocar / Palpar
Repear Repeated Repetir Trap Trapped Atrapar

Roberto Alcaraz Machado | Inglés B1,B2,C1 2


Infinitivo Pasado Traducción Infinitivo Pasado Participio Traducción

Cansar / Arise Arose Arisen Surgir
Tire Tired
Fatigar Awake Awoke Awoken Despertar(se)
Train Trained Entrenar Bear Bore Borne Soportar
Travel Traveled Viajar Beat Beat Beaten Golpear
Trouble Troubled Molestar Convertirse
Become Became Become
Try Tried Intentar en
Turn Turened Girar Begin Began Begun Empezar
Unpack Unpacked Desempacar Bend Bent Bent Doblar(se)
Use Used Usar Bet Bet Bet Apostar
Visit Visited Visitar Bid Bid Bid Pujar
Wait Waited Esperar Bind Bound Bound Encuadernar
Querer / Bite Bit Bitten Morder
Want Wanted
Requerir Bleed Bled Bled Sangrar
Walk Walked Caminar Blow Blew Blown Soplar
Wash Washed Lavar Break Broke Broken Romper
Observar / Breed Bred Bred Criar
Watch Watched
Mirar Bring Brought Brought Traer
Desear / Build Built Built Construir
Wish Wished
Anhelar Burn Burnt Burnt Quemar(se)
Work Worked Trabajar Burst Burst Burst Estallar
Wrap up Wrapped up Envolver Buy Bought Bought Comprar
Wreck Wrecked Naufragar Cast Cast Cast Tirar
Warm Warmed Calentar Catch Caught Caught Coger
Warn Warned Advertir Choose Chose Chosen Elegir
Water Watered Regar Cling Clung Clung Aferrarse
Weigh Weighed Pesar Come Came Come Venir
Whistle Whistled Silbar Cost Cost Cost Costar
Creep Crept Crept Arrastrar
Cut Cut Cut Cortar
Deal Dealt Dealt Tratar
Dig Dug Dug Cavar
Do Did Done Hacer
Draw Drew Drawn Dibujar
Dream Dreamt Dreamt Soñar
Drink Drank Drunk Beber
Drive Drove Driven Conducir
Eat Ate Eaten Comer
Fall Fell Fallen Caer(se)
Feed Fed Fed Alimentar
Feel Felt Felt Sentir(se)
Fight Fought Fought Pelear
Find Found Found Encontrar
Flee Fled Fled Huir
Fly Flew Flown Volar

Roberto Alcaraz Machado | Inglés B1,B2,C1 3


Infinitivo Pasado Participio

Traducción Infinitivo Pasado Participio Traducción
Forbid Forbade Forbidden
Prohibir Run Ran Run Correr
Forget Forgot Forgotten
Olvidar(se) Saw Sawed Sawn Serrar
Forgive Forgave Forgiven
Perdonar Say Said Said Decir
Freeze Froze Frozen
Helar(se) See Saw Seen Ver
Get Got Got Conseguir Seek Sought Sought Buscar
Give Gave Given
Dar Sell Sold Sold Vender(se)
Go Went GoneIrse Send Sent Sent Enviar
Grind Ground Ground
Moler Set Set Set Poner
Grow Grew Grouwn
Crecer Sew Sewed Sewn Coser
Hang Hung HungColgar Shake Shook Shaken Agitar
Haber / Shear Sheared Shorn Esquilar
Have Had Had
Tener Shine Shone Shone Brillar
Hear Heard Heard Esuchar Shoot Shot Shot Disparar
Esconder Show Showed Shown Mostrar
Hide Hid Hidden
(se) Shrink Shrank Shrunk Encoger(se)
Hit Hit Hit Golpear Shut Shut Shut Cerrar(se)
Hold Held Held Agarrar(se) Sing Sang Sung Cantar
Hurt Hurt Hurt Hacer Daño Sink Sank Sunk Hundir(se)
Keep Kept Kept Guardar Sit Sat Sat Sentarse
Kneel Knelt Knelt Arrodillarse Sleep Slept Slept Dormir
Saber / Slide Slid Slid Resbalar
Know Knew Known
Conocer Smell Smelt Smelt Oler
Lay Laid Laid Poner Sow Sowed Sown Sembrar
Lead Led Led Llevar Speak Spoke Spoken Hablar
Lean Leant Leant Apoyarse Speed Sped Sped Acelerar
Leap Leap Leap Brincar Spell Spelt Spelt Deletrear
Learn Learnt Learnt Aprender Gastar /
Spend Spent Spent
Leave Left Left Dejar Pasar
Lend Lent Lent Prestar Spill Spilt Spilt Derramar
Let Let Let Permitir Spit Spat Spat Escupir
Lie Lay Lain Echarse Split Split Split Hender
Encender Spoil Spoilt Spoilt Estropear(se)
Light Lit Lit
(se) Spread Spread Spread Extender(se)
Lose Lost Lost Perder Stand Stood Stood Estar de pie
Make Made Made Hacer Steal Stole Stolen Robar
Mean Meant Meant Significar Stick Stuck Stuck Pegar(se)
Encontrar Stink Stank Stunk Apestar
Meet Met Met
(se) Strike Struk Struk Golpear
Overcome Overcame Overcome Vencer Strive Strove Striven Esforzarse
Pay Paid Paid Pagar Swear Swore Sworn Jurar
Put Put Put Poner Sweep Swept Swept Barrer
Read Read Read Leer Swim Swam Swum Nadar
Ride Rode Ridden Montar Take Took Taken Tomar(se)
Ring Rang Rung Sonar Teach Taught Taught Enseñar
Rise Rose Risen Levantarse Tear Tore Torn Romper(se)

Roberto Alcaraz Machado | Inglés B1,B2,C1 4

Break down Averiarse, estropearse Speed up Acelerar, darse prisa
Break up Romper una relación Stand for Significar
Call off Cancelar, suspender Stand out Destacar
Call out Anunciar, gritar Stand up for Defenderse
Come back Regresar, volver Start out with Empezar con
Come down on Ser duro, estricto Start up Encender, iniciar
Come up with Proponer, ocurrirse Take after Parecerse, salir a
Cut back on Recortar, reducir Take off Empezar a tener éxito
Drop out of Dejar una actividad Take on Contratar
End up Terminar Take part in Participar en
Feel like Apetecer, tener ganas de Talk back Contestar mal, replicar
Fill in Rellenar un documento Talk down to Hablar con superioridad
Find out Averiguar, descubrir Talk into Convencer de que se haga algo
Fit in Encajar, adaptarse Talk out of Convencer de que no se haga
Get along Llevarse bien Talk over Hablar sobre, discutir sobre
Get back Regresar, recuperarse Try on Probarse
Get by Arreglarselas, apañarselas Turn back Regresar, volver
Get out Bjarse de, salir Turn down Rechazar, bajar el volumen
Get together Reunirse, juntarse Turn in Entregar
Give up Darse por vencido, abandonar Turn into Convertir en
Go out with Salir con alguien Turn off Apagar, desenchufar aparato
Grow up Crecer, criarse Turn on Encender aparato
Hand out Repartir, distribuir Turn out Resultar, asistir, acudir
Hang out Pasar el tiempo Turn to Acudir a alguien
Keep at Preservar, insistir en Turn up Subir volumen
Lie down Tumbarse Watch out Tener cuidado
Live up to Estar a la altura de, cumplir Work out Funcionar
Log in Iniciar la sesión Write down Apuntar, anotar
Log out Cerrar, salir de la sesión Admit to Culpable de
Look after Cuidar a/de , Estar al cuidado a Agree on/with Estar de acuerdo en/con
Look for Buscar Aim to Tener el objetivo de
Look forward to Esperar con ansia, desear Appel to Gustar, atraer a
Look out Tener cuidado Appear in Aparecer en
Look out over Mirar desde arriba Argue with Discutir con
Look up Buscar información Arrive at Llegar a un lugar
Look up to Admirar Arrive in Llegar a una ciudad o país
Pass around Pasar de unos a otros Believe in Creer en
Pick up Coger, recoger, ir a buscar Belong to Pertenecer a
Plough into Estrellarse, chocar contra Break up with Separarse de, romper con
Point out Señalar Dream of Soñar con, imaginarse
Put off Aplazar, posponer Forget about Olvidarse de
Put on Montar, ponerse ropa Listen to Escuchar a
Run away Escaparse, marcharse Rely on Confiar en
Run out of Quedarse sin Remind of Recordar
Run over Atropellar Search for Buscar
Set up Crear, construir Succeed in Tener éxito, triunfar en
Show off Presumir Switch to Cambiar a
Show up Aparecer, llegar Talk about Hablar con
Sit down Sentarse Chance of Oportunidad de
Slow down Reducir la velocidad, frenar Way of Forma, modo de

Roberto Alcaraz Machado | Inglés B1,B2,C1 5

Accountant Contable Actor / Actress Actor / Actriz Air hostess Azafata de avión
Architect Arquitecto Archaeologist Arqueólogo Astronaut Astronauta
Baker Panadero Biologist Biologo/a Bricklayer Albañil
Butcher Carnicero Bus driver Conductor … Caretaker Portero
Carpenter Carpintero Cashier Cajero/a Cleaner Limpiador/a
Clown Payaso Cobbler Zapatero Cook Cocinero
Consultant Consultor Chef Cocinero prof. Chemist Químico, farma.
Dancer Bailarín Decorator Decorador Dentist Dentista
Designer Diseñador Doctor Médico/a Dressmaker Modista
Dustman Basurero Economist Economista Electrician Electricista
Engineer Ingeniero Farmer Granjero Fireman Bombero
Fisherman Pescador Florist Florista Fruiterer Frutero
Gardener Jardinero Hairdresser Peluquero/a Housewife Ama de casa
Hunter Cazador Jeweller Joyero/a Journalist Periodista
Judge Juez Lawyer Abogado/a Librarian Bibliotecario/a
Life guard Socorrista Lorry driver Camionero Mailman Cartero
Mechanic Mecánico Meteorologist Meterólogo Miner|Sailor Minero/a
Model Modelo Monk Monje Nanny Niñera
Nun Monja Nurse Enfermero/a Nursemaid Niñera
Painter Pintor Office worker Oficinista Pastry cook Repostero
Physicist Físico Pharmacist Farmaceútico Plumber Fontanero
Policeman Policia Photographer Fotógrafo Politician Político
Priest Cura Professor Profesor univ. Programmer Programador
Psychiatrist Psiquiatra Psychologist Psicólogo/a Receptionist Recepcionista
Salesman Vendedor Researcher Investigador Scientist Científico
Secretary Secretario Shop assistant Dependiente/a Singer Cantante
Sportsman Deportista Surgeon Cirujano Taxi driver Taxista
Teacher Profesor Truck driver Camionero Vet Veterinario
Waiter Camarero Waitress Camarera Writer Escritor

Monday Lunes Tuesday Martes Wednesday Miércoles
Thursday Jueves Friday Viernes Saturday Sábado
Sunday Domingo

January Enero February Febrero March Marzo
April Abril May Mayo June Junio
July Julio August Agosto September Septiembre
October Octubre November Noviembre December Diciembre

Roberto Alcaraz Machado | Inglés B1,B2,C1 6

Mother | Mom Mamá Father | Dad Papá Parents Padres
Son Hijo Daughter Hija Brother Hermano
Sister Hermana Siblings Hermanos Aunt Tía
Uncle Tío Grandfather Abuelo Grandmother Abuela
Grandparents Abuelos Cousin Primo/a Nephew Sobrino
Niece Sobrina Mother-in-law Suegra Father-in-law Suego

Brave Valiente Serious Serio/a Helpful Servicial
Loving Amoroso Shy Tímido/a Selfish Egoísta
Sincere Sincero/a Trustworthy Confiable Laidback Relajado
Honest Honesto Stubborn Terco/a Angry Enfadado
Asleep Dormido Awake Despierto Bad Malo
Beautiful Precioso Bright Brillante Cheap Barato
Clean Limpio Clear Claro Cold Frío
Cool Fresco Cruel Cruel Deep Profundo
Delicate Delicado Differente Diferente Dirty Sucio
Dry Seco Early Temprano Exhausted Agotado
False Falso Far Lejos Fat Gordo
Feeble Débil Flat Llano Foolish Estúpido
Free Libre Full Lleno Generous Generoso
Good Bueno Great Estupendo Handsome Atractivo
Happy Feliz Hard Duro Healthy Saludable
Heavy Pesado Hight Alto Hollow Hueco
Hot Caliente Huge Enorme Hungry Hambriento
Light Ligero Long Largo Loud Ruidoso
Lovely Bonito Mean Tacaño Messy Desordenado
Natural Natural Narrow Estrecho Near Cerca
Necessary Necesario New Nuevo Old Viejo
Open Abierto Opposite Contrario Poor Pobre
Private Privado Quick Rápido Quiet Tranquilo
Ready Preparado Rich Rico Right Correcto
Rough Áspero Sad Triste Safe Seguro
Serious Serio Sharp Afilado Short Corto
Shut Cerrado Simple Simple Smooth Delicado
Soft Suave Special Especial Spicy Picante
Steep Empinado Sticky Pegajoso Straight Recto o Directo
Strange Extraño Strong Fuerte Sudden Repentino
Sweet Dulce Thick Grueso Thin Delgado
Tight Ajustado Tired Cansado True Verdadero
Ugly Feo Violent Violento Warm Caluroso
Weak Débil Wet Húmedo Wide Ancho
Wise Sabio Wrong Erróneo Young Jóven

Roberto Alcaraz Machado | Inglés B1,B2,C1 7



In the first place En primer lugar For example Por ejemplo

First of all Antes que nada For instance Por ejemplo
To start with Para empezar Such as Tal como
At first sight A primera vista That is Es decir

Secondly En segundo lugar ESTABLECER UN CONTRASTE

In the second place En segundo lugar
However Sin embargo
Finally Por último Nevertheless No obstante
Lastly Por último On the contrary Por el contrario
In conclusion Para concluir Instead En cambio
Although Aunque
Whereas Mientras que
EXPRESAR REALIDADES On the hand Por una parte
On the other hand Por otra parte
Despite of A pesar de
As a matter of fact De hecho A pesar del hecho
In fact De hecho Despite the fact that
Actually En realidad In contrast to Por el contrario
Really En realidad



Because of this/that A causa de esto/eso To a certain extent Hasta cierto punto

Due to Debido a More or less Más o menos
For this/that reason Por esta/esa razón At least Al menos
Esa es la razón por Especially Especialmente
That´s way In particular En particular
la que…
Therefore Por lo tanto Above all Sobre todo
As a result Como resultado On the whole En general
Consequently En consecuencia In general En general
For this reason Por ese motivo Basically Básicamente
Essentially Esencialmente


Likewise / Similar to Similar a esto…

I mean Quiero decir
No sólo / sino
In other words En otras palabras Not only / but also
In short En resumen
In comparison to… En comparación con
Compared to Comparado con

Roberto Alcaraz Machado | Inglés B1,B2,C1 8



And so on Etcétera
By the way A propósito
There is no doubt No hay duda de que
To be honest A decir verdad
To tell the truth A decir verdad
It´s important to Es importante
mention mencionar (qué)
It´s important to Es importante RESUMIR LO QUE SE HA DICHO
highlight señalar (qué)

In all En total
In brief En resumen
In conclusion Para concluir
With regards to En relación a… To sum up Para resumir
As far as… is En cuanto a… se To summarize Para resumir
concerned refiere On the whole En general
Finalmente / Con el
Finally / Eventually
EXPRESAR UNA OPINIÓN Last but not least Por último
All things considered
considerando ésto
In my opinión En mi opinión
In my view En mi opinión INDICADORES DE TIEMPO
From my point of Desde mi punto de
view vista
Personally Personalmente First of all Primero
As far as I´m Por lo que a mí Next / Then Luego
concerned respecta After that Después
Basically Básicamente While Mientras
Especially Especialmente In the meantime Mientras tanto
In particular En particular Suddenly De repente
Above all Sobre todo Finally Finalmente
On the whole En general In the end Al final
In general En general
I think / believe that Pienso / Creo que
I agree with Estoy de acuerdo
I disagree with No estoy de acuerdo

Roberto Alcaraz Machado | Inglés B1,B2,C1 9



Se usa WHO cuando se refiere a personas

Who is the best football player in the world? ¿Quién es el mejor futbolista en el mundo?
Who are your best friends? ¿Quién es tu mejor amigo?
Who is that strange guy over there? ¿Quién es esa persona tan rara de ahí?


Se usa WHERE cuando nos referimos a un lugar

Where is the library? ¿Dónde está la biblioteca?

Where do you live? ¿Dónde vives?
Where are my shoes? ¿Dónde están mis zapatillas?


Se usa WHEN cuando nos referimos a tiempo

When do the shops open? ¿Cuándo abren las tiendas?

When is his birthday? ¿Cuándo es su cumpleaños?
When are we going to finish? ¿Cuándo vamos a acabar?


Se usa WHY cuando queremos una explicación

Why do we need a nanny? ¿Por qué necesitamos una niñera?

Why are they always late? ¿Por qué siempre llegan tarde?
Why does he complain all the time? ¿Por qué se queja todo el tiempo?

La respuesta a un Why empieza por Because {Porque…}

Roberto Alcaraz Machado | Inglés B1,B2,C1 10



WHAT se usa cuando queremos saber algo especifico

What is your name? ¿Cuál es tu nombre?

What is her favourite colour? ¿Cuál es su color favorito?
What time is it? ¿Qué hora es?
What do you want know? ¿Qué quieres ahora?


Se usa WHICH cuando hay que elegir

Which drink did you order the rum or the beer? ¿Qué bebida has pedido Ron o Cerveza?
Which day do you prefer for a meeting today or
¿Qué día prefieres quedar Hoy o mañana?
Which is better this one or that one? ¿Cuál es mejor Este o Aquel?


Se usa HOW para conocer como se hace algo

How do you cook paella? ¿Como cocinas la paella?

How does he know the answer? ¿Como conoce la respuesta?
How can I learn English quickly? ¿Como puedo aprender inglés rápido?

HOW MUCH para cosas que no se puedan contar

How much money will I need? ¿Cuánto dinero necesitaré?

HOW MANY para cosas que se puedan contar

How many days are there in April? ¿Cuántos días tiene Abril?
How many people live in this city? ¿Cuántas personas viven en la ciudad?

HOW OFTEN significa con cuanta frecuencia haces algo

How often do you visit your grandmother? ¿Con cuanta frecuencia visitas a tu abuela?
How often are you sick? ¿Con cuanta frecuencia enfermas?

HOW FAR significa Como de lejos o A que distancia

¿A qué distancia esta tu casa de la

How far is the university from your house?

Roberto Alcaraz Machado | Inglés B1,B2,C1 11


Se utiliza la preposición IN cuando se quiere indicar: “dentro de”, “en el interior de”
In my room
In the living room In the box
Espacios cerrados In a office Dentro de objetos In the book
In a hospital
In the kitchen
In the park
In London
Lugares con límites definidos In a Street Ciudades y países
In Germany
In the garden
In 2012 In the morning
Largos periodos de tiempo In December Partes del día In the afternoon
In Spring In the evening

Se utiliza la preposición ON cuando se quiere indicar: “posición”, “encima de”

On my birthday On Monday
Días especiales Días de la semana
On Christmas Day On Sunday
On the table On the right
Sobre superficies Direcciones
On the beach On the left
On the arm Partes del Medios de On a bus
Partes del cuerpo
On the head transporte On a plane
Haciendo ref. a alguna
Fin de semana On the weekend On the page 358
página especifica

Se utiliza la preposición AT cuando se quiere indicar: “junto a”, “al lado de”
At Natural museum
At home
Lugares comunes Lugares específicos At the Cambringe
At school
Sitios concretos de un At the door
Direcciones y domicilios At 03008 San Gabriel
establecimiento At the window
At the party At the top / botton
Citas y acontecimientos Posiciones
At the meeting At the front / back
Horas y momentos At 4:00 am At Christmas
Periodos vacacionales
determinados del día At midnight At Easter

Roberto Alcaraz Machado | Inglés B1,B2,C1 12


1ª persona I We
2ª persona You You
3ª persona He / She / It They

1ª persona Me Us
2ª persona You You
3ª persona Him / Her / It Them

1ª persona My Our
2ª persona Your Your
3ª persona His / Her / Its Their

1ª persona Myself Ourselves
2ª persona Yourself Yourselves
3ª persona Himself / Herself / Itself Themselves


Can you help me? ¿Puedes ayudarme?

Give it a kick Dale una patada
This is my house Esta es mi casa
Don´t burn yourself! ¡No te quemes!
The cat scratched itself El gato se rascó
He can help them El puede ayudarles
Can you see us? ¿Nos puedes ver?
These are our suitcases Estas son nuestras maletas
I saw it myself Yo mismo lo vi
These are your seats Estos son vuestros asientos

Roberto Alcaraz Machado | Inglés B1,B2,C1 13

Afirmativo Negativo Interrogativo
I/You go I/You do not (don´t) go Do I/you go?
He/She/It goes He/She/It does not (doesn´t) go Does he/she/it go?
We/You/They go We/You/They do not (don´t) go Do we/you/they go?

Afirmativo Negativo Interrogativo
I am asking I am (I´m) not asking Am I asking?
You are asking You are not (aren´t) asking Are you asking?
He/She/It is asking He/She/It is not (isn´t) asking Is he/she/it asking?
We/You /They are asking We/You/They are not (aren´t) asking Are we/you/they asking?

Afirmativo Negativo Interrogativo
I/You worked I/You did not (didn´t) work Did I/you work?
He/She/It worked He/She/It did not (didn ´t) work Did he/she/it work?
We/You/They worked We/You/They did not (didn ´t) work Did we/you/they work?

Afirmativo Negativo Interrogativo
I was running I was (wasn´t) not running Was I running?
You were running You were not (weren´t) running Were you running?
He/She/It was running He/She/It was not (wasn ´t) running Was he/she/it running?
We/You /They were running We/You/They were not (weren´t) running Were we/you/they running?


Afirmativo Negativo Interrogativo
I/You have eaten I/You have not (haven´t) eaten Have I/you eaten?
He/She/It has eaten He/She/It has not (hasn´t) eaten Has he/she/it eaten?
We/You/They have eaten We/You/They have not (haven´t) eaten Have we/you/they eaten?


Afirmativo Negativo Interrogativo
I/You had fallen I/You had not (hadn´t) fallen Had I/you fallen?
He/She/It had fallen He/She/It had not (hadn´t) fallen Had he/she/it fallen?
We/You/They had fallen We/You/They had not (hadn´t) fallen Had we/you/they fallen?

Afirmativo Negativo Interrogativo
I/You will win I/You will not (won´t) win Will I/you win?
He/She/It will win He/She/It will not (won´t) win Will he/she/it win?
We/You/They will win We/You/They will not (won´t) win Will we/you/they win?

Roberto Alcaraz Machado | Inglés B1,B2,C1 14

Afirmativo Negativo Interrogativo
I am going to eat I am not going to eat Am I going to eat?
You are going to eat You are not (aren´t) going to eat Are you going to eat?
He/She/It is going to eat He/She/It is not (isn ´t) going to eat Is he/she/it going to eat?
We/You /They are going to eat We/You/They are not (aren´t) going to eat Are we/you/they going to eat?


Afirmativo Negativo Interrogativo
I/You will have lost I/You will not (won´t) have lost Will I/you have lost?
He/She/It will have lost He/She/It will not (won´t) have lost Will he/she/it have lost?
We/You/They will have lost We/You/They will not (won´t) have lost Will we/you/they have lost?

Afirmativo Negativo Interrogativo
I/You will be swimming I/You will not (won´t) be swimming Will I/you be swimming?
He/She/It will be swimming He/She/It will not (won´t) be swimming Will he/she/it be swimming?
We/You/They will be We/You/They will not (won´t) be
Will we/you/they be swimming?
swimming swimming


Afirmativo Negativo Interrogativo
I/You have been sleeping I/You have not (haven´t) been sleeping Have I/you been sleeping?
He/She/It have been
He/She/It has not (hasn´t) been sleeping Has he/she/it been sleeping?
We/You/They have been We/You/They have not (haven´t) been
Have we/you/they been sleeping?
sleeping sleeping


Afirmativo Negativo Interrogativo
I/You had been studying I/You had not (hadn´t) been studying Had I/you been studying?
He/She/It had been
He/She/It had not (hadn´t) been studying Had he/she/it been studying?
We/You/They had been We/You/They had not (hadn´t) been
Had we/you/they been studying?
studying studying


Afirmativo Negativo Interrogativo
I/You will have been
I/You will not have been sleeping Will I/you have been sleeping?
He/She/It will have been
He/She/It will not have been sleeping Will he/she/it have been sleeping?
We/You/They will have Will we/you/they have been
We/You/They will not have been sleeping
been sleeping sleeping?

Roberto Alcaraz Machado | Inglés B1,B2,C1 15

The Earth rotates round its axis
Hablar sobre la verdad general y acciones
It rains a lot in autumn
permanentes (hechos)
I speak English and French
Hablar sobre acciones habituales He gets up at 8 o´clock every morning
PRESENT repetidas. They never listen to their teacher
Para hablar sobre una acción futura
The train leaves at 3 tomorrow
planificada (un horario)
Always | Usually | Generally | Regulary | Ocasionally | Frecuently | Often | Sometimes |
Rarely | Seldom | Never At 1 o´clock | At night | In the morning | on Fridays | Every week |
Once a month | How often…?

Hablar sobre acciones que están sucediendo Look! The boys are playing football. Hurry up!
ahora, al momento de hablar. The train is coming
Para hablar sobre acciones que están
We are studying very hard. We have to
sucediendo ahora, pero no exactamente en
prepare for our exams.
PRESENT el momento de hablar
CONTINUOUS What are you doing on Saturday?
Para hablar sobre lo que ya se ha acordado
I am meeting my friend at the station. She is
arriving at 8 pm
Now | Right now | At the momento | This year | At present | Today | These days | This month
| This evening | Tonight | Tomorrow | Next friday | Next week | Next year | Next …

Hablar sobre acciones realizadas en el I met my friend yesterday
pasado (con expresiones terminadas) Did you go to the seaside last summer?
Hablar sobre una sucesión de acciones He opened the door, switched on the light and fed
pasadas (historias) his cat
Para hablar sobre una acción futura He fell asleep while the teacher was explaining
planificada (un horario) new gramar rules
Yesterday | Last week | Last year | Two days ago | In 2007 | In 1980s | In the 18th century |
When | Then

Roberto Alcaraz Machado | Inglés B1,B2,C1 16

Hablar sobre acciones que están Look! The boys are playing football. Hurry up! The
sucediendo ahora, al momento de hablar. train is coming
Para hablar sobre acciones que están
We are studying very hard. We have to prepare for
sucediendo ahora, pero no exactamente
our exams.
PRESENT en el momento de hablar
CONTINUOUS What are you doing on Saturday?
Para hablar sobre lo que ya se ha
I am meeting my friend at the station. She is
acordado hacer.
arriving at 8 pm
Now | Right now | At the momento | This year | At present | Today | These days | This month
| This evening | Tonight | Tomorrow | Next friday | Next week | Next year | Next …

Siempre está conectado con el presente y
lo único que importa aquí es el resultado: I have lost my keys. I can´t open the door.
el momento en que tuvo lugar la acción
no tiene importancia:
Hablar sobre una acción que se ha I have seen this film and I can discuss it with you
PERFECT terminado relacionada con el presente now
Cuando los períodos de tiempo no están
Have you called you mother today?
terminados en el momento de hablar
Never | Ever | Already | Just | Yet | Recently | Lately | How long…? | For | Since | In recent

Denota una acción completada antes de She has already finished her work when he came
un cierto momento en el pasado but when i wrote the letter, i posted it
I had hardly done it when they came.
PERFECT Con las conjunciones (apenas / casi) +
No sooner had they arrived than it started to
SIMPLE cuando
Already | By the time | After | Before | Until | Never | Just

I´ll call you tomorrow
Hablar sobre acciones futuras.
Mary will get a present next month
Para predecir el futuro (con
I think it will rain tomorrow
probablemente, espero, estoy seguro, me
FUTURE I don´t think the examen Will be very difficult
pregunto, creo, tal vez)
Para expresar intención en el momento Do you like these shoes?
de la decisión •Yes, I´ll buy them
This evening | Later | In an hour | At 4 o´clock | Tomorrow | Soon | Next month | Next year |
In a few weeks | On 8th May

Roberto Alcaraz Machado | Inglés B1,B2,C1 17

She Will have finished this work by 2 o´clock
FUTURE Denota una acción completada antes de tomorrow
PERFECT un momento definido en el futuro The film Will have already started by the time
SIMPLE we come. Hurry up!
By this time next week | By 3 o´clock | By the end of… | By then | By August | In four months

Para hablar sobre una acción en un
momento particular en el futuro. La I´ll be playing tennis at 10 am tomorrow.
FUTURE acción comenzará antes de ese momento, This time on Sunday I´ll be bathing in the sea.
CONTINUOUS pero no habrá terminado en ese When you arrive, he Will be waiting for you.
At this time tomorrow | Next… | On thursday | In the next decade

Para decir cuánto tiempo han estado las I´ve been learning English for six years
PRESENT cosas hasta ahora It´s been raining all day
PERFECT Para decir cómo hemos estado ocupando Yours hands are dirty
CONTINUOUS nuestro tiempo (hasta ahora) I´ve been painting the walls
For a year | Since 2002 | How long…? | All night | All morning | All day | All week

Denota una acción que comenzó antes de
un momento definido en el pasado, We could not go out because it had been raining
continua hasta ese momento y aún for two hours
PAST continuaba en ese momento
PERFECT Denota una acción que ya no estaba
CONTINUOUS ocurriendo en un momento definido en el The baby´s fase was red abd wet. He had been
pasado, pero que había estado en crying
progreso no mucho antes
For hours | Since last April | All morning | When | Until | Before

You Will have been waiting for more tan two
Denota una acción que comenzará antes hours when her plane finaly arrives
FUTURE de un momento definido en el futuro, In the fall I Will have been studying here for 2
PERFECT continuará hasta el momento y years
CONTINUOUS continuará en ese momento. He Will be tired when he arrives. He Will have
been travelling for 24 hours

Roberto Alcaraz Machado | Inglés B1,B2,C1 18


TIPO 0 Se utiliza cuando el tiempo al que nos referimos es ahora o siempre y la situación es real y possible
If + Present Simple Presente Simple
If it rains the grass gets wet
Si llueve la hierba se moja
If you heat ice it melts
Si calientas hielo se derrite

TIPO 1 Condición y resultado possible. Nos referimos al presente o futuro cuando la situación es real
If + Present Simple Future Simple
If you don´t hurry you will miss the train
Si no te das prisa perderás el tren
If it rains you will get wet
Si llueve te mojarás

TIPO 2 Situación no real, condición hipotética. Puede ser hora o en cualquier momento
If + Past Simple Would + be + Participio o Continuous
If it rained you would get wet
Si lloviera/lloviese te mojarías
If I spoke Italian i would be working in Italy
Si hablara Italiano estaría trabajando en Italia


“Already” se refiere a algo que ha pasado antes o más pronto de lo que se esperaba y es traducido como “ya”
They have already finished their homework Ya han acabado sus deberes
Jacob has already left work Jacob ya se ha ido del trabajo
The train has already arrived El tren ya ha llegado

“Just” se utiliza para acciones que han ocurrido hace poco tiempo y se traduce como “acabar de” o “justo”
I just ate, but I’m already hungry again Acabo de comer, pero ya tengo hambre de nuevo
Where’s Jacob? He’s just left ¿Dónde está Jacob? Acaba de irse
Beth has just moved to New York Beth acaba de trasladarse a Nueva York

“Yet” es usado para algo que esperábamos que sucediera, pero todavía no ha pasado
I’m really hungry. I haven’t eaten yet Tengo mucha hambre. Todavía no he comido
Jacob hasn’t left his job at the hospital yet Jacob todavía no ha salido de trabajar del hospit.
Have they finished their homework yet? ¿Ya han terminado sus deberes?
Has the train arrived yet? ¿Ya ha llegado el tren?

Roberto Alcaraz Machado | Inglés B1,B2,C1 19


“Can” indica habilidad o posibilidad. En estos casos puede ser traducido como “poder”
I can speak five languages Puedo hablar cinco idiomas
Bill and Tom can’t help you Bill y Tom no pueden ayudarte
It can be dangerous to drive if you are tired Conducir puede ser peligroso si estás cansado
Can they work late tonight? ¿Pueden trabajar hasta tarde esta noche?

“Could” indica posibilidad o habilidad en el pasado

Joe could speak Spanish when he was young Joe podía hablar español cuando era joven
You could pass the test if you studied Podrías pasar el examen si estudiaras
I couldn’t sleep last night No pude dormir anoche
Could you pass the salt please? ¿Podrías pasarme la sal por favor?

“May o Might” indica posibilidad en el futuro

You may leave if you like Puedes salir si quieres
I would bring an umbrella, it may rain later Llevaría un paraguas, puede llover más tarde
May I have a glass of water? ¿Podría tomar un vaso de agua?
It might be better to finish this now, rather than Tal vez sea mejor terminar esto ahora, en lugar
wait until tomorrow de esperar hasta mañana

“Will o Shall” significa voluntad o determinación

We will learn English Aprenderemos inglés
Will they find a cure for cancer? ¿Encontrarán una cura para el cáncer?
Chris shall be happy to see you Chris estará feliz de verte
Shall we meet at 10pm? ¿Quedamos a las 22h?

“Should o Ought to” indica una obligación o recomendación, se traduce como “deber”
I should call my parents more often Debería llamar a mis padres más a menudo
You shouldn’t work so hard No debería trabajar tan duro
Should we leave a tip? ¿Deberíamos dejar una propina?
They ought to work less Deberían trabajar menos

“Must o Have to” indica una obligación, prohibición o necesidad

We must leave now or we will be late Tenemos que irnos ahora o llegaremos tarde
Must you always be late? ¿Siempre tienes que llegar tarde?
You have to read this book, it’s fantastic Tienes que leer este libro, es fantástico
It must be difficult to learn a new language as an Debe ser difícil aprender un idioma siendo
adult adulto

“Would” se usa para declarar una preferencia y para preguntar por algo educadamente.
She would like to go to New York someday Le gustaría ir a Nueva York algún día
I would like a beer and my wife would like a Me gustaría una cerveza y a mi mujer le gustaría
glass of wine please una copa de vino por favor
Would you help me please? ¿Me ayudas por favor?
When would you like to go to the movies? ¿Cuándo te gustaría ir al cine?

Roberto Alcaraz Machado | Inglés B1,B2,C1 20


“Actually” se utiliza para hablar de hábitos en el pasado pero que ya no siguen se traduce como
I actually think this a much better idea than the De hecho, creo que esta es una idea mucho mejor
mine que la mía
Was he actually avoiding conversation with his ¿Estaba realmente evitando la conversación con
father? su padre?
Her eyes actually were filled with tears. Sus ojos en realidad estaban llenos de lágrimas.
Actually, it was how my family always En realidad, así fue como mi familia siempre
celebrated Christmas. celebraba la Navidad.
They hadn't actually settled anything Ellos en realidad no habían resuelto nada

“Used to” se utiliza para hablar de hábitos en el pasado pero que ya no siguen se traduce como
I used to travel a lot before I had children Solía viajar mucho antes de tener hijos
I didn't use to travel a lot before I had children No solía viajar mucho antes de tener hijos
Did you use to travel a lot before I had children? ¿Solías viajar mucho antes de tener hijos?

“be used to” nos sirve para hablar de hábitos en el presente y a situaciones que son habituales o
normales para nosotros, se traduce como SOLER o ESTAR ACOSTUMBRADO
Sharon está acostumbrada a tener plazos
Sharon is really used to having tight deadlines
Sharon no está acostumbrada a tener plazos
Sharon isn´t really used to having tight deadlines
¿Está Sharon realmente acostumbrada a tener
Is Sharon really used to having tight deadlines?
plazos ajustados?

“get used to” se usa para hablar de situaciones a las que nos estamos adaptando y para enfatizar un
cambio de hábitos que nos supone un esfuerzo, se traduce como ACOSTUMBRARSE
I am getting used to not smoking and I feel much Me estoy acostumbrando a no fumar y me siento
better mucho mejor
Cuando me mudé a Londres, tuve que
When I moved to London, I had to get used to
acostumbrarme a pasar mucho tiempo para ir a
spending a lot of time to go anywhere
cualquier parte.
I won’t get used to the rain No me acostumbraré a la lluvia.
Did you get used to living in a town? ¿Te acostumbraste a vivir en un pueblo?

Roberto Alcaraz Machado | Inglés B1,B2,C1 21


Peter writes books Books are written by Peter
Peter wrote books Books were written by Peter
Peter will write books Books will be written by peter
Peter is writing books Books are being written by Peter
Peter was writting books Books were being written by Peter
Peter has witten books Books have being written by Peter
Peter had written books Books had been writting by Peter
Peter is going to write books Books are going to be written by Peter
Peter would write books Books would be written by Peter


He stays at a hotel, she said She said that he stayed at a hotel
He is staying at a hotel, she said She said that he was staying at a hotel
He stayed at a hotel, she said She said that he had stayed at a hotel
He was staying at a hotel, she said She said that he had been stayed at a hotel
He has stayed at a hotel, she said She said that he had stayed at a hotel
He has been staying at a hotel, she said She said that he had been staying at a hotel
He had stayed at a hotel, she said She said that he had stayed at a hotel
He had been staying at a hotel, she said She said that he had been staying at a hotel
He Will stay at a hotel, she said She said that he would stay at a hotel

Roberto Alcaraz Machado | Inglés B1,B2,C1 22

ESTILO INDIRECTO (Cambios en los modales)

Can Could
May Might
Must / Have to Must / Had to
Will Would

ESTILO INDIRECTO (Cambios en palabras y expresiones)

Now Then
Today That day
Tonight That night
Yesterday The previous day / The day before
Last week The previous week / The week before
A month ago The previous month / The month before
Tomorrow The following day / The day after / The next day
Next week The following week / The week after
Here There
This That
These Those

THIS ESTE/A/O I like this car Me gusta este coche
THAT ESE/A/O AQUEL/O/A I like that car Me gusta ese coche
También lo podemos
That pizza was
THAT utilizar para referirnos a Aquella pizza estaba riquísima
algo del pasado
THESE ESTOS/AS I like these cars Me gustan estos coches
THOSE ESOS/AS AQUELLOS/AS I like those cars Me gustan aquellos coches

a Se utiliza con nombre que comienzan por consonante
an Se usa con nombre que comienzan por vocal
a book Un libro an animal Un animal
a pen Un bolígrafo an ice cream Un helado
a chair Una silla an example Un ejemplo
a girl Una chica an umbrella Un paraguas

Se utiliza a antes de las palabras que comienzan por las letras “u” o “eu” cuando se pronuncian
como “yu”
Se utiliza an con palabras que comienzan por “h” solo cuando no se pronuncia.

a university Una universidad an hour Una hora

a euro Un euro a hospital Un hospital

Roberto Alcaraz Machado | Inglés B1,B2,C1 23

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