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Lab Manual: Creating a CI Pipeline Using Jenkins

The objective of this lab is to guide the process of setting up a Continuous Integration (CI)
pipeline using Jenkins to automate the build and testing process of a sample application.

• Jenkins installed and accessible (Refer to the "Installing Jenkins on Azure Cloud"
lab manual)
• Sample application source code hosted in a version control system (e.g.,
• Basic understanding of Jenkins and version control systems

Lab Steps:

1. Access Jenkins Dashboard:

• Open a web browser and navigate to your Jenkins instance (e.g.,
• Log in with your Jenkins admin credentials.

2. Install Required Plugins:

• Navigate to Manage Jenkins > Manage Plugins > Available.
• Search for and install the following plugins if not already installed:
▪ Git Plugin
▪ Pipeline Plugin

3. Create a New Jenkins Pipeline:

• Navigate to New Item from the Jenkins dashboard.
• Enter a name for your pipeline (e.g., "SampleApp_CI_Pipeline").
• Choose **Pipeline** as the project type and click **OK**.

4. Configure Pipeline:
In the pipeline configuration page:
• Under General, define your pipeline description.
• Under Pipeline, select **Pipeline script from SCM** as the Definition.
• Choose your version control system (e.g., Git) and provide the repository
▪ Specify the branch to build (e.g., `main` or `master`).
▪ Save your configuration.

5. Create Jenkinsfile:
• In your source code repository, create a `Jenkinsfile` at the root level.
• Define your pipeline stages and steps in the `Jenkinsfile`. For example:
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('Checkout') {
steps {
git branch: 'main', url: '
stage('Build') {
steps {
sh 'mvn clean package'
stage('Test') {
steps {
sh 'mvn test'
// Add more stages as needed (e.g., Deploy, Publish Artifacts)
post {
always {
// Clean up or notify
success {
// Notify success
failure {
// Notify failure

6. Save and Run Pipeline:

• Once `Jenkinsfile` is configured, save it in repository.
• Go back to Jenkins dashboard and navigate to your pipeline.
• Click on Build Now to trigger the pipeline execution.

7. Monitor Pipeline Execution:

• Monitor the progress of your pipeline on the Jenkins dashboard.
• Click on the build number to view detailed logs of each stage.
• Troubleshoot any issues encountered during the build and testing

8. Review Test Results:

• If your pipeline includes testing stages, review the test results to ensure
the application meets quality standards.
• Check for any failed tests and investigate the reasons for their failure.
9. Post-Build Actions (Optional):
• Configure post-build actions such as sending notifications, archiving
artifacts, or triggering downstream jobs based on build results.

10. Integration with Version Control System:

• Jenkins can automatically trigger pipeline builds on code changes pushed
to the repository. Ensure your pipeline is configured to listen for changes
and trigger builds accordingly.

In this lab, successfully created a Continuous Integration (CI) pipeline using Jenkins to
automate the build and testing process of a sample application. By integrating Jenkins
with version control systems, we established a robust CI workflow that enhances the
quality and reliability of your software projects.

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