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‘About the book COMPLETELY understand ond to reproduce This format is a more creative method for | their learning in more accurate way. teachers to educate and for students to learn " Book Format a abe purpose ci tblemetl oo 1 This: book. is. designed for. one. simple mations * To inspire children to learn English in a fun and that is our students success. The purpose cand creative way. is to grant them the privilege to speck and + Tomotivate students o appreciate the culture understand English in a fluent way. Our main nd the language. goal is for students to learn English the same way * To adapt every learning method to the they learned their native language. This book is students’ needs, strategically divided into seven parts which are color-coded depending on the unit. Each book has 6 units based on the English program from the Ministerio de Educacién Publica (MEP) This book is meant to build the skills required for each level in a fun, creative and interactive way. The main objective is for students to These icons are simple ways for students to know what they have to do on the page. This will help them understand better. They are an extension for the written instructions. The icons framed with a darker color are for additional material. The lighter ones are guidelines from the written instructions. When the Instruction says “cut and paste the images” there will be an Instruction icon for cut and for paste. Introduction This section opens the main topic of the unit, Each opening section is oriented to areal American incorporates vera activities thet give confidence to our students to begin with a new subject. It also allows them to participate cond gives them o group union betwe marked by an instruction icon, Unit Number Guide for the students and teachers Introduction icons Guide for the students Page number, unit title and book section Guide for the students and teachers on student and teacher and among students themselves. The activities ore Written instructions Guide for teacher ‘and students Reeding These stories ore oge-oppiicobe, This Sedlionisto promote Students listening fond reacing comprehension, onalysis of situations, plots and choracters. Every story includes the vocabulary from the unt. Students will be able fo moke predictions based on the over the itl and he ilusrations tho ths port hos olso comes with an instructional support, This section important. because ‘motor development works as a mediator of cognitive, social ‘and emotional development Fine motor skis ore the development of small muscle movements that make hands and eyos work together Bis @ good opportunity 10 get in touch with children in © fon and creative woy. We ‘acknowledge the students’ needs in exploring ‘ond discovering rt, since they are exposed to these things every doy This section can oso be vsed a: homework, ‘extra class actvily, or even i can be used as 0 ‘witching mediator belween subjects. Listening | : Tn each book, you, will fied songs, poems, rhymes to, Sevelop languoge catchy way. Listening to @ foreign language | is difficult, 20 ifs better to start adding audios ft an eotly age fo the students. A research shows thal wben we communicate, we spend ‘round 40.50 % of out Hine itening, 25:50 % speaking. 16% reading Vocabulary This is an important section of our book since it Promotes thei pronunciation, and Falco. stimulotes | the auditory discrimination These vocabulary ‘words have pictures, audios and ore used in sentences oecarding fo the level of iffy. ‘The sentences given ore constructedin away to introduce ond proctice the grammar structure We have managed fo incorporate audios with the correct pronunciation inthis section. The teudios take into account those. non-English “pecking parents tha ike to practice at home, Grammar Grammar is a too! ‘ha can complement creativily onditisthe center of both our spoken ond werilten ‘communication skill. W ollows us to be cleorly understood by others. Using grammar correctly makes listening and reading easier, ‘making “communication more enjoyable and postvely impacting relationships . Grammar {ls permits children to expand their vocabulary fs they learn more infesting ways 10 ‘communicate messages Cutouts ‘These ore choracters that wil occompony dudents in that z Journey of learning English. We are going fo hove cutouls os a instruments for our thot stories. With thie material, teachers can grab students attention fo the short story con eosiy grab, Teachers can also be, sure that students ore understonding the reading or even the lesson Students canexpendtheirimagination creativity ‘swell as their memory. ech This par of the book Wh we wil "help. students SS SILSt§ Atree croccwnnee Two trees, You can use SINGULAR and PLURAL verb, > The treeistall_______ The frees are tall Uncountable nouns Ican not count Tt has one srr, $a Sagar Gs Tt only uses SINGULAR verb —___________________ The sugar is sweet The sugar 9 sweet Cant use:A, AN, ora Number. + ugar fsoger {9G sugor Uncountable nouns News Ink Cheese Work ol Hom Paper Rain Chocolate Luggage Salad Garlic Banana Sugar Cheese + Look at the words. Write the countable nouns in the pengun’s box and the uncountable nouns in the lion's box. Uncountable nouns — -Idon't have much water. - He doesn't need much time. ‘Much and Many ‘are not common, in offirmative sentences, but, itis possible. Countable nouns - There aren't many students in the class. - She didn't need many pencils this year. Alot of most Uncountable nouns ‘common used in affirmative sentences qgeod of There is a lot of traffic today. - There area lot of banar 1s econ -Iwant alot of vice please. _- She bought alot of discuss with your classmates what you have learned, |- Thave much: many books. 2:I don't have much: many books. 3-Are much- many of the students happy? 4-Is much- many of the food delicious? 5-He doesn't have much- many pencils to go to school. 6-Much- Many of the questions are difficult. 7-We didn't drink much- many of the tea. 8-He doesn't have much- many money. 9-She does not have much- many fruit. 10- Idon't have much: many ties + Reod the sentences. Underline the correct quantifier: much: many. S= Few - LittLe A FEW Autre Few = Not many (Few normally conveys a negative idea) -He has few good friends. (negative idea - not enough) -Few people went to the concert. “There are few honest politicians ‘A few = Some (Few normelly conveys a positive ideo) -He has a few friends that will help. (positive idea - a small amount) -Thave a few days off next month, 4 -She has won a few awards. with your classmates what you have learned. ——> A\SMAL QUANTITY; A SMALL AMOUNT Few +Plural Countable Nouns > Net many; not enough:nearly no... A few + Plural Countable Nouns ——> some; a small amount Little + Uncountable Nouns > not mueh; not enough; nearly no. Alittle + Uncountable Nouns > some; small amount Little = Not much (Little normaly conveys a negativeidea) There was little time to finish it. (negative idea - nearly no time) -He has little patience with with others. They have little money to spend, A little = Some (Alitile normally conveys @ positive idea) -Thave a little milk you can use. (positive idea - a small amount) -She has a litle time to relax now. -Thave earned a little extra money. Gountulale nouns — uneoustoble moves (Water) How much water do you want? 1. (ink) 2. (Apples) 3. (Homework) 4, (Books) 5. (Stamps) 6. (Coffee) 7. (Money) 8. (Orange juice) 9. (Bottles of water) 10. (fruit) a. There are much pencils in my pencil case. ——=<—$—_$_—_—_—___ b. There isn't much shoes in my closet! —_—<$_$€—@$@AA c. My mother doesn't have many time to play with me. 2 $$$ ds How manyjtimetleryouhave? i= a sume cscs eae eitlovimuchicolonnalbecksteloyoUlave? meee ee ® { How much apples did you pick from the tree? o Sheen icpiaetne h. They ate much chocolate i. She needs to throw much garbage bags away j. We need much coins to buy the candy. Read the sentences. Underline the mistake, White the sentence correctly. Uae eee ee 4 Cough My aunt got wet lst night Acold ond now she has a cold. He has a bad cough since yesterday. Nie te ic The flue looking a the thermometer. = Headache She has a severe headache. = Dengue fever The baby has a rash due to dengue fever. Pills The doctor prescribed me those Today is vac Vaccination of my pediatrician My mother is taking my temperature because | have a fever. ‘The boy ate so much icecream that wach ache _hehasstomachache, + Follow the reading whl listening to ma little sad because | haven't been feeling very well and tomorrow my-gfandparents willgoto the pumpkin patch. Every year go with my grandparents and piek out pumpkins: it is so much fun because we go to the corn maze and ride'a big tractor around the pumpkin patch. I eall like this time ofthe year! + Follow the reading while listening to it Last night, | used up a whole bor of Kleenex because | was sneezing, and I felt very sick, ada fever ond sre hoa. coughed allright, ond| could gel «good righ sleep, ly mother called the doctor to set up an appointment and to see what medicine | coul 0 feel better. a loa CATARACT OF THE HUMAN EYE Follow the reading while listening to it. | *Good morning, how are you Feeling day?" asked the doctor | wanted fo say fine, but | slillwasri feeling well. “Ihave o sore throat, and lost night I had a fever, seid Tammy The. doctor took my temperature and looked in my throat and said that | had to stay in bed and, foke some medicine fora few days. was very sad that I couldn} go to the pumpkin potch, ov ¥v Hecte many cookies last nigh, soe hoe @stemachache today ———— > :/.\ 6 Ou (Write is] J + Look ot the pictures, Reod the health problems, Write sentences according lo each picture using the words, @8, — What does the © My ear hurts. | Can't hear very ¢ e { You will have to have your arm well, inaplaster. Put some drops in your ear three * Ihave a stomachache. ° Sally says that she has avery bad cough. _ Nick has a broken arm. “Massage yoursel at night with this cream. a { f You need antibiotic. seme Blow your nose at night. wT. = Eat healthy food. — Dan has high temperature at £~ Jenna can’t smell anything. (She has a stuffy nose. | Mymom can’t see very well. a ——— ‘Match what the doctor says to the patients. gotines or on he internat fr images of diferent nesses, Cut end poste them nthe colored cles + Look in @ newspapers, ma: Talk with your classmates about the pictures you found. Across Down 5. Put an injection. I. Use Kleenex. 5. Take your blood pressure. 2. Put a band-aid on. 8. Drink lots of water 4. Wear a cast. 10. Toke ail 6. ut some drops, 7. brink some cough syrup. 9. Toke the temperature. a= problem the potient has according to what the doctor says. jacy: Yes, and |also have abad everynight. envorsotions /thitsty cough {tude Stacy: What do Lhave? Doctor: It's. a bad. — “weather / infection / direction / conversation / frie Then 1+ STOMACH ACHE + RUNNY:NOSE + EXHAUSTED + sick + CRAMP + cHiLLs + couch + owzy + BACKACHE + HEADACHE + BLOODY.NOsE + EARACHE + cr BROKEN-LEG BRUISE COLD-FLU cr r E Ee ESE GN ara 00 eras et Rea RS ne na Met El) De tts [ul alHiX|e| Fle) s AlwialM/>K/o/Al@|e|mM/O/A|P(E| 1. Bi ElETH eta lbialel« elolcitiu CFS Ut Twc 1B — A/O|R R slofxpuls[pfola[efe[wfe[ [els Rivilly vu kB co ClHIG Ss _G| TI Z|U\D|G,X, O|A|TIK ATE | BIOLE Ulziniwimiziaixiclulk vitrinite] AL Bs ck DK YiC/S;R/V_N le|o BM ATI K Ris it AIVIEINIE YiG/O MIV|1|A CiS|E|B afelolcpoletelutr ope wi tir ie en one STElu ctotwhets Look and circle the words in the box. Hew do you el? (+) Positive (-) Negative How are you? Fine Sick How do you feel? How do you feel today? What's the matter? Uhave a sore throat Discuss with your classmates wht you have learned. Create ce diologue with a classmate using “How do you feel” and expose it in front of the class Doctor Knickerbocker, Knicker Heltesto done endonegneane Now le’ get he rythm ef he hens (clap, clap) Now we've got the rhythm ofthe hands (clop, clap) Now let's get the rhyihm of the number nine One, wo, three four five sx seven eight nine Doctor Knickerbocker, Knickerbocker, umber nine He likes to dance and he keeps in ime Now let’s get the rhythm ofthe feet (stamp, stamp) Now we've got the rhythm of the feet (stamp, stamp) Now let's get the rhythm of the honds (clop, clap) Now we've got the rhythm of the hands (clop, clap) Now let’s get the rhythm of the number nine One, two, three four five six seven eight nine Doctor Knickerbocker, Knickerbocker, number nine He likes to dance and he keeps in time 'Now let's get the rhythm ofthe hips ‘oof whistle) Now we've got the rhythm of the hips (ovolf whistle) Now let's get the rhythm of the feet (etamp, stamp) Now we've go! the rhythm of the feet (tomp, stomp) Now let's get the chythm of the hands (clap, clap) Now we've got the rhythm of the hands (clap, lap) Let's get the rhythm of the number nine One, two, three four five six seven eight nine.. Fragment of the song “Doctor Knickerbocker”. ‘Author: The Learning Station. atte | | Earthquake work on time My uc cl. He ished is \ Everyone must have @ first-aid kit ot The streets are flooded after Flood the hurricane. ‘the movements ofthe earths plates. There are 20 plat the earth, It is when it hasn't rained and all the crops and plants can’ ee because there is no wate ps and plants can't grow. Animals die Volcanic eruption \e 4 pening “Tis on explosion of gases, magma ond lov. Thishoppens when there isn o Ihe Earths Surface, a th It hoppens after an earthquake or a volcanic eruption. Gigantic waves occur The waves can be 30 meters high ge pice huge ‘This can happen because of lightning or careless people. The fires burns forest areas. Many animals die pa BME te att AR RAS Ro ky = Sew ____ Ce a / + But the letters together in the correct way and write the word. Peele falalstefals|o|+lafelz[ole[ |. a ic pal TsiDIAT EL ooo sa. cixikloleleitiviu TORNADOWT oon vo Hurricanes ‘A hurricane is @ huge storm! Hurricanes gather heat cond energy through contact with warm ocean waters Evaporation from the seawater increases their power. Hurricanes rotate in a counter-clockwise dicection around an “eye” in the Nerthern Hemisphere and clockwise direction in the Southern Hemisphere, The center of the storm or “eye” is the colmest part. It has ‘only light winds and foie weather. When they come onto land, the heavy rain, strong winds and large waves con 1. What do hurricanes gother? 2. What srection do hurricanes ole in the Northern Hensphere? 3. What direction do hurricanes rotate in the Southern Hemisphere? 4. What other name is given fo the center ofthe stor? domage buildings, trees and cars. DURING A HURRICANE: Stay away from low-lying and flood prone areas. Always stay indoors during a hurricane, because strong winds will blow things around. AFTER A HURRICANE: Stay indoors until it is safe to come out. Check for injured or trapped people, without putting yourself in danger. Watch out for flooding which can happen after o hurricane. 5. What shoul you do during a hurcane? fe 6, Wha should you do after a hurcane? 7. What can happen after a hurricane? @ Tornado @ @ Volcanic eruption @ @ Tsunami @ @ flood @ @ Hurricane @ @ Drought @ lure with the corresponding word. wd aHtles with caps on. Glue the caps together for o back. Ask an adult to help you make @ whole dd some glitter. Put the two lids on and Hold the bottles firmly. Turn the 0 twirl, and you will'see how roject at home or with your teacher | What didil'see?.aesae= = eee iam see Phir eh ae Date: | MUNA What did I do? | Tornado ina bottle ad sein water overa Violent and destructive storm over a small reo. ‘An uncontrolled fire in an area of combustible agetation that occurs in the countryside or a wild area. I. In the fall, we like to. go camping. This year we wanted to go hiking, bul we couldn't because the mountains there was an 2 in Costa Ric 2. My mother saw on the TV that there was an hot lava came down the volcano. so when it rains, Lalways go with an adult. | 3.1'm afraid of a i ~ 4. In my country, me have strong houses because we often have “5. Everyone was very scared! Al the pork, there was an Ishould ‘t... mee Q Discuss Call 911 after escaping the h Know two ways to escape Go back inside eee Ses pees eee a ee during hurricanes eres ene ae ae ee ee ee eed oat Prat ee eee nls Ash cloud Parasitic cone of lava and ash nd in west Atlantic unt of water spread from a river, see et. thot covers sormally dry Err Reml te La od Should ered - errar peer Ted should be at work. He can't answer his cell phone. Repent ey Should + have + past participe The person did not complete the obligation in the past or acted irresponsibly. They should have called the firefighters when they sow the fire yesterday, Teenie Conca eats Should + be + verb-ing The person is not doing their obligation. You should be calling the firefighters to put out the fire! + Look and discuss wth your classmates about what you have learned, ‘shopping next weekend. She money. 4. You tell the truth. Ifyou don't do it, that can bring you many problems. 1. shouldn‘t never B, should always «always should uw 5. Igo to school today? I'm not feeling well. ee ® oud youstatd & bi, shouldn’t/ he shouldn't ‘should /should 6. 1want to learn English. I think itis important. What should I do? you __ classes. shouldn't receive 2. shouldrit go. hould receive waiting Many people or ; for theirlugagge o the oirpor 2 EE ara Jn MY cousin thes to clin Mountain {ie Volcanoes Thisis the Arenal veleano in Costa Rico. We can spend hours playing video games, + Follow the reading while listening toi. Jf school and today Tstarl my vacation! Im very excited becouse 6 fomily vacation to the mountains for a few days. We will doo many ©: ro Follow the reading while listening tot. We first got fo @ camping ste, ond there were a lat of people. They were singing, dancing, playing with their guitars around the campfire and roasting chicken. My grandfather spotted a place where we could set our tents. It seemed like we were going to have fun on this family trip, the reading while listenin day in the morning my grandfather went fishing, and we went walking through the fain {roils. 1k was very beautiful. We had to wear hats, and comfortable shoes to walk. ther and my grandmother used a stick fo help them walk and jump from rock to rock Ime had to crass a river. We saw some cows and sheeps, + follow the reading while listening toi In the afternoon, we won! back to our tents ond ate lunch, My father prepared some ham ‘and cheese sandwiches for everyone, There was another camping site near ours, so after lunch we wont there, My Falher and I clinbed up « big mountain, 1 was 40 sca father was wailing for me up on top with a big smile horseback riding, and looked for insects using « magnifying «Color the octivties Tammy end her family did during her vacation according tothe story Leche far fic diffrence é yy % nC ‘ = EN a °X @ OLS a Set Ds the oplane Bae Le te directs Vy s , a b Ps SIMILARITIES My name is James Smith. Thave dark short hair. 'm a personal trainer and [love to exercise. Tm college student. Today, Ihave an exam. I's picture day today, so, my mother combed my hair and made two buns. ‘My name is Lana, and Ihave 5 cats. One is gray, the other is black with stripes and my favorite one is brown, still don't know how to walk or go to the bathroom by myself. Lam 8 months old. My name is Katy and Im wearing a pink dress. [am short and have blonde hair. + Look atthe pictures. Write the number of the different people in the corresponding description. OOCOOOS Tam from Africa. In my culture, we use colorful dresses, and today I am wearing a long purple dress. Thave @ beard shadow. I'm tall and heavy, and Lam wearing and orange shirt A place that have « lot of history. lovely attractive. A place with a lot of people or things. ‘Awell-known place or person Popular Touristy Giant, enormous. Liked by a lot of people. Visited by many tourists Expensive Costing a lot of money. iO a rc] paper a place you would like 10 go or you have gone to. Write @full description about it Beautiful/ ugly, bright/ dark, clean/ dirty, empty/ crowded, interesting/ bori ,large/ small, modern/ traditional, neo messy, new/ old/ reloxing/ stressful, spacious/ « t/ noisy, ped, terrific/ terrible, unusual/ ordinary, well-known/ unknown 1, Ilike to study in my bedroom. It isn’ noisy, its 2. Many people from all over the world go to that Zoo. Itis very 3. The kitchen has 3 windows so in the morning is 4. A lot of people go to that pizza place. Its always Its never empty. 5. My aunt's apartment building is she lives on the 40th floor. 6. Hospitals are__. They can't be dirty 7. That store has been there since I was a baby. Itis 8. The park in front of my school is _Itis clean and it has flowers. 9, Unfortunately, my neighborhood is very noisy, busy and crowded, so itis 10. Is your office spacious? No, it isnt. I's small and + Write what is missing in he sentences. Use the words in the box apartment Is there a shower or a bathtub in the bathroom? How isthe dining able, round or rectangle? How many doors does the apartment have? How many carpets do you see? Are there | or 2 bedrooms? ‘Are there any plants in the apartment? Is the apartment big or small? + Write the answers to each question according tothe pictur. [Mii Eee FINALLY ion, She and her aunt —__ in atotel near the beach. The hotel __in Florida, Their room __ big. Tammy __ ready to go to the ool. Today __ a sunny day for Tammy's aunt to get aan, They __bored because there are many B octentiae the hotak inile merring they = ging to build sondcastles ot the beach and Tammy's aunt will go surfing afterwards. Then, in the afternoon Tammy __~_ going to see some monkeys Finally, at night while Tommy and her aunt eat dinner they going to see the show._ ecsigeds Preposition le i) To the beach maze wu ae 5 Ho 2 a aa g3 & Poste _ PRONOUNS + Cut through the lines and poste the book marks on construction paper, © oN (UNDER (oN (| )INFRONT OF ) BEHIND )ON * Look tthe pictures. Cross out the correct preposition dN )IN FRONT OF UNDER Cross out ) NEXT TO. ) BETWEEN ) BESIDE Across: 1. This book is yours. I's _ book. 13, Mysister and bought that dog. Is _ dog. 6. They are looking for _ classroom. 9, Mr. Jones likes _ new apartment. I Hound that coin. I is. 12, forgot to goto the bank. 16, Mrs. Smith took _husband to o restaurant. 17, My cat likes to play with _new toy. 18. Fs my grandmother's birthdoy._ is very happy today 19, Our porents gave _ money. 20. Can you fix my bicycle? _ Chain is broken. 21 Did you bring _luggeg 122._is very late. tired. Le's go home 24,Can you meet _ there? 26. 1likehirm._very sweet. 27. This deess is my sister's is _ 2811's It belongs to me. Down: 2. We beth finished _ quiz at the some time. 3. That cor belongs fo us. i's _. ‘4. Ii'stostes very good. like, 5. finished our homework 7. That watch is not his, i's _. 8. saw them buying it yesterday that’s why know t's. 10, Their names are on it. _ I, Please give _my sweater. Im cold 15. My father found_tie. 14, They thought _ 15. Noi not _ Hs hers. 16. Did he enjoy _ lunch? 21, Are _ busy this weekend? 23.Do you know _? Whe ore they? my bestfriend, love her. x (On Saturday, Katie will be one year old. Katie's parents are going to have «a birthday party. The party is going to begin at noon on Saturday. Many | ‘people willbe of the party. Katie will have so much Fun! ‘ 4 F © Katie's dad is going to cook hamburgers. Katie's grandmother is going to ~ bring ice cream. Katie's unt is going to boke a cake. twill be a chocolate eee cake. Katie wil love her cake! 7 6 Al Katie's relatives will bring presents. Katie is going to open her presents after lunch, Then, everyone will eat cake and ice cream. Katie is going to have a good first birthday! ZERO CONDITIONAL: | farst CONDITIONAL: Talks about things that are always true IF/ WHEN + simple present... simple’ present | IF/ WHEN + simple present. IF you save money, you can travel around the world | IF youpass the exam.Lwill buy yous WHEN it cans, people use umbrelios, | WHEN he matries Jenny, he will be very Look and discuss with your classmates what you have learned. SECOND CONDITIONAL: Talks about hypothetical situations orto give advice 5 : TF + post subjunctive, would/could + base form. IF Dan worked les, he could bbe with his family more. THIRD CONDITIONAL: Totalk about « lest opportunity IF + past perfect... would/could + present perfect.. IF you had been a girl, your mom would have named you Ann. beer nee eee eee) enc Look and discuss with your classmates whal you have learned TU 1. Cut and paste the character in construction paper. 2. In your own words retell the stories using the cutouts. Steven J. Molinsky, Bill Bliss, Side by Side Third edition, Pearson Education. Web: Women's and Children’s Health network Kids health, Thursday 2 March 2017, hitp:// HealthTopicDetailsKids.aspx?p-335&np-288&id=265I. ij ‘Super simple songs, I went to visit @ farm one day, hitp:// visit-o-form/ i % “2207 (aera Dalo 4 ek La rt, re Meta, 5 toms adein Sen vCal a: Ascin ive pre aden 2018 ‘2 pas harecaer cr Zien - (cohen fee pore Todo). Livaits-|sTuoIo Y ensenanza 2 mctés {8805 DE TEXTO I Le Cu Det Morel pe, ‘rye Tha Sr: Clon os poraTos,

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