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Reflection- What’s my Stress Level?

Oak Clarke

I scored a 318 on this latest survey, which puts me at what may be a high risk for developing a stress

related illness. Which is so fun. I should promptly deal with that.

Currently, my main sources of stress stem from the fact that I am in a new place, with new

people, doing new things, and am not quite sure how to handle any of it. I did not pack quite enough

clothes, I hate overhead fluorescent lighting, and my sleep schedule is six shades of fucked up. I also had

a wild, wild summer, and came to school exhausted.

Also, I had an emotionally very funky summer, in between my mum undergoing treatment for

cancer, my father disappearing for a few weeks, working many night shifts, and a semi-disastrous

relationship. If I had spent time dealing with these things, they would have been fine, but I kind of just

threw myself headlong into my work.

Currently, I’m stuck in a horrific cycle of not sleeping enough, being overtired because of it, and

then not exercising due to that overtiredness, and then having difficulty sleeping. I also find the newness

of my surroundings slightly stressful. There’s just... so many people.

As a resident of Berea, Kentucky, one of the resources available to me for stress management is

the natural areas around town. (Brushy Fork, the Pinnacles, etc.) Historically, one of my favorite stress

management/leisure activities was going for walks in the woods. This would help with my need for

exercise, which would in turn help me sleep better. Exposure to nature would probably also help to

soothe my troubled mind.

Another resource available to me for stress management is the Berea College Counseling

Services. It can really help to have someone to talk to about the difficult things in life. (I’m told that
counseling and talk therapy might be good for me, and I’m willing to give them a try.) Therapy might help

address some of my underlying psychological issues, which would be helpful for my brain.

A third resource available to me in Berea, Kentucky is the nightlife. Rebel Rebel and other such

establishments that host live music are great places to go to dance and let off steam. Dancing is a very

fun way to get intense exercise, and a great way to relax and meet people. If I dance really hard, then I

will sleep so well afterwards.

Also, I’m slowly getting into better study habits, as well as learning to keep my room clean, which

is delightful for my brain.

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