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1. Diet in Seizure - Low in carbohydrate, 5.

Acetyl - primary excitatory;

High in protein vagal stimulation of the heart
2. Tensilon test - Myasthenia Gravis 6. Serotonin - inhibitory; inhibits
3. Ascending paralysis - GBS pain pathways and can control
4. Anticholinergic - Parksinson’s disease sleep
5. Severe shaky handwriting - PD
6. Demyelination of PNS? - GBS Key Answers for possible Multiple
7. Flattened affect - PD Choices (Bold)
8. Associated with hx of swine flu vax - 1. A. “I am trying to quit smoking
GBS and have a patch on”
9. Cholinergic - MG 2. C. Coffee
10. Most common cause of dementia - 3. C. Normal Finding; the fluid
Alzheimer’s Dse will be sent for testing to
11. Small tumor - PET Scan determine other factors
12. Distressing problem experience by 4. B., C., D. Force Fluids, Get
ALS - retention of cognitive function plenty of bedrest, Take some
13. Tinnitus - VIII OTC analgesics
14. Bell’s palsy - VII 5. B. Have the patient lie flat for 6
15. Anosmia - I hrs
16. Papilledema - II 6. Assessment of CN function and
17. Ptosis of eyelid - VI ask pt to cover one nostril at a
18. Nystagmus - IV time to see if the patient can smell
19. inability to rotate head and move coffee, alcohol and mind - A. CN
shoulder - XI I
20. Tongue protrusion - XII 7. Snellen Eye Chart - B. CN II
8. Gag Reflex - D. CN X (Vagus
Matching Type Nerve)
1. GABA - muscle and nerve 9. Changes in personality and affect
inhibitory transmission - A. Frontal Lobe
2. Enkephalin - excitatory; inhibits 10. Suffered Stroke = Inability to
pain transmission breathe - D. Brain Stem
3. Norepi - excitatory response; 11. Expressive speaking aphasia - B.
mostly affecting moods Inferior Posterior Frontal Areas
4. Dopamine - inhibitory; affects 12. Pupils of Head Injury (which
behavior, attention, and fine parasympathetic effect will be
movement experienced?) - B. Constricted
13. Motor vehicle injury and brain circulation r/t increasing
sustained head injury; assessing ICP - D. Lethargy and Stupor
DTR = diminished or hypoactive 8. Increased ICP; osmotic diuretics -
reflexes - B. 1+ C. Mannitol
14. Neuro Assessment; patient stands 9. Diabetes Insipidus - D. More
with eyes open and then closed than 200 ml/hr
for 20 secs to assess balance - C. 10. Long term use of anticonvulsant
Romberg Test in women - C. Osteoporosis
15. Severe pain in the face that was 11. Tonic-Clonic Seizure; nursing
stimulated by brushing teeth - C. intervention to be provided
CN V – A., C., D.
- Loosening constrictive clothing,
1. Altered LOC; 1st priority tx - D. - Position on side c head flexed
Maintenance of patent airway forward,
2. LOC using GCS; severe - Providing Privacy
impairment of neurologic function 12. Seizure Disorder; nutritional
- A. 3 approach for seizure mgt - C.
3. Severe neurologic impairment High in protein and Low in
from a head trauma; type of carbohydrates
posturing that occurs c the most 13. Post-op after intracranial surgery
severe neurologic impairment - for tx of subdural hematoma;
C. Flaccid increase in the pt’s blood pressure
4. Head trauma in a physical from baseline, decrease in the hr
altercation; optimal range is - B. 0 from 86 - 54, and crackles in the
- 10 mmHg bases of lungs - A. Increased ICP
5. ICP reading of 20 mmHg and a 14. Pt 3 days post-op from
mean arterial pressure of 90 craniotomy - “I feel something
mmHg; calculated cerebral trickling down the back of my
perfusion pressure - C. 70 mmHg throat and I taste something
6. Cushing Triad; identified salty”; priority action - D. Notify
symptoms associated with health care provider of a
Cushing Triad - A., B., C. possible CSF leak
- Bradycardia, 15. Small pituitary adenoma removed
- Bradypnea, by transsphenoidal approach and
- HTN has developed diabetes insipidus;
7. Traumatic Brain Injury; earliest pharmacologic therapy - C.
sign of serious impairment of Vasopressin
1. Exhibiting symptoms associated formation at the site of
with transient ischemic attack endarterectomy
(TIA); period of time sx will 10. Acute phase of an ischemic
subside - A. 1 hour stroke; how long this phase may
2. Memory loss and impaired last - C. 1 - 3 days
learning capacity - A. Frontal 11. Ischemic Stroke admitted to acute
3. Possible stroke; initial dx test for care facility; nurse plans the rehab
stroke usually performed in ER - - D. The day the patient has
C. Noncontrast CT stroke
4. 110 lb pt having stroke; 12. Pt c stroke begins having
recombinant rt-PA minimum dose complications regarding spasticity
- A. 50 mg in the lower extremity; prescribed
5. Classic signs of hemorrhagic medication to alleviate this issue -
stroke; pt reports would be an B. Lioresal
indicator - C. Severe headache 13. Stroke pt difficulty forming words
6. Hemorrhagic stroke; position in - C. Dysphagia
bed - D. Semi Fowler 14. Stroke = cognitive deficits - A.,
7. Large Ischemic Stroke; B., C.
interventions to decrease ICP - A., - Poor Abstract Reasoning,
B., D. - Decreased Attention
- Administer Mannitol as Span,
prescribed, - Short- and Long-term
- Maintain partial pressure memory loss
of PaCO2 within a range 15. Right hemispheric stroke; clinical
of 30 - 35 mmHg, manifestations - A. Left Visual
- Administer supplemental Field Deficit
oxygen if O2 sat is <88%
8. Blood glucose level of 420
mg/dl; significance of
hyperglycemia - B. This is
significant for poor neurologic
9. Carotid Endarterectomy; “All of a
sudden, I am having trouble
moving my right side”; priority
concern - A. Thrombus
1. Suspected meningitis; if diagnosis - Demonstrate daily muscle
is confirmed, which will the nurse stretching exercises
institute - A., B., C. - Apply warm compress
Administration of Rifampin, - Allow pt adequate time to
Ciprofloxacin, and Ceftriaxone perform exercises
2. Diagnosed c meningococcal 9. Administering tensilon test to
meningitis; prophylactic therapy patient with ptosis; if test positive
begins for those who had close for MG, which outcome will be
contact - A. Within 24 hrs after observed? - A. Thirty secs after
exposure administration, facial weakness
3. Bacterial Meningitis; and ptosis will be relieved for
dexamethasone; appropriate time appx 5 minutes
to give this medication - B. 15 - 10. During a Tensilon test to
20 minutes before the first dose determine if pt has MG, patient
of antibiotic and q6 for the next reports cramping and diaphoretic.
4 days V/S are BP 1300/78, HR 42, and
4. Assessment data priority in RR 18; which is priority action by
changes in ICP - A. Level of nurse - C. Give atropine to
Consciousness control side effects of
5. Antiviral meds ganciclovir to edrophonium
HSV-1; best way to avoid 11. Pt with MG is in the hospital for
crystallization - C. Give via slow tx of pneumonia; pyridostigmine
IV over 1 hour bromide on time; nurse does not
6. Which donor screened by a nurse give the medication until after
will be unable to donate blood? - bfast; which outcome will patient
D. A donor who was in college have r/t late dose? - A. The
in England for 1 year muscles will become fatigued,
7. Diagnosed Multiple Sclerosis 2 and the patient will not be able
yrs ago admitted c another to chew food or swallow pills.
relapse; prev relapse followed c 12. Suspected GBS has had a lumbar
complete recovery c exception of puncture for CSF evaluation.
occasional vertigo; which type of When reviewing the lab results,
MS is identified? - C. which is diagnostic for this Dse? -
Relapsing-remitting (RR) B. Elevated protein levels in the
8. MS having spasticity in lower CSF
extremities, decreasing their 13. GBS; assessing the patient for
physical mobility - B., C., D. autonomic dysfunction;
intervention to determine 4. Pt c Parkinson’s Dse is exhibiting
presence of autonomic bradykinesia, rigidity, and
dysfunction? - B. Assess the tremors. These symptoms are
blood pressure and heart rate directly related to which
14. Onset of pain r/t trigeminal decreased neurotransmitter level?-
neuralgia; which subj data stated B. Dopamine
by the patient does the nurse 5. Preparing meds for PD. Most
identify triggered the paroxysms effective drug currently for
of pain? - C. “I was brushing my tremors of Parkinson’s? - B.
teeth.” Levodopa
15. Bell’s Palsy stated, “It doesn’t 6. Pt c brain tumor reports
hurt anymore to touch my face. headaches that are worst in the
How am I going to get muscle morning; best explanation for
tone back so I don’t look like this morning headaches? - A. You
anymore?”; Which intervention may have increase in ICP
can the nurse suggest? - A. 7. Diagnosed with a spinal cord
Suggest massaging the face tumor had a course of radiation
several times daily, using a and chemotherapy; two months
gentle upward motion, to after completion of radiation,
maintain muscle tone. patient reports severe pain in the
back; this indicates? - D. Spinal
1. Diagnosed c intracerebral tumor. Metastasis
The nurse identifies that the 8. Assessment for PD; patient’s
diagnosis may include which form voice change since last visit and
of tumor growth? - A., B., C. more difficult to understand; how
- Astrocytoma, will it be documented - B.
- Ependymoma, Dysphonia
- Medulloblastoma 9. PD is experiencing on-off
2. Exhibiting seizure-like syndrome; assessment of patient’s
movements localized to one side clinical symptoms correlates with
of the body; which type of brain this syndrome - D. Periods of
tumor - C. Motor Cortex Tumor near immobility, followed by a
3. Exhibiting clinical manifestations sudden return of effectiveness of
of brain tumor; which tumor is medication
commonly seen in older adults? - 10. Parkinson’s Dse ask nurses how
D. Medulloblastoma to prevent problems c bowel
elimination; which intervention
will the nurse include when
developing NCP to assist c
regular stool pattern? - C. Adopt
a diet with moderate fiber
11. Adult child of a pt with
Huntington's Dse asks what is the
risk of inheriting disease - C. If
one parent has the disorder,
there is a 50% chance that you
will inherit the disease
12. Caring for patient c Huntington
Dse in the long-term care facility;
most prominent symptom - A.
Rapid, jerky, involuntary
13. Patient c Huntington Dse is
prescribed with meds to reduce
chorea; which meds will the nurse
administer that is only drug
approved - A. Tetrabenazine
14. Diagnosed c Amyotrophic Lateral
Sclerosis (ALS); nurse
understands that symptoms of
disease will begin in what way? -
C. Weakness starting in the
muscles supplied by the cranial
15. Pt with ALS asked what drug will
prolong pt’s life; which best
response to patient’s inquiry that
may prolong life by 3 - 6 months?
- B. Riluzole

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