Group 4 - Lesson - Plan - Pronunciation

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Teaching day: Wed, March 27, 2024

Duration: 30 minutes

Level: Elementary

Class size: 40 students

1. Đinh Võ Hồ Như Quỳnh- 21000511

2. Lý Mộng Quỳnh- 21014301
3. Lê Nguyễn Xuân Trang -21001141
4. Đỗ Hoàng Mỹ Trang- 21016521
5. Lê Ngọc Diểm Tuyền-m 21015331



I) Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to gain all of these objectives:

1. General knowledge

- Students (Ss) will know how to pronounce the sounds /6/ and / 4 / correctly.

- Differentiate the / 6 / sound from the / 4 / sound.

- Students can create complete sentences with words containing that sound.

2. Skill

- Focus on speaking skills.

- Students produce the language items that involve these target sounds in real life.

- Execute / 6 / and / 4 / exactly in giving a speech or in their life conversation.

II) Method and teaching aids

1. Methods

Communicative Language Teaching Method (CLT) with PPP procedure

3. Teaching aids

LCD, laptop, PowerPoint file, whiteboard, markers, microphone, handouts.

Course-book: Prepare 2, Cambridge.

III. Steps of teaching

1. Greetings (1 minute): Good afternoon everyone. How are you doing?

2. New lesson (19 minutes)

Teacher (T) Students (Ss)
Stages Content

Warm-up and lead-in  Warm-up - Pay attention T reads the words with the /b/
to T's sound then students stand up.
(7 minutes) - Review the previous instructions.
lesson by playing the T reads the word with the /p/
game "Up and Down" - Play the sound then students sit down
- Tells Ss the game's T reads 6 vocabulary words:
1. Big
+ T gives actions for 2. Bee
each sound. 3. Bean
4. Peach
+Students remember the 5. Pen
action corresponding to 6. Pear
each sound.

+ Then T will read each

sound for students to Answer
take action.
Big, Bee, Bean: Stand up
+ The whole class will
participate in the activity Peach, Pen, Pear: Sit down.

 Lead-in:

- T tells Ss that in the

previous lesson, we
learned how to read two
consonants /b/ and /p/. - Pay attention - Answer:
Today we will learn how to the teacher’s
to read two vowels / 4/ question. This is a Cup
and /6/ ”.
- Answer the This is Coffee
- Points to the picture teacher's
and leads to the new questions.

Shows some word have

the sound/4/ and /6/

Could you tell me what

is it?

T says “Today we will

learn how to read two
vowels / 4/ and /6/ ”.

2. Presentation - Shows the picture, - Look at the 1. Lovely (adj) /ˈlʌ

word form, and audio of pictures. 2. Cup (n) /kʌp/
(12 minutes) each word 3. Much (det) /mʌtʃ/
4. Mushroom (n) /ˈmʌʃ.ruːm/
- Read aloud the word 5. Onion (n) /ˈʌn.jən/
- Listen and 6. Cup (n) /kʌp/
- Asks Ss to repeat the repeat the key 7. Coffee (n) /ˈkɒf.i/
word 2 to 3 times. words after 8. Omelette (n) /ˈɒm.lət/
teacher. 9. What (det) /wɒt/
+ Chorally 10. Horrible (adj) /ˈhɒr.ə.bəl/
- Take notes 11. Want (n) /wɒnt/
+ Individually

- Asks random Sts to

repeat all the words by
their own.

-Corrects pronunciation
for students.
- Asks Sts to take notes
into their notebooks.

- Gives a small game

called “Lucky wheel” to -T spin the wheel 5 times.
make sure that Sts can
differentiate two sounds -It stops at which sounds, and
and know how to Ss answers by picking up the
pronounce them. - Take notes tool.

- T divides the class into - Then T checks by asking

4 teams, T gives each them to read the word
team 2 tools, with 2
sounds /4/ and / 6 /
written on it Words used in game:

- T will spin a wheel 1. Lovely (adj) /ˈlʌ

containing words with
two different sounds on 2.Cup (n) /kʌp/
the screen.
- Play the games 3.Much (det) /mʌtʃ/
- When the wheel stops actively.
at a word containing 4.Mushroom (n) /ˈmʌʃ.ruːm/
what sound, the teams
must quickly give the 5.Onion (n) /ˈʌn.jən/
correct answer
6.Cup (n) /kʌp/
- The faster team is the
winner 7.Coffee (n) /ˈkɒf.i/

8.Omelette (n) /ˈɒm.lət/

9.What (det) /wɒt/

10.Horrible (adj) /ˈhɒr.ə.bəl/

11.Want (n) /wɒnt/

Practice  Task 1: - Do exercises. 1. Mushroom (n) /ˈmʌʃ.ruːm/

2. Lovely (adj) /ˈlʌ
3. Horrible (adj) /ˈhɒr.ə.bəl/
( 5 minutes) T will explain the 4. Omelette (n) /ˈɒm.lət/
exercise to students: 5. Onion (n) /ˈʌn.jən/

Gives students 5 words

and 5 pronunciations

Then invites students to

match each word with
each pronunciation.
1. Which word is pronounced
 Task 2: differently from the different?

Gives students 5 a) Much /mʌtʃ/

questions to distinguish b) Run /rʌn/
the pronunciation of c) Month /mʌnθ/
words. Each question d) Put /pʊt/
has 4 words.
2. Which word is pronounced
- Asks Sts read to differently from the different?
distinguish which word
is different from the a) Hot /hɒt/
others. b) Dog /dɒɡ/
c) Coffee /ˈkɒf.i/
- Then invites students to d) World /wɜːld/
choose the answer
3. Which word is pronounced
differently from the different?

a) Push /pʊʃ/
b) Lovely /ˈlʌ
c) Mushroom /ˈmʌʃ.ruːm/
d) Cup /kʌp/

4. Which word is pronounced

differently from the different?

a) Onion /ˈʌn.jən/
b) Box /bɒks/
c) Horrible /ˈhɒr.ə.bəl/
d) Want /wɒnt/

5. Which word is pronounced

differently from the different?

a) Omelette /ˈɒm.lət/
b) One /wʌn/
c) What /wɒt/
d) Clock /klɒk/

Production -Play the game " - Listen to T. Words used in the game:
(5 minutes) 1. Coffee /ˈkɒf.i/
- Tells to Ss the game's
rules: - Pay attention 2. Onion /ˈʌn.jən/
to the game’s
+T divides the class into rules 3. Omelette /ˈɒm.lət/
two teams. Each team
invites 5 people to 4. Cup /kʌp/
participate in the game.
- Play the 5. Mushroom (n) /ˈmʌʃ.ruːm/
+Asks the first student to game.
stand with their back to
the other students and
receive a word.

+ T shows the picture on

the screen, and then Ss
looks, guesses and
whispers it in the next
partner's ear. In turns
until the end.

+ The last student must

pronounce the word
correctly and make a full
sentence with the word

5. Consolidation - Asks Ss to read all the - Read all Coffee, lovely, omelette, want,
words they have just words cup, much, one, what, horrible,
(1 minute) learned again. mushroom, onion

1. Homework ( 1 minute)

- Do exercises 1, 2 at home.

- Learn by heart new words.


Date: March, 2024

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