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Having never heard of contract grading before I found the pdf and slide deck to be very

informative. While contract grading seems to be more forgiving than traditional grading in some
ways and less forgiving in others I still completely plan to aim for an “A” grade. When I take a
class I commit myself to putting forth the effort not just to pass assignments but to also
completely grasp the material and lessons and understand how to correctly and efficiently utilize
that information. With that in mind I plan to earn my “A” grade by keeping track of when
assignments are due and ensuring that I have enough time to complete my work, proofread and
edit it, and then revise one final time before turning in. Through this rigorous and detail oriented
plan I hope to attain high passing on all three writing projects and the one final reflection project
as well. The only question I have is to ask if we could possibly see an example of work that fits
each of the grade outcomes of High Pass, Pass, and Not Yet to have a better idea of what is

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