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Lesson: 4

Data Preprocessing
What is Data Preprocessing?
- is a crucial step in data analysis
that involves cleaning,
formatting, and transforming
raw data into a more suitable
format for analysis or model
Why is Data Preprocessing important?
1. Ensures data quality by 3. Enhances interpretability by
addressing issues like missing highlighting important
values and outliers. relationships in the data.

2. Handles real-world data 4. It optimizes data for effective

challenges like inconsistent analysis and model training, leading
to more accurate and reliable
formats. results.
What are the four steps in Data
1. Data Cleaning
2. Data Integration
3. Data Transformation
4. Data Reduction
What is Data Cleaning?
- is the process of preparing
data for analysis by
removing or modifying data
that is incorrect, incomplete,
irrelevant, duplicated, or
improperly formatted.
Data Cleaning Workflow and Samples
- Data cleaning is a lot of muscle • Fixing spelling and syntax
work. There’s a reason data errors.
cleaning is the most important
step if you want to create a data- • Standardizing data sets.
culture. • Correcting mistakes such
as empty fields
• Identifying duplicate data
Q&A and Discussion

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