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Scoring Algorithm for the Rome IV Diagnostic Questionnaire for Adults

The diagnostic criteria for each of the disorders of gut-brain interaction are listed below.
Following each criterion there is bold and italicized text to indicate (a) the questions in
the Rome IV Diagnostic Questionnaire that capture this information and (b) the
frequency threshold that defines a clinically significant frequency of occurrence for this
symptoms. In the scoring algorithm, “Question” is abbreviated as Q; thus Q3 stands for
Question 3.

For some of the disorders of gut-brain interaction, the working teams concluded that
clinical evaluation or laboratory tests are required to make the diagnosis. These
supplemental tests are identified in red font. There are no questions in the
questionnaire for these criteria.

For some disorders, Supportive Criteria were identified. For example in diagnostic
criteria for Postprandial Distress Syndrome, the Gastroduodenal Committee indicated,
among other supportive criteria, that “vomiting warrants consideration of another
disorder,” and “symptoms that are relieved by evacuation of feces or gas should
generally not be considered as part of dyspepsia.” These supportive criteria are not
included in the scoring algorithm because they are not required for diagnosis, although
there are questions in the questionnaire that address some of these supportive criteria.

C. Bowel Disorders


Must fulfill the following criteria for the past 3 months:
1. Recurrent abdominal pain
Q40 = at least weekly
2. Pain is associated with two or more of the following criteria:
a. Related to defecation
Q41 = at least 30% of occasions
b. Associated with a change in frequency of stool
Q42 = at least 30% of occasions
c. Associated with a change in form (appearance) of stool
Q43 = at least 30% of occasions
3. Symptom onset at least 6 months prior to diagnosis
Q48 = yes

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IBS Subtypes
When using the Rome IV Diagnostic Questionnaire, IBS subtypes are based on
patient perception of the usual consistency of abnormal stools. Question 64 uses a
picture of the Bristol Stool Scale to define abnormal stools and to classify them as
IBS-C if abnormal stools are usually constipation (types 1-2),
IBS-D if abnormal stools are usually diarrhea (types 6-7),
IBS-M if abnormal stools are mixed with at least 1/4 constipation
AND at least 1/4 diarrhea,
IBS-U if the subject never or rarely has abnormal stools


Must fulfill all of the following 4 criteria during the last 3 months:
1. Must fulfill two or more of the following:*
a. Straining with defecation
Q52 = at least 50% of stools
b. Lumpy or hard stools (Bristol Stool Form Scale 1-2)
Q49 = at least 50% of stools
Q50 = yes
c. Sensation of incomplete evacuation
Q53 = at least 50% of stools
d. Sensation of anorectal obstruction/blockage
Q54 = at least 40% of stools
e. Manual maneuvers to facilitate defecation
Q55 = at least 20% of stools
f. Fewer than three spontaneous stools per week
Q51 = at least 40% of stools
2. Loose stools are rarely present without the use of laxatives
Q60 = “no or rarely”, OR
Q59 = 20% or less of stools
3. Insufficient criteria for irritable bowel syndrome or OIC*
4. Symptom onset at least 6 months prior to diagnosis
Q56 = yes
*For research studies, the thresholds used to define an
abnormal frequency below were determined by the
Rome Normative GI Symptom Survey as the 90th
percentile of symptom frequency for the population.
However, for clinical use the thresholds are 25% or
greater for all six symptoms of constipation.
**For research studies, patients meeting criteria for IBS or
opioid-induced constipation (OIC) should not be given a
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diagnosis of FC. However, clinicians recognize that
these conditions may overlap.


Must fulfill all of the following criteria for the last 3 months:
1. Loose or watery stools
Q59 = at least 30% of stools
2. Without predominant abdominal pain or bothersome bloating
Q67 = diarrhea (is the most bothersome symptom)
3. Symptom onset at least 6 months prior to diagnosis
Q62 = yes
4. Patients meeting criteria for IBS-D should be excluded.


Must fulfill all of the following criteria for the last 3 months:
1. Recurrent bloating and/or distension
Q65 = at least weekly
2. Abdominal bloating and/or distension predominates over other symptoms
Q67 = bloating or distension is most bothersome symptom
3. There are insufficient criteria for a diagnosis of irritable bowel syndrome,
functional constipation, functional diarrhea, or post-prandial distress syndrome.
4. Symptom onset at least 6 months prior to diagnosis
Q66 = yes


Must have at least one of the following bowel symptoms for the past 3 months with
symptom onset at least 6 months prior to diagnosis:
1. Abdominal pain
Q40 = at least weekly
Q48 = yes
2. Constipation (any one of 6 symptoms) plus Q56 = yes
a. Q52 = at least 50% of stools
b. Q49 = at least 50% of stools
c. Q53 = at least 50% of stools
d. Q54 = at least 40% of stools
e. Q55 = at least 20% of stools
f. Q51 = at least 40% of stools
3. Diarrhea
Q59 = at least 30% of stools
Q60 = yes
4. Bloating or distention
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Q65 = at least weekly
Q66 = yes
5. Does not meet criteria for IBS, FC, OIC, FDr, FAB/D, or PDS.


Must fulfill all of the following criteria for the past 3 months:
1. Currently taking prescription medication for pain
Q57 = yes
2. New, or worsening, symptoms of constipation when initiating, changing, or
increasing opioid therapy
Q58 = yes
3. Must fulfill two or more of the following:
a. Straining with defecation
Q52 = at least 50% of stools
b. Lumpy or hard stools (Bristol Stool Form Scale 1-2)
Q49 = at least 50% of stools
Q50 = yes
c. Sensation of incomplete evacuation
Q53 = at least 50% of stools
d. Sensation of anorectal obstruction/blockage
Q54 = at least 40% of stools
e. Manual maneuvers to facilitate defecation
Q55 = at least 20% of stools
f. Fewer than three spontaneous stools per week
Q51 = at least 40% of stools
4. Loose stools are rarely present without the use of laxatives
Q60 = “no or rarely”, OR
Q59 = 20% or less of stools

D. Central Nervous System Disorders of GI Pain


Must fulfill all of the following criteria for the past 3 months:
1. Continuous or nearly continuous abdominal pain
Q40 = at least weekly
Q47 = yes
2. No or only occasional relationship of pain with physiological events (e.g., eating,
defecation or menses)†
Q45 = 20% or less
Q41 = 20% or less
Q44 = 20% or less OR Q44 = not applicable
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3. Pain limits some aspect of daily functioning††
Q46 = at least 30%
4. The pain is not feigned
5. Pain is not explained by another structural or functional gastrointestinal disorder
or other medical condition
6. Symptom onset at least 6 months prior to diagnosis
Q48 = yes
†Some degree of gastrointestinal dysfunction may be
††Daily function could include impairments in work,
intimacy, social/leisure, family life, and caregiving for self
or others


Diagnosis requires physician interpretation of medical
history; it cannot be diagnosed by self-report

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