A Letter To My Mom

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Dear Mom,

Before I'll share about my situation now here inside your womb, I would like to say thank
you first. Mom, thank you for keeping us alive and grow here in your womb. Thank you that
you didn't think of aborting us when you knew that there are lives growing inside your womb.
I know that it's not easy for you to conceive twins at a very young age specially we're the first
babies that you brought. I also know that sometimes you are bothered by your fear and
worriedness about your child delivery soonest if we will be on our perfect time to see the
amazing world where you lived in. Mom, I hope that despite of nervousness that you feel
from giving us a chance to be alive , you would still remain strong that you will never be
affected with it. I wish that you could never think to abort us because we are beyond grateful
that you are our mother. We're only longing for your care, love, and discipline someday. So
just keep on nurturing us Mom, because someday it will be worth it. Stay positive from any
pain, struggles and fear from raising us inside your womb.

Mom, I want you to stay healthy, eat a nutritious foods and drink a healthy drinks because
we're two to benefit it from you . We need your healthy lifestyle for us to grow healthy too.
The structure of our body depends from you. Our height and weight depends on the foods
that you are eating as well as our strength and muscles. Everything we have is actually
coming from you and whatever we will be until the end of our infancy stage is eventually
depending on you. You're the bases of our development. So, take care of your health and
don't do anything that may harm us because it's not only for ourselves but also for your own
self. It's for our health dear Mom, we're nothing without you.

At this time, I'm going to share my situation here inside your womb, Mom. Honestly, I
can't move well because of my twin sister. She's really bigger than me and she's sitting in my
legs the reason why I can't freely move and kick. I am very worried now because there are
still more months for us to stay here and I already felt the narrowedness here. As the days
goes by, I felt afraid because as we're continuously growing here inside your womb, our body
parts will be completely developed and we might be mischievous here in a skimpy womb. By
that, I am very worry about my navel 'cause I am situated behind my sister. What if she'll be
very mischief and she can cut my navel? No, I want to see the world where you lived in so I
need to be careful here. Mom, it seems to be unfair for me, but I keep on sacrificing here. I
act as an elder sister so I should be strong and humble. I just want to let you know that if we
will be already born, you will never get shocked because she's really bigger than me and I am
a small one. I wish you could understand that it's not easy for me to be situated behind. But
you know Mom?, despite of how skimpy here is, because we are two growing here, I am still
grateful that I have accompany while growing up here in your womb. I wish that we will be
together growing and continuously developing not only here but also soonest if we'll be born
in the world, like, we're not only together growing here from a single cell until being born but
also until we grow older in the world. I am very lucky to have her because I have a partner on
my development. I could see my self in her. She serves as my mirror.

Mom, I know that you are also excited to see us like what we feel here too and it will really
happen someday if you keep your self healthy, because your health is our health too. So, take
care of your self Mom. Don't worry, everything is fine here in your womb. Our situation is
okay for me as long as we're safe and being cared by yours , everything is okay. Being alive
and feeling valued is already such a blessing and we're beyond grateful with that. I wish that
you will continuously giving us the care and love that we deserve until we grow older. Taking
a risk for another's life is such a great sacrifices and the best way of showing love and you
shown it to us Mom. We are very grateful with you, you are so much appreciated. I wish
someday you can say that you're lucky to have us in your life. We love you and hope to see
you soon Mom.

Your loving daughter,

Angella Z. Pacinio

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