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Gambler’s Fallacy: Tiled as Qingque’s Fat!

By: Fatedmeal

I: Gambling on her Diet

Qingque was a gambler, a lazy employee, and possessed a willingness to go without food to feed
her finances for her gambling addiction. Alas, the same could not be said for the physical needs
of her body. As it growled with an abating torpidity. The sonorous rumbles, frustrations of a
pained gut, perfused through her entire being to the point that Qingque’s head throbbed, and her
muscles ached. With the beige-haired woman’s physical and mental faculties compromised, to
the point that it was even affecting her ability to play Celestial Jade, something had to change.

However, with little finances for typical cuisine, there was limited recourse the short woman
could turn to. Thus, was it regret, guilt, or the rush that she was going to get away with it.

The abstract emotion that welled up within Qingque was ultimately disregarded. As she indulged
in something that she never thought that she would need to do.

Eat someone.

The tomboy teased the wiggling set of ten rubbers that smacked at the sides of her lips. Bulbous
projections, with whorled pads, reached for the vermillion border of the gambler’s drool glazed
lips. They scrunched and exposed the glistening pink polish that complemented the soft hue of
Qingque’s plump pillows. Full lips that were lubricated enough to have already invited in nearly
the entirety of her tricked meal.

All it took was a deceitful offer of free food, and that ditzy girl obsessed with photos that always
hung out with Stelle, Qingque dimly recalled that her name was March, followed the gambler
into a secluded corner of the Xianzhou Luofu.

In truth, that offer was a blatant sophistry. The only one that got any free food out of this deal
was the shorter twin-tailed hair woman. Who was now leaning against the side of a wall. With
one hand pressed against the side of her elevated green dress.

The canopy of stretched creamy stratum, composed of layers of muscle and adipose tissue, was
the cause in the present shift in Qingque’s attire.

The other hand trailed up the length of her frame, erratically bulging and misshapen along the
midline, from the jerking struggles of a prey whose consumption was still proceeding.

The doughy corpulence of lower abdomen weighed hot and heavy on the gambler’s thighs.
Violent enzymes were already trickling over the pink-haired broad and eliciting stronger flailing
from her. Hands that pushed out and flapped the bottom hem of Qingque’s turtleneck top. A
strong outline of vitality that escalated in correlation with the prey’s will to escape.

A desire that was thoroughly abnegated by a firm and wet sound. Qingque’s lips pursed, and her
free hand met the wriggling digits. Beaded with the salt of frightened perspiration, those teasing
toes left the gambler’s mouth watering, and inundated with viscous salivary secretions, for too
long. The lubricating drool eased the ends of those meaty slabs in with the wrinkled sole. A
terrain of crevices, bundled between salty skin and muscle, that was already thoroughly explored.

The beige-haired woman gave a thoughtful expression, ruminating on the sweet and salty meal
that was the pink-haired woman, as her cheeks, on both sides of sealed lips, bulged in an
oscillating amplitude.

She is so much like this foreign treat…caramel?

Not that the exquisite flavor of the prey’s mattered much. For the predator tilted her head back
and allowed both gravity and peristalsis to bring the meaty taper of those musclebound, and fat-
laden lower body, down her neck at a rhythmic pace. Qingque’s uvula weaved and bobbed
between the frightened toes. A farewell as March’s feet fully descended into the muscular canal
that was covered with a ubiquitous number of wrinkled waves of flesh. Flesh glazed with dense
slime, known as mucous, and stringent saliva that dripped down the beginning of the gambler’s
throat. Thereby creating a sweltering humidity even within the tights space surrounded by
esophageal lumen. The only distraction was the droning thrum of cardiac muscle that bulged
against the left side of this stalwart, yet conforming duct.

That hearty heart would now only be appreciated through the barrier of a lumen that was even
more invaginated by deep rugae. A space with many more wrinkles than any esophagus
possessed. For March’s tremendous thighs, chubby calves, saliva-drowned soles, and terrified
toes all passed through that air-tight knot of muscle known as Qingque’s esophageal sphincter. It
stretched and narrowed along the natural taper of human anatomy.

A once unbelievably attractive woman was now reduced to a hold-over for a lazy genius of a
woman. The tomboy who wanted nothing more than a simple life idly passed by ancient tile
games like Celestial Jade.

The expanded slope of Qingque’s neck diminished as the outline went past the vanishing point of
her demure collarbone. Only for it to resurge as another bursting ripple that weighed heavy over
her thighs.


The short woman breathed an immense sigh of relief. Her warm breath tinged with a saturation
of spittle that was more indulgently blissed than usual. An achievement considering how
sybaritic the gambler was. Her mind was foremost in seeking the most luxurious way to enjoy
life within her station. There was a saying off the Xianzhou Luofu that best described her
personality. A lotus-eater. It was a gratifying thought for others, like Fu Xuan, who are
concerned with the overall prosperity of the Xianzhou Luofu. That a flower so common in the
space of the six flagships bore some cultural relevance beyond the stars. Qingque bore no such
ambitious thoughts. She was just happy that she had a burgeoning pile of meat hanging painfully
off her midsection.

The gambler initially planned to address the prey that was either reorienting herself, or foolishly
trying to burst through the layers of muscle and fat that separated her from the gentler
atmosphere she used to know. However, the immense shift in weight, from the larger and heavier
woman slinking into Qingque’s expanded abdomen, forced the tomboy that was now dwarfed by
a stomach twice her overall size, to smash both her hands into the underside of the violently
swaying stomach. Qingque’s attempt to steady her own posture incited a pressurized change
within her system. An ominous rumble shook the confines to the point that it even overwhelmed
the taller prey’s struggles. Then it shot up the gambler’s alimentary canal at a rapid pace, and
with a fiery mass that left an itching sensation behind her chest.


Without either hand free to cover her mouth, those lips were free to ripple and release an outburst
of rank stomach gas. The beige-haired woman’s nose rippled from the potency of the miasma,
and even left her feeling a bit sorry that her prey’s senses would have to go through such an
ordeal. To endure such a deathly stench. Although, that apologetic feeling was not as strong as
the dismissively gracious feeling that Qingque possessed. That she was not the one experiencing
the full brunt of the cramped interior of her active stomach. Furthermore, this confluence of
affect, that leaned towards callous disregard, was interrupted by the recognition of the object
vaulting out of the short woman’s oral cavity.

The tomboy’s green eyes trailed after the rectangular object that arced and then fell onto the tiled
floor just in front of her. With a sharp clack and an audible splash. As the phone was that caked
with drool and various other slime.


“Don’t worry…urp…March. I just need you to power my little noggin so I can power through a
couple games of Celestial Jade.”

Qingque said with a youthful voice that belied her age, tinged with the softest of nasal
undertones. She rolled the patches of stretched flesh pressed by her hands. The gambler was able
to find purchase on some aspect of her prey’s form, but it was a bit difficult to tell with how
March was contorted. Despite how well outlined the prey’s figure was within the midsection,
which had further tightened upon the voluminous spillage of gastric air.

“Once I recoup my losses, then I’ll be able to let you out.”

Qingque felt her rippling skin, tugged, and pulled by the periodic clenching sinew and stalwart
organ trying to reduce the ditzy human into a pile of mush, jostle irregularly. A sharp and high-
pitched noise squeaked out between the growing choir of groans and sloshes. The pink-haired
woman’s words were hard to hear, but they could be interpreted if the short predator gave the
time of day to listen more closely.


That required unnecessary effort from the low-energy woman, and she did not want to entertain
what was most likely going to be a debate. As March’s voice seemed to come out harshly among
the acids. Her words carried a fire that nearly disrupted the hot, fuzzy feeling that Qingque felt.
With her gut brimming with pounds upon pounds of meat.

The saying must be true then. The best way to someone’s heart, was through their stomach. The
issue is…that the heart might not have the best intentions for someone.

“So, settle down in there. Just keep me awake and alert and you’ll get out of there sooner

Qingque circumnavigated the conversation with her prey. Largely avoiding it as she crouched
down towards the phone. The gambler’s abdomen was pricked by groaning agony, as she
squatted with quivering legs that trembled under the weight of her own meal. A meal that slowed
in her violence against the stomach, upon hearing those words. Or perhaps it was the increased
pressure of gremlin of a woman’s diaphragm and innards, forced by the unyielding position of
her legs, on the gastric organ caught in between...that paralyzed the prey.

Aha~ this can be useful.

Qingque grabbed the phone and stood back to her full height. The shortie’s feet shuffled as she
steadied herself without the assistance of her hands.

There we go! I’m getting the hang of this.

If there was a single shred of doubt in Qingque’s mind, it had most assuredly bubbled up into
nonexistence by now. Like the gentle fizzle of her building tide of stomach enzymes. It was with
that confidence that came a clarity of mind, and the available resources to think beyond herself.


Was it to consider that this might be a hazardous course of action? That she could simply just do
some work at the Divination Commission, as a normal Diviner and Librarian? That she didn’t
need to risk the life of another?

Didn’t that ditzy girl like taking pictures?

Qingque opened the phone and navigated to the camera app. Feeling confident with her ability to
hold the rectangular device with one hand, she rolled on the balls of the white soles of her black
ankle boots and brought a hand underneath the black turtleneck top’s bottom hem.
Self-awareness reared itself into the tomboy’s subconscious and she looked from side to side.
For the gambler was about to do something that shouldn’t be viewed by the public eye. Unless if
she were to ask for some payment from the audience.


No one’s here.

The beige-haired woman thought as she pulled up the bottom edge of her turtleneck top. To the
point that the green bodice that lied over it wrinkled and crumpled, and to a further point beyond.
Until the camera, that she tenderly angled down, was pointing at the fully exposed corpulence of
her belly. A canvas of creamy skin that dug into the form of March’s curled up frame. The young
woman was forced into a fetal position. That was easily evident by how her legs were bent and
forced against her torso. What truly conveyed the suffocating embrace of Qingque’s stomach
lining, was how the finer features would show, to an observer, that this prey was most likely
March. Even the patterned flow of her hair, to the point of the truncation of her bangs, and the
position where her eyelids were located could be discerned. The layers of tight skin, firm muscle,
and insulating fat were just that sunken down into the prey’s form, that it was practically digging
beyond her own eroding skin.

All of it looked so misplaced on the child-like body that it hung from. Qingque’s gamine form of
figure was nearly brought down to the ground by the force of the mass hanging freely.


That was the first of a few images that the short adult took of the living flesh sculpture entombed
within her abdomen. Once that figurative appetite had been sated, Qingque puffed out a moist
blast of air and rolled her top back down. The gambler clutched the side of her bloated core with
a possessive hold as she swiped between each opulent image.

I think this is the perfect one.

The beige-haired woman stopped at an image that didn’t look that different from the rest. She
just had a gut feeling that this was the one. Then she opened the contacts on March’s phone and
her nose crinkled in disgust

Really! She named my contact SolvenlyGremlin

Qingque wasn’t entirely sure why she did it. At first, she told herself that there was some reality
that March would want this event recorded for herself. Then the gambler thought that this might
be a new indulgent past time for herself.

Where is her messaging app.

However, the tomboy recalled all the times that the pink-haired woman gave her a disparaging
look. Usually, the gambler wasn’t bothered by such a gaze that had become numerous as she
strived for an easy life with little responsibilities. Yet, March, this person that came from the
stars, who knew little about Qingque, was very quick to judge the short adult. March did so, even
when she did not have much to her own name. Especially compared to the others in the
ambitious organization she was a part of. The Astral Express.

Hey Guys! Sorry to say that I’m occupied at the moment. Currently clinging to the insides
of some hot girl’s guts. Here’s to hoping that she doesn’t churn me down.]

And send!

Qingque’s cute face cracked into a cruel and devious smile. One that was broken by a hungry
gliding of her tongue across her lips. As she soundlessly got her little retribution against her
current prey.

I wonder what that ditzy girl’s friends think about her.

“Alright! Let’s go play some Celestial Jade.”

I just can’t wait until I see the responses.

Qingque began her heavy saunter out of the alleyway and into the bustling flagship street.
Several individuals in the surrounding crowd dispersed and lingered their gaze at the short
woman whose belly bobbed with a volume that dwarfed her own size. An effort that should have
taken a lot of physical might, one that should have been greater than the slender, gamine body
possessed. Yet the beige-haired woman did so with a bright smile plastered on her face.


“Let me out you stupid gambling whore!”

The only bit of satisfaction that March was able to garner, within this hellacious space, was being
able to verbally string those fierce words together into a loud and coherent sentence. Before the
density of the acrimonious slime was reintroduced to her parted mouth. The bulge of gastric
lumen protruded into March’s oral cavity with a sickly and suffocating bobbing bulge. As the
digestive system continued in its motions of trying to melt the young woman down.

Good progress having been made by a stomach that had long gone without a meal. The
metabolic cascade was a slow one. As the rusty engine, of the complex of acid secreting gastric
cells, took a while to rev up due to recent disuse. However, the proprioceptive sensation of this
complex arrangement of meat. Mass that was just exuding molecular signals that conveyed how
it was adorned with rich fat and nutritious connective matrix, was enough impetus for the entire
system to rumble active.

An empty space that had now lost most of the scant bubbles of vile gastric air that March relied
on to breathe safely. Even if that stale air diffused through her nostrils with a powerful odor. One
that had a tangible effect on those lidded windows she called eyes. Useless ocular structures
within the darkness of Qingque’s stomach. Those pristine blue eyes now only served as a conduit
of agony for the young woman. A torment that was exacerbated by the taste that filled her other
orifice. March’s tender tastebuds were directly exposed to sluggish mucous and slick acids that
drizzled down her throat. Beginning the process of internally digesting her body from the inside
out. This pain was compounded by the desolation that was exacerbated by the unyielding
clinging of the gambler’s stomach lining. So tight did those stomach walls glue to the young
woman, that she was nearly unable to hear beyond the predator’s organic sounds . The world that
March once knew, was now a muffled mess of blended noises. The pink-haired woman’s only
hope was Qingque’s promise that reverberated through the digestive cavern. That March would
be let out once the gambler got back the money, she lost playing Celestial Jade. Otherwise, the
pink-haired beauty would be blended into a dense gunk of protein by the near asphyxiating hold
that the predator’s system had on her.

Is it ever going to let up…?

Full of doubt, March tried to move her arms up to the puckered entrance that dropped her in this
hell. However, the contracting digestive walls only relaxed enough for the prey to feel that her
skin was being less bitten into then average. Furthermore, even if the prey was able to move her
limbs, the annulus had remained shut since she fully entered this section of the digestive system.
To protect Qingque’s throat from the violent brew of acid and enzymes that would bubble, and
hopefully doom the complex order of protein and fats into just one path.

One of detention, digestion, and disposal.

A path that could only be taken down the winding and endless corridors of Qingque’s intestinal

Thus, the demure girl, who only wanted to capture a couple scenic shots of a hot new location,
that she was told about by a friend’s text message, was now forced to feel the crashing suds of
sizzling slime erode her clothes. That frothing fizzle then brutally kissed her skin until it was a
deep red and sores arose from every place that she couldn’t cover with another. Sharp red sores
that bled sanguine and turned a violent violaceous hue.

“Qingque…you have to let me out soon. Please! I’ll need to go to the Alchemy Commission if
I’m not let out soon enough!”

The calls that March was able to muster were drowned out by the growling that released with a
deafening boom all around her. Drowning out her shrieks and the voices of those that were just
beyond several layers of firm fat and muscular muscle.


“Hey Qingque, is your stomach all right?”

It had been hours. A glorious set of hours.

The tomboy’s green eyes reflected the magnificent layout of Celestial Jade tiles. Once again in
her favor. Adjacent to the outstretched portion of her resting forearm, was a shimmering pile of
physical strales. Poised to just teeter off the edge of the table and slide into the gap created
between the rotund bloat that pressed against the table. A tumescent and garbed mass that spilled
over to the edge of the table. Just resting there for the other players to see...and hear as it growled
like a needy beast.

Qingque’s gaming partner’s, the three other contestants, a Foxian male, a Foxian. Female, and a
woman with ears that sharply pointed at the end stared at the gambling addict with increasing

“Hey, what the hell’s going on. I thought Qingque was off her game.”

The Foxian male, standing opposite to the little gremlin, who was wolfishly smiling to herself as
she kneaded the protruding dough of her clothed abdomen, whispered into the sharp-eared


A disquietude surfaced in the trio. As the clamor that resounded from the ruffling bodice reached
a new zenith in volume.

“Hey…that person in there, doesn’t she look a little less than she was a couple hours ago.”

The Foxian woman tilted her head to the Foxian man, as her widened eyes stayed zeroed on the
terse tumescence that erratically jolted against the side of the table. Thereby causing the tiles on
the tabletop to slightly shift from their initial positions. Not enough to affect the game, but if the
quartet were of more focused wits, then they might have speculated this was a method of

“What does that matter! She’s robbing us blind. Who the hell got eaten by this lazy gremlin!?”

The Foxian male raised an eyebrow at the whispering woman. For the words she said were in
such a gentle voice that they were drowned out by the dissonance of crashing waves buried under
pounds of flesh. A beefy stomach, tenderly wrapped in soft fabric, that might have been gaining
more meat to hang from the middle of the beige-haired shortie. Although, that might have meant
little to the fox-eared woman. As she muttered more to herself than to be heard by others.
“Aha~ I knew that my reckless luck would come back to me.”

Fortunately for her game partners, Qingque did not give any indication of noticing their state of
distress. As she basked in the consuming feeling of victory. In the gaming sense, in the financial
sense, and most definitely in the visceral…organic sense.

Just as the Foxian woman expected, the outline of the woman, who was just her own size, had
diminished. What once was a strong outline of a prey reduced to a position that was quite
humiliating in a public setting, as the fetal curl of her posture was even clear through the
obfuscation provided by Qingque’s bodice, had gradually vanished as the time that the four of
them played dragged into the hours.

That ravenous stomach, liberal in its garrulous groans, was gushing about and all over the prey.
In every sense of the word. The gambler’s gastric organ roared with a powerful frustration,
muscles pumping up and down as it tried to mash the intact human into a bundle of softening
meat adorned with viscera. As the tightening lining, that got smaller and smaller, poured out
liters of stomach chyme. Thereby maintaining the immense girth of the short woman’s stomach,
while erasing any trace of the prey’s existence.

As if the needy stomach was finally happy to get the attention it deserved from Qingque, but
infinitely greedier that the gambler would notice the organ and not the prey. As the digestive
system tried to overwrite any physical trace of living existence and replace it with an unbroken
torpidity that goes so well with a glucose glutted gastric organ coma.

“Oh…I think that I left…my stove on!”

The Foxian woman made a poor attempt at a lie. As her discomposure swiftly led her to say the
first string of words in her mind. Fortunately, she bore enough wit to realize this. So, before any
of them could question it, she gave a curt farewell and swiftly ran off. The fluffy tail atop her
backside bounced irregularly in the air.

“What was that all about?”

Qingque wondered aloud. Her hand mindlessly pawed at the growing laxity of her abdominal
protuberance. The digits poked and prodded and elicited even a nascent bob of her bloated belly.
Aside from the fast pace that she moved with, the Foxian woman’s back was a normal sight for
the trio who casually played Celestial Jade. As she usually was the first one to leave a game. Yet,
Qingque’s gaze seemed to linger for an extra second.


The Foxian man took note of this. As he reactively moved his hand to hide his tail.

“Oh! That reminds me that we must go on a date at that new smoked meat place.”
The sharp-eared woman said. Much to the Foxian man and Qingque’s surprise. Before he voiced
his astonishment of being in this newfound relationship, he realized the ploy that his gaming
partner was trying to employ.

“That’s right. Man...I just love smoked meat. Putting them in my mouth just makes me feel

The sharp-eared woman’s ears twitched in discomfort. As she was worried that the poor acting of
her boyfriend would reveal the lie that they were stating as fact.

“We’ll see you later Qingque.”

Fortunately, no question was asked, and the duo left the churning predator to herself.

One hand rose to her chin and the other rested down on her belly. Now, after backing away from
the table, the immense mass of midsection meat plopped down on the tomboy’s thighs with a
crashing force that nearly caused the predator to bend forward. But it was not enough to break
the churning of the gambler’s mind as she digested the information of two of her friends dating.
It was especially not enough to reduce the churning of the overburdened stomach. The hot and
fuzzy feeling, that became the new baseline for the beige-haired woman’s internal state, slowly
burned up into a moist humidity.

Qingque pressed her thighs together and trailed her hands along her figure. The gambler’s
occupied mind barely registered the butter of freshly absorbed adipose that now layered these
once tomboyish curves. Those intestines were proactively breaking down the liquid flow. The
solution that dripped from March shrinking, but intact and sentient, figure. The calories were
being swiftly shuttled and deposited into the respective tissue that they would be stationed in
until they were burned up and used up. Or, at this rate of weight gain, to remain as a long-term
fixture hanging from Qingque’s front, rear, sides, and all around.

Oh right!

Then the predator felt a buzz on the side of her right thigh. A tingling sensation. That pervaded
through the increasing fat, that hung loosely around her expanding hip meat.

I think that March got some new messages. I wonder what her friends think of that ditz…
willingly…stuffing herself in my belly.

II: Invading Personal Space

Qingque’s devious expression emerged. An expression that supplanted the intellectual brilliance
of her ruminating visage, and it was readily apparent why so many referred to her as a gremlin.
Aside from the fact that her maturity and intelligence went unused, except for the most inane or
petty things.

[Peppy’s Mommy:
March…I didn’t expect that you would do something like this when.]

[Peppy’s Mommy:
Okay, maybe a little.
But I hope that you’ll get out.]

[Peppy’s Mommy:
Just let me know when you’re okay to text and let me know where the kind girl that ate you
got her dress.]

Qingque couldn’t help but scoff. As she was a little surprised to see that the March’s first friend
to respond was more concerned about the clothing that the diviner was wearing, than her friend’s

I didn’t send this image for people to window shop. Maybe I should have changed the angle so
that the bottom portion of my turtleneck didn’t show? Oh, are those my twin tails to in the image.
That is a bit dangerous. What if I sent it to someone I knew?

The predator chewed her lips as she looked back at the contacts that responded. There were
three other individuals whose names she didn’t recognize. As it seemed that March was the kind
of woman to nickname her friends and acquaintances.

Nah. I’m fretting over nothing. That picture was the money shot.

Qingque then clicked on the next message, a unique username from someone that she honestly
couldn’t tell who this was from

Wow! I didn’t expect you to get wolfed down by someone so short. Maybe I should have
done the deed myself sooner. I’m sure that you would have liked to rest on these babies.]

If you can read this and aren’t some kid’s dumpy, then feel free to hit me up at the usual

You know, it’s a good thing that you’re a gut slut. It’s honestly so tiring to pretend to be
considerate of your feelings all this time. I’m so looking forward to reducing you to an inch
of your life. ;-)]

[How rude and objectifying. I expected that some of March’s friends would turn on her like this
after seeing such an unflattering image, but she sounds close to her.]
Qingque shifted uncomfortably. She lowered her vision down to the bursting slope of her
mountainous corpulence. Her eyes raised as she searched through the fabric.

Is my tummy a little different than before?

Qingque was almost about to touch and examine the damage that her body had already done to
the girl within. The gambler should have noticed by now, the decreased tempo of the prey’s
struggles. Although, she chose to believe that was just because March was being obedient and
waiting for the beige-haired woman to let her out. As promised.

Ooph! Well, it seems like you’re in for some trouble March when you get out. Well, if worse
comes to worst, she seems to have a really nice shelf of breast fat. I’m sure that you won’t be
alone if you’re packing it.

Qingque scrolled down to the next message. These texts were a fun distraction from the slight
tickle of stressful thoughts at the back of her mind. Notions that her starved digestive system was
being more efficient than usual. Out of a need to rebalance the scales and make up for the many
meals that were missed to feed the beige-haired shortie’s gambling addiction. A sort of
beginner’s luck for the new predator’s first prey.

Huh…it’s starting to get a little busier this morning. I should probably head back to my place.

Qingque internally thought and pocketed the physical strales lying on the table. As she utterly
quashed the valid concern that was in her mind. The short predator didn’t need to look ahead of
herself as she clicked on the next message. As everyone else veered away from the small-sized
predator with a stomach jutting precipitously outward. However, unlike hours prior, in the early
morning, it was shifting in tandem with Qingque’s gait…with a lot more slosh.


I hope that you’re enjoying your time in there March. #Preyrights.]

Ah! I know that you probably can’t reply right now, but I was kind of occupied. As Seele has
decided to invite herself into my company. Honestly, by now I would have thought she realized
that she could just come in the front entrance like everyone else.]

Oh! But I hope that this isn’t a final dive and that you can text me back. Seele and I placed bets
on whether you would make it out. I know that it’s rude to say this, but you deserve honesty.
Seele was being a bad sport. Laughing that you will be winding through the sewers by the end of
the day. Anyway, text me when you’re out.]

Qingque blinked before turning a corner. Her legs felt tired, heavy as lead, as she proceeded to
walk up the steps that led directly to her abode.

That message was sincerely nice. I guess March does have some good friends. Even if the friend
of that friend was a bit more mean-spirited.

Qingque huffed and panted, her posture dropped, and the beads of sweat collected as brine at the
pendulum of spherical flesh that poured below her. The gambler had to take slow and steady
steps. It was no walk in the park, lugging all that meat up a flight of steps, and then a second one.
The lazy tomboy’s lungs strained from the exertion. Each panting huff of air was a refreshing
burn. Yet, it almost made the experience worth.

Huh…is this what earnest workers feel like after putting in a good day’s effort.


Qingque’s monstrous stomach released a frightening howl.

Yea. I don’t think that it’s my thing either.

Qingque closed her fist around the edges of the phone and pressed the back of that hand, and the
front of the other, into the swell of mass that felt like a metric ton. The short woman had to stop.
To catch her breath.

Do you think that I should respond to those messages for you?

The usually lazy woman, to distract herself from the pain of physical activity, mentally inquired
her engorged abdomen. The outpouring of meat, fat, and everything essential (and not so
essential) in between those bounded layers…gave an indiscernible response. The gambler
released a heavy sigh, as her imaginative mind couldn’t conjure up a fabricated answer that her
digestive system was trying to tell her.

“Yea…yea…quit your bellyaching. I’ll let you out March when I get back to my room. Just give
me 5 to 10 minutes to lug your fat ass up these steps.”

Qingque wasn’t a bad person. She was just really ambitious in trying to reach a certain lifestyle.

And converting March into plush yellow goblets or bundles of red tissue, adipose and muscle
tissue, was not on the itinerary of this low-energy woman. Even if some of the messages from
March’s friends implied that they supported such a fate for the pink-haired ditz. For the
disappearance of the girl would invite a lot of questions.

Regardless, it seemed that Qingque’s latest statement was well received. As the gambler felt a
small euphoria diffuse through the inner walls of the rugated stomach.

“Ah~ March…are you massaging in there.”

Hmm~ please keep doing that.

Qingque kept those words to herself. The gambler enjoyed housing the ditzy photographer in her
stomach. Just as much as she enjoyed the power that she might have abused a bit too cruelly.
Possibly irreversibly affecting the pink-haired woman’s social life. But that didn’t mean that the
short woman felt one way or another about March. She was just the necessary tool for Qingque’s
brain power and stamina. The gambler didn’t want to say anything that would be misinterpreted
as her wanting to be anything more than acquaintances. For the beige-haired woman was fond of
the low-energy quality of the bachelorette lifestyle.

I guess that I’ll apologize to her later. Maybe even get her a free meal with some of the strale
that I won.


Qingque’s stomach thought differently. As it released a delighted purr full of amorous clenches
and squeezes. A little too much excitement from the gastric organ, as the ministrations of the
prey within had stalled momentarily. Regardless, the saintly feeling that permeated through the
core of her digestive system would begin again. It was such a divine euphoria that predator felt a
second wind blow under her figurative sails. Thus, she moved more quickly up the steps.

The increased pace of their awkward stroll was also felt by the prey. For what other reason
would she have to massage those disgusting depths, laden with slime. A dense goo that seeped
through skin and in a space brimming with deathly fumes that burned alveoli crispy with each



Qingque threw up her hands in relief, and then instantly regretted it as the downward arc of her
strata of flesh nearly forced the small woman to kneel.


The lazy tomboy huffed and puffed in big and drawn-out respirations, beads of sweat moistened
her brow, but she was nearly there.


A twirl of her body, and most of the strength remaining in her limbs left. Like the puff of air that
escaped the mattress upon the impact left by the small woman’s overtaxed body.

The volume and weight she possessed was far greater than what the furniture was used to
holding. Especially when the sudden impact was concentrated in one spot. Regardless, the
mattress box grew firm and unwavering as the force spread away from the impact zone. Qingque
kicked with her thickened legs. A weak flailing at best, but it got the job done. As it pulled the
lower limbs, that were hanging off the bed, over the soft texture and shook the shoes off her
socked feet.

“Heck. I’m so tired that someone could just pick me up and stuff me in their mouth.”

The predator brandished an unapologetic grin as she raised a trembling hand and smacked the
surface of her skyward protrusion with a satisfying smack and ripple.

“But they’ll have to get their lips past you too.”

The glee in the beige-haired woman’s green eyes diminished. Ever so slightly, as she saw the
superficial layer of the abdomen deflate. The dough of her abdominal fat had not only gotten
thicker, but much more malleable as well. In fact, the short woman realized that she had to crane
her neck. As the near nonexistent pair of swells that were her chest had gotten a little puffier. A
balancing act of expansion that must have also been accomplished on her rear end. As the seat of
her tush, when it rolled on the bedding, was sinfully delightful.

“Uhm March?”

The first hint of trepidation in the entire day tinctured Qingque’s voice. She was responded with
a violent jostle and wobble of her stomach, along with a voice that was just a decibel louder than
the rough groans that her stomach released.

“When…you letting…out!”

Qingque, felt the tension in her muscles melt away.

What are you thinking? There’s no way that you can break down so much girl meat at once.
March is fine.

Qingque’s playful smirk returned. The worries that she had done something irreversible to the
more buxom girl were washed away.

“I’m a bit tired. Could you continue that massage that you were doing? Then I’ll let you out

Her attention returned to the phone in hand. Just like the last time she checked, there were four
responses. Peppy’s Mommy, TallGlass&BaseballBat, Belobog Boss, and…

Oh wait! There are five now.

Although, the fifth one didn’t garner that much attention from the relaxing predator. It was just a
devilish emoji sent from SwiftSeele. It had a revolting grin as if it had acquired victory in the bet
that her and BelobogBoss had.

A bit premature don’t you think. I am about to let March out now after all.

Qingque ignored the fifth message and looked at the fourth person that responded.

Digest her.]

Qingque blinked. Not once, not twice, but thrice. As if to make sure that she was reading the
message correctly.

Huh…funny that someone else has a similar contact name as me. Maybe we would get along.

Qingque’s eyes bounced to her stomach. Gently heaving up and down in synchrony with her
breaths. She didn’t know why, maybe it was the brutally curt request, maybe because she was
thinking about responding to some of the messages earlier, or maybe it was because the
individual had the same contact name as her…regardless the gambler typed out a response.

Why? This is the predator speaking.]

I just want to see her digest. Send me pics and vids and I’ll send strales. Just give me your
account info.]

Wow that was fast…What am I doing?

It was a rhetorical question. Qingque could feel that her arms remained indolent. The energy
burned up had yet to return. Thus, she was just passing time. Qingque was about to dismiss the
message entirely, the ravings of some sexually repressed individual, but then she read the second
half, and a little gyrus within her cranium was pricked. Electricity was conducted as the
prefrontal cortex of the long-lived tomboy, who vied for a lazy lifestyle, saw an opportunity.

No…but what if…how much strales would she send

Qingque eye’s jumped between the phone screen and her rumbling stomach. Her green pools
zeroed in and now focused on the smaller details. How the rhythmic swelling and deflation of
distended middle was irregular. For it was accompanied by a separate pattern of clenching and
unclenching. Again, and again. Her stomach was active. It was at this very moment digesting the
girl that she only intended to be a short time tummy filler. Turning her larger assets into Qingque
Maybe…but...I don’t really want to attract attention, and that is exactly what larger curves
would do.

Qingque’s teeth nervously crept out and grabbed hold of her bottom lip. Her fingers pressed
down slowly and clumsily. As she typed, deleted, and retyped her information down for a
disposable account she had on the side. In case life ever turned out south or she needed to keep
her strales elsewhere. The beige-haired woman’s breathing hitched and tapered in an irregularly
pressured pattern. As she became self-conscious of what she was plotting, and a teeny bit
paranoid that March might somehow wise up to her thoughts.

Of what she was planning if this turns out to be a prank or if this falls through

Would it be alright if I deleted this message afterwards if this turns out to be a trick, but this
person knows March…couldn’t she blackmail me?

Qingque breathed in a deep inspiration, before releasing an even deeper expiration. The larger
flow of air through the gambler’s lungs added to the wobble of her bulbous middle.

Okay here it is…]

Qingque was already readying the camera on March’s phone, when she saw the following text

Sent! :-)]

The gambler snapped a quick shot and switched apps. She thoughtlessly downloaded, opened,
and booted her account info into March’s phone. Despite Qingque’s own being on the dresser,
the predator made this suboptimal decision as she felt her heart race.


Qingque’s eyes widened as she saw the amount of strales that was added to her bank account. It
was more than she made in an hour working for the Divination Commission, and this was just for
two pictures that she sent so far. This was the optimal method to the low-energy lifestyle that she
wanted. The gambler’s mind was already crunching the numbers of how many hours she could
miss from work if she did more, then another message from the commissioner was sent.

Thanks! That was a lovely shot. It had a real candid effect. :-)]

If you send me a video after you wake up from sleep of your digesting belly, then I’ll send
ten times that amount. ;-)]
Qingque felt growing confidence in this venture.

I am feeling tired. Maybe I can just go to sleep now and wake up later. Yea! March has been fine
after a couple hours; I can then wake up in time for my night shift, record a video and then let
that photograph junkie out.

Qingque quickly typed a small response.


Yea you deserve it! I love your belly! \(>.<)/]

Qingque was about to respond in affirmation to the great deal. As this was practically stealing
money now. An entire day’s paycheck instantly. However, the three oscillating dots on the
commissioner’s side indicated she was about to send a follow-up text.

If you go all the way, then I’ll send you seventy times the first amount. How about it?]

Qingque paused. Her eyes lowered down to the grumbling organ. To the gambler that was a lot
of strales for practically free. Except, it almost completely sounded like it would be costing the
prey…well her life.

By all the way? Do you mean…]

That hot, fuzzy heat returned to the front of Qingque’s conscious mind. However, it took on a
more sinister shape. As hot lightning coursed throughout her chest. Malevolently weaving its
way through the growing dough that buffed the short woman’s assets.

No, this is someone else’s life that we’re talking about…what if I get caught?

The answers were already stimulating the darkest crevices of Qingque’s mental scape. Was
money more important to her than a fleeting acquaintance? Didn’t some of March’s friends voice
their approval of such a fate? Even the one friend that wanted to see the pink-haired woman
alive, without another motive, was more than happy to bet about it with someone else. Wasn’t
that treating the event as a trifling thing. Thus, for the gambler it was more a question of if she
wanted to do it.

I want to see the name on the phone that I’m texting to have her profile picture overwritten
with the dump that will be pouring out of your bountiful cheeks. For the video proof that
you send me to be so clear and crisp that I can experience the brutal scene with my senses.
As much as I can.]
A new feeling welled up within Qingque. One that left her a bit confused. As she felt the
flickering heat within her grow stronger as she read each word.

Wow…it’s been a long time since I’ve read such a message to me.

The gambler felt a shaky breath escape her lips. The fact that someone wanted to see her do this
so strongly were nearly enough to tide her over. The answer, however, was one that the low-
energy woman was not willing to arrive at.

Ehh…I can decide this later.

Qingque took the stress that she felt from the decision and shoved it straight into the
metaphorical closet.

Okay. I’m not sure about that last part, but I can do the video. I’ll let you know when I
wake up if I’ll send the last part.]

Qingque winced as she pressed the send button. The screen then lit up with a final message that
washed away the pleasant tension that welled up within the gambler.

I’ll be waiting. Good Night. (-.-)]

Qingque stretched a hand up and yawned. She slowly lowered March’s phone to the tabletop that
was to the side of her bed before looking at the bouncing belly.

“Uhm…March, so funny story…”

The gambler struggled to fight against the battle of her falling eyelids.

“I know that I said that I would release you when I got home. But I just got a message from
someone who I sent an image of you to.”

Qingque rubbed the back of her head.

“I should apologize for that too, as I took an image of you trapped in my stomach, but
hey...there’s good news!”

Then she pulled the covers that were tucked to the side of her bed over her body.

“This person is offering me a bunch of money to just send them a video of your progress after I
wake up from my sleep before my night shift. You can last that long, can’t you.”
Qingque said with a sweet smile. One that contrasted against the words that stung against the
prey that heard it.


As those words spilled out of the tomboy’s wobbling stomach, the massage that she felt earlier
had stopped. However, that was not enough for the low-energy woman to fight the ebbing of
energy and supplanting of saccharine drowsiness.

“Eh…don’t worry, you withstood several hours in my stomach already…what is six more…
yawn…besides with this much money I won’t need to pull this stunt again for a while…and…
play Celestial Jade…for as long as I…want…yawn…without going…hungry…”

“Hmm~…oh…smack…they also said that if I fully digest you that I would get a lot more

Qingque’s midday sleep began, and under the midday heat that crept from the slightly ajar
curtain, the prey was thrust into a situation far beyond her control.

III: Thickly Tiled Tits, Thighs, & Tum

March had been tenderly massaging the violent walls as best as she could. The gunk that slimed
through the prey’s eroding fingers, and the noxious suspirations she had to endure, were reason
enough for the young woman to try everything she could to get out sooner.

Thus, it was Qingque’s earlier response, while she was walking on the stairs, that fulfilled these
hopes. For a good ten minutes before it all came crashing down. The rumbling cadence of
wavering intonations. As the short woman that barely knew the girl she ate, wavered to the side
that she was oh so certain of.

The predator’s greed held her intentions and actions captive, and as a result, the prey would
continue to be a captive of the stomach.

As the greedy woman spun the wheel again, delaying the decision to later. However, there were
only so many seconds…rolls of the dice, the wheel, the gacha…before March hit the deathly
jackpot. And the next rolling cascade of beefy stomach might obliterated March’s violaceous
ulcerations and beyond. Far beyond and down to her core until she was nothing more than a mud
of meat sloughing through the babbling brook of Qingque’s intestinal stream.

“No! Cough! Hack! It isn’t…fucking…funny!”

March wheezed. Between the oscillating roll of stomach muscle and the flowing waves that
washed over her sinking face. The young woman could feel her body crumpling underneath the
conquering power of the smaller woman’s stomach. An inconceivable thought for March, but so
was the idea that someone that was sized like a child to her, would be able to drag the pink-
haired adult right down and through sweltering organic pipes. Regardless, this was reality, and
the acids continued to whittle and dine on exposed muscle and fat. The adipose goblets, now
unprotected by the skin, that was currently merged with the caustic muck, bubbled as an oozing
flow into the bubbling broth of acid. It rushed, at a more languid pace, out of March’s acid-
frayed form, then the blood that gushed out of ruptured blood vessels.

Then came the pops and sizzling connective matrix that mixed with the colored chyme. A brew
that was no longer clear, but a deep shade of red. Liquid and fiery death was tainted by the
vitality that raced out of the pink-haired woman. Whose beautiful locks that once framed her
face, were now just patches on the scalp of her head. That only hung loosely around a face that
was brutalized by the brutality of Qingque’s stomach folds. Finally, bundles of March’s muscles
and entire tracts of her sensory neurons unwound. Sinew and network sloughed out respectively
in a most agonizing process.

“Oh…no…Qingque! Are you…Gack…sleep—“

It was the strongest flail that March’s body could muster at the time. However, it was not a
variant ditch effort to escape her confines, but because of the involuntary response of a body
breaking down and expending energy it simply did not have.

Oh fuck…what did she just say…fully digest me…no…no…this can’t be happening.

March felt a bitter and metallic brew spill out of her mouth mid-sentence. It caked the walls of
her burning throat and seeped back down to the lungs. Pleura-encased tissue that ached with each
breath that she took. It was a disastrous concoction of the prey’s blood and the predator’s acids.
Even the vessels within March, that were untouched by the external tide of encroaching acidic
suds, had begun to explode from the intensity of her body’s destruction.

An extirpation, facilitated by an unremitting pressure, that would only crescendo and climb with
seemingly no dip in its strength. In reality, the momentum and power behind Qingque’ stomach
barely increased from the pounds of nutrition that settled at the pit of her stomach and drizzled
down to the absorbing intestines below. Rather it was the weakening of March’s own body that
she was feeling. It was the increasing difference between unforgivingly dominant gastric walls
and the prey’s submissive frame.

Each clench, squeeze, and ripple became a collapsing crush, a sweltering suffocation, and a tidal
wave on the collapsing young woman’s eroding sensorium.

“Please…please wake up…”

Not only was March unable to tell where the outer acid-ridden tegument of her superficial most
layer began, but every part of her body was doused in some variation of hell-like purgatory.

“I…don’t want to be…a puddle in your gut.”

Hours passed.

March’s coherent consciousness dimmed, but the flow of painful stimuli persisted in its
transmission. Evoking both emotion and fear in the altered state of mind that the prey was forced
into. A defense mechanism against the sturdiness of the prey’s own physiology that has now
become her own mental undoing. As March’s mind slowly untwined strand by strand. At a
slower rate than even the dense packaging of muscle that veiled bones in her limbs and torso.
Those limbs were stained by the growing acrimonious mush and slowly pulverized by the
pressure that the stomach walls placed on the heated slop. Until even a limb, March’s right arm,
was completely torn off. Meanwhile, the firm sinew that covered the young woman’s torso
softened. The fats, that once plumped up the prey’s sizable assets, had completely melted off her
now thin figure. Thus, there was nothing to veil March’s vital organs once the walls of
abdominal and torso muscle were penetrated. Aside from the flimsy barrier created by the ribs
and thin tissues such as peritoneum and pleura.

The veritable magma of hydrochloric acid and pepsin bulldozed over those organs and burned
the deep nerves that lined those structures. Thus, revitalizing the prey’s inner conscious, that had
hidden away itself from the horrid reality of its existence.

Escapism only went so far. For March was reacquainted with the mortifying nightmare.

Qingque…I need to get out.

Her body was so much smaller, and those oppressive walls were so much closer. They pulsed
and bulged their beefy folds so deep that she could feel parts of her scraped off by the pit of the

The wrinkles formed rivulets of flesh that dripped through the rugated space before assimilating
with the boiling soup. A soup that was more March than acid. With the prey in center. Her intact
body being composed of more acid than March at this point. Yet, she was still able to hear the
shift in pressure over her body. The measured swaying of her chamber.

Qingque was awake and moving. The sounds of her footsteps, rhythmic breathing of filling
lungs, beating of filling heart, and the closing and opening of doors filled March’s diminished

“Yes! Qingque!!”
The prey’s vocal cords were still miraculously intact.

You have to get me out now. Take me to an Alchemy Commission Pharmacist . Please…

March’s mind moved faster than her lips could form words in this toxic environment. Her cheeks
had sunk into themselves and even breathing out syllables was the most laborious of efforts, but
the prey hadn’t given up.

Then March felt a spike in pressure. One that snapped and ground her legs and locked the
remnants in a tight bind. As the deeper innards bloated upward and forced the squeezing stomach
to roll into itself. Into a smaller pouch than what it once was.



Qingque heard the loud blare of her alarm. Vibrating from her phone. She tried to toss and turn
away from the loud noise but found that there was an impediment to her efforts.

“Ugh, what is that!”

The low-energy woman’s eyes rapidly blinked away the lidded weight bringing her eyelids
down. With an unfocused vision, the predator swiftly turned away from the bed, as she felt a
disturbance along the length of her abdomen. One that encroached deeply into Qingque’s core
and left her more worried than anything else. She sat up and allowed the bleariness to clear up.
The memories that lagged her rousing consciousness slowly caught up as the alarm on her phone
went into snooze mode.


What sat upon her thighs was a swell. Big enough that the beige-haired shortie thought that she
went to a buffet, but not big enough that it corroborated with the story that her memories played

Maybe I just pigged out somehow as someone’s treat and it was all a silly—

Qingque reached for her phone but felt another rectangle that sat next to that one. She pulled it
up and her eyes widened as the screen of March’s phone leered back at her.

Oh shit!

Even without the girl’s phone, the ditz who now stretched the curvature of Qingque’s stomach a
lot less, and the messages that littered March’s DMs, there was enough proof that was hanging
off Qingque’s own body to confirm the narrative.
Before, the lazy tomboy’s overall anatomy could be described as slender. Gamine. With only
enough padding to distinctly distinguish her form as what would conventionally be owned by
someone who identified as a girl.

Now, it was a different story.

Qingque reached, with a hesitant hand, towards the veritable shelf of her chest. What used to be a
barely packed space was now bursting with a dense packing of meat. The beige-haired woman
went from barely an A cup to a full C cup. However, what was more impressive was then the
fattened tomboy’s newly aching shoulders was the immense layers of mass that hung to the sides
and around her swollen stomach. A bloated protuberance that still wobbled and jostled apart
from the natural movement of the now tubbier predator’s inhalations. Giving credence that what
was causing the movement within was still able to move.

Is she alive in there?

Qingque’s carefully pressed a finger into the small patch of the newly layered body that she
possessed. The beige-haired tomboy used to have one of the leanest figures that she knew out of
everyone she met. Now, that thin sinew that housed her essential organs, were thickened enough
to hold all the fat that adorned her torso. Which now was plump enough that several rolls
squished out on her sides as she sat up. The luscious rolls of fat goblets pushed out the sides of
the predator’s state of dress. Fortunately, there was enough give in her turtleneck top for those
areas not to bite into her skin. The same could not be said for other areas, chiefly the fabric that
tiled over her blossoming bosom and the bounty of her buttocks.

I think these love handles will go away if I stand up…

Qingque pressed her fingers down and felt them scrape against the weak and diminished outline
of a mass that was tightly clenched by her stomach. An organ that was attempting to relax its
stretch and return to its former cramped size by demolishing the meat and bones within.

Okay…good…what I felt was intact…I just have to get her out…

Qingque stood up and felt the svelte plush of her posterior slowly wobble. The optimistic shortie
smiled at the disappearance of the rolls of stomach fat that were hanging on her sides.

Hah! I guess that I haven’t destroyed my figure!

Qingque internally laughed before poking at the undulating surface of her stomach. As it jutted
out to just the length that her breasts currently were.

Although, I guess you are partly to blame for that as well March.

Qingque tugged and rubbed her legs together. The gambler’s lips twisted awkwardly as she felt
her thighs impact with each other. The girth of those limber cylinders had increased to continue
the former taper between the beige-haired woman’s glutes and down her leg. Thus, the muscle-
bound limbs were adorned with layers of adipose tissue. Enough that the humid warmth of the
upper portion of the thick tomboy’s legs were nearly about to collide with one another with each
shuffle of her legs.

Man, I thought that you would do better outlasting my system. I guess that we’ll have to make
sure that my body hasn’t destroyed your figure too much.

Qingque reached for her own phone to turn off the alarm when she saw the screen on March’s
phone flash again. Along with it was the rekindling of a memory.

Right. A whole day’s worth of salary.

Qingque’s brows furrowed. Buried underneath the newly acquired mass, her belly wetly sloshed,
and within that interior was a still dissolving girl. In this situation, every second counted, and the
gambler might need to bring March to the Alchemy Commission after vomiting her out.

Eh…I’m already this far along. Might as well make the extra change. I’m positive that March is

Of course, the gambler was not the best at making responsible decisions. As she disregarded the
safety of the prey that she promised to release.

Shit…it’s already this late. I guess there isn’t time to go for another game of Celestial Jade
before heading to the Divination Commission.

Qingque strolled to her bathroom. The tomboy’s mood was a little worsened by the fact that she
knew that she couldn’t skip today. even if she got the strales from PridefulGremlin tonight.
Otherwise, her boss Fu Xuan would definitely give her an earful.


Qingque swung the door open. She stared ahead and saw her reflection into the mirror above the
sink. Fortunately, the low-energy woman’s turtleneck was a little loose on the parts of her figure
that someone’s eyes would usually land on. Assuming that they didn’t bore any lecherous
intentions. Those same spots now fit snugly. The same could barely be said of the restrained
jiggle of the beige-shortie’s assets.

Wow. I think that I’m close to March’s size now. Just a bit smaller.

Qingque stood on the tips of her toes and rotated her body back and forth. The short and
thickened gambler got a glimpse at her sides. At the overall increase in her body’s size, at least
horizontally. She was probably now bumped up by at least a dress size. Then her green eyes fell
on the gentle slopes that merged seamlessly with the new abundance that were tirelessly tiled on
her frame overnight. Meanwhile, any smidge of darkened affection bubbled away from
Qingque’s face. As it now oozed with warmth and joy as she centered her attention at the one to
thank for it all.
The extended opulence of that brimming gut, still firm from shrinking overnight, and densely
stuffed with a sludgy brew and the protein basting in it, shifted and oscillated with Qingque’s
provocative posture. The beige-haired shortie was unsure if she was fond of all this extra weight,
but she was certain that the other party in the DM would enjoy the view. Enough to fork over the
diviner’s equivalent of a full day of salary.

Now I just lift my top again…oh this is a little harder than last time.

Qingque pulled the turtleneck top up and over her breasts. The bodice clung tightly against the
upper half of her attire. As the green article wrapped tightly on her new amount of mammary
flesh. The newly marched pounds that settled there resulted in an impediment for the tube top to
be fully brought up.

This should be fine.

Qingque thought as she held the phone up and opened the camera. The gambler lined up the
image on the phone so that it cut out the portion of her face just above her lips. Then she pressed
her thumb down and began the recording. Despite the tomboy’s willingness to get money in this
manner, there actually video itself was amateurish at best.

The bright smile was tinged with a hint of shyness, as the thicker woman moved her body with a
bit too care. Slowly and woodenly, but the stiff jerkiness of Qingque’s movements might have
added to the candidness of the recording. A fact that the commissioner would most likely enjoy.
Especially, since it shook the prodigious amounts of mass that newly and tightly decorated the
small woman’s frame. It told the story of a rookie predator, unfamiliar with the bloated muscle
and buttery fat. Unused to a body and assets that belonged to a girl far larger than her. Now the
prey was becoming the foundation of a confident novice. Whose delighted sneer objectified the
soggy meat bouncing in her belly and reduced every action of the expiring life to a vain effort.

There. I think that’s perfect. Now send!

Just like yesterday, the following message arrived swiftly. Were they waiting for this text? Eyes
glued to the screen. Or was there some other reason that the commissioner knew when Qingque
would send the message.

Oh my gosh. I just love how happy you look with her hanging off your figure. And those
little crests of creamy skin just poking over the surface. She’s still alive in there. I just want
to come over there and smush her myself. I hope it’s okay for me to say that. I just love the
thought of peppering all that flab with little, hot kisses.]

After the large text message, Qingque saw the notification of a deposit being made to her bank
account. The amount of digitized strales on the screen brightened the sunny disposition on the
predator’s face.
I’m going to take a shit.]

The predator then sat down. She could feel the infrastructure of the toilet seat release little pops
within its frame. The sounds were not anything that would leave lasting damage on the frame,
just a moment that the seat had to adapt to the greater amount of mass that Qingque now

“Huh! I guess that you’re the first guest that I brought to my room March, and to use my toilet.”

Qingque pressed her hands gently against the uncovered canvas of supple flesh.

“Just not in a way that either of us were expecting.”

The short woman’s fingers sunk into the dense adipose tissue’s give. Fat that hung a bit loosely
from her abdominal muscles. A bundle that, in the future, would tighten up upon the gambler
physically exerting herself. That is assuming that the tomboy doesn’t stuff her throat with
another huge pile of calories anytime soon.


A shy warmth dripped off the lightly blushing predator’s face. As she could hear the voice of her
prey vibrating through her insides.

“Hey March! See, I told you that you could make it through my sleep.”

She isn’t moving that much.

“Don’t worry, I’m going to get you out soon.”

Qingque felt a bit odd saying those words now. As if they held a different meaning to her than
they did before she fell asleep. The beige-haired woman placed her phone…


…well, it was March’s phone, but at this point the gambler had used it so much it might as well
had been her possession.

Like all the mass that once belonged to March. Muscle, fat, and everything in between had been
ground down into absorbable paste for the fattened shortie’s intestines siphon from. However,
just enough of March’s torso was left to allow her consciousness to continue. To bear witness to
the exception to the rule. The thoroughly abused parts of herself that were too soggy and
fractured for Qingque’s body to tile on itself.

A bowel movement
That and some meaningless words that the gambler had to share with her.

Disposal Scene Beginning

“Hnngh~ Oh, I’m not sure how to say this. This is a little weird, but I’m going to use the
restroom for a bit.”

Qingque didn’t say this with a hint of remorse, or even as a request. The tomboy was stating a
simple fact as she let the increased volume of her fear spread out. For the increased dough of the
cheeks to part and release the potent miasma that baked between the growing mounds of rump
flesh. Sequestered deep within that tight space was an undulating annulus. A sodden and puffy
circle of muscle that bulged and moistened even further. Small beads of perspiration, that had
trailed around Qingque’s body, collected as briny waste that boiled within this hot space. This
salty mixture of slickness made the ensuing exit a little bit easier for the predator.

As, from far up above, the beige-shortie’s face contorted and twisted. Up to this point, her
system was not in that much pain from engorging itself with the intact human that slowly
diminished, became feebler, as time passed. However, the peripheral parts of March’s existence,
such as limbs and extraneous fats, that were already processed and further along in the digestive
tract...had been a more brutal guest for the terminal portion of the gambler’s intestines.

“Whoo! March…I think that some of you is already passing through me…”

Qingque pressed her fingers into the pliable softness of her thighs, as the wrinkled exit unfurled
and expanded…and expanded…

…and expanded.

The gambler’s face flushed from a light blush to a beet red. As she kneeled forward into a tripod
position. Her rectal vault screamed, and she felt compelled to look down into the gap made by
her thighs. To see the absolute monster that was being pushed out in a shaky flow by the wet lips
of her anus.

It was that lubrication, of salty gunk and stringent mucous, that allowed the brown cylinder to
even pour out in an interrupted rhythm. The size of the fetid matter might as well have been
equivalent to the width of Qingque’s own arm.


Qingque’s shoulders tensed, as she tried to force her pelvic floor muscles to relax and not tear
under the immense strain. A sensation that was compounded by the uneven texture of March’s
bones jutting through the cylindrical mud.

“Oh shit! I think that I see some of your bones in there!”

Qingque’s comments elicited a slight tickle within her stomach lining. March’s pathetic
struggles, weeping and twitching, at what she heard and felt happening. The prey’s spiral into
hopelessness was barely felt by the gambler. As the base of her abdomen, composed of the
muscles and nerves within her pelvic bowl, was shuddering from the immense stimulation that
she was receiving from this steaming load. Yet, it continued to pulse and flow out as an ebbing
heat. One that pleasantly burned at the beige-haired woman’s senses.

“So much is coming out. I barely absorbed anything from you, and I already gained so much

Qingque wiped a beady salt deposit from her brow as she broke out into an astonished grin. The
low-energy woman was surprised at how big of a boost March gave her, despite half of what was
already processed being poured out, and at how well her bowels were handling the immense
mass of mud that just poured out like a big, fat snake. An obese little wiggler that was slowly
falling from the branch known as Qingque’s colon. Its body slowly uncoiling as it winded away
from the structured path and fell into the cool water below.

The predator felt the opulent amount of excrement finally reach a terminus. A sharp series of
pricks tickled her rectal vault and the wrinkles of her anal lips.


A wet splash resounded from the bottom of the toilet. The resulting void of heat and
proprioception bliss from Qingque’s bowels invited her to grab a section of toilet paper and wipe
the refuse that stained her puffy little pucker.

Oh! Is it a little swollen, I guess that is to be expected with how much March Mud was creeping
out of me.

Qingque’s nose scrunched as the potent odor of her bowel movement reached her nose. She was
about to flush the load down when she recalled her commissioner.

I guess that she’ll enjoy it.

The tubby girth of gambler’s bottom half bobbed with its resplendent chub, as she turned around
and picked up the phone to snap a picture.

“Hey March, I think that is your humerus sticking out of my excrement.”

Qingque giggled a little as she pressed her fingers into the softness of her sagging paunch. The
gambler made physical contact with the trembling mass within. It was so withered and weak.
Just about to break into a million pieces at any moment. It was a tactile complement to the visual
scene that the tomboy bore witness to. A short rope of mud, thick as an arm, that cracked and
turned soggy from the soiled water at the bottom of her toilet bowl.

Disposal Scene End

IV: A Divining Gremlin
Qingque, standing over the toilet, phone in hand, about to take a picture began to talk to the prey.
The life squeezed so small in the little pouch of her digestive system that it couldn’t even speak

“I guess that you would already know where your arm went. You must have even expected it
when it was ripped off the socket.”

The tomboy winced as she visualized the imagery of that happening. However, she felt that her
imagination failed to measure to the monstrous horror that her stomach presented as an
environment. And all occurring within the quaint cavity of a charming woman such as herself.

Then, in response to her seemingly uncaring words, a tingle of electricity permeated away from
the predator’s stomach lining. If she had to guess, it was probably the prey pleading with her. Or
just wailing for her own unfortunate fate.

What did she want Qingque to do? The tomboy had her own life to get on with.

“You probably already know what I’m going to say too, but I think it’s too late to get you out.”

Qingque had a job to go to and slack off at while clocking in her hours. Furthermore, the gambler
was no miracle worker, and she doubted that even the Alchemy Commission Pharmacists would
be of much help by this point.

“But look at the bright side...”

Qingque had taken a couple pictures with March’s phone and pressed the send button.

Hey! I’m down for that final offer. Momma likes her fat load of strales. Here’s a little
preview. Exclusive to you and the prey that I’m talking to right now.]

“At least I’ll make a seven-day salary from the fat that you’ll add to my figure and the dumps
that I drop off.”

The gambler felt butterflies within her stomach. She was unsure if it was the movement of a
tormented prey, confronted with the truth of their mortifying reality, or if it was just some latent
sadism that bubbled up within the uncaring predator.

Really!! She’s still alive.(0.0)]

Yup. I can feel her crying. Her little stubs rubbing on my stomach walls. At least I think, as
I’m sure that the broken bones in my bowel movement are from her limbs.]

Anyway, I have to go to work, but I’ll send you the final images when the rest of her is

So hot! Congratulations for making me sopping wet down there. Have a nice night!]

Qingque shut off the phone. Then she pocketed both of her phones and washed her face. A
countenance that now glistened with a sheeny gloss of vibrance.


There was not much to say about March after this point. Any will to live was left to fully
untwine. The thoughts that filled her head slowly drifted away along with an intangible and
invisible tide. As the very tangible, past the point of engulfing, scorching tide swallowed her up.
Unwound the tapestry of muscle that bound her figure into a singular and autonomous existence.


Funny. March was a girl without any memories of her past. The few that she built up over time
and treasured unspooled into the ravenous suds of stomach chyme. The froth fizzled with greater
intensity. Almost as if the memories fueled their liquid revving as much as the sinuous muscles
that dissolved in their thick sludgy consistency.

Bones snapped. Vessels burst. Breathing and thinking were beyond this structure.

Organs sloughed. Even carrying the tendrils of neurons that wrapped around them. The last of
the proprioceptive sensors, that burned active in the vomit-covered dying girl’s, conferred the
gentle rocking and vibration of noises.

Those were the noises of the street. A street that the merry Qingque was walking on. To her work
at the Divination Commission.


Those thoughts were never completed. What March wanted was left to the void.

The gaps in her sockets clogged. Sludgy chyme, rich in its viscosity, clogged them up with the
next crashing wave. Thereby pulling the carcass underneath. The violent undertow, a veritable
whirlpool of digestive elements, got to work in weakening the remaining structures.

Those enzymes dug through the bones, fracturing them.

The acids softened the weak and malleable mesh that connected and kept everything together.
Now it was being repurposed for small rolls of lard and extra layers of muscle.

The pyloric sphincter below inhaled the stomach gruel. The leisurely stroll that the predator took
helped the prey’s remains slosh deep into the bulging innards. The ribbed canal grew accustomed
to the warm weight of expired life.

It was a gradually escalating bliss for the host of this horror. After being starved to feed the
host’s avaricious needs, her body once again regained its faculties to fully digest the chunks and
shards that flowed into the duodenum. In fact, it was stronger. Having overcome and overwritten
a beautiful young lass. Into a heterogenous slop peppered with bones and darkened hues.

In the duodenum, lipase and bile were squirted out of ducts. The digestive elements further
staining the proteinaceous flows of solids and liquids. As they were baked and sculpted by
absorbing villi in the following sections of this winding sleeve. Those fingerlike projections
tended to March’s remains with the scrutiny that gambler was known for. For those small

Cells swelled. From intestine to red blood cells to organs, meats, and fats. Those nutritious
calories and vitality traveled. Within the sepulchral space, March’s future was divined and stored
away in the shelves of the Diviner and Librarian’s assets.

Until all that remained was a homogenous mass of processed matter.

Unbroken in its pattern, just like the tedium that Qingque would have to endure upon the return
to her job at the Divination Commission.


Phew! Just made it!

Qingque hands rested on her hips. Even after lugging an intact March around, the beige-haired
shortie was unaccustomed to carrying all that weight.

At least I have all these calories to burn off to fuel this walk.

The tomboy admonished the pliable roll with a pinch of her sides. The sting that perfused
through those tactile nerves was almost as abrasive as the haughty voice that disrupted the
gambler’s internal monologue.

“Qingque…So nice of you to join us.”

The gambler sheepishly turned around to face the woman that was just as short as she was. The
pink haired Xianzhou Luofu resident, with a unique third eye squarely on her forehead, was none
other than the Master Diviner. A small, elegant woman that could divine the future. As usual, she
had a whole group of her assistants following her
Her name was Fu Xuan.

“Of course, Lady Fu Xuan! After all I’m scheduled for the night shift.”

The low-energy woman decided that it was best to adopt a more compliant attitude. To kiss ass,
safe face, and hopefully the Master Diviner won’t be reminded of the tomboy’s recent truancy.
Furthermore, to veil the physical changes of her body, she brought an arm over her midsection.

A bump that had noisily deflated in a dissonant and cantankerous final hurrah on the way to the
Divination Commission. What once housed a human torso, was now small enough to be called a
food baby. A muffin top. A late-night mistake that now coated Qingque’s body.

Nothing more.

Thus, the gambler missed the obvious swell in her assets that resulted from it. The increased bite
of her clothes, she erroneously attributed to the distance she traveled walking. When it was
because the fat draping the swollen muscles of her rump had been tiled more thickly. The same
could be said for her buttery thighs, which were denser with cellulite and expanded from an
increase in muscular girth. And her breasts, which went from the lower ends of a C cup to an
average fit.

“Of course. Don’t waste time and get to your station.”

Fu Xuan raised an eyebrow, but nothing else. Thus, the assistants behind her also remained
silent. The diligent Divination Commission head’s withering gaze held steady on the employee
that was in many ways her foil. Perhaps the one thing that they shared was their gamine figure.
At least, before those pounds of juicy fat and muscle marched up, down, and sideways from
Qingque’s waistline.

A pursuit that Fu Xuan did not have the time to pursue herself. As she had too much on her plate.
Thus, she had to be happy with her own slender figure, and the stimulation that all the troubles
that she foresaw on her plate.

“Right! I’ll get right to it!”

Qingque, the experienced slacker, said with a practiced enthusiasm that most people would not
be able to tell was a lie. Then she turned and strolled away from the Master Diviner and her

Fu Xuan should have also replicated such a swift departure. Rather, her gaze lingered on the
backside of the employee that was more than eager to get away from her pedantic boss.

“Master Diviner Fu Xuan?”

The head assistant peeked her head over her superior. With a growing sense of curiosity. As to
why their divine lady had rooted herself in one spot. The first thing that emerged in the
assistant’s mind was that this may have been a vision. That the Master Diviner was currently
getting a spontaneous glimpse into the future. As much as the assistant wanted to learn the truth,
she knew her place. The head assistant would wait for Fu Xuan’s decree, and so too would the
other assistants.

In truth, while the fattened tomboy arrived at her station, her plumped figure visible in the
distance, Fu Xuan was acutely aware of two things.

Why in the stars was it divined that such delightful squish would be hanging off that reprobate?

The first thing on her mind was the proprioceptive feel of her phone. That sat in a pocket near
her thigh. The messaging application was thoroughly used an hour prior.

To the contact known as March.

Except the other end of the line was not that affable pink-haired girl who was sweet as ice cream.
Rather it was with the predator that had settled March like ice cream on her figure.

Calm down. No need to get flustered over this.

Fu Xuan restrained herself from pawing at the phone in her pocket. To confirm once again what
she already knew from the first image sent of that well-defined stomach stuffed with March. The
Master Diviner, or PridefulGremlin, as March had named her in her contacts, had known, from
the beige-colored twin tails and the childish figure that the explosive stomach was attached to,
that the predator was none other than Qingque. Her indolent employee that was a source of ire
more often than not.

It’s just a fantasy. A way to quench that hunger building up in you all the time.

Fu Xuan felt the stare of her assistants behind her. A wonderful and caring lot, but they were a
bit too adherent to their ideologies and might not be so open to the ravenous perversions that
would come over the pink-haired diviner as a series of spells.

That string of messages was just a fiction. The actual person…Qingque…is completely divorced
from it.

Fu Xuan didn’t hold any strong feelings for her subordinate. Just mild disdain and an occasional
spike in frustration. Especially whenever the low-energy woman made every attempt to do the
least amount of work as possible. For most individuals that rose to a position of power, such acts
were worthy of admonishment. However, there was also a tincture of envy, sometimes even
admiration, in Fu Xuan’s platonic feelings for the slovenly employee.

Right. I just love those fatty ornaments, those engorged muscles, and the reinforced tissues and
bones from a pathetic prey…
Presently, Fu Xuan just wanted to dive her head into those layers of lard and take a deep whiff of
the tubby goodness. The Master Diviner even wanted to fully extend her tongue out and lavish
the belly fat, beaded with perspiration from the muscles tugging and pulling its enormous heft,
with her sinful worship.

Again, if only such luxurious adipose tissue and meaty muscle sinew, weaved into a glorious
package covered by a tapestry of creamy skin, was not hanging off the dumpy body of that idiot.
This was a point already well belabored and repeated in the pink-haired diviner’s mind. For the
umpteenth time when her phone’s notification went off.

Before she reached for it, Fu Xuan patted down the folds of her dress. In the distance, she saw
Qingque’s vapid countenance twist uncomfortably. A blissful sight for the Master Diviner.

I guess that I’ll settle for the next best thing.

Fu Xuan sighed as she tried to shake off the stress that built up over the day. The elegant woman
saw the gambler hurriedly excused herself to go to the restroom. Then the Master Diviner looked
at her phone. A message was sent from the mostly departed March’s phone.

Hey. I can feel her really clogging my backside. I’m definitely going to take another shit,
and I think that this will be the last of her. Get those strales ready. :-)]

The pink haired Xianzhou Luofu official turned to face one of her assistants.

“I’ll be out in thirty minutes. Adjust my schedule accordingly.”

The assistant, a graceful lady with black hair, respectfully bowed.

“Of course, Master Diviner Fu Xuan.”

The head assistant then turned to the gaggle of other assistants. They silently whispered to each
other as they tried to rework their superior’s schedule. Meanwhile, Fu Xuan’s eyes would flit to
the direction that Qingque absconded to. The elegant woman bit her lip. A growing need to
satiate the perverse that built up within her. A growing licentiousness that recently had its
appetite whetted by the foolish actions of her subordinate

Ugh...the fat, the meat...just all of it. Why can’t it be me doing this!?

Disposal Scene Beginning

Hmm~ you really blasted through me. I guess that you weren’t that big for my stomach after all.

Qingque tugged her lower wear down and reared her hindquarters down onto the cool seat of the
toilet. The material of the diviner’s throne was warmed by the vibrant heat of the short woman’s
newly acquired padding. A stuffed volume that had gotten its fill of the prey’s that was just a
hefty load waiting at the end of the beige-haired shortie’s bowels.


Qingque prepared for another painful experience. There was an ache, as she felt her anal lips
expand to fit the girth of the second log, made of girl shit, into the open air. It was a pleasant
surprise to feel that agony abate. A sign that the puffy orifice, stretched so far that those slimy
anal wrinkles were diminished into nonexistence, had habituated to the pressure of the brown
train that tread over the rectal vault.


Unlike before, there were no signs of rib bones or peppering the festering mass. Gaseous fumes
spilled out, leaving a tingling sensation along the pulsing button, and sending a hot thunder that
coursed along Qingque’s spinal cord. Her newly fattened breasts heaved up and down as she
blissfully respired.

Joints locked. Toes curled. Muscles thrummed

And out came inches upon inches until an entire foot of length was fed into the toilet’s bowl. It
congealed as more March Mud was piled over the growing pile. By a puckered orifice that
pulsed in ecstasy.

Yea. This is how a bowel movement should work.

Qingque ground the juicy fat of her backside into the stark coldness of the seat. Obliterating the
chill just as the destroyed mass was flowing out of her at an increased rate. Just fast enough for
the rough edge of March’s intact scapula to become an erotically sharp gradation in this anal
massage. That fountain of vile fudge was then followed by a more distinct protrusion. That left a
unique proprioceptive taste on those anal lips that tried to narrow, but then were distorted by the
nearly cracked sphere that passed through.


Qingque felt the fat pucker of her anus close. A parting farewell between her digestive system
and the meal that sunk below. The gambler allowed that imagined conversation to sink into the
remains before she wiped the wrinkles of her anus free of all the remaining filth.

There we go! Just need to take a picture to send it to that simp.

Qingque giggled at the sight. Lodged in the radially spreading pile of soft shit was a brown-
caked and yellowed skull.

“Thanks March! I think that I’ll go out and celebrate with a big meal tomorrow.”
Qingque said as she captured some lewd material and then pressed the plunger down.


The processed March Mud, thoughtless and without a soul, completely and utterly destroyed,
was swirled, and sucked down the piping of the flagship. It’s destination. A septic tank that
would then feed into a waste processing center. A facility that would repurpose this excrement
into biodegradable fuel for the organic flagship that the Xianzhou Luofu was composed of.

Disposal Scene End

Qingque unceremoniously strolled out of the restroom. The only difference in her demeanor was
that she wasn’t so crossed with the tight knot that built up within the terminus of her system from
load clogging her rectum.

Rather, the tomboy’s face broke into alarm when she saw Fu Xuan just around the corner.

Shit. I’ve got to go.

Qingque lightly jogged. The heft of her muffin top, breasts, rear, and thighs all jiggled in
synchrony. As the gambler typed out a response to send to her little benefactor. She still rode on
the high from physically dominating March and financially dominating this mysterious simp.

Meanwhile, Fu Xuan made a beeline for the individual restroom that Qingque departed from. A
small part of the pink-haired woman hoped that March’s remains would have clogged the toilet.
So that the voraciously repressed Master Diviner could enjoy the atmosphere of a conquered

Unfortunately, it was just an empty toilet.

Fu Xuan’s lips turned ever so slightly downward, and then she was messaged by Qingque.

Hey! I’m not sure why this stuff turns you on so much, but here’s some material. Weirdo!

Fu Xuan shivered as she read the derogatory diction. It was icing on the cake and was just so
fitting for a callous predator. The beating of elegant woman’s heart increased in its tempo as she
looked down at the two images sent.

The first image was the toilet bowl brimming with March’s remains.

The second image was the plump softness of Qingque’s body. Her face, most thankfully, was cut
out above her lips. Thus, Fu Xuan was free to not think about who she was about to masturbate
This predator was merely a tool for Fu Xuan to vicariously live through.

The elegant woman sat down on the floor of the bathroom and scooted herself closer to the toilet
bowl. A trembling hand reached her dress. The Master Diviner focused on the ample growth of
the predator’s body. On the feeble last images of a girl so fixated on photos. The voreaphile was
completely consumed by the hedonistic act she was about to do.

Ah! HMM~ This can’t be the only time. Gosh...

Fu Xuan’s shuffled her feet against the floor.

Her heart pounded in her chest. Her breathing was erratic. Her chest was suffocatingly tight.

She was so horny. Yet her mind searched for the next time that she would be free. It was too far.
To wait that long for an experience that was at least this intense again was too far for an elegant
woman such as herself. Thus, there was only one course of action to pursue.

I need to send someone else through that trotter’s guts.

Fu Xuan lifted the front of her dress into her opened mouth, and then bit down. An impromptu
gag to stifle any moans, as her fingers snaked past a parting in her attire, angled themselves
parallel to her lean stomach, and then turned perpendicular. Towards the drenched and puffy
vulvar lips that housed the sexually repressed Master Diviner’s pleasure switch.

By the stars...Haah~ she’ll be so fat by the end of it.



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