Writing Ingles

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A través blog

By: Maria Ruiz Vallejo

First day
The day begins by getting up at seven in the morning because
we had to go to the airport to take a plane to Israel, when
we got on the plane I fell asleep. We headed to the hotel
and took a walk around the city, but since it was already
late we went to sleep and our day in Israel ended.
Second day
The second day begins by getting up at the nine at the
morning becuse we had to go to the airport to take a plane
to Madagascar,in Madagascar we took a jungle-themed hotel
and whit the water slides So we stay there all.
Third day
The third day begins by getting up at eleven in the morning
because we had to go to the airport to take a plane to
Australia, Australia we took a very cool hotel and we went
on an excursion organized by the hotel to go see kangaroos
and there ends our day.

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