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AÑO LECTIVO : __2012______ Página 1 de 13

5b-5c 4 hours per week 1st Mss. Paola Forero and Nohora

To know the importance of history from its beginnings as an acquisition of human identity.

Analyze the writing as a necessary element of human development

To establish lifestyles simulations from basic geographical conditions for development.

1. Why civilizations grew close to the rivers?


COMPONENTES El poder, la economía y las organizaciones sociales, el tiempo y las culturas

COMPETENCIA Competencia espacio-temporal Competencia Hermenéutica-crítica Competencia Identidad, Trascendencia

ESPECIFICA y participación

- Origin of history
- The history such a science
- Prehistory people
- The emergence of civilization - How to study history
- Cátedra Afrocolombianidad
- Prehistory people
- The foundations of civilization
- The first civilizations
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DESEMPEÑOS DE Specifies the difference between history and prehistory.

Understands why civilizations arise.

Identifies the writing as a driver of development and emergence of civilizations.

Recognizes a sequence of many human needs from prehistory to early civilizations


Mesopotamia Lego Video

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1 Feb 1st Introducción “World History” text
5b-5c * Agenda/Date: Teacher’s introduction and presentation of the term topics. book. McDougal
* Topic: History as a science to be studied Littell Edition.
* Do now: Definition of history, and make clear to students that the concept
of history is due to the start of writing. Pretest to know their knowledge about Map of Africa and
the subject. And correction on the notebook Asia.
Origin of man, Africa and colonization up north to Asia.
Explain a review of the Precambrian, Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic Chart of the
eras, this last one, when mankind rise, according to chart. Students will do a geologic eons, eras
pretest with the following information: What is history? What are the causes and periods of time
and consequences from the arm conflict in Colombia? Explain the historical Books, White
time you most like about Colombia. board, Markers,
* Homework and the class
To read pages 9 to 13 from text book preparation.
* Conclusions
Mankind has a story when there are no records about its life, but according
to other sciences such as archaeology and geology, we have made
approaching on how life could be and how long has been walking on earth.
Ask to students what they know about history and what its use is. Be aware
that all we know about what happened with humankind along the years is
because of that science and due to the rising of writing the last 5000 years,
meanwhile the times before that correspond to a record called prehistory and
it makes use of other sciences to find out what happened. Make a review of
what these other sciences have tell us about the human kind origin.
Cierre y conclusions
Human beings have a story of about 300.000 years old. What happened and
how we lived depends on the analysis of certain ideas provided by other
sciences such as archaeology and geology. Thanks to the rising of writing,
about 5000 years ago, we have a science called history which using writing
as main tool, has let us know how we lived.
2 Feb 2nd Introducción “World History” text
5c * Agenda/Date book. McDougal
Feb 6th * Topic: Geography, and displacements of human kind from Africa. Littell Edition.
5b * Do now: On the map in the whiteboard, while students observe their own
on their book, introduce the idea of the humankind origin in Africa. Map of Africa and
What do move humans to make the displacement? Asia.
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Which geographic areas had to cross to start moving along the planet? Books, White
Races of man as a distinction for climate adaptation not as biological board, Markers,
variation. and the class
* Homework preparation.
Read pages 9 to 13 from text book
* Conclusions
Trying to find better conditions for live, humans decided to make
displacement and get adapted into new environments and climates. The
start of races is just adaptions that humans had as result of the
Teachers introduce onto students the idea about why to start a displacement
and relate these ideas with lifestyles taken by this movement. Observe on
the map the different landforms that make part of the African and Asian map.
Be aware of the different adaptations to climates that made races arise.
Cierre y conclusions
The humankind got new lifestyles along the displacement took place and
allowed an adaption caused by the landforms and climate adaptation.
Students realize why the need to improve moves humans to emigrate and
start new colonies.
3 Introducción Images of arrows
Feb 7th * Agenda/Date: Review of the last week and check homework with students and arches.
5b in order to solve doubts about lecture.
Feb8th * Topic: Prehistory people Pictures of art in
5b and c * Do now: Make students guess how prehistory people might have live and caves for Rock Art.
which things they might needed by the time.
Which risks they had to take in order to survive (fire and first fuel plants). Books, White
Production means: Hunt and gathering, rising of agriculture as a fact to leave board, Markers,
nomadism. and the class
Migrations behind the animals. preparation.
Stone age.
Hordes, tribes and clans. Matriarchy and identification with a family.
Birth of art.
* Homework
Book activities
* Conclusions
In order to survive and to have in mind that seasons were a threat or an
opportunity for surviving, communities start to live in nomadism on certain
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areas of the landform, slowly the discovery of agriculture make them leave
the production means of hunt and gathering as the only mean to survive.
Teachers must solve doubts about the lifestyles of humankind in order to fix
the means of production and the agriculture origin as important facts to make
possible the chance of making human kind to grow.
Cierre y conclusions
The first stages of economic relationships started with planning about animal
migrations, agriculture and creation of lifestyles that required a process in
order to survive and start making routines. Social relationships start when an
individual is started to be identified with certain groups of families.
4 Feb 9th Introducción “World History” text
5c * Agenda/Date: Review of last lesson. book. McDougal
* Topic: The emergence of civilizations Littell Edition.
* Do now: By reading pages 15 to 19 Catch the final lifestyle that a group of
humans have, have in mind with students that to make emerge civilizations Books, White
there is maximum quota: sedentary and the absence of nomadism or board, Markers,
presence of half nomads. and the class
Catal Hüyük, and other primitive cities and villages that marked the start of preparation.
sedentary beside water resources, with agriculture and first stages of art
development. Hunt and gathering as a process on a fixed place and not by
Start of farming animals.
Origin of social classes and more social structures, hierarchy worship of a
Tribes and clans. Rituals and beginning of religion.
* Homework
Read pages 15-21 from text book
* Conclusions
Once humans start to dominate routines to survive, they start creating social
structure enough to make them established in one single place and start
constructing cities and develop art on things for regular use such as vases
and religious figures for rituals. Students will prepare a quiz about the
reading of Cataluyuk
Teacher will start a flowchart of needs regarding the common needs on
humans for establishing new lifestyles and the beginning of art and religion,
to explain sequences of natural events.
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As long as natural events were passing by and groups of animals had a

cycle of travels around the land, it helps nomadism to disappear.
Cierre y conclusions
Sedentary, religion and art collide together in fixed places were first
constructions start near the water resources, we are leaving prehistory and
we are starting other lifestyles that are supported on agriculture and fire;
certain routines are being left behind and humans are starting to be more
and more when things can be guaranteed with those new discoveries.
5 Feb 10th Introducción “World History” text
5c * Agenda/Date book. McDougal
Feb 13th * Topic: The foundations of civilizations Littell Edition.
5b * Do now: Age of metals (bronze age). Concepts of aesthetics in
architecture. Map of Africa and
First cities of the world, Knossos, Ur and first Hebrew villages. Asia.
People from the deserts and oasis as first villages.
Conquest and colonization of the first fertile valleys. Books, White
Agricultural surplus by more scaled use of the land and more complex social board, Markers,
structures caused by it. and the class
* Homework preparation.
Read pages 15-21 from text book
* Conclusions
The start of big civilizations with class structure are due to an more complex
organization when certain humans start to figure out the natural events origin
by divine intervention and taking the economy surplus they can have the
concept of free time to start making other developments.
Teacher introduces the idea of the free time when societies decide to
enhance leaders who came up with the idea of divine intervention. Religion
and its relation with art are the pillars of more complex societies.
Introduce the idea of the agriculture growth in such a scale that the surplus
allows this free time and the development of art. The used of metals for
resistance and its link with the divine improve the idea of making art and
constructing bigger cities.
Cierre y conclusions
Once civilizations came up with surplus for food and dominated the seasons,
the religion and art start to evolve and their reflections start to be seen in
architecture and the rise of social classes and high priests to explain the
natural events.
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6 Feb 14th Introducción “World History” text

5b * Agenda/Date: Review of the previous lesson book. McDougal
Feb 15th * Topic: The first civilizations Littell Edition.
5c and * Do now: Located on the map the most fertile areas and the different
5b societies that gathered the last advances on religion and art Map of Africa and
Review of the future big cultures Asia.
Birth of writing, beginnings of history
Judaism and the beginnings of the Bible.
* Homework
Make a flowchart of the basic stages of human evolution since the
migrations from Africa until the birth of writing.
* Conclusions
Cultures start to emerge under an embedded concept of religion, gods and
rituals, along time goes by, they have the same necessity of expansion to
sustain the social and religious structures. There are only clans and families
already and still so few remain nomads. Economics are exchange relations
are ahead and by needs of economic registration, writing was born.
Teacher introduces the flowchart of needs according to the growth of the
cultures, and on the map starts to locate the accumulated cultures colliding
together to shape the Mesopotamia Empire in the future.
Cierre y conclusions
Complex social structures are characteristic of emerging civilizations in order
to create and sustain high social classes compound by priests and
governors, warriors and high scale techniques of agriculture.
7 Feb 16th Introducción Pictures of Rock
5c * Agenda/Date Review of the previous lesson and check homework. Art, and images of
* Topic: Project of the piece of art inspired by the term topics. the clothing used
* Do now: Encourage the student to surf also the web to find several pieces by the people of the
of art from the prehistory and religious primitive figures. first civilizations.
* Homework:
Write the idea of the art project.
* Conclusions
Students will have in mind the different expressions about art in the
prehistory times to come up with an idea of their choice.
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Feb 17th Teacher will encourage students to present an idea of something they might
5c have like about the lifestyles and production means.
Feb 20th Cierre y conclusions
5b Art is a clue in order to take free time to express to ancient world as it was.
Thanks to it the sciences that aid history might come with an interpretation of
the way the human kind live on its first ages,
8 Feb 21st Introducción “World History” text
5b * Agenda/Date: Review of the previous lesson. book. McDougal
Feb 22nd * Topic: Fonts of water for the future civilizations. Littell Edition.
5c and * Do now: Characteristics of the Nile river
5b Characteristics of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers Map of Africa and
Characteristics of the Yellow and Blue rivers Asia.
Characteristics of the Indus and Ganges rivers
Characteristics of the Dead Sea and the Sea of Galilee
* Homework
Make a flowchart of the river use in antique cultures seen before.
* Conclusions
All rivers above, were crucial on the rising for the biggest civilizations in the
past, by the time were the biggest and offered the possibility of colonization
and make the population to grow.
Teacher will expose on the map and will draw on the Whiteboard bigger
sketches of every river in order to understand their characteristics.
Cierre y conclusions
The rivers above marked the basic need for water to human kind, those
allowed its existence and its expansion as well as its growth to make
become in the greatest cultures and religions from the world.
9 Feb 23rd Introducción Maps of Africa and
5c * Agenda/Date: Review of the previous lesson. Check homework. Asia for students to
* Topic: Notebook checking for notes and topics seen along the term make them locate
* Do now: Check with students the topics seen before in order to catch who the rivers.
might be missing one.
Give students the maps to start drawing the rivers.
* Homework
Not homework to be assigned
* Conclusions
Children will have the notebooks updated to check their awareness on all
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Feb 24th topics.

5c Desarrollo
Feb 27th Along the review of the previous lesson, give students the maps to locate the
5b rivers.
Check the topics seen to make all update the topics.
Cierre y conclusions
The children is aware of having notes and topics updated to start the general
10 Feb 28th Introducción Materials from
5b * Agenda/Date: Review of the rivers done at the map. lesson 1
Feb 29th * Topic: Update topic History as a science to be studied Books, White
5c and * Do now: Solve all questions about history and other sciences linked with it board, Markers,
5b * Homework and the class
No homework to be assigned preparation.
* Conclusions
Students clear all doubts about history as science.
Teacher stars making random questions to catch doubts and encourages
children to solve them.
Cierre y conclusiones
History is a science in charge of studying the origins of life, human kind and
to make us remember who we are and what we did. Other sciences give
support to history such as geology, archaeology, biology, etc.
11 March 1st Introducción Materials from
5c * Agenda/Date: Solving last questions from last lesson lesson 2
March 2nd * Topic: Geography, and displacements of human kind from Africa Books, White
5c * Do now: Start questions about basic landforms in Africa and Asia board, Markers,
* Homework and the class
No homework to be assigned, just study for the test of geographical features preparation.
in Ancient Mesopotamia.
* Conclusions
Landforms and body waters allowed human kind to start the displacement.
Teacher starts making random questions to catch doubts and encourages
children to solve them.
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Cierre y conclusiones
Landform determined the adaptations that humans have since they left to
Africa and Arrived to Asia and Europe.
12 March Introducción Materials from
5th * Agenda/Date: Solving last questions from last lesson lesson 3
5b * Topic: Prehistory people Books, White
March 6th * Do now: Retake the lifestyles and the habits of nomadism, hunt and board, Markers,
5b gathering and the stone age in order to locate the routines of humans. and the class
* Homework preparation.
No homework to be assigned.
* Conclusions
Prehistory people are the start of humans as societies in small groups such
as hordes, tribes and clans.
Teacher starts making random questions to catch doubts and encourages
children to solve them.
Cierre y conclusiones
Means of production and the presence of nomadism created on humans life
styles in order to survive to nature and risks they were exposed meanwhile
they knew the world and were finding ways to explain it.
13 March 7th Introducción Materials from
5c and * Agenda/Date: Solving last questions from last lesson lesson 4
5b * Topic: The emergence of civilizations Books, White
* Do now: First villages and start of sedentary, farming and cities. board, Markers,
Bronze age and the class
* Homework preparation.
No homework to be assigned
* Conclusions
Civilizations emerge when they start to understand practices that help
sedentary and start depending less of the hunt and gathering to insert
agriculture in their lives.
Teacher starts making random questions to catch doubts and encourages
children to solve them.
Cierre y conclusions
The emerge of civilizations came when humans started to build permanent
villages near the water to depend less from nomadism and also when they
started to add the agriculture to the means of production.
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14 March 8th Introducción Materials from

5c * Agenda/Date: Solving last questions from last lesson. lesson 5
* Topic: The foundations of civilization Books, White
* Do now : First big cities.(Sumerians Acadians, Babylonians, Assyrians and board, Markers,
Chaldeans. Social classes and birth of religion, surplus from agriculture. and the class
Evolution of art. preparation.
* Homework
homework to be assigned pages 24-49.
* Conclusions
The rise of big cities answer to the expansion of art and more complexity on
architecture, due also to the use of free time as a launcher of arts and
enhancing of social classes.
Teacher starts making random questions to catch doubts and encourages
children to solve them.
Cierre y conclusions
Along cities and humans start to expand and grow and colonization takes
place, certain characteristics like complex structure of social classes and
explanation by religion of several natural events, aim civilizations to grow
and transform the environment.
15 March 9th Introducción Materials from
5c * Agenda/Date: Solving last questions from last lesson lesson 6
March * Topic: The first civilizations Books, White
12th * Do now: Birth of the writing by economic process and start of the history. board, Markers,
5b Rise of Judaism and Hebrew villages. Advances on religion, art and and the class
architecture. preparation.
* Homework
homework to be assigned pages 24-49.
* Conclusions
Judaism is one of the remarkable religions that came first also with a culture
characterized for being an emerged civilization and set the origins of the
Bible. Introduction to the biggest great antique cultures.
Teacher starts making random questions to catch doubts and encourages
children to solve them.
Cierre y conclusions
Complex social structures are characteristic of emerging civilizations in order
to create and sustain high social classes compound by priests and
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governors, warriors and high scale techniques of agriculture. Hebrews are a

link between the end of the nomadism and the start of farming changing the
economic relationship with the environment.
16 March Introducción Materials from
13th * Agenda/Date: Review of the previous class lesson 8
5b * Topic: Fonts of water for the future civilizations Books, White
* Do now: Draw and remember the main characteristics of the rivers that board, Markers,
hold the greatest antique cultures. and the class
* Homework preparation.
No homework to be assigned
* Conclusions
All rivers above, were crucial on the rising for the biggest civilizations in the
past, by the time were the biggest and offered the possibility of colonization
and make the population to grow.
Back to draw the rivers on the maps and establish their correct location on
Cierre y conclusions
Waters have being the most important resource to maintain human kind’s life
and to start empires and create agricultural technology to make the societies
and population grow.
17 March Introducción Materials from
14th 5c * Agenda/Date lesson 7
and 5b * Topic: Project for the prehistoric art Books, White
* Do now: Provide the student with all the suggestions for their works with an board, Markers,
idea already defined. and the class
Request to students a writing about why their art is inserted on the topics preparation.
seen along the term.
Finish the course with the updating and solve last questions.
* Homework
Deliver the art project for next class.
* Conclusions
Students will gain tools and ideas in order to present a good project and will
be also free to ask for advice with the art department at school.
Teacher will give appreciations on the works the students are doing and will
encourage them to do a quality job.
Cierre y conclusions
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Students will have the opportunity to express themselves in order to reflect

also how other sciences have helped history to explain the lifestyles of
human kind when writings didn’t exist.
18 March Introducción Kingdoms and Captivity Books, White
15th * Agenda/Date: The kingdom of Israel , the student will know the first town of board, Markers,
5c Israelites, how they organized the 12 tribes and the development of a culture and the class
March that grew from Canaan until Egypt. Pages 60-65 preparation.
16th Check the art project for evaluation and the writings explaining the reasons.
5c * Topic: Reading and correcting notes on the notebook.
March * Do now: Read and role play activity about the Jewish and the Diaspora
20th created after they left Israel.
5b * Homework
Read and prepare questions about the class chapter page 66
* Conclusions
Students will ask about the problems Jewish had until nowadays, and will
understand the conflict between Palestine and Israel.
By wirting and showing images about the Gaza strip, students will get the
point of conflict between both territories and also religions, since 1948 to
Cierre y conclusions
Students will conclude on the notebook each of the experience they had
reading about the Jewish, also they will create a time line explaining each
historical fact they most like
19 March Introducción Books, White
21st 5b * Agenda/Date: Check the homework and introduce the new topic spread of board, Markers,
and 5c Judaism and the class
March * Topic: Reading and correcting notes on the notebook. Page 67-71 preparation.
22nd * Do now
5c Explain the main beliefs of this culture by making questions to the class
March * Homework
26th Read and bring questions about the class topic Judaism, beliefs and culture.
5b * Conclusions
Students finished a term with a project that gathers all the knowledge taken
from the topics.
Don’t apply , students will use the time to plan the project they want and also
to prepare the final exam from the bimester, by studying all the topics.
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Cierre y conclusiones
Students are ready to be tested on the topic terms and understand well the
lifestyles of the primitive man and the work of art represents those ideas.
20 March Introducción Books, White
23rd * Agenda/Date: Check the key points of the study guide explaining the board, Markers,
5c reasons of the homework and the class
March * Topic: Reading and correcting notes on the notebook. preparation.
27th * Do now
5b Solve last questions for the whole term.
March * Homework
28th Doesn’t apply.
5b and c * Conclusions
Students finished a term with a project that gathers all the knowledge taken
from the topics.
Students will recibe the ¨Cátedra por la Afrocolombianidad” which is part of
the transversal axis from the ministery of education, in that hour students will
learn the importance of differences between races and is the closing gap of
the first bimester plan
Cierre y conclusiones
Students are ready to be tested on the topic terms and understand well the
lifestyles of the primitive man and the work of art represents those ideas.


Firma Docente: Paola Forero y Nohora Urrea Firma Jefe del departamento: Firma Coordinación Académica:

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