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MSc “Data Science and AI for competitive manufacturing”


Study plans
This document presents the general syllabi of all the MSc double degrees available within the
EIT Manufacturing “Data Science and AI for competitive manufacturing” programme. Please
note these are the basic versions of the study plans, in order to provide a better
understanding of the programme and the differences among the several available
combinations within the programme. Considering universities continuously develop their
education offer, some of the courses could result to be updated, changed or replaced along
the years. Once enrolled, the student will be supported by a local programme coordinator to
define the final study plan accordingly to the general structure of the EIT Manufacturing
Master programmes.

General structure of the EIT Manufacturing Master Programme

Total credits for Total credits 1st Total credits 2nd

Type of modules
EIT-M Master year year
Technical courses (TC) 45
40-50 10-20
Specialization courses (SC) 15
Innovation & entrepreneurship
30 10-20 10-20
courses (I&E)
Master thesis (MT) 30 0 30
Tot 120 60 60

Please scroll down this document to find the different syllabi.

Available entry and exit combinations from November 2023 on

ENTRY University (YEAR 1) EXIT University (YEAR 2)

ECN (France) UNITN (Italy)

SUPSI (Switzerland) UNITN (Italy)
UNITN (Italy) ECN (France)
UCD (Ireland) UNITN (Italy)
UNITN (Italy) SUPSI (Switzerland)
Programme Data Science and AI for compe��ve manufacturing

– Study plan –

ECN-Trento combina�on
Entry university ECN – exit University of Trento

1st year ECN

Local up-to-date webpages for entry/exit university courses

Please check the details here.

Dra� plan:

Type of Semes-
ECN courses ECTS Total credits
modules ter
Discrete-Event Simula�on 4 1
Introduc�on to Op�miza�on Methods 4 1
Produc�on Management 4 1
TC Sta�s�cs and Data Analysis 4 1 28
Entreprise 4.0 processes 4 2
Introduc�on to Informa�on systems 4 2
Opera�on research 4 2
Basics of Computer Science and Mathema�cs 3 1
Enterprise Modelling 4 1
SC 15
Strategic management of Sustainable enterprise 4 2
Introduc�on to Research 4 2
Project Management 4 1
Financial and Economic Aspects for Ind. 1
I&E 4 12
Innova�on Engineering 4 2
Mandatory language course 2 1
Other 4
Mandatory language course 2 2

I&E Centrally organized summer school 5 2 5

2nd year Trento

Local up-to-date webpages for entry/exit university courses

Please check the details here
Type of Semes-
Trento courses ECTS Total credits
modules ter
145062 Machine Learning 6 1
145453 Data Mining 6 1
145635 High-throughput Compu�ng for Data 6 1
TC (2 courses
among 4)
145937 Introduc�on to Computer and Network 6 1
SC 145874 Robot planning and its applica�on 6 1
155020 Mul�sensory Interac�ve Systems 6 1 6
146217 So�ware Development for 6 1 (1 course among
Collabora�ve Robo�cs 4)
145810 Service Design and Engineering 6 1
I&E 145623 Innova�on and Entrepreneurship 6 1
Studies in ICT (core) 12
145881 AI and Innova�on 6 1
MT Thesis (Including Internship )(core) 30 2 30


Type of ECTS in
ECTS in S1 ECTS in S2 ECTS in S4
modules S3
TC 18 12 12
SC 2 10 6
I&E 8 4+5 12
MT 30
Other 2 2

Generic objec�ves of the program

Data Science and AI for compe��ve manufacturing is a combina�on of manufacturing science and
Informa�on and communica�on technology including the usage and adop�on of advanced digital
solu�ons and pla�orms.

Specifici�es of this combina�on

This study path enables students to focus on industrial engineering, through competencies of
modeling and simula�on approaches. The technical courses provide a solid founda�on in Machine
Learning and Data Mining, the specialisa�on course ranges from robo�cs to visualiza�on, moreover
course on AI and innova�on challenges the students with real industrial problems.
Programme Data Science and AI for compe��ve manufacturing

– Study plan –

SUPSI-Trento collabora�on

Entry university SUPSI – exit University of Trento

1st year SUPSI

Local up-to-date webpages for entry/exit university courses:

Master of Science in Engineering - Data Science - SUPSI

Dra� plan:

Type of Total
SUPSI courses ECTS Semester
modules credits
Predic�ve modelling (FTP_PredMod) 3 1
Machine Learning (FTP_MachLe_A) 3 1
Mul�-Agent Systems (FTP_Mul�ASys) 3 2
Applied Sta�s�cs and Data Analysis (FTP_AppStat) 3 2
Data Analysis and Classifica�on (TSM_DataAnaCla) 3 1 30
Advanced Data Management – non standard ( 3 FTP out
database systems (TSM_AdvDataMgmt) 3 1 of 4, 3 TSM
Causal AI (TSM_causality) 3 1 out of 4)
Analysis of Sequen�al Data (TSM_AnSeqDa) 3 1
Virtual environments (MP_DCAPVE) 9 2
Quality and Risk Management (CM_QRM) 3 2
Deep Learning Lab 3 1
Advanced Probabilis�c Modelling (MC_APM) 6 1
SC 12
Machine Learning in Computer Vision
(TSM_CompVis) 3 1
Project in data science applied to manufact. 10 1-2
I&E Innova�on and Lean (CM_InnoLEAN) 3 1 18
Centrally organized summer school 5 2
2nd year Trento

Local up-to-date webpages for entry/exit university courses

Please check the details here

Type of Semes-
Trento courses ECTS Total credits
modules ter
145763 Bio-Inspired Ar�ficial Intelligence 6 1
146114 Knowledge Graph Engineering 6 1 12
TC 145635 High-throughput Compu�ng for Data 6 1 (2 courses
Science among 4)
145301 Project Course 6 1
SC 140472 Distributed Systems for measurement 6 1 6
and automa�on (1 course among
145810 Service Design and Engineering 6 1 2)
I&E 145623 Innova�on and Entrepreneurship 6 1
Studies in ICT (core) 12
145881 AI and Innova�on 6 1
MT Thesis, including internship (core) 30 2 30

Type of ECTS in
ECTS in S1 ECTS in S2 ECTS in S4 Total credits
modules S3
TC 12 18 Max 18 48
SC 12 0 Max 8 16
I&E 6 12 12 30
MT 0 0 0 30 30
Total 30 30

Generic objec�ves of the program

Data Science and AI for compe��ve manufacturing is a combina�on of manufacturing science and
Informa�on and communica�on technology including the usage and adop�on of advanced digital
solu�ons and pla�orms.

Specifici�es of this combina�on

The theore�cal modules provide the students with a sound understanding of Data Science methods.
Moreover, students learn prac�cal skills of data engineering and how to engineer machine learning
pipelines in the technical modules and in the prac�cal projects. The technical and specialisa�on course
provides bases on HCP, distributed systems and services moreover a course on AI and innova�on
challenges the students with real industrial problems.
Data Science and AI for compe��ve manufacturing
– Study plan –

Trento - ECN combina�on

Entry university Trento – exit university ECN

1st year Trento

Local up-to-date webpages for entry/exit university courses

Please check the details here

Dra� plan:

Type of Semes-
Trento courses ECTS Total credits
modules ter
145062 Machine learning 6 1
145453 Data Mining 6 1
145764 Deep learning 6 2
146105 Design of digital produc�on and
6 1 30
TC assembly system
146106 Precision engineering: digital
manufacturing 6 2
Knowledge and Data Integra�on

145874 Robot Planning and its applica�on 6 1

145810 Service Design and Engineering 6 1
145811 Low power wireless networking for the
6 1
Internet of Things
SC 6
142117 So�ware development for collabora�ve
6 1 (1 among 6)
145683 Data Visualiza�on Lab 6 2
155301 Project Course 6 1-2
Innova�on and Enterpreneruship Basics 6 1
Business Development Laboratory 9 2
I&E 24
ICT innova�on (the course include the Centrally
9 (4+5) 2
organized summer school)

2nd year ECN:

Local up-to-date webpages for entry/exit university courses

Please check the details here.
Type of Semes-
ECN courses ECTS Total credits
modules ter
Mul�criteria decision making and decision
4 1
Model-based system engineering for product
TC 4 1 12
service systems
Ar�ficial Intelligence for decision-making in
4 1
industrial engineering (AI4IE)
SC Advanced IS within PLM approach 4 1
Integrated Design and Implementa�on of CPPS 4 1
Knowledge-based systems 5 1
I&E 10
Project 5 1
Master thesis: focus on Pla�orms for digitalized
MT 30 2 30
value network
Other Mandatory language course 2 1 2


Type of
ECTS in S1 ECTS in S2 ECTS in S3 ECTS in S4 Total credits
TC 18 12 12 42
SC 6 8 14
I&E 6 18 10 34
MT 0 0 30 30
Other 0 0 2 2

Generic objec�ves of the program

Data Science and AI for compe��ve manufacturing is a combina�on of manufacturing science and
Informa�on and communica�on technology, including the usage and adop�on of advanced digital
solu�ons and pla�orms.

Specifici�es of this combina�on

The technical courses provide students a solid founda�on in Machine Learning and Data Mining as well
as some fundamentals about digital industrial produc�on and digital manufacturing, the specializa�on
courses range from robo�cs to data visualiza�on, finally a set of well-established courses on
innova�on, integrated with the summer school completes the offer. Students will also develop skills
for enterprise management based on process performance assessment and informa�on systems
design and management for smart and connected enterprises.
- Data Science and AI for compe��ve manufacturing

- Study plan –

UCD -UNITN collabora�on

Entry university UCD – exit university UNITN

1st year UCD

Local up-to-date webpages for entry/exit university courses

ME Manufacturing Eng withData Sci & AI for Compe��veManufacturing - Programme Details (

Dra� plan:

Type of Semes-
UCD courses ECTS Total credits
modules ter
Computa�onal Con�nuum Mechanics II 5 1
Computational Continuum Mechanics I 5 1
Systems Analysis & Improvement (EITM) 5 1 30
TC Advanced Polymer Engineering 5 2 (20 sem 1
Advanced Metals Processing 5 2 10 sem 2)
MEEN41330 Data Analy�cs for Engineers 5 1

Manufacturing Engineering II 5 1 10
SC (5 sem 1
Engineering Decision Support Systems 5 2
5 sem 2)
Centrally organized summer school 5 2
MEEN40820 Technical Comms (Online) (op�on) 5 1
MEEN40560 Research Skills and Techniques
I&E 5 1 (5 sem 1
15 sem 2)
Professional Eng. (Finance) 5 2
Professional Engineering (Management) 5 2
2nd year UNITN

Local up-to-date webpages for entry/exit university courses

Please check the details here

Type of Semes-
UNITN courses ECTS Total credits
modules ter
145062 Machine Learning 6 1
TC 12
145453 Data Mining 6 1
SC 146217 So�ware Development for Collabora�ve Robo�cs 6 1 6
145623 Innova�on and Entrepreneurship
Studies in ICT (core) 6 1
I&E 12
145881 AI and Innova�on 6 1
MT Master thesis (including internship) 30 2
(30 sem2)

Type of ECTS in
ECTS in S1 ECTS in S2 ECTS in S4 Total credits
modules S3

TC 20 10 12 42

SC 5 5 6 16

I&E 5 10+5 12 32

MT 30 30

Tot 30 30 120

Generic objec�ves of the program

Data Science and AI for compe��ve manufacturing is a combina�on of manufacturing science and
Informa�on and communica�on technology including the usage and adop�on of advanced digital
solu�ons and pla�orms.

Specifici�es of this combina�on

With this study path, the students learn prac�cal skills of data engineering and how to engineer
machine learning pipelines in the technical modules and in the prac�cal projects.The technical and
specialisa�on course provides bases on HCP, distributed systems and services moreover a course on AI
and innova�on challenges the students with real industrial problems.
Data Science and AI for compe��ve manufacturing
– Study plan –

Trento-SUPSI collabora�on

Entry university SUPSI – exit University of Trento

1st year Trento

Local up-to-date webpages for entry/exit university courses

Please check the details here

Dra� plan:

Type of Semes-
Trento courses ECTS Total credits
modules ter
145062 Machine learning 6 1
145453 Data Mining 6 1
145764 Deep learning 6 2
146105 Design of digital produc�on and
6 1 30
assembly system
TC (5 among 7)
146106 Precision engineering: digital
manufacturing 6 2

146114 Knowledge Graph Engineering 6 1

145763 Bio-Inspired Ar�ficial Intelligence 6 1
145874 Robot Planning and its applica�on 6 1
145810 Service Design and Engineering 6 1
145811 Low power wireless networking for the
6 1
Internet of Things
SC 6
142117 So�ware development for collabora�ve
6 1 (1 among 6)
145683 Data Visualiza�on Lab 6 2
155301 Project Course 6 1-2
145936 Innova�on and Entrepreneurship Basics 6 1
145288 Business Development Laboratory 9 2
I&E 24
145455 ICT innova�on (the course includes the
9 (4+5) 2
Centrally organized summer school)
2nd year SUPSI

Local up-to-date webpages for entry/exit university courses

Master of Science in Engineering - Data Science - SUPSI

Type of Total
SUPSI courses ECTS Semester
modules credits

Mul�-Agent Systems (FTP_Mul�ASys) 3 2

Causal AI (TSM_causality) 3 1

Applied Sta�s�cs and Data Analysis (FTP_AppStat) 3 1

Data Analysis and Classifica�on (TSM_DataAnaCla) 3 1 15

TC Bayesian Machine Learning (TSM_BayMaLe) 3 1 ( 5 among
Predic�ve modelling (FTP_PredMod) 3 1

Advanced Data Management – non standard

database systems (TSM_AdvDataMgmt) 3 1

Quality and Risk Management (CM_QRM) 3 2

SC Virtual environments (MP_DCAPVE) 9 2 9

Machine Learning in Opera�ons (TSM_MLDaOps) 3 2

I&E 6
Innova�on and Lean (CM_InnoLEAN) 3 1

MT Thesis, including internship (core) 30 1-2 30

Type of ECTS in
ECTS in S1 ECTS in S2 ECTS in S4 Total credits
modules S3

TC 18 12 12 3 45

SC 6 0 0 9 15

I&E 6 18 3 3 30

MT 0 0 15 15 30


Total 30 30 30 30

Generic objec�ves of the program

Data Science and AI for compe��ve manufacturing is a combina�on of manufacturing science and
Informa�on and communica�on technology including the usage and adop�on of advanced digital
solu�ons and pla�orms.

Specifici�es of this combina�on

The technical courses provide students a solid founda�on in Machine Learning and Data Mining as well
as some fundamentals about digital industrial produc�on and digital manufacturing, the specialisa�on
courses range from robo�cs to data visualiza�on, finally a set of well-established courses on
innova�on, integrated with the summer school completes the offer. The theore�cal modules provide
the students with a sound understanding of Data Science methods. Moreover, students learn prac�cal
skills of data engineering and how to engineer machine learning pipelines in the technical modules
and in the prac�cal projects.

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