Hydrophobic and Flexible Cellulose Aerogel As An

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Hydrophobic and flexible cellulose aerogel as an

efficient, green and reusable oil sorbent†
Cite this: RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 82027
Runjun Lin, Ang Li, Tingting Zheng, Lingbin Lu* and Yang Cao

Adsorbent materials as well as hydrophobic modification methods have been at the forefront of research
creating environmentally hazardous waste. Herein, we report a facile, green preparation method for
cellulose aerogels. Cold plasma technology was employed for hydrophobic modification of the aerogel
surface using trimethyl-chlorosilane (TMCS) as the plasma. Notably, the modification procedure was
considerably more rapid (less than 3 min), more efficient and economically viable than traditional
methods. The highly flexible modified cellulose aerogels are hydrophobic (ca. 150 ), oleophilic and
Received 30th July 2015
Accepted 21st September 2015
ultralight (as low as 0.0196 g cm3). Compared to conventional oil adsorbent materials, these low-cost,
environment-friendly cellulose aerogels exhibit excellent adsorption properties (peanut oil, 34.5 g g1) as
DOI: 10.1039/c5ra15194e
well as remarkable reusability (more than 15 times). Therefore, the preset work would play a significant
www.rsc.org/advances role in further advancing the fields of adsorbent materials and hydrophobic modification methods.

necessary. Cellulose aerogels have been investigated for

Introduction decades and they have shown great potential to be applied as
Frequent oil spills and increasing amounts of organic contam- heat insulators,12 catalyst carriers, and for contaminant
inants have caused severe damage to our environment and adsorption;13,14 cellulose-based drug delivery systems have been
ecosystem.1 Currently, the most prevailing technologies use extensively studied. Due to its abundance, renewability and
porous or semi-porous materials with high adsorption capac- nontoxicity, cellulose aerogels have been an area of focus in
ities, and these materials can remove organic contaminants materials research.15,16 Cellulose aerogels have attracted exten-
from water. There are several efficient absorbent materials sive attention, especially, in absorbent materials research.17 The
currently available, such as twisted carbon ber aerogels (TCF),2 major driving force behind the intense activity in this area is the
carbon nanotube sponges (CNT),3–5 cellulose nanobril aerogels increasingly harsh environment, and the environmentally
(CNF),6,7 cellulose nanocrystal aerogels (CNC),8 ultra-yweight friendly, low-cost and reusable properties of cellulose aerogels
aerogels (UFAs),9 graphene oxide aerogels (GO)10,11 etc. which make them potential alternative absorbents.
exhibit high oil capacities as well as excellent reusability. Hydrophobic modication of adsorbents is an essential
However, the majority of these materials are either carbon process to achieve efficient separation of organic contaminants
based or nano-sized materials or both. Such materials are not from water. Cellulose aerogels contain a large number of
only too expensive for commercial applications, but the prepa- hydroxyl groups. Although these hydroxyl groups cause strong
ration of these materials also involves complicated and hydrophilia they provide many chemical sites for hydrophobic
sophisticated processes. Therefore, developing alternative modication at the same time. Hydrophobic modication has
materials which are suitable for commercial purposes is been widely studied and applied in various elds such as anti-
freezing,18–20 gene transfection,21,22 coating,23,24 oil separation,25
etc. Organosiloxanes26,27 or silanes28,29 are the most common
Key Lab of Advanced Materials of Tropical Island Resources, Ministry of Education, modiers, that exert a signicant hydrophobic effect. However,
College of Materials and Chemical Engineering, Hainan University, No. 58, Renmin
there are several disadvantages of the modication process.
Avenue, Haikou 570228, Hainan, China. E-mail: lulingbin@126.com
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Table S1–S3 list the
First of all, these chemicals are not only expensive, but they are
compressive strength data of 2 wt% cellulose aerogel, adsorption capacity of 3 too unstable to store. Secondly, organosiloxane or silanes are
wt% modied cellulose aerogel, and the atomic composition of cellulose mostly utilized in sol–gel methods or even vapor deposition
aerogel before and aer hydrophobic modication, respectively. Fig. S1–S5 methods.29 These methods not only consume a large quantity of
illustrate the N2 sorption isotherms of 3 wt% cellulose aerogels, compressive
the modiers but also change the inner structure of the
strain–stress proles, and adsorption capacities versus modication time, the
silylation of cellulose with TMCS, and NMR spectra of cellulose aerogels before
samples; however, they introduce excellent hydrophobic prop-
and aer hydrophobic modication, respectively. In addition, supplementary erties. In addition, poor efficiency and long modication
Video 1 and Video 2 exhibit exibility and hydrophobic and oleophilic periods for these methods make them less favorable for further
properties of modied cellulose aerogels, respectively. See DOI: application.

This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2015 RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 82027–82033 | 82027
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Surface modication using cold plasma technology has been Cold plasma hydrophobic modication
developed to introduce hydrophobicity onto the surface of
Hydrophobic cellulose aerogels were prepared using HD-1A
materials. In this regard, cold plasma technology is thought to
plasma equipment provided by the Chinese Academy of
be the optimal method, because the depth of plasma-induced
Published on 21 September 2015. Downloaded by Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC) on 3/20/2024 2:31:53 PM.

Sciences; TMCS was used as the cold plasma. In the plasma

deposition is only a few nanometers;30 this means that the
equipment, the plasma excitation uses a glow discharge with a
inner structure of a sample still remains hydrophilic while its
variable power, which is coupled to a reactor. The incident
surface becomes hydrophobic. Although CCl4, CF4, SF6, etc. are
power (Pi) and the reected power (Pr) are measured with a
generally deemed as the ideal plasmas,31,32 there are several power meter. The impedance is adjusted until the reected
associated problems, such as high discharge power, long power is very low (Pr < 1 W). Dry cellulose aerogels were placed
modication periods and medium hydrophobic effect, which
in the cold plasma chamber and treated under a glow discharge
need to be solved.
system. The discharge system was then started when the
Herein, we report a facile and green method for preparing
vacuum degree reached a constant value (ca. 200  50 Pa in
light-weight, porous cellulose aerogels. Our objective was to
these experiments). The hydrophobic aerogels were nally
develop an environment-friendly, economically viable adsor-
obtained aer discharging under a specied power (150 W in
bent material that not only possesses high adsorbent capacity
these experiments) and time (2–15 min in these experiments).
but also exhibits improved reusability compared to traditional
adsorbents, whose oil intake can be up to ca. 15 times their
original dry weight.33 Surface modication of cellulose aerogels Characterization
was achieved through a cold plasma method using trimethyl- Estimation of density and porosity. Bulk density of cellulose
chlorosilane (TMCS) as the plasma. The mechanical proper- aerogel (rb) was dened as the ratio of the aerogel’s mass to its
ties of the hydrophobic, oleophilic, ultralight cellulose aerogels volume. Porosity of cellulose aerogel was calculated using the
were studied. In addition, we attempted to understand the following equation: porosity (%) ¼ 1  rb/rs where, rb and rs
mechanism involved in the hydrophobic modication. represent the bulk density and skeletal density of cellulose
aerogel, respectively. rs-cellulose ¼ 1.528 g cm3.
Experimental section Liquid adsorption capacity (Cm). To determine liquid
adsorption capacity of the cellulose aerogels, different solvents
Materials were examined including water, diesel, ethanol, gasoline,
Cellulose (cotton linter), provided by Hubei Chemical Fiber Co., peanut oil, and pump oil. A 2 wt% cellulose aerogel was
Ltd, was used without further purication. The a-cellulose immersed in a given solvent for 10 min, and the weights of the
content of the cellulose was more than 95%. Mh was measured aerogels before (Wbefore) and aer (Waer) solvent uptake were
to be 1.01  105 with cadmium ethylenediamine (cadoxen) as measured. The corresponding adsorption capacity was calcu-
the solvent at 25  C using a viscometer [where, h ¼ 3.85  102 lated using the following equation.
M0.76 (mL g1)34]. Sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and urea
((NH2)2CO) were purchased from Guangzhou Chemical Cm (g g1) ¼ (Wafter  Wbefore)/Wbefore
Reagents Factory and Guangdong Guanghua Chemical Factory
Co., Ltd, respectively. Trimethyl-chlorosilane (TMCS) and
sulfuric acid were purchased from Aladdin Industrial Corpora- Each sample was tested more than three times to obtain an
tion and Luoyang Chemical Factory respectively. All chemical average value.
reagents were used without further purication. Deionized Evaluation of compressive properties. The cellulose aerogels
water was used for all experiments unless otherwise mentioned. were molded in a cuboid (40 mm  40 mm  10 mm) shape.
While evaluating compressive properties in air as the medium,
the cellulose aerogels were dried in an electric oven at 60  C for
Preparation of cellulose aerogels 6 h prior to the measurements; however, for other media, the
Cellulose was repeatedly rinsed with distilled water and anhy- cellulose aerogels were soaked in the corresponding media until
drous ethanol and dried. To obtain an alkaline sol, the dried saturated adsorption was reached, prior to the measurements.
cellulose was then added into a precooled (18  C for 20 min) Compressive tests were performed with a microcomputer
aqueous solution containing NaOH and urea with constant controlled electronic universal testing machine provided by
stirring; the weight percentages of cellulose, NaOH and urea in Jinan HengXu Testing Machine Technology Co., Ltd. The
the nal mixture were 1–5%, 7% and 12%, respectively. The sample was placed between the testing plates and compressed
cellulose alkaline sol was ultrasonicated (to eliminate bubbles) with a speed of 0.3 mm min1 to 90% of its original thickness.
before injected into molds. Next, 17 wt% sulfuric acid solution, Three replicates were measured for each sample.
used as coagulator, was dropped into the cellulose alkaline sol Analysis of structure and morphology. The chemical struc-
slowly, and nally, cellulose gel was obtained aer 6 h of ture of the cellulose aerogel was investigated and compared
undisturbed immersion. Subsequently, the gels were washed with modied cellulose aerogel using an FTIR spectrometer
with deionized water repeatedly. For freeze-drying, the washed (model: TENSOR 27, Bruker) with a resolution of 1 cm1.
samples were rst frozen at 80  C for at least 12 h and then Morphology was examined using a scanning electron micro-
lyophilized in a precooled lyophilizer for approximately 48 h. scope (SEM) (model: S-4800N, Hitachi, Japan) with an

82028 | RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 82027–82033 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2015
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acceleration voltage of 10 kV aer 60 s of metallization with Au.

The solid state 13C-NMR spectrum was recorded at room
temperature, using a 4 mm CP-MAS probe on a Bruker Advance
III 400 Hz NMR spectrometer. Approximately 200 mg of dried
Published on 21 September 2015. Downloaded by Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC) on 3/20/2024 2:31:53 PM.

material was cryo-ground to a ne powder and packed in 7 mm

zirconia rotors. The surface chemical composition of the
samples was analyzed using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy
(XPS, PHI-5300) with an Al Ka radiation source. No degradation
of the specimens during the XPS analyses was detected. Fig. 2SEM images of the 3 wt% cellulose aerogel before (a) and after
hydrophobic modification (b).

Results and discussion

Characterization of the cellulose aerogels the bers in the shell as well as the spatial conformation are
We prepared light-weight and porous cellulose aerogels using a preserved. The surface of the bers is clean and at, indicating
facile method. Fig. 1 depicts the density and porosity of the complete removal of solvent. As a result, the cellulose aerogel
cellulose aerogels. It is evident from Fig. 1 that with decreasing properties, including the adsorption properties and mechanical
cellulose concentration, the sample density could reach as low properties, were affected.
as 0.0196 g cm3, while the porosity could be as high as 98.7%.
This is dominantly caused by the increased stacking
Adsorption properties and reusability
compactness of the cellulose bers. At high cellulose concen-
trations, cellulose bers interact and pile with each other We examined the liquid adsorption capacity (Cm) of the cellu-
densely, leading to a robust structure. Fig. 2 illustrates repre- lose aerogels, as exhibited in Fig. 3. It is evident from Fig. 3a
sentative SEM micrographs of the cellulose aerogel samples. A that the adsorption capacity of the cellulose aerogels decreases
woven porous three-dimensional network structure can be seen, rapidly with increasing cellulose concentration. This is due to
and the diameter of the bers is generally equal to ca. 20 mm, a the ascending density but decreasing porosity of the cellulose
typical size of cellulose bers dissolved in NaOH/urea solu- aerogels with increasing cellulose concentration, providing less
tion.35 No signicant changes were observed aer hydrophobic space for solvent uptake. Compared with commercial oil
modication. Fig. S1† shows the nitrogen sorption isotherms of sorbent sheets, the cellulose aerogels exhibit a higher adsorp-
the 3 wt% cellulose aerogel. It obviously belongs to Type II tion capacity, suggesting that cellulose aerogels can also be
according to IUPAC, which means that the cellulose aerogels used as efficient contaminant sorbents besides the advantages
have a non-porous structure and the cellulose chains intertwine mentioned above. Fig. 3b presents the adsorption capacities of
each other, leaving large amounts of space. As reported by Isobe the 2 wt% cellulose aerogel in different solvents and the data
et al.,36 cellulose dissolves in NaOH/urea solution by forming a further conrm that cellulose aerogels have great potential to be
shell surrounded with alkali hydrates, urea hydrates and free used as sorbents of various solvents and oils.
water, which could penetrate into the cellulose, destroying Unlike conventional low-density aerogels that are brittle and
intra- and inter-molecular hydrogen bonds. In the present fragile,37 the cellulose aerogels prepared in the current study
study, we destroyed the complex shell by treating it with sulfuric exhibit high exibility due to their porous three-dimensional
acid solution. As is evident from the SEM micrographs (Fig. 2), woven network structure (ESI Video 1†). Table S1† lists the
compressive properties of the 2 wt% cellulose aerogels in
different media. Our data revealed that the cellulose aerogels
can be compressed without disintegration aer being subjected
to a strain of 90%. However, we observed that the samples did
not return to their original features aer relieving the
compressive load. This could be due to a lack of a restoring

Fig. 1 Density and porosity of cellulose aerogels with increasing Fig. 3 (a) Tap-water and peanut oil adsorption capacities of cellulose
cellulose concentration. The two photographs show the sample aerogels with increasing cellulose concentration; (b) adsorption
placed on a flower petal (left) and Setaria viridis (right), respectively. capacities of 2 wt% cellulose aerogel, examined for various solvents.

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force related to the inner structure of the gel, and SEM images
(Fig. 2) reveal a porous and interconnected 3D network struc-
ture of the cellulose aerogel. Compared to the twisted carbon
bers fabricated by Bi et al.,2 the cellulose bers are less twisted.
Published on 21 September 2015. Downloaded by Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC) on 3/20/2024 2:31:53 PM.

Apparently, in addition to the effects of the sample’s inner

characteristics, other factors, such as temperature, anisotropy,
humidity and medium, affect the mechanical properties of the
sample, as revealed in Fig. S2.†
To test the reusability of the aerogels, we immersed an aer-
ogel in an organic solvent (ethanol) and measured the weight
before and aer drying; the experiment was repeated 15 times.
In this experiment, the cellulose aerogel was dried in a vacuum
oven at 50  C aer each adsorption cycle. The results shown in
Fig. 4 suggest that the adsorption capacity of the cellulose aer- Fig. 5 Water contact angle of the 3 wt% cellulose aerogel versus cold
ogel remains more or less constant even aer being used for plasma modification time.
several cycles. The slight increment in adsorption capacity aer
cycle 1 could be due to washing out the residuum of the cellu-
lose aerogel by ethanol. The results above together indicate that Fig. 6b clearly shows that diesel is readily absorbed, while the
cellulose aerogels have a good reusability as the organic MAO droplet still retains its spherical shape. Cold plasma
contaminants can be washed out by ethanol or are soluble in technology is dened as an external modication technology,
ethanol. because the depth of the deposition of the plasma-induced
treatment is only a few nanometers over the surface. However,
Hydrophobic modication even aer slicing the modied aerogel into halves, the section
still retains its hydrophobic character, as shown in Fig. 6c (we
To achieve water/oil separation, cellulose aerogels were modi-
could not measure the water contact angle due to the uneven
ed using cold plasma technology. Fig. 5 presents a plot of
section). It can be collectively attributed to the high chemical
water contact angle versus modication time at a constant
activities of cold plasmas and the porous structures of cellulose
power (150 W). Clearly, the average water contact angle of the
aerogels. Fig. 6d presents an image that clearly captures the
modied cellulose aerogels could reach ca. 150 , which means
separation of CCl4 (dyed with iodine) from water using a
that the modied aerogels are hydrophobic enough to separate
modied cellulose aerogel. Further details are provided in ESI
oil from water. It is worth noting that the modication process
Video 2.† However, compared to unmodied cellulose aerogels,
took less than 3 min. To the best of our knowledge, this is a
we did not nd any signicant change in the oil adsorption
considerably more efficient and rapid method than any repor-
capacity of the modied cellulose aerogels, as listed in Table
ted to date. In addition, the oil adsorption capacity versus
modication time is also depicted in Fig. S3,† and no signicant
For further understanding hydrophobic modication
changes were observed.
mechanism, we compared the XPS survey spectra of the
The photographs presented in Fig. 6 show the selective
unmodied cellulose aerogel and modied cellulose aerogel
adsorption properties of the cellulose aerogels. It is evident
(Fig. 7). Before data analysis, the survey spectra were charge
from Fig. 6a that the surface of the unmodied cellulose aerogel
is extremely hydrophilic and oleophilic; the surface readily and
rapidly adsorbs the droplets of methyl orange aqueous (MOA)
and diesel. In contrast, the surface of the modied cellulose
aerogel exhibits ultra-hydrophobic but oleophilic properties.

Fig. 4 Recyclability study of the cellulose aerogels. 15 cycles and 10

cycles of adsorption–evaporation (with vacuum drying) were applied Fig. 6 (a) Unmodified cellulose aerogel is hydrophilic and oleophobic;
to recycle unused 3 wt% cellulose aerogel (a) and modified cellulose (b) modified cellulose aerogel is oleophilic but hydrophobic; (c) the
aerogel (b) for sorption of ethanol, respectively. The inset picture inner section of modified cellulose aerogel retains its hydrophobicity.
shows that the modified cellulose aerogel was still hydrophobic after (d) The separation of CCl4 (dyed with iodine) from water using
being used for 10 cycles. modified cellulose aerogel (ESI Video 2†).

82030 | RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 82027–82033 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2015
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two oxygen bonds (assigned to –O–C–O–), and (iv) the C-4 peak
corresponds to carbons with three oxygen bonds (carbocylic C).
By comparing the two C 1s spectra, remarkable differences can
be seen, as shown in Fig. 8a and b. The intensity of the C-1 peak,
Published on 21 September 2015. Downloaded by Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC) on 3/20/2024 2:31:53 PM.

attributed to aliphatic carbon, increases dramatically, while the

intensities of the other carbon peaks decline. Table S3†
summarizes the atomic compositions based on the relative
peak areas in the high-resolution XPS survey spectra of C 1s of
the investigated samples. We believe that silylation could be
responsible for these changes. As depicted in Fig. S4,† during
the silylation procedure, TMCS reacts with the surface hydroxyl
groups of the cellulose aerogels.38 The high-resolution XPS
spectra of Si 2p also conrm this assumption.41 Compared to
traditional sol–gel or hydrolysis methods, cold plasma tech-
Fig. 7 XPS low-resolution survey spectra of cellulose aerogel before
(a) and after (b) hydrophobic modification. nology can efficiently and rapidly provide more energy for the
activation of trimethyl-silane that is required for silylation,
forming hydrophobic cellulose aerogels.
corrected using the graphite component of the C 1s signal at In addition, slight decreases in binding energies could be
284.6 eV. It is evident from Fig. 7 that the unmodied cellulose observed aer cold plasma modication in both the C 1s
aerogels only show O 1s and C 1s peaks near 584 eV and 285 eV, spectrum and O 1s spectrum. Two factors, including broken
respectively. However, two additional peaks near 150 eV and 100 inner hydrogen bonds and increased electron cloud density of
eV, corresponding to Si 2s and Si 2p, respectively, are observed the six-membered rings in cellulose chains, may account for the
in the spectrum of the modied cellulose aerogel, indicating the chemical shi. As cellulose transforms form hydrophilic to
presence of silicon on the surface.38 Fig. 8a depicts the high- hydrophobic, trimethyl-silane radicals replaced the hydrogens
resolution spectrum of the C 1s peak, providing information of hydroxyl groups and linked to the cellulose chains by C–O–Si
on the carbon chemistry. As reported earlier39,40 the carbon bonds. The solid state 13C-NMR spectra of unmodied and
signal can be resolved into four distinct peaks, each reecting modied cellulose aerogels also testify our assumption. Fig. S5†
the local chemical environment of the carbon atoms. The four shows that the chemical shis of C-1 and C-4 in the modied
component peaks are, therefore, categorized as follows: (i) the cellulose aerogels do not change compared to the unmodied
C-1 peak corresponds to no oxygen bonds, (ii) the C-2 peak cellulose aerogels. However, the C-2, C-3 and C-5 split remark-
corresponds to carbons with one oxygen bond (assigned to C– ably, and the peak of C-6 shis to higher eld. All of these
O– and C–OH), (iii) the C-3 peak corresponds to carbons with ndings together indicate that the numbers of inner hydrogen

Fig. 8 High-resolution XPS survey spectra of the C 1s peak, O 1s peak and Si 2p peak.

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