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Foodpanda Bangladesh Limited Invoice date: 01.03.2024

Invoice number: 200341947785
Navana Pristine Pavilion, Level-8,
Invoice period: 01.03.2024 to 01.03.2024
Dhaka 1212
Phone No.: +88 9678777556
foodpanda VAT registration number: 0021560660101
foodpanda eTIN number: 174661528930

Address to
Partner code: VOIF
Partner name: Niti's Dining
Company name: Niti's Dining
Address: 6/8, Block-A, Lalmatia, Dhaka-1207, Dhaka 1207
Vendor VAT registration number:
Email: Phone No.: +8801720532153
Bank name: bKash Wallet Bank account No: 01833040037
Beneficiary: Majeda Sultana
Routing Number 011000001

Normal Orders Dine-in Orders Pandabox Orders Total

Number of successful orders 7 0 3 10
Your revenue via foodpanda 2,764.79
Outstanding Amount [1] 2,764.79

Commission base (Restaurant) 2,635.00

Commisssion on Restaurant orders 737.80
pandabox commission base 335.00
Comission on pandabox orders 93.80
Online Payment Charge 11.48
Total commission [2] 843.08

pandabox fee 261.79

Total Fees & Adjustments [3] 261.79

VAT Rate Tax base

Net invoice total [2+3] 1,104.87
VAT on Service (Taxable fees & adjustment + pandabox fee + Total Commission) 5% 1,104.87 55.24
Gross invoice total [4] 1,160.11

Outstanding amount from previous periods [5] see Appendix C -4,336.62

Total amount paid out [1 - 4 - 5] 5,941.30

This is a system generated invoice and doesn’t require a signature. If you have any question feel free to contact us.

For more details please refer to Glossary page

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BD: Commission Fee (%)

Delivery Type Valid From Valid To

RESTAURANT 24.09.2023 31.12.9999 28.00

FOODPANDA 24.09.2023 31.12.9999 28.00

BD: Online Payment (%)

Delivery Type Valid From Valid To

RESTAURANT 24.09.2023 31.12.9999 1.50

FOODPANDA 24.09.2023 31.12.9999 1.50

The excel version of the following: Appendix A (order level detail), Appendix B (additional charges) and Appendix C (outstanding amount) can be downloaded from restaurant portal.
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Appendix C: Open Items

Invoice Number Invoice Date Invoice Period Invoice Amount Remaining Amount
200291977912 29.02.2024 24.02.2024 - 29.02.2024 -4,336.62 -4,336.62
Total -4,336.62
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Section Definition

Unique code assigned to our restaurant partner. You must use this code to initiate any type of communication or raise any type of
Header Partner code
request to our Customer service.
Name of restaurant partner stored in foodpanda database. If you wish to amend or modify this please raise your request via Restaurant
Header Partner name
Portal>>Help center.
Legal name of restaurant partner stored in foodpanda database. If you wish to amend or modify this please raise your request via
Header Company name
Restaurant Portal>>Help center.
Bank details provided by restaurant partner and same is stored in foodpanda database. foodpanda uses this bank details to transfer the
Header Bank name
fund to restaurant partner. Any mistake in the bank account may lead to payment failure and hence to amend or modify this
Summary page Normal Orders Orders which are placed by customer via normal listing on foodpanda app.
Summary page pandabox Orders Orders which are placed by customer via pandabox listing on foodpanda app.
Summary page Dine-in Orders This refers to all the dine-in orders which are placed by Customer using the dine-in Listing on Foodpanda App
Summary page Total Calculated from "Normal Orders" + "pandabox Orders".
Your revenue via
Summary page Total revenue in form of sales earned by our partner using our platform and services.
Already received
Summary page Total cash payment received by the partner/vendor from the rider/ customer
Outstanding amount
Summary page Calculated from "Your revenue via foodpanda" - "Already Received Amount".
Commission charged on pandabox orders. pandabox is one of the paid services provided by foodpanda. It helps our partner to acquire
Summary page new customers. In this service partners pays only when new customers places an order.
*Applied only when partner opts for pandabox services from foodpanda.
Commission base
Summary page This refers to the base amount on which commission fee is charged.
Commission on Dine-
Summary page This refers to the fee charged on dine-in customers' in-app payment value.
in orders
Online payment
Summary page Charges applied per order for the orders placed via online channel. *Applied only when customer pays for the order via online channel.
Summary page Total Commission [2] Calculated from "Commission" +"pandabox Commission" + "Online Payment Charge".
Summary page Restaurant delivery fee Delivery fee applicable to partners per order.
Fee charged at order level for the orders generated via pandabox subscription. Generally it is 50% of order value.
Summary page pandabox Fee
pandabox Fee = "Pandabox commission base" - "Partner vouchers".
Taxable fees & Fees and charges which are subject to tax calculation. Please refer to Appendix B to know more about taxable fees and adjustments
Summary page
adjustments applicable to your invoice.
Non-taxable fees & Fees and charges which are not subject to tax calculation. Please refer to Appendix B to know more about nontaxable fees and
Summary page
adjustments adjustments applicable to your invoice.
Summary page Net invoice total Calculated from "Total Commission [2]" + "Total Fees & Adjustments [3]".
Summary page VAT on service VAT calculated for ("Total Commission [2]", "pandabox Fee", "Taxable fees & adjustments").
Outstanding amount
Summary page from previous periods Amount partner owes to foodpanda from previous invoices - please refer to Appendix C for more details.
Appendix A (Order
Product Value of the Product
Appendix A (Order
Partner Discounts This refers to the value of discount funded by partner.
Appendix A (Order
Partner Voucher This refers to the value of vouchers funded by partner.
Appendix A (Order pandabox Fee Fee charged at order level for the orders generated via pandabox subscription, inclusive of VAT. Generally it is 50% of order value.
Details) (Gross) pandabox Fee (Gross) = "Gross pandabox commission base (inclusive of VAT)" - "Partner vouchers".
If Normal order, Restaurant Revenue = “(Product + Container charge) * VAT” – “Partner Discount” – “Partner Voucher”
Appendix A (Order
Restaurant Revenue If Restaurant Delivery, Restaurant Revenue = “(Product + Container charge+ Partner delivery fee) * VAT” – “Partner Discount” –
“Partner Voucher”
Appendix A (Order
Commission Base If normal order, Commission base = ( Product * VAT)
Appendix A (Order
pandabox Commission Commission charged specific to orders received via pandabox feature opted by partner.
Appendix A (Order Online Payment Charges applied per order for the orders placed via online channel.
Details) Charge *Applied only when customer pays for the order via online channel.
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Section Definition

Appendix A (Order Calculated from "Restaurant Revenue" - "Already Received Amount" - "pandabox Fee (Net) " - "Commission" - "pandabox
Details) Commission" - "Online Payment Charge" - "Tax on Partner Charges".
Appendix A (Order
Platform Fee This fee is charged from customers only
CRC is deducted for every rejected order by the restaurant to compensate foodpanda for the associated incurred costs (customer
Appendix B Customer Recovery
vouchers, rider payments, loss of customer). CRC is only considered for the rejected orders which are fully in restaurants control. If it
(Fees&Adjustments) Charge
is an issue that is out of restaurants control, it would not be taken into consideration.
CPC is one of the paid services provided by foodpanda, It helps our partner in boosting the brand visibility. xIt helps partner in
Appendix B
CPC/Pandaclick reaching out to more customers thus boosting their orders by up to 100%. Partners are charged only when customers click on their
listing. The total CPC charge is deducted in 3 weeks
Appendix B
Display Ads Restaurant ad banner that drives brand awareness and visibility within the foodpanda platform
Appendix B Distanced based
Extra commission charged on order values that are outside the regular restaurant radius/coverage
(Fees&Adjustments) commission model

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