Artigo Women at Altitude Carbohydrate Utilization Vduring Exercise at 4,300 M

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J. Appl. Physiol.

88: 246–256, 2000.

Women at altitude: carbohydrate utilization

during exercise at 4,300 m
1Aging Study Unit, Geriatric Research, Education, and Clinical Center, Veterans Affairs Health

Care System, and Division of Gerontology, Endocrinology, and Metabolism, Stanford University
Medical School, Palo Alto, California 93404; 2Thermal and Mountain Division, US Army Research
Institute of Environmental Medicine, Natick, Massachusetts 01760; 3Department of Integrative
Biology, University of California, Berkeley, California 94720; 4Womens Health Research Center,
University of Colorado, Denver 80262; and 5Department of Kinesiology and Applied Physiology,
University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado 80309

Braun, Barry, Jacinda T. Mawson, Stephen R. Muza, to favor greater dependence on glucose, rather than
Shannon B. Dominick, George A. Brooks, Michael A. fatty acids, would aid in maintaining homeostasis by
Horning, Paul B. Rock, Lorna G. Moore, Robert S. optimizing the energy yield per unit O2. Experimental
Mazzeo, Steven C. Ezeji-Okoye, and Gail E. Butterfield. evidence tends to support this theory; results from
Women at altitude: carbohydrate utilization during exercise studies on rat hindlimbs exposed to hypoxic buffer (11),
at 4,300 m. J. Appl. Physiol. 88: 246–256, 2000.—To evaluate
hypoxic dogs (42), high-altitude natives (21), and low-
the hypothesis that exposure to high altitude would reduce
blood glucose and total carbohydrate utilization relative to landers exposed to high altitude (7, 30, 31) show a shift
sea level (SL), 16 young women were studied over four 12-day toward increased glucose utilization relative to nor-
periods: at 50% of peak O2 consumption in different men- moxic conditions. In two separate studies on men in
strual cycle phases (SL-50), at 65% of peak O2 consumption at which the weight loss commonly observed at high
SL (SL-65), and at 4,300 m (HA). After 10 days in each altitude was prevented by rigorous dietary control,
condition, blood glucose rate of disappearance (Rd ) and respi- whole body glucose uptake and glucose extraction by
ratory exchange ratio were measured at rest and during 45 exercising leg muscles were markedly higher after 2 h
min of exercise. Glucose Rd during exercise at HA (4.71 6 0.30 and remained elevated after 21 days of exposure to
mg · kg21 · min21 ) was not different from SL exercise at the 4,300 m (14,100 ft) compared with sea level (7, 31).
same absolute intensity (SL-50 5 5.03 mg · kg21 · min21 ) but Generalizing results of studies on men to the whole
was lower at the same relative intensity (SL-65 5 6.22 mg · population is risky, because exposure to high altitude
kg21 · min21, P , 0.01). There were no differences, however,
may alter substrate utilization differently in women
when glucose Rd was corrected for energy expended (kcal/
min) during exercise. Respiratory exchange ratios followed and men (4). Metabolic regulation in the presence of
the same pattern, except carbohydrate oxidation remained estrogen and progesterone appears to redirect sub-
lower (223.2%, P , 0.01) at HA than at SL when corrected for strate selection toward reduced carbohydrate and in-
energy expended. In women, unlike in men, carbohydrate creased fat use (9, 15, 16, 22, 25, 34–39). This effect
utilization decreased at HA. Relative abundance of estrogen may be accentuated during the midluteal phase of the
and progesterone in women may partially explain the sex menstrual cycle, when estrogen and especially proges-
differences in fuel utilization at HA, but subtle differences terone are considerably elevated (9, 16, 18, 23). In other
between menstrual cycle phases at SL had no physiologically physiological situations that stimulate a sympathoadre-
relevant effects. nal response (hypoglycemia and exercise), increases in
stable isotope; hypobaric hypoxia; substrate utilization; glu- carbohydrate utilization tend to be considerably smaller
cose flux; gender differences; ovarian hormones; menstrual in women than in men (1, 12, 14, 22, 34, 38). Recently,
cycle McClelland et al. (29) reported that carbohydrate utili-
zation in female rats acclimated to high altitude did not
increase compared with rats living at sea level. They
found that the contribution of carbohydrate to total
EXPOSURE TO HYPOBARIC hypoxia at high altitudes alters energy expenditure was wholly dependent on the exer-
substrate utilization at rest and during exercise (6, 7, cise intensity, relative to the altitude-specific maximal
21, 29–31, 40). Brooks (5) and Hochachka (20) proposed O2 consumption (V̇O2), regardless of the elevation.
that a change in the regulation of metabolic pathways We hypothesized that blood glucose utilization and
total glucose oxidation would be lower after 10 days of
exposure to 4,300-m elevation than at sea level. In
The costs of publication of this article were defrayed in part by the
payment of page charges. The article must therefore be hereby
addition, we expected that, on the basis of changes in
marked ‘‘advertisement’’ in accordance with 18 U.S.C. Section 1734 substrate levels and the hormonal environment, exer-
solely to indicate this fact. cise at high altitude was most appropriately compared
246 8750-7587/00 $5.00 Copyright r 2000 the American Physiological Society

with sea-level exercise at the same relative intensity. at Stanford University, the US Army Research Institute of
Finally, we anticipated that making comparisons be- Environmental Medicine, and the University of Colorado.
tween elevations in the same phase of the menstrual Before admission, subjects were briefed on all aspects of the
cycle would be important, because carbohydrate utiliza- studies and gave written consent to participate.
tion would be greater in the follicular than in the luteal
Sea-Level and High-Altitude Conditions
phase of the cycle.
At sea level (Palo Alto, CA, 15-m elevation, atmospheric
METHODS pressure 748–762 Torr), subjects participated in the study for
Study Design 12 days on each of three occasions, usually ,6 wk apart. The
women were admitted as patients to the metabolic ward at
As part of a larger study of how women acclimatize to high the Palo Alto Veterans Affairs Health Care System and were
altitude, we measured blood glucose utilization and total housed there on nights 6–11 of each study period. One to 3 mo
carbohydrate oxidation during rest and submaximal exercise after the sea-level studies, subjects were flown to Colorado
three times at sea level and again after 10 days of exposure to Springs, CO (1,850 m), and immediately driven by car to
4,300-m elevation. The potential confounding effects of weight Pikes Peak, CO, arriving at the summit (4,300 m, atmo-
loss were limited by feeding subjects a controlled diet (see spheric pressure 458–464 Torr) 2 h later. On Pikes Peak,
Dietary Control) to maintain energy balance and body weight. women were housed in the laboratory facility, managed by the
The first two sea-level study periods were identical (subjects US Army Research Institute of Environmental Medicine, for
exercised at exactly the same workload), except they were the entire 12-day study.
conducted in opposite phases of the menstrual cycle (order
was randomized), so that the single high-altitude study Protocol
period could be directly compared with the matching cycle
phase at sea level. The third sea-level study period included To assess maximal aerobic capacity at both elevations,
exercise at a higher intensity and was designed to allow V̇O2 peak was determined on day 5 by graded cycle ergometry at
comparison between sea level and high altitude at the same a cadence of 60 rpm, starting at 50 W (3 min) and increasing
absolute and relative exercise intensities. the work by 25 W/min until voluntary exhaustion with
standard criteria [attainment of $2 of the following 3 param-
Subjects eters: plateau in V̇O2, respiratory exchange ratio (RER) . 1.1,
and predicted maximal heart rate] employed to validate the
Eighteen women, 21–34 yr old, completed the sea-level test. Because V̇O2 peak does not change during at least several
portion of the study. Because of illness not related to participa- weeks of acclimatization to high altitude (5–7, 27), the value
tion in the study, two women did not perform the test at high recorded on day 5 was assumed to be applicable on day 10.
altitude, and one test was canceled because of a prolonged Subjects fasted after 9 PM on day 9. On the next morning,
power outage (final n 5 15). All the women were sea-level subjects consumed a standardized breakfast meal (energy
residents (,1,500-m elevation), although one woman spent content 5 2,063 kJ 5 493 kcal) composed of 70% carbohy-
several days at .1,500 m shortly before the high-altitude drate, 10% protein, and 20% fat. After completion of the meal,
phase; the subjects were nonsmokers and had regular men- a catheter was inserted into the radial artery for blood
strual cycles (see Menstrual Cycle Phase Determinations). All sampling and a second catheter was placed in the antecubital
subjects were in good overall health on the basis of a routine vein of the contralateral arm for infusion of isotope. Subjects
physical examination and were in the clinically normal range rested semisupine for the duration of the resting measure-
for standard blood and urine chemistry panels, including Hb ments. Two to 3 h after the meal was completed, an arterial
and serum ferritin. They had normal fasting and 2-h postpran- blood sample was collected for determination of background
dial blood glucose concentrations. All subjects reported being isotopic enrichment, and the O2 and CO2 concentrations in
moderately to very physically active and underwent a stan- expired air were analyzed by indirect calorimetry with a
dard graded exercise test to peak V̇O2 (V̇O2 peak) on a cycle metabolic cart (model 2900, SensorMedics, Anaheim, CA). A
ergometer. Subject characteristics are summarized in Table priming bolus of 200 mg of [6,6-2H]glucose (Cambridge Iso-
1. The protocol was approved by institutional review boards tope Lab, Andover, MA) in 0.9% sterile saline (125 times the
resting minute infusion rate) was rapidly injected into the
Table 1. Subject characteristics venous catheter. A continuous infusion of [6,6-2H]glucose in
0.9% sterile saline was started at a rate of 1.67 mg/min.
Sea Level 4,300 m Arterial blood samples were collected (for analysis of glucose
isotopic enrichment and concentrations of glucose, lactate,
Age, yr 21.7 6 0.7 21.7 6 0.7 and glucoregulatory hormones), and gas exchange was mea-
Height, cm 167.4 6 1.3 167.4 6 1.3 sured 75 and 90 min after the start of the infusion. Immedi-
Weight, kg 62.2 6 1.2 62.6 6 1.2 ately after the last resting measurement, subjects moved to
V̇O2 peak , ml · kg21 · min21 42.0 6 1.7 31.9 6 1.3*
an electrically braked cycle ergometer (SensorMedics) and
Estrogen, pg/ml
E 51 6 19 80 6 17* began pedaling at 60 rpm. The infusion rate of [6,6-2H]glucose
E1P 96 6 11† 83 6 12 was increased to 5.00 mg/min to maintain a steady isotopic
Progesterone, ng/ml enrichment of blood glucose. Subjects were allowed to drink
E 0.43 6 0.10 0.81 6 0.15* water ad libitum and were cooled with a fan. During sea-level
E1P 7.66 6 1.35† 5.72 6 1.96† trial 1, the workload was adjusted during the first 15 min un-
til V̇O2 was steady at ,50% of sea-level V̇O2peak (SL-50). After the
Values are means 6 SE. Serum estrogen and progesterone concen-
trations were measured the day of metabolic tests, usually day 10 of
appropriate V̇O2 was obtained, the workload was kept con-
cycle phase. E, estrogen-only phase (‘‘follicular’’); E 1 P, estrogen 1 stant from minutes 15 to 45. Blood and breath samples were
progesterone phase (‘‘luteal’’); V̇O2 peak , peak O2 consumption. * Signi- collected at 15, 30, and 45 min of exercise, as described above.
ficantly different between elevations. † Significantly different across In trial 2 (alternate menstrual phase, see below), the work-
cycle phases. load was manipulated to exactly simulate the pattern from

trial 1. In sea-level trial 3, the workload was adjusted in the evidence indicates that absolute and relative blood concentra-
first 15 min to achieve a V̇O2 of 65% sea-level V̇O2 peak (SL-65). tions of the ovarian hormones are mainly responsible for
At 4,300 m, the workload was adjusted to exactly mimic mediating cycle-related effects on intermediary metabolism
sea-level trials 1 and 2, so that comparisons between eleva- (16). Because this decision oversimplifies the complex interac-
tions could be made at the same V̇O2 (same absolute exercise tions that characterize the follicular and luteal cycle phases,
intensity). Because V̇O2 peak at 4,300 m is reduced by ,25% we refer to the two conditions according to the ovarian
compared with sea level, the exercise workload at 4,300 m hormone environment: estrogen alone (E) or estrogen plus
was expected to elicit 65% high-altitude V̇O2 peak, allowing progesterone (E 1 P). We believe this terminology is more
comparison with sea-level trial 3 at the same percent V̇O2 peak consistent with one of the main study objectives: to under-
(same relative intensity). stand how the ovarian hormones influence the regulation of
substrate metabolism at rest and during exercise. Although
equal numbers of subjects were scheduled to arrive at high
Relative and Absolute Exercise Intensities altitude in the E and E 1 P condition, only five subjects had
The actual exercise intensities, exercise workloads, and progesterone concentrations indicative of a normal luteal
V̇O2 values are shown in Table 4. At sea level, work output phase. An overview of the cycle phases at sea level and high
(140 vs. 102 W), V̇O2, percent sea-level V̇O2 peak (64.8 vs. altitude during which testing occurred is shown in Table 2.
52.0%), and energy expenditure were significantly higher Biochemical Assays
during SL-65 than during SL-50. Work output, V̇O2, percent
sea-level V̇O2 peak (52.0 vs. 51.1%), and energy expenditure Samples of arterial blood were collected in tubes containing
were similar between SL-50 and 4,300 m. At 4,300 m, V̇O2 peak 4 ml of 7% HClO4 to which 2 ml of blood (for analysis of
declined by 23.4%, so that exercise at 102 W required 66.0% of glucose, lactate, and glucose isotopic enrichment) or 100 µg of
altitude-specific V̇O2 peak, which was very similar in relative aprotinin (Trasylol, Sigma Chemical) as a protease inhibitor
intensity to SL-65 (64.8%). (for analyses of insulin and cortisol) were added. All samples
were immediately stirred with a vortex mixer and kept ice
cold until they were centrifuged at 4°C at 3,000 rpm for 10
Dietary Control
min, and the plasma was transferred to cryogenic vials and
To minimize the effects of changes in energy balance, body frozen at 220°C (glucose, glucose isotopic enrichment, and
weight, and carbohydrate intake on substrate utilization, lactate) or 280°C (insulin and cortisol) until analysis. Plasma
subjects consumed the same standardized diet every day of glucose and lactate concentrations were determined using a
each 12-day study period. The diet was composed of whole, CHEM1 analyzer corrected for HClO4 dilution. Concentra-
readily available foods along with a liquid supplement (En- tions of insulin and cortisol in plasma were measured by
sure, Ross Laboratories, Columbus, OH). Approximately 64% competitive binding with Coat-A-Count RIA kits and double-
of energy came from carbohydrate, 12% from protein, and antibody RIA kits (Diagnostic Products, Los Angeles, CA),
respectively. To measure glucose isotopic enrichment, plasma
24% from fat at sea level and 4,300 m. Energy intake was
was neutralized by backtitration with 2 N KOH, passed
adjusted daily to compensate for any changes in body weight.
through anion- and cation-exchange resins (Bio-Rad Life
There was no significant change in body weight during days
Sciences, Hercules, CA), lyophilized, reconstituted with acetic
1–12 at sea level (62.33 6 2.09 to 62.20 6 1.98 kg) or 4,300 m
anhydride-pyridine (2:1), dried under a stream of nitrogen,
(63.07 6 2.28 to 62.61 6 2.28 kg). Individual diet components and reconstituted in 100 µl of ethyl acetate. The sample was
and the effects of high altitude on energy and nitrogen injected, and pentaacetate derivatives were separated on a
balance in these subjects are described in detail elsewhere model 5890 gas chromatograph, with spectra recorded on a
(26). model 5989A mass spectrometer (both Hewlett-Packard Ana-
lytical, Wilmington, DE). Selected ion monitoring was used to
Menstrual Cycle Phase Determinations compare the abundance of the unlabeled fragment (mass-to-
charge ratio 5 331) with that of the dideuterated isotopomer
To ensure that testing occurred in the appropriate phase at (mass-to-charge ratio 5 333). After correction for background
the appropriate time, each subject kept a menstrual cycle enrichment (,0.06%) the abundance of [6,6-2H]glucose was
diary in which she noted the date of her menses, the date of a expressed as a percentage of total glucose species.
surge in luteinizing hormone (monitored with an ovulation
predictor kit from OvuQuick, Becton-Dickson, Rutherford, Calculations
NJ), and duration of the cycle. Day 1 of each study period at
sea level and high altitude was the day after menses began Glucose rates of appearance (Ra ) and disappearance (Rd )
(beginning of the follicular phase) or the day after a luteiniz- were calculated using equations originally designed by Steele
ing hormone surge was detected (beginning of the luteal
phase). After the study was completed, menstrual diaries,
body temperature profiles, and, most importantly, serum Table 2. Overview of hormonal conditions in which
concentrations of the ovarian hormones estrogen and proges- subjects were tested at sea level and 4,300 m
terone were reviewed. Ovarian hormone concentrations are
shown in Table 1. In 10 cases, women had abnormal phases, Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Trial 4 n
as defined by low concentrations of estrogen (below the SL-50 SL-50 SL-65 4,300 m
normal clinical range of 10 pg/ml in the ‘‘follicular’’ phase) or E E1P E E 5
progesterone (never exceeding 2.4 ng/ml in the ‘‘luteal’’ phase). E1P E E E 4
Statistical comparison of the absolute hormone concentra- E E1P E1P E1P 3
tions in these cases did not differ from those of women with E1P E E1P E1P 2
E1P E E1P E 1
documented normal follicular phases. We included the data
collected in the 10 abnormal cases with those measured Tests used for comparisons between sea level and 4,300 m are
during the follicular phase, since most of the available shown in boldface.

and later modified for use with stable isotopes (40) between E and E 1 P (Table 3). Because V̇O2 peak was not
glucose Ra (mg/min)
different, relative exercise intensity (%V̇O2 peak) was also
the same. Glucose Ra and Rd were not different between
F 2 V[(C1 1 C2 )/2][( IE2 2 IE1 )/(t2 2 t1 )] E and E 1 P at rest or during exercise. RER was also
5 similar between cycle phases at rest. RER was signifi-
(IE2 1 IE1 )/2
cantly greater at 30 min of exercise for E (P , 0.05), but
where F represents the isotopic infusion rate, IE1 and IE2 are the magnitude of the difference (20.014 unit) was very
the isotopic enrichments of plasma glucose with [6,6- small (87.5 vs. 82.8% of energy attributable to carbohy-
2H]glucose at times t and t , respectively, C and C are the
1 2 1 2
drate oxidation). Concentrations of blood glucose, lac-
concentrations of plasma glucose at t1 and t2, respectively, and
V is the estimated volume of distribution for glucose of 180 tate, insulin, and cortisol were generally similar be-
ml/kg. At rest, glucose Rd was calculated using the isotopic tween menstrual cycle phases at sea level with a couple
enrichment at 75 and 90 min after the infusion was started. of exceptions (Table 3): insulin concentration was higher
During exercise, glucose Rd was calculated from the isotopic in E at 15 min of exercise (P , 0.01), and plasma lactate
enrichment at 30 and 45 min after exercise was started. To values tended to be lower in E 1 P at 30 min of exercise
account for the higher rate of energy expenditure during (0.05 , P , 0.10).
SL-65, glucose Rd per unit energy expenditure (mg
glucose · kcal21 · min21 ) was calculated. Carbohydrate oxida-
tion (mg carbohydrate/l O2 ) was calculated from RER by Comparison Across Elevations
using standard values (23) and multiplied by V̇O2 (l/min) to
Glucose kinetics. As shown in Fig. 1, isotopic enrich-
obtain carbohydrate oxidation rates in milligrams of carbohy-
drate per minute. Again, to account for differences in energy ment of plasma glucose with the [6,6-2H]glucose isotope
expenditure, carbohydrate oxidation rates per unit energy reached a stable plateau during the last sampling
(mg · kcal21 · min21 ) were calculated. points at rest and during exercise in all three condi-
tions. Glucose Ra and Rd at rest (Fig. 2) were signifi-
Statistical Analysis cantly lower (mean decline 218%) after 10 days at high
Values are means 6 SE. Statistical comparisons between altitude (4,300 m) than in sea-level conditions. During
menstrual cycle phases at sea level and high altitude and exercise, glucose Rd was significantly higher at SL-65
between elevations within the same menstrual cycle phase (6.22 6 0.26 mg · kg21 · min21 ) than at SL-50 (5.03 6
were made with a two-way ANOVA with repeated measures 0.22 mg · kg21 · min21 ) or 4,300 m (4.71 6 0.24 mg · kg21 ·
(by group, over time, and group 3 time interaction). Tukey’s min21 ). When compared at the same absolute exercise
Studentized range test was used to compare individual time intensity (102 6 3 W at SL-50 and 4,300 m), glucose Rd
points when significant (P , 0.05) F ratios were obtained.
was not different between elevations: 4,300 m was
Correlations between ovarian hormone concentrations and
carbohydrate utilization were evaluated by Pearson product- lower by 9.4%. At the same relative intensity, however
moment analysis. (140 6 5 W at SL-65 vs. 102 6 3 W at 4,300 m), glucose
Rd was 24.3% lower at 4,300 m. When glucose utiliza-
RESULTS tion rates were scaled to rates of exercise energy
Comparison Across Menstrual Cycle Phase expenditure (Table 4), the glucose Rd per unit energy
expenditure was almost identical (differences ,2.5%)
As shown in Table 2, 15 subjects were studied at sea among all three conditions (Fig. 3).
level in the follicular (E) and luteal (E 1 P) phases of Gas exchange. As shown in Fig. 4, resting RER was
the cycle. Exercise workload and V̇O2 were the same significantly lower at both sampling times at high

Table 3. Comparison of metabolic parameters across menstrual cycle ‘‘phases’’ at rest and during
sea-level exercise at 52% V̇O2 peak
Rest 15 min 30 min 45 min


Workload, W 101 6 3 101 6 3 101 6 3 101 6 3 101 6 3 101 6 3

RER 0.865 6 0.010 0.870 6 0.014 0.972 6 0.006 0.962 6 0.010 0.961 6 0.005* 0.947 6 0.008 0.941 6 0.007 0.942 6 0.012
Glucose Ra ,
mg · kg21 · min21 2.89 6 0.31 3.31 6 0.33 4.63 6 0.27 4.34 6 0.29
Glucose Rd ,
mg · kg · min 21 2.95 6 0.31 3.37 6 0.33 4.66 6 0.27 4.38 6 0.29
[Glucose], mM 5.60 6 0.24 5.22 6 0.18 4.88 6 0.14 4.89 6 0.15 4.70 6 0.10 4.72 6 0.14 4.66 6 0.09 4.69 6 0.13
[Lactate], mM 0.44 6 0.04 0.40 6 0.04 2.21 6 0.31 2.04 6 0.34 2.13 6 0.38 1.56 6 0.31 1.70 6 0.33 1.34 6 0.30
[Epinephrine], ng/ml 3.08 6 0.26 2.80 6 0.23 4.49 6 0.41 4.51 6 0.17 4.25 6 0.34 4.21 6 0.27 4.04 6 0.30 4.28 6 0.31
ng/ml 5.62 6 0.40 5.98 6 0.41 10.14 6 0.62 10.65 6 0.54 10.03 6 0.79 9.63 6 0.38 10.00 6 0.75 10.34 6 0.52
[Cortisol], nM 227 6 25 218 6 25 239 6 27 264 6 33 301 6 35 294 6 34 308 6 32 334 6 35
[Insulin], pM 116 6 28 94 6 16 52 6 7* 30 6 7 35 6 8 31 6 5 30 6 3 25 6 3
Values are means 6 SE. RER, respiratory exchange ratio; Ra , rate of appearance; Rd , rate of disappearance; [glucose], [lactate],
[epinephrine], [norepinephrine], [cortisol], and [insulin], glucose, lactate, epinephrine, norepinephrine, cortisol, and insulin concentrations.
* Significantly different from E 1 P condition at same time point.

Glucoregulatory hormones. Mean plasma concentra-

tions of epinephrine and norepinephrine between 30
and 45 min of exercise are shown in Fig. 7. Epinephrine
was the same at SL-65 and 4,300 m and was signifi-
cantly higher than at SL-50. Norepinephrine was signifi-
cantly elevated during moderate-intensity (SL-65) com-
pared with low-intensity (SL-50) exercise at sea level
and was even higher at 4,300 m. The plasma concentra-
tion of cortisol (Fig. 8A) was not different at rest in all
three conditions. Cortisol concentrations rose through-
out the exercise period and were significantly higher
than at rest at 30 and 45 min of exercise. Cortisol
concentrations were significantly higher at SL-65 than
at SL-50 and were elevated even further at 4,300 m
relative to SL-65. As shown in Fig. 8B, plasma insulin
concentrations were variable at rest and did not differ

Fig. 1. Isotopic enrichment of plasma glucose with [6,6-2H]glucose in

all 3 conditions. Pre, before isotope infusion; Rest, during 90 min of
infusion with subjects resting semisupine; Exercise, during 45 min of
steady-state cycle ergometry. Mean values are shown without error
bars to indicate how isotopic enrichment changed over time and
reached a steady state at relevant sampling times. SL, sea level;
V̇O2 peak, peak O2 consumption.

altitude (4,300 m) than in either sea-level condition.

During exercise, RER was significantly elevated during
moderate-intensity (SL-65) compared with low-inten-
sity (SL-50) exercise. RER during exercise was lower at
4,300 m than at SL-65 and tended to be lower than that
at SL-50 (0.05 , P , 0.10). When RER values were
used to calculate the rate of carbohydrate oxidation and
scaled to energy expenditure, carbohydrate oxidization
per kilocalorie per minute was not different between
SL-50 and 4,300 m but was significantly higher at
SL-65 (Fig. 5). Therefore, whether expressed as RER or
the rate of carbohydrate oxidized per unit energy,
values were not different between elevations when
compared at the same absolute exercise intensity (4,300
m 5 SL-50) and were lower at 4,300 m than at the same
relative exercise intensity (4,300 m , SL-65).
Glucose and lactate concentrations. Figure 6A shows
the plasma glucose concentration at each time point. At
rest, plasma glucose concentration was significantly
lower after 10 days at 4,300 m than in either sea-level
condition. At sea level, plasma glucose concentrations
declined significantly in the transition from rest to
exercise and remained lower throughout the exercise
bout, with values lower at SL-65 than at SL-50. A
different pattern was observed during exercise at 4,300
m: glucose concentrations did not fall in the rest-to-
exercise transition and were greater than at SL-50 or
SL-65. Plasma lactate concentrations were virtually
the same at rest in all three conditions (Fig. 6B). Fig. 2. Glucose rates of appearance (Ra, A) and disappearance (Rd, B)
During exercise, plasma lactate concentration rose at at rest and during submaximal exercise. Values are means 6 SE.
sea level and 4,300 m. Plasma lactate concentrations SL-50 and SL-65, sea-level exercise trials performed at 50 and 65%
V̇O2 peak, respectively. Resting values represent mean values from 2
were considerably higher during exercise at SL-50 than preexercise time points; exercise values represent mean values
at 4,300 m. Relative to SL-65, however, plasma lactate between 30 and 45 min. Conditions that do not share a superscripted
levels at 4,300 m were not different. letter (a, b) are significantly different from each other.

Table 4. Comparison of selected physiological

parameters and catecholamine concentrations
during exercise trials at the same absolute
and relative exercise intensity
SL-50 4,300 m SL-65

Workload, W 102 6 3 102 6 3 140 6 5*

O2 consumption, l/min 1.40 6 0.05 1.37 6 0.06 1.75 6 0.06*
Energy expenditure,
kcal/min 6.99 6 0.22 6.80 6 0.21 8.76 6 0.28*
V̇O2 peak , l/min 2.70 6 0.10 2.08 6 0.11* 2.70 6 0.10
%Sea-level V̇O2 peak 52.0 6 0.3 51.1 6 0.4 64.8 6 1.1*
%High-altitude V̇O2 peak 66.0 6 0.9
Values are means 6 SE. * Significantly different from other condi-

among conditions. During exercise, plasma insulin

concentrations fell to lower values than at rest. Insulin
levels at SL-50 remained elevated above those observed
in the other two conditions, but this difference was
significant only at 45 min of exercise. Insulin response Fig. 4. Respiratory exchange ratio at rest and during submaximal
at 4,300 m was virtually identical to that at SL-65. exercise. Values are means 6 SE for 3 conditions. * Significantly
Gas exchange during daily measurements of basal different from other 2 conditions at that time point.
metabolic rate. The RER values measured during daily
assessments of basal metabolic rate at sea level and observed at sea level. Whole body carbohydrate utiliza-
over the 12 days at 4,300 m are shown in Fig. 9. RER tion, as determined by RER, was lower at rest and
values were significantly lower on days 2–7 and 10 at during exercise at the same relative intensity at 4,300
4,300 m than at sea level. m than at sea level. Blood glucose utilization was not
Correlations between ovarian hormones and glucose different, and carbohydrate oxidation was only margin-
utilization. Glucose Rd or RER values were not signifi- ally altered (lower at 30 min of exercise in E 1 P than in
cantly correlated with estrogen or progesterone concen- E) across phases of the menstrual cycle. Neither mea-
trations alone, estrogen plus progesterone, or the estro- sure was correlated with circulating levels of estrogen
gen-to-progesterone ratio (data not shown). and/or progesterone.
DISCUSSION Effects of Energy Balance
The main findings in this study were that blood Our main findings could be confounded by negative
glucose utilization rates in young women after 10 days energy balance, resulting in weight loss, which reduces
of exposure to 4,300-m elevation were lower at rest and carbohydrate utilization (13). At high altitude, a reduc-
not different during submaximal exercise from those tion in energy intake coupled with increased basal

Fig. 3. Glucose Rd per unit energy expenditure (EE), calculated by Fig. 5. Rate of carbohydrate (CHO) oxidation per unit energy expen-
scaling glucose Rd to rate of energy expended (kcal/min) during diture (kcal/min) during 3 exercise trials. Values are means 6 SE.
exercise trials. Values are means 6 SE. * Significantly different from other 2 conditions.

Time Course of Changes

Because we made a single measurement after 10
days at 4,300 m, we cannot address how substrate
utilization might change over time during high-
altitude acclimatization in women. Roberts et al. (31)
found that blood glucose Rd and glucose uptake by the
working leg muscles declined in men after 21 days at
4,300 m relative to acute exposure (although both
parameters remained modestly elevated over sea-level
values). In contrast, Larsen et al. (24) reported no
change in resting glucose Rd and a rise in insulin-
stimulated glucose uptake in men after 7 days, com-
pared with 2 days, at 4,550 m. The only data available
on women were provided by Hannon et al. (19). All (n 5
8) women showed a decrease in fasting plasma glucose
concentrations and an increase in plasma free fatty
acid concentrations during 14 days of exposure to 4,300
m. Those changes were transient: free fatty acid levels
returned to sea-level values after 7 days, and glucose
concentrations approached baseline after 14 days. Al-
though the authors interpreted those data to suggest
that fat utilization was not enhanced at high altitude,
without directly measuring substrate utilization, that
conclusion remains speculative. In the present study,
basal V̇O2 and CO2 production were measured on three
mornings at sea level and every morning at 4,300 m.
The RER (Fig. 8) was consistently lower at 4,300 m
throughout the altitude exposure than at sea level.
These data independently confirm the reduction in rest
and exercise RER we observed on day 10 and imply that
this effect was likely to have been present throughout
the stay at altitude. One pitfall related to use of gas
exchange measurements at altitude is the increase in
ventilation that occurs. During acclimatization, a non-
steady-state relationship between alveolar and arterial
gases could limit the accuracy of the RER. In the
present study, however, ventilatory acclimatization, as

Fig. 6. Plasma glucose (A) and lactate (B) concentrations at rest and
during submaximal exercise. Values are means 6 SE. * Significantly
different from other 2 conditions at that time point.

energy demands commonly results in weight loss (10).

For example, men who spent 18 days at 4,300 m and
lost several kilograms of body weight used less muscle
glycogen and had lower RER values during exercise
than at sea level or with acute altitude exposure (41). In
contrast, when men were kept at 4,300 m for 21 days in
a weight-stable condition, blood glucose utilization
during rest and exercise was higher (7, 30) and muscle
glycogen use was unchanged (17) relative to that at sea
level. In the present study, energy balance was main-
tained and body weights were unchanged after a slight
loss during the initial 4 days of altitude exposure.
Therefore, it is likely that the reduction in whole body
Fig. 7. Plasma concentrations of epinephrine and norepinephrine.
carbohydrate oxidation we observed is attributable to Values are means 6 SE at 30 and 45 min of exercise. Conditions that
altitude exposure and not a consequence of negative do not share a superscripted letter (a–c) are significantly different
energy balance. from each other.

51.1% of sea-level V̇O2 peak but represented 66.0% of

high-altitude V̇O2 peak. For this reason, our sea-level
studies were done at 102 W (producing the same
absolute exercise intensity as at 4,300 m to match
energy flux) and 140 W (producing the same relative
exercise intensity as at 4,300 m to match percentage of
maximal capacity). The choice of comparison has a
profound impact on the interpretation of the metabolic
data. At the same absolute exercise intensity, blood
glucose utilization was approximately the same and
whole body carbohydrate oxidation tended to be lower
(P 5 0.07) at 4,300 m than at sea level. At the same
relative exercise intensity, blood glucose utilization and
total carbohydrate oxidation were markedly reduced at
4,300 m.
Several lines of evidence suggest that comparison
across elevations at the same relative exercise intensity
is more appropriate. Substrate utilization during exer-
cise at sea level is directly related to the relative
exercise intensity (8, 32). Plasma epinephrine and
norepinephrine concentrations during exercise at 4,300
m (Fig. 7) are much more closely matched with sea-
level exercise at the same relative intensity. Further-
more, plasma concentrations of the glucoregulatory
hormones cortisol (Fig. 8A) and insulin (Fig. 8B) during
exercise at 4,300 m more closely resemble the pattern
observed during sea-level exercise at the same relative
intensity. Lactate concentrations (Fig. 6B) follow a
similar pattern, but there appears to be a slightly
greater response early in exercise (15 min) during
SL-65. Although there is no significant difference be-
tween the pattern of change at SL-65 and 4,300 m,
higher lactate levels and lower blood pH may result in
greater production of nonmetabolic CO2, potentially
inflating gas exchange values and leading to an overes-
timate of carbohydrate utilization. The absolute differ-
ence between SL-65 and 4,300 m (maximum difference

Fig. 8. Plasma cortisol (A) and insulin (B) concentrations at rest and
during submaximal exercise. Values are means 6 SE. Values at a
given time point that do not share a superscripted letter (a–c) denote
significant differences between conditions at that time point. * Signifi-
cantly different from other 2 conditions at that time point.

measured by resting ventilation and end-tidal CO2

values, was complete with reestablishment of steady-
state conditions by day 5 at 4,300 m (S. R. Muza,
personal communication). Therefore, it is unlikely that
hyperventilation was a confounding variable during
the metabolic studies on day 10.
Relative vs. Absolute Exercise Intensity
Although comparing data between sea level and high
altitude is straightforward at rest, making similar
comparisons during submaximal exercise is compli-
cated by altitude-induced changes in the relative exer-
cise intensity. In the present study, V̇O2 peak was reduced Fig. 9. Respiratory exchange ratio during measurements of basal
by 23.4% at 4,300 m compared with sea level. As a metabolic rate at sea level and on each day at 4,300 m. Values are
consequence, an exercise workload of 102 W elicited means 6 SE. * Significantly different from sea-level value.

is 1.08 mM at 15 min) is fairly minor, however, and the increase, and total carbohydrate oxidation is lower
potential contribution to CO2 production is unlikely to than at sea level.
be quantitatively important. The difference in acclimatization time between stud-
A major pitfall with making the comparison between ies on men and women is not likely to have a big impact
sea level and high altitude at the same relative exercise on the comparison; glucose utilization in men de-
intensity, however, is the higher rate of energy expendi- creased between the acute and acclimatized studies at
ture (223.4%) at sea level (Table 2). To correct for this, 4,300 m, and a shorter exposure might have exagger-
a reasonable approach is to scale blood glucose utiliza- ated, rather than diminished, the differences from our
tion and carbohydrate oxidation to the rate of energy study in women. The effects of training state on the
expenditure. Blood glucose Rd per unit energy expendi- results are potentially important, however. Longitudi-
ture (Fig. 3) is almost identical across all three condi- nal studies of exercise training in women showed that
tions. Expressed in this way, there is clearly no change glucose flux and carbohydrate oxidation were de-
in the contribution of blood glucose to energy produc- creased in both sexes at the same absolute exercise
tion at 4,300 m compared with sea level. If it is assumed intensity (but unchanged at the same relative inten-
that 70–100% of blood glucose Rd is oxidized (14, 29), sity), and women showed a decrease in RER at the
the contribution of blood glucose to total energy expen- same relative exercise intensity (14). It is possible that
diture ranges from 12.4 to 17.7% (SL-50), from 12.0 to a predisposition to conserve carbohydrate, especially
17.1% (4,300 m), and from 12.2 to 17.5% (SL-65). These intramuscular glycogen (as evidenced by a lower RER
data are in excellent agreement with results reported with no change in blood glucose Rd ), in trained subjects
recently by McClelland et al. (29) in female rats accli- explains at least part of the ‘‘sex difference’’ in carbohy-
mated to high altitude. Female rats exercising at high drate utilization at altitude. Further studies using
altitude utilized less blood glucose, in absolute terms, untrained women and/or trained men are necessary to
than rats exercising at the same relative intensity at separate the effects of training status from the effects of
sea level. When the difference in energy expenditure biological sex.
was accounted for, the blood glucose Rd was the same There is a wealth of evidence, from several indepen-
between elevations. In the present study, however, the dent lines of research, that women utilize less muscle
rate of total carbohydrate oxidation scaled to the rate of glycogen and/or total carbohydrate under conditions in
energy expenditure (Fig. 5) was still significantly lower which catecholamine concentrations are elevated (1, 9,
at 4,300 m than at sea level. Taken together, these data 12, 14, 15, 22, 33, 34, 36–39). At the same relative
suggest that, relative to sea level, the contribution of intensity, women tend to use more fatty acids and less
intramuscular carbohydrate sources (glycogen) to total
glycogen to fuel exercise than men (14, 22, 34, 36–38).
energy expenditure may be diminished after high-
In response to induced hypoglycemia, women switch to
altitude exposure in these young women. This result is
fatty acid utilization more readily than men (1, 12).
consistent with observations made in men losing body
Men and women increase sympathoadrenal activity in
weight (41) but not with observations made in weight-
response to altitude, resulting in higher concentrations
stable men (7, 17, 31).
of the catecholamines epinephrine (increase on acute
exposure, then return to sea level after ,7 days) and
Comparison With Men norepinephrine (steadily increasing over the course of
Compared with studies done under similar experi- 2–3 wk) (27, 28). Catecholamines upregulate the rate of
mental conditions in men, the present results show lipolysis as well as muscle glycogenolysis (27, 30, 31)
some striking differences. Using isotopic tracer tech- and also stimulate hepatic glucose production. Al-
niques (whole body substrate use) and arteriovenous though epinephrine concentrations were similar at the
differences across the leg (muscle substrate use) in same relative exercise intensity (4,300 m vs. SL-65),
young men, Brooks and colleagues (7, 31) consistently norepinephrine was higher at 4,300 m that at SL-65.
demonstrated that glucose uptake and oxidation were The same increase at 4,300 m was observed in plasma
markedly increased after 2 h and still significantly cortisol concentrations (Fig. 8A), which could further
higher after 21 days at 4,300 m than at sea level. stimulate lipolysis and reduce the uptake of blood
Although there were two notable differences (women in glucose. Larsen et al. (24) observed a sharp rise in
this study were more physically trained, and the period plasma cortisol levels at 4,550 m in association with
of acclimatization was 10, rather than 21, days), sev- lower blood glucose uptake. In the present study,
eral key parameters were nearly identical in those plasma glucose Rd exceeded Ra and glucose concentra-
studies and the present one: the same elevation (4,300 tion declined in the early stages of exercise at sea level,
m), strict maintenance of energy balance, the same indicating that glucose uptake by cells exceeded he-
exercise protocol (45 min at ,50% of sea level V̇O2 peak), patic glucose production (Fig. 6A). At 4,300 m, however,
and almost identical absolute workload (100 W for men blood glucose did not decrease in the rest-to-exercise
and 102 W for women). Blood glucose, lactate, and transition and remained higher than sea-level values
insulin concentrations in these women do not differ throughout exercise. Taken together, the data suggest
from values reported in men. These similarities serve that, in women, physiological stresses that stimulate
to highlight the disparate results: unlike men, blood the production of catecholamines and cortisol, such as
glucose uptake at high altitude in women does not exposure to high altitude, provoke a shift away from

carbohydrate utilization and toward greater reliance creased carbohydrate utilization at high altitude may
on fatty acids. occur only in men.
Recently, a new perspective was introduced by McClel-
Effects of Ovarian Hormones land et al. (29) challenging the ‘‘oxygen-efficiency’’
theory. These investigators identified the relative exer-
Substrate use at high altitude may be altered by the cise intensity as the primary determinant of substrate
presence of the ovarian hormones estrogen and proges-
utilization in female rats acclimated to high altitude.
terone, both of which have direct and indirect effects on
Furthermore, they speculated that the energetic advan-
carbohydrate and lipid metabolism (9, 16, 25, 33, 34,
tages of increased dependence on glucose may be
36–39). Administration of estrogen to women with
amenorrhea causes blood glucose utilization to diverge balanced by the need to conserve limited glycogen
from that seen in men (35). Differences from men may stores. Our data are consistent with this perspective
be especially pronounced if women are studied during and suggest that, in women, conservation of carbohy-
the midluteal phase of the menstrual cycle, when the drate stores may not only balance but may override a
concentrations of estrogen and progesterone are high- shift toward increased glucose utilization in response to
est (2, 9, 16, 18, 33, 34). Rates of carbohydrate oxidation hypoxia. Whatever the mechanism, the net effect of
during exercise in the follicular phase of the cycle are femaleness appears to be a constraint on carbohydrate
often, but not always, lower than in the luteal phase of utilization at high altitude.
the cycle (2, 9, 34, 36–39). We showed that glucose We acknowledge the tremendous cooperation of the subjects; the
tolerance was significantly reduced in the E 1 P nursing and dietetics staff of the Aging Study Unit and the Clinical
compared with the E only phase of the cycle in this Laboratory at the Palo Alto Veterans Affairs Health Care System;
same group of women (3). Sgt. James Kenney and other personnel at the US Army Research
Glucose utilization was not different in the E and E 1 Institute of Environmental Medicine; Bobbye Chang at the San
P phases of the menstrual cycle (Table 3). When the Francisco General Hospital Clinical Research Center (National Insti-
tutes of Health Grant M01 RR-00083-33); Gene McCullough, Rosann
absolute or relative concentrations of estrogen and/or McCullough, Dr. Margaret Weirman, and the Clinical Laboratories at
progesterone were regressed against blood glucose up- the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center (National Insti-
take or RER, there were no significant correlations. The tutes of Health Grant 5 01 RR-00051); Ross Laboratories; Hershey
finding that there were no (glucose Ra and Rd ) or minor Corporation; Shaklee Corporation; and United Airlines.
(RER and possibly lactate) changes in response to This study was supported by Department of Defense Contract
fluctuations in ovarian hormone levels may be due to Present address for B. Braun: Dept. of Exercise Science, 110
the subject population chosen. Differences in the rela- Totman Building, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA 01003
tive concentrations of estrogen and progesterone across (E-mail:
cycle phases (Table 1) in this group of physically fit, Received 11 March 1999; accepted in final form 14 September 1999.
lean women tended to be small. Similar studies in
less-trained women with larger variations in estrogen REFERENCES
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