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This book is brought to you thanks to: Greaniit fan Goaieaiencae) etek ieee Gra ee Teacher: Grade; AYeout any Docks About the book This formatisa more creative method for teachers to educate and for students to learn English. The purpose of this method is: + To inspire children to learn English in a fun and creative way. + To motivate students to appreciate the culture and the language. + Toadapt every learning method to the students’ needs. This book is meant to build the skills quired for each level in a fun, creative and interactive way. The main objective is for students to COMPLETELY understand and reproduce their learning n'a more accurate way. Book Format This book is designed for one simple mission, and thats our school year. The purpose is to grant them the privilege to speak and understand English in a fluent way. Our main goal is for students to learn English the same way they learned their native language. This book is strategically divided into six parts which are color-coded depending on the unit. Each book has 6 units based on the Ministerio de Educacion Publica (MEP) English program. ‘These icons ae simple ways for students to know what they have to do on the page. Tis wll help them understand better. They are extensions forthe written instructions. The icons framed with a darker color are for additional material. The lighter ones are guidelines from the written i ‘When the instruction says “cut and paste the images’ there willbe an instruction icon for cut and for paste. ructions. Introduction ‘This section opens the main topic ofthe unit, Each opening sections oriented toa rele situation about the subject. Itincorporates several activities that gives context to our students to begin with a new subject. It also allows them to participate and gives them a soup union between student and teacher and among students themselves. The activities are marked by an instruction ian. Our environment Unit Number Guide for the students and teachers Instruction icons Guide for the students, Page number, °. unit title and book section Jur environment Guide for the students and teachers Written instructions Guide for teachers. and students Ustening | each book, you wil find songs, poems, rhymes to develop language skis in a fun and catchy way Ustening toa foreign language i dificult, so its better to start adding audios at an carly age for the students. A research shows that when we communicate, we spend around 40-50 % of our time listening, 25-30 % speaking, TH6 % reading Book activity This section wil allow the interaction between the teacher and students and also between classmates. Its the ‘opportunity to put into practice al the ganar and knowledge about each subject ofthe unit. It wil have exercises to put into test what has ben taught in clas. This section may also be working as adosure toa subjectamong the uit. Stimulating Creativity This section is important because motor development works as a mediator ‘of cognitive, socal and emotional evelopment. Fine motor skils are the development ofsmall usclemovements in order for the hands and eyes work together Itisa good opportunity togetin touch with chien in a fun and creative way, We adnowledge the students needs in exploring and discovering ar, science and al the things they are exposed to every day. Tis section can also be used as homework extra class activity or event canbe used asa switching mediator between subjects Vocabulary In this section, you will find the words that wil be used along the unt. ll of these words aren accordance with to the subject of the unit. Reading = These stories are age-appliable, Arsesommmmep This section is to promote student’ tistening and reading for ‘comprehension analysis of situations, plots and. characters. Every story includes the vocabulary fom the unit. Students wil be able to make predictions based on the cover, the ma title and the ilutrations this paths. Italso comes with an instructional support. Grammar Grammar is a tool that can ~°gwrny complement creativity and is at [ the center ofboth our spoken and | ‘written communications, and allows ustobe clearly understood by others. Using grammar comecty makes listening and reading easier, making communication mor enjoseble and positively impacting relationships. Grammar also permits children to ‘expand their vocabulary as they [eam more interesting ways to communicate messages ‘Speech This part of the book will help students mature their listening skills as well as to develop their auditory discrimination. it wil show knowledge of phonemic awareness by pronouncing. sounds in intl position and in final position and the cdagraphs (th, sh ph) in iitial position. The imitation of each sound or word right after the teacher and by using pictures, songs and chants will, facilitate the learning of the English language. The speech section identifies thelettersand sounds that make students eam wor It ‘also imitates sounds of a concrete item or picture that represents, ‘the word which contains the Sound in the initial or final position. From a group of words, students need to identify the words with similar sound. It is important the participation individually and In groups using the instruments designed. Some sounds are a challenge for students since many words do not exist in Spanish. The activities designed for phonological avareness are the best, ‘way to ensure that students have been properly exposed to the conect pronounciation of sounds | t | | Zt) Our ENVIRONMENT Vocabulory Listening: The ballad of Lisa the lemu Book a: Reading: Sentinels Book activity. Reading: About Earth. Book activit Listening: with my own two hands. MEE wr cour Stimulating Creativity Vocabulary ... Reading: Costa Rico... Book activi Reading: Costa Rica. Grammar: Present simple. Grammar: Have to, Has t Book activity. Reading: Costa Rica‘s animal lif Book activi Stimulating Crea Book acti aD ConnecTING ELECTRONICALLY Vocabulary Reading: Telephone.. Book activity. Stimulating Creativity Book activity Grammar: Modal could/eouldn Grammar: Modal can. Grammar: Verb to be Grammar: Countable-noncountable nouns. Grammar: Wh question: Grammar: Adverbial phrase: because. Better Lire Vocabulary Reading: The story of quinine.. Stimulating Creativity Book activit Book acti Reading: Germs. Grammar: Comparative and Superlative... Grammar: FUIUFe ne Reading: The Porter Family. (Ui) ~=Once Upon a Time Vocabulary Reading: Story Elements.. Reading: Plot. Grammar: transition word: 121 Book activity. Grammar: Descriptive words Reading: Fairy Tale. Grammar: Present progressive. Book activit Stimulating Creativity. Reading: My Fairy Tole Grammar: Did. Book activity. Grammar: Tenses: Forms of “ploy” . Vocabulary Grammar: FULUte neni Book activity Book activity. a? Reading: My Hobbies Samantha ‘s Deily Rout © Think about the planet. Ask your classmate on your left what problems are occurring nowadays? What should we do to avoid those problems? Write what you have discussed with your classmates. Climate: the general weather conditions usuelly found in a particular place Plant: a living thing that grows in j earth, in water, or on other plants, | usualy has a stem, leaves, roots, and flowers, and produces seeds. Example: The Mediterranean climate is good for growing | fi Example: Water the plants twice a week, preferably in the mornin. Animals: something that lives and moves but is not a human, bird, fish, or insect: Energy: the power from something such as electrity or of that can do ‘work, suchas providing light andheat Example: The energy generated by the windmill drives all the dainage pumps. Example: Both children are real animal lovers. Habitat: the natural environment im which an animal or plant usualy tives. naturally and in a way that is not harmful. Example: With so many areas cof woodland being cut down, a Example: All our products are lot of wildlife is losing its natural biodegradable. | Siu } a gaia nce Contaminate: to make in world temperatures caused by gses | something less pure or make it sichascabondoudethatrecofecing | \ Rope in the air around the eath and stopping Poisonous. heat eaping nto space Example: The soil has been ample: They started a campaign contaminated. to slow down the process of global to sort and collect rubbish in order to treat it and produce useful materials that can be used again, damage caused | to water, ar, etc, by harmful substances or waste. Example: Air pollution is a problem forall of us. Example: This carton is made from recycled paper. © Look and listen to the vocabulary and its definition, Point to the pictures and repeat only the words. ur eneroament © Look up the definition of the following words in an English dictionary. (ur environment Population: Ecological: Conserve: Adaptations: Environment: Reusable: Renewable: Purify Evolution: What's the word? DEFINITION WORD To sort and collect rubbish in order to treat it and produce useful materials that can be used agin The general weather conditions usualy found in a particular place. The power from something such as electricity or oil that can do work, such as providing light and heat. Able to decay naturally and in a way that is not harmful To make something less pure or make it poisonous, Something that lives and moves but is not a human, bird, fish, or insect A living thing that grows in earth, in water, or con other plants, usually has aster, leaves, root, | and flowers, and produces seeds me eee / © Read the definition that Is given. ‘Write the correct word from the defn) ton: ur envionment Usa lived in the rainforest with all her family, Along came a man with an axe in hishand and chopped down the fail tre. So they ‘moved to another tree a long, long way from town. Along ‘care a man with an axe in his hand and chopped their new tree down. We all need somewhere to live. We all need somewhere to_lve. You needa fat. Fishes need the sea. Lisa needs tree, The rainforest gives us the air that we need. Lots of animals live in the trees. That's what we call ecology. Why are we chopping it down? We allneed somewhere to live, We all need somewhere to live. You need a flat. Fishes need the sea Lisa needs a tree. So Lisa came into town with all her family too. There are trees in the park, butit closes after dark and there’ no more room at the zoo. We all need somewhere to live, We all need somewhere to live, You need a flat. Bees ‘need a hive. Goats need a mountainside. We all need somewhere to live. Yeah, we al need somewhere to live, Bears need a cave, fishes need the sea, Lisa needs a tree. © Listen and watch the video ofthe song, ‘our environment Poaente ss) | The balad of Lisa the Le © Usten to the one and wre the mid veri in the sentences. | 1. Lisa the lemut lives ina 1b People ive in'a Co Fish ive in the ee i |. Bee ve ina . Goats live ona f. Bearstiveina * Ustento the song Find the mi line itand wit the correct word: ‘ soared ste ta. id ‘Aman chopped thei old tre down. fe: souls and her fa moved to the tov ff ep dos ie Theres no more odin tthe schoo {i Now Lisa and ne hhave nowhere to'eat, —O The balad of Lisa the Lemur RA © Many trees, like Lisa, are cut down to make paper. Can you think of some ways to save trees? Draw a picture and write about it! ur environ ment Ourclimate is rapidly changing, animal species are going extinct. Frankly, we haven't done the best job at keeping the planet in great shape for future generations. ESA is developing five new types of spacecraft, known as Sentinels. These eyes in the sky will send back huge amounts of data about the Earth's surface and atmosphere. Sentinel-1 is an all-weather, day-and-night radar imaging mission. Its many tasks will include monitoring of Arctic sea ice, checking for marine pollution (such as oil spills), mapping of land movements, studying forests, water and soil, and supporting disaster relief. © Listen and follow the audio. Fallow A © Listen and follow along with the audio, oo rand * Fe Deen Men enn ec Nyse seein) ‘What will be extinguished due to climate change? What isthe Spacecrafts name that ESA is developing? How many spacecrats is ESA developing? What are Sentinels missions? , ia id ei aS 2 Answer ‘What are Sentinel 2s missions? f 4 Re ic Raa np ae o ! ! RS eS ! 1} | What ae Sentinel 3’s missions? ‘What are Sentinel 4s missions? é bs ba Answer these questions according tothe reading * yee Earth The Earth is unlike every other planet in the Solar System in a number of different ways. Itis the only planet that has an atmosphere containing 21 percent oxygen. Itis the only planet that has liquid water on its surface. It is the only planet in the solar system that has life, The Earth is fragile. Its surface is split into plates (tectonic plates) which float ona rocky mantle — the layer between the surface of the earth, its crust, and its hot liquid core. The inside of the Earth is active and earthquakes, volcanoes and mountain building takes place along the boundaries of the tectonic plates. The Earth takes 365% days to complete its orbit round the Sun. The Earth’s year is therefore 365 days long but the 14 days are added up and every fourth year has one extra day, on the 29th of February. This fourth year is called a Leap Year (366 days) ® Listen and follow along with the audio. -O About Earth Comprehension IF you cant remember, turn back to the previous pages and refresh your memory. How much oxygen does the planet have? ‘What is the name of the ONLY planet which has liquid water on its surface? Earth has something called plates. What are these plates called? Where do these plates float? How many days does the earth take to orbit round the sun? eee eee ‘There is an extra day every four years. When does that occur? ence eee What is the fourth year called? 5 © Answer these questions according to the reading, I can change the world, with my own two hands Make a better place, with my own two hands «) Make a kinder place, oh with my, oh with my own two hands With my own, with my own two hands. With my own, with my own two hands & ) I can make peace on earth, with my own two hands And | can clean up the earth, oh with my own two hands... Fragment of “With my own two hands”. © Listen to the song. Paint your hands and put your left hand on the left side ofthe page and your right hand on the right side of the page. oe eritonment He | ST - an \ ae 5 | 2 ie ye: | [ee ye ya F qi i u SEREHEELEDRLD EE OS ae OX) 0.4809 888, 4 O00 ant ets . AK NN ANN SN sietetnetetaetatanatene anes i SA . SN ni = DOAN HHO, e © yi % * ~O\\Harmfuliand\Helpfulss SN AYR VICAR Ne ; ‘ %, tte AY NSS Nt we FF 09 88% Lee eed oe ’ YS ee A aeceseceseenanen AN BERS ut eee AHH 090 THLE LAD 4th ded AN \ NRAARARAN RAR PN 10 88 08 88 ete et KARR RARAD SYA) OAD ee eae NY Fee % attateta’s 4 4.8 8, ea oeeee eT WAAR tae OOOO CRE LE Lee ee oee ear SF 0048404 Vee ere ey hath Ae une t SOO KA OOO, ate . fk tN 4,02 O48 ee Tet ke, tes. aN SENNA eat att 23085 24.4 r ow TERRACE ERAN E © Investigate 5 harmful actions that people do tothe planet and 5 helpful actions Write them on the sentences. ON Ae ANAANNS © Think of ways you can help the planet by reducing contamination and the use of water and electricity Write them down on the spaces given above. ‘Our envionment ils —O I can change the world CONE small idea can change the WORLD © Draw a picture of yourself changing the world, Think of things you can do to make a difference inthe world and write about it. uc environment b Unicorn Moon Cube Screw Glue u 00 we ew ue ® Listen to the words and sounds. Point to the pictures and repeat the words. ur envionment 2 ° = oa < °o 3. =p aE @ Pm SUG ame 3050) SOG © Read the words inside each pair of clouds. Use an orange crayon or pencil to color the cloud that has the long ‘vowel sound. ou & BA igloo Pig ° a & : U Umbrella © Sun Pm © Listen to the words and sounds. Point to the pictures and repeat the words. —O Vowels © Cut and paste each word on the corect side of the paper. am tall. = im tall fee Welare tates = \W {mB yeas old. lam in school We are leaming about recycing -* There is garbage you can recycle. There isnt garbage you can “t recycle. There afe colored trash bins ih order to know where to” throw away certain things. 4 © Look in a magazine a picture of a habitat cut and paste it in the box below. Write about your picture using the present simple form, Our environment —O “Have to” © Think and investigate on what you have to do to make the world a better place. Write an essay about it using he / has to. 1 Have to Recycle You Have to Recycle He Has to. Recycle She Has to Recycle It Has to Recycle We Have to Recycle You Have to Recycle They Have to Recycle DUNUUUUU uuu u aaa O Have to, has to 1. They —__________clean the beach 2. Lisaand Tom —_______ recycle, 3.1 help my brother plant some seeds. 4. My grandmother ________water the garden 5. Mygrandfather____________trim the bushes 6. My teacher _________teach us about the earth 7. You____ take the bus. 8. They ______eat healthy food. 9. Myfather sve money. 10. My best friend ___call me before noon, Tl. The students ________be in class on time. (4 TR. John —_-__study grammar. TB. We_________beat the airport on time. 14. she ________ type very fast to be a secretary. 15.1 ______take the test in the afternoon. 16. You —_tearn English. tts very important. TT. Mr. Collin check the homework. 18. The coach ___be happy because we won! 19. We g0 outside now. and kyle. read more books. © Write has to or have to on the blank spaces. “/) My Country WELCOME Il ci A eS . C + he ers cD oY Oe 1G iyoetes ir As Parades:a large number of people walking orin vehicles, all going inthe same direction, usually as part of a public celebration of something Example: Tomorrow parade wil be at 9am inSanJosé. j Pilgrimage: a vist to a place that is considered special, where you go to show your respect. | Example: On August many Costa Ricans goon pilgrimage to-Cartago and give thanks to the Vigen of Los Angeles. } Independence being independent from foreign rue. Example: Costa Rica celebrates their independence on September ISth of every year. Volcan: mountan with a age, cular hole atthe | top through which lava, gases, steam, and dust are or have been forced out. Example: Lava from the voleano was flowing dovn from © Look and listen to the vocabulary and its definition. Point to the pictures and repeat only the words. iy county Parades x Volcano @ ©” Read carefully the words and the definitions. Match the word to its corresponding defnition. 4 an area of sand or small stones ‘4 special, where 0 you go to show near the sea. a visit to a place that is considered their respect. a day on which a country celebrates being independent from foreign rule. ‘a mountain with a large, circular hole at the top through which ava, gases, steam, and dust are or have been forced out. a large number of people walking cr in vehicles, all going in the same direction, usually as part of a public celebration of something. My country SE ed Costa Rica, country of Central America. Its capital is San José. Ticos, as the people of Costa Rica are called, use the phrase pura vida (“pure life”) in their everyday speech, as a greeting or to show appreciation for something. Costa Rica is also known for its strong commitment to the environment and for protecting its numerous national parks. Extending from northwest to southeast, Costa Rica is bounded by Nicaragua to the north, by the Caribbean Sea to the northeastern coastline, by Panama to the southeast, and by the Pacific Ocean along the southwestern coastline. © Listen and follow the audio. My county 1, Where is Costa Rica located? Is it in North America, South America, Central America, Europe or Asia? 2. What is the name of the capital of Costa Rica? 3. How are Costa Ricans called? 4, Why are they called like that? 5. What are the countries that Costa Rica is bounded by? NORTH: NORTHEASTERN COASTLINE: SOUTHEAST: SOUTHWESTERN COSTLINE: If you can't remember, tun back to the previous pages and refresh your memory. ———y Answer the questions ina complete sentence and according to the previous reading. My country fn ten and folo Ww the audio. Two mountain chains run through almost the entire length of Costa Rica. These are, in the north, the Cordillera Volcénica, noted for its volcanic activity, as the name implies, and, in the south, the Cordillera de Talamanca. The Cordillera Volcanica may be divided into three ranges, from northwest to southeast: the Cordillera de Guanacaste, the Cordillera de Tilardn, and the Cordillera Central. Costa Ricas highest point, Mount Chirrip6 is in the Talamanca system. 2. Name the three ranges The Cordillera volcanica is divided into, 3. What is the name of the highest Mount in Costa Rica. IF you can't remember, turn back to the previous pages and refresh your memory. Literally meaning ‘rich coast’ in Spanish, Costa Rica has a wealth of natural diversity and wildlife, making it one of the most bio-diverse places on earth. Rainforests, mangrove swamps, cloud forests, beaches, coral reefs and a plethora of plant and animal J life make this tiny Latin American country the place tobe. Macy Costa Rica has 26 protected forests, 20 national parks, 9 forest reserves, 8 wildlife refuges, 7 wildlife sanctuaries and 1 national archaeological Monument. Currently, Costa Rica has recorded almost 900 different bird species. This number includes about 600 permanent ie bird residents of the country, and about 200 immigrant cues birds that fly down from North America. Herons, hawks and macaws are some of the birds you can find in Costa Rica. The rainforest of Costa Rica is home to the colorful and popular Macaws. There are around 5,000 different insects in Costa Rica, and about 1,000 of these are species of butterflies. Here, you can find the critters such as the Hercules Beetle. Scarabs and butterflies can also be found in the area. 212 mammals are housed in Costa Rica, and 14 of them are considered threatened. One species, which is the Water Rat, is critically endangered. Several wildlife reserves are making sure that we are still able to enjoy and learn about the threatened mammals of Costa Rica. The Nine-branded Armadillo, Mantled Howler Monkey and sloth can also be spotted in the jungles of the rainforest. Bet © Listen and follow the audio. My country You are a Zoologist who is investigating an animal that is endangered in Costa Rica. Wet en eLetter climate does it live in. Basic Needs Name: (9) i G of “Git (e > ‘© Design a fact sheet highlighting the endangers the animal you are researching is going through. Write the animal's name, its basic needs, how your animals’ needs are met, where it ives, what kind of climate it lives in. Look ina magazine and cut and paste an illustration of your animal Ny conty fe ¥ A ! eZ ietutS DEe$ Climate Colors "Investigate Sidifferent animal species such as insects in Costa Rica. Write all the information that is needed in the chart. —O What | Love about ¢ costa Rica. y Shot . What I love about Costa rial is that... © Color The map. Write asmall paragraph of what you like about Costa Rica. When you are done, read it infront of your classmates. “Costa. Qo Rica Tinidad and OT Tabage OQ St.Lucia © Panama) O Guatemala | a Costa Rica Q Nicaragua 7 © Honduras | OQ Panama 0 _ Jamaica 6 Thhigedand ) Haiti O Guatemala GO jamaica Q | Haiti O Nicaragua Cuba CO Honduras Costa Rica. QO Honduras. © Cross out the correct country that goes with the flag.. My coutsy Italian Canadian British American / French _ Spanish. Costa Rican RB iccibbiente ne newspaper passport traditional cart © stamp monument fore each nationality. g -O Nationalities Spanish Brazilian Argentine Japanese Peruvian Mexican Costa Rican © Can you find all the hidden words in this word search? Words can go in differents directions. My country | © Cut the name of each country and paste it in the below to the corresponding child. My country | © Cutthername of each country and paste it where it belongs. My country A famous monument that | would jf Hh) like to visit. i Food that | would like to try from another country. ‘© Think of a country you would lke to go. Complete each box with ts corresponding information. Look in a magazine and cut and paste food that you would like to eat from another country. My county Ee E 5 —O Countries © Organize the letters in the correct order to write the name of the country. Sapni Farce CC ) inCha rueP } odnHraus anaPma ) ziBari RotaCscia ) zeVeuneal ecxiMo miboCoal ferAia Hello there! We are from England. So we are English! 1 2. You are from France. You |. lam from Spain. | am 3. Heisfromthe USA.Heis 4. She is from China. She is w . He is from Italy. He is . We are from Brazil. We are a 7. You are from Germany. You are 8. Annand Chun are from Mexico. They are What about you? Where are you from? What nationality are you? © Follow the example and complete the sentences with the correct nationality. Then compare your answers with a classmate. My country yo Connecting electronically, Tl Laptop: a computer that is small enough to be carried around easily and is fat when closed, Example: | always take my laptop when | travel 2 type of computer fle that stores high-quality sound in a small amount of space, or the technology that makes this possible. Example: | downloaded ‘new music on my MP3. Email: the system for using computers to send messages ) over the internet. Example: | got an e-mail from John yesterday. } system used to send and receive documents in electronic form alongaphone line. Bxample:send_ | pe) Copyimachine:amachine hat} makes copies of documents | Using a photographic process. Example: the office needs a new copy machine. © Look and listen to the vocabulary and its definition. Point to the pictures and repeat only the words. Connecting electronically a a mobile phone } he hs intemet on his phone console for Christmas. ymputer. an electronic machine that is used for storing. organizing and finding words, numbers. and pictures, for doing calculations and for controling other machines Example: | need some advice on rob Printer: a machine that is connected to a computer and prints onto paper using ink. Example: The office printer that can be used as a smal ‘computer and that connects to } the internet. Example: My father | bought anew smartphone. Now | i Game console: 2 brand name | fora machine that you use to play | games on your television. Example: | my parents gave me 2 game | ES (ey Ft a -O Dictionary Hunt Cay SECs 7H Printer Ee Laptop © Look for the words in the word bank and circle them. Connecting electronically DVD: Cassette: VCR © Look up ina dictionary or on the internet the definition of these words and write them down. ent, but are easier to use and can do many more things than they cl Toy telephones are sil changing and ing people new ways to © Listen and follow the audio. Connecting electronically The earliest telephones were large boxes that attached to the wall, twas impossible to make calls through them without speaking to ~an operator first. Anew type of telephone became avaiable. This phone was much ~ smaller and allowed people make cals to each other directly. It became known as the ~ rotary phone because of the round dil at its center. At fist, rotary phones could only hang on the wall Later on, it became possible to __ place them on dss, countertops, and tables . ta Po rad hemes and shoreted com/kidshistorytelecommunicat © Listen and follow the audio. Cemectig electronically & © Listen and follow the audio. Connecting electronically Reading checkup Before phones were invented, what dd people use to communicate? ‘Which telephone needed an operator to make a phone call? Why are Rotary phones called like that? dasner ‘Why were touch-tone phones not common? ‘if you can’t remember, turn back to the previous poges and refresh your memory. ‘© Answer these questions according to the reading. —O What’s next? | [Now people use smartphones that have internet access and allow people to check e-mails, sten to music, upload pictures et. ‘© Think of the future, Draw and color how phones are going to be in the next 20 years. Connecting electronically Let's think like the inventor of the telephone! Materials: LP > Two paper cups > String 1 > Afriend, Instructions: 1. Make 2 hole at the center ofthe base of the paper cup using the pencil. The hole should be big enough for the string to fitin. 2. Drew the string through the hole and tie a knot to fixit in place, Make sure the knot is tied up strong, Do the same thing on the other paper cup. Now, you have two paper cups attached together with the string se ee With your fiend, move away from each other and make sure the string is tight and stretched between the two of you T. Talk into the cup while your friend is listening to what you are saying, —O Electronic devices e © Portable digital radio e @ Game console @ HDtw 4 @ Camcorder @ Ebook reader e e © Match the name of the electronic device to picture. Connecting electronically 7 Advertisement eS) ft) SY © Choose an electronic device and make a short advertisement for It. You can paste images, coor, craw, ‘write etc. Workin pairs, Comectng electrically | “Its old and heavy. Sometimes, it takes a few minutes to turn on. My.mother Ln gets lost when she diving 4. When I g6'to the gym; / 5. Ilove to take pictures. That way I can look at them and remember. 6. ike to read books, but théy take up much space. © Write the electronic device Samiantha should buy according to what she says 1. Your friend sends you a picture of himself. Do you a. askhimif you can share it?’ _b. postiit online? 2. Someone in your class posts a video. He is riding a bike’ and falls off! Do you askhim he's OK? b. write ‘That was stupid!’ on the video? 3. You are writing an essay for homework. Do you... ‘@. copy atext from the internet? use different websites to find information? 4, You see a mean post about someone in your class. Do you ... . ignore it? b. tell an adult? 5. You and your friend make a funny video with your phone. Do you. . postit online as ‘private’? _b. post it online as ‘public’? 6. Someone posts their opinion about a game. You disagree! Do you . tell them their opinion is stupid? _b. say ‘That's interesting, but my opinion is.. 7. You take a photo outside your house. In the photo, you can see your street name. Do you... take anew photo without your street name? _. post the photo online? © Doyou know how to be a good digital citizen? Cross out the answer that’s true for you. What do you think ? © Doyouknow any other ways to be a good digital citizen? Write about them! z Connecting electronically SSP -O Could/Couldn’t 1. was play | when chess six could | 2. when speak were you five could you English 3. could my was ten when brother he judo do 4. two when sister could was my she walk 5. Isixwhen couldn't | was read © Write the words in the correct order to form a sentence. —O Modal Could could to walk when | was two. I could walk when | was two. I could walking when | was two My dad could is make a cake when he was nine. My dad could make a cake when he was nine. My dad could making a cake when he was nine g 3 My mother couldn't to swim when she was ten. My mother couldn't swimming when she was ten. My mother couldn't swim when she was ten. My friends could speak a little bit of English when they were five, My friends could of speak a little bit of English when they were five. My friends could to speak a little bit of English when they were five. 5 My brother couldn't riding a bike when he was four. ‘My brother no could ride a bike when he was four. ‘My brother couldn't ride a bike when he was four. Connecting electronically © Read the sentences. Circle the correct one, -O Could PNT | could hear someone shouting, Ne scurd | couldn’t hear her because of the noise Interrogative (Question), Could you hear that strange noise? | could see she was very happy. | couldn't see anything in the dark Could you see that tower in the distance? | could imagine how you felt | couldn't imagine you working in the office. Could you imagine how surprised he was? | could smell gas. | couldn't smell anything because | had a cold. Could you smell those flowers? | could understand her English. | couldn’t understand what was happening. Could you understand their accent? © Read the sentences and questions which have the modal could ‘Are there any books on the shelf? ‘Yes, Are there computers in this room? Yes, Are there ice cream cones? Yes, Are there students? No, Are there coconuts? No, Are there cars? No, © Look at the pictures. Read the questions. Answer the questions using there is or there are. Connecting electronically —O Verb “to be” Lt am 8. They 2, You 9, We___ thirsty. 3. He —__ 10. You________ tired. (@. SheW Tl |______BB years old. ca 12. James ________ Costa Rican. 6. We are 13, Pam _________a teacher. 7 You ——_______ 14. Kriss and John ______ married. © Write the correct form of verb to be on the blank space. —O Is, are, am 1. (is, are, am) the door open? 7 8. It (is, are, am) broken. 2. She (is, are, am) driving very fast. 8. (is, are, am) he home now? 3. They (is, are, am) practicing for tomorrow 10. The baby (is, are, am) crying. 4. (js, are, am) James tall? Tl. The house (is, are, am) new. 5. (is, are, am) they here now? TL. Her boss (is, are, am) angry. 6. We (is, are, am) sick. 3. (is, are, am) she excited? T. Today (is, are, am) a cold day. © Read the sentences. Underline the correct form of be. Connecting electronically & © Countable - noncount nouns Book 7 bread B. stamp |. —____ water 8. fruit 4. soup ink io salt 15. apple } —____ sugar. 10. sand 16. flowers pencils 1. radio v7. students chairs 2. milk © Wrtie C for countable and NC for noncountable. © A few or a little / much or many cars. zt paper 13, students, ink 8. bread = 14, furniture friends 9 homework 15. coffee milk 10. sugar 16. chairs tables TI. tea 17. salt meat nD. books 18. soup. © Complete the blank. Write a few, alittle, much or many. Connecting electronically seeeeenessiiiaiimaiaaimmmaiasascaaceaaiacaiaaiad —O Quantity CMs Bt Lage They have books Small Ineed chairs Large She bought: paper Small She wants stamps 1. Ididnt see a large number of dogs. I didnt see many dogs 2. She drank a large quantity of tea this afternoon. 3. She didnt buy a large quantity of fruit. 4, They dont havea large number of pens. © Write the correct quantity much, many, a little, a few, a lot of. Connecting electronically & —O Wh questions 1. Mary called her best friend at 3 PM. b ¢ a o « 2. Kim studies Engi atthe university a c 4, Johns at the beach. a 5. The bookis on the table, a b » Write a question according to the italicized words. Adverbial phrase: because I. Icalled my mother missed her. 2. They are going to the beach. They are on vacation. 3. Iddidnt eat cake __________Iwas onadiet. 4. Lam very tired. | cleaned the house today. 5. She opened the umbrella —__it was raining. 6. Ihave an exam tomorrow. | have to study. @ Write = i = 7. Mary cut her hair ___it was too long. — Complete 8. David cleaned his room ____ his mother told him to. 9. Ihave money. | saved. 10. My sister cried ______ she was sad. © Write or complete the sentences using because, Connecting electronically ) Better life ‘Vegetablessa plant, root, seed, of pod that isused a foodespecialy indshes that are not sweet Example: The potato is the most popular vegetable inthis county. Fruits: the soft part containing | seeds that 1s produced by 2 | plant. Many types of fruit are | sweet and can beeaten. | | | Example: Oranges, apples, and bananas ae all types of ru. Meals: an occasion when food | is eaten, or the food that is) eaten on such an ocason. Example: That was the worst ‘meal | have ever eaten, ‘Meat: the flesh of an animal when it is used for food. Example: | don't eat meat. | i | \ cannnnnnnnnnnnnnnrinnny Brocoli: 2 vegetable with a] green stem or stems and a mass Cr several masses offiower buds at the top. | / Example: | love eating broccoli with fish, J © Look and lsten to the vocabulary and its defnition. Point to the pictures and repeat only the words. fanfret -O Dictionary Hunt Boil © Look up in a dictionary the definition of these words and write it down. Look for an image for each word and paste it Fry Bake Roast Steam on the box. eter ie —O The story of quinine Chinese Quinine - Chang Shan Dichroa febrifuga Have you ever heard of quinine? Its one of many famous medicines discovered here in the Amazon rainforest. Lets find out more about it. Quinine is used to cure malaria, a very dangerous disease that is spread by mosquitoes. It's made from the bark ofthe Chinchona tree. The tree is named after the Countess of Chinchon from Peru, In1630 she was very sick with malaria and had a high fever. Her doctor gave her a drink made from Chinchona and she got better, People in Europe heard about this medicine and then caine to the rainforest to collect the plant. it was first called quinine in 1820 by two French scientist, Mr. Pelletier and Mr. Caventou, who made the frst modern medicine from the tree bark. For almost three hundred years quinine was used to cure malaria as well as many other dangerous illnesses. I, 1944 scientists made the first artificial quinine But natural quinine is ow very important again because many kinds of malaria cannot be cured using modern rugs anymore. So remember, we must protect our rainforests because maybe other important medicines will be found, © Listen to the story of chinese herb “Quinine” -O Reading checkup ‘Quinine is a famous medicine discovered in the Amazon rainforest. {tis made from the leaves of the cinchona tree. ‘The medicine is named after the Countess of Chinchon from Peru. Her doctor gave her a pill made from cinchona and she got better. 111944, scientists made the fist artificial quinine. Astificial quinine is now very important again ‘We must protect our rainforests because other medicines may be found. IF you can’t remember, turn back to the previous pages and refresh your memory. © Write true or false according to the reading. setter @Qv¥ebeav e e @ e e e e Kiwi Grapes Watermelon Melon Apple_~—-Banana_—_—~Pineapple © Match the fruit with its correct name. Cee oe Fruits that don’t need to be peeled Apple grapes banana Watermelon pineapple strawberry cherry orange pear ‘© Write the fruits in the correct side of the box. Better life SG -O True of false . You should eat a least five pieces of fruit and vegetables a day. (tue (false b. Apples float in water but pears don't. ( )tue (false . Grapes become raisins when they are cooked. ( )true (false . Strawberries are the only fruit whose seeds grow on the outside. ( )twe = (_) false €. Watermelons don't contain water. @ (tue (__ ) false Grcle . Cherries belong to the rose family { )twe (false Bananas don't have a lot of vitamin C. (tue (fae h. Kiwis contain as much vitamin C as oranges. () )tme (false i, Most oranges are not eaten ~ they are used to make juice. (tue (false J. Pineapples take up to two months to grow. ( )tue (false Read each sentence, Circle if it's true or fase. Better life PEPE ENIGI PSA Mary is taller than Joe, but Sam is the tallest The dolphin is more intelligent than the dog, but the chimpanzee is the most intelligent. ~ER, EST: for one syllable adjective. ‘One syllable word: small- smaller- smallest IER, IEST: for two syllable adjectives which end in “y" (take away the “y") two syllables with “y": Happy- happier- the happiest -MORE, MOST: for other two syllable words or more adjectives. ‘Twos syllables: beautiful: more beautiful: the most beautiful. This is my family. | am taller than my brother and sister but my dad isthe tallest. My mum is a vet and my dad is a teacher. | think being a vet is more interesting than being a teacher because you work with animals | want to be an astronaut —| think ths is the most interesting job! Being a vet is easier than being a teacher though, because teachers have to correct lots of homework. My job isthe easiest — Im a student! Comparative Superlative © Read the story. Write the superlatives and comparatives you see in the reading. betterlfe —O Future ‘@. When I'm older I'll to live in a big house. b. twon't to have more than two children. ‘C._ My sister will living in another country. d. One day, people will to be able to talk to animals! €. Wewillat need to sleep in the future. ay f. Wllto bea vet when | grow up. . I think my little sister will to be a singer because she loves singing! hh. You'll being able to access the internet from your head in the future! © Find the mistake, underline it and write the correct sentence. Future: verb to be + going to o a, They_______tell him the @. We________gotothe party. ‘wth f. Karol ___attenda b. He travel to another meeting. country next week. A ¢ |______watch aovie. vacation next month. d. Steve ___go to school ie ee ply soccer with my) tomorrow. friends, © Complete the sentences using the correct form of the verb to be + going to. Then check them with your teacher. Betterlife The Porter family is trying to eat healthy. Mrs Prter got some blood tests done and her doctor sai that she needs to start eating more vegetables. Mr. Porter work all day and comes home very late at night, so he eats at restaurants after work. They have 2 children, Annis 12 years old and is always at a friends house. Carlis 7 years ‘ld and doesnt like helathy food. He only likes to eat chocolates ‘Mrs. Porter doesnt let Ann staj at her friends house during the week, Mr. Porter tries to get home at 5:30 PIM and Carlis starting to eat vegetables and fruits During the weekend they eat out or order food. Mrs. Porter will start working next week and she is worried she will not have enough time to cook healthy meals for her and her family. 1. Why are the Porters trying to eat healthy? |. Why does Mrs. Porter have problems eating healthy at home? |. How many children do Mr. And Mrs, Porter have? }. What does Carl like to eat? 3. What are the solutions for Ann and Mr. Porter? }.. What problem will they be facing? Read the story. Answer the questions according to the story. erie azine, Giitand paste on the plate what you would eat for lunch Try to make it Healthy. —O My favorite is | My favorite fruit is... | Color your favorite fruit and vegetable. . Germs are tiny organisms, or living things, that can cause disease. Germs are so small and sneaky that they creep into our bodies without being noticed. In fact; germs afe so tiny that you “need to use a micfoscope to see them. When they get in our bodies, we don't know what Fit us until we have symptoms. Germs are fourid all over the world, in all binds of placed . The four major types of germs are: bacteria; viruses, - fungi, and protozoa. They can invade plants, animals, and. people,” and. sometimes they make us sick. Bacteria are tiny, one-celled creatures that. get nutrients from their environments in order to live. tn some-cases that environment is a human body: not all bacteria are bad. Some bacteria are good for our bodies - they help keep things in balance. Good bacteria live in our intestines and help us use the nutrients in the food we eat and make waste from What's left over. Viruses need to be inside living cells to grow and reproduce. Most viruses can't survive very long if they're not inside a living thing like a plant, animal, or person. When viruses get inside people's bodies, they can spread and make people sick. ‘© Listen and follow along while the teacher reads, eter fe —O Germ booklet About viruses: About bacteria: Cut * Cut > © According to the previous reading, complete the booklet. Then color the germs and cut and fold following the lines tere What are Germs? What are the 4 major type of germs? —O Healthy habbits Brush your Wash your dirty, Get enough Eat healthy hands teeth food © Write the corresponding words from the box in the correct blank after every meal. when they are @ every day. exercise Fable: a short tale to teach a moral lesson, often with that constitute a story, with animals or inanimate objects Cor without text, as well as the as characters. media as a whole Comics: isa series of drawings Example: | read my favorite Example: the fables of gods and heroes, Plot: also called storyline, the plan, scheme, or main story of a | literary oF dramatic work, asa play, novel, or short story | | Example: the plot was the best part ofthe story. Legend: a nonhistorical or unverifiable story handed down by tradition from earlier times and popularly accepted as historical. Example: the legend of king Arthur ’s sword in stone. | Poetry: the art of rhythmical composition, written or spoken, for exciting pleasure by beautiful, imaginative, or elevated thoughts. Example: The pianist played the prelude with poetry. Short story: a piece of prose 1 BS) fiction, usualy under 10.000 words. Settings: the surroundings or \ environment of anything. RTs Erato N Example: Short stories are | . the best to read, Cal Example: The pink castle was the best setting for the story ‘© Look and listen to the vocabulary and its definition Pont tothe pictures and repeat only the words. Vocabulary Match Anonhistorical or unverifiable story handed down by tradition from earlier @ times and popularly accepted as historical, @ Plot Isa series of drawings that constitute . a story, with or without text, as wellas @ © Comics the media as a whole. A short tale to teach a moral lesson, © Short story often with animals or inanimate objects © as characters @ Legend A piece of prose fiction, usually under @ 10,000 words. © Fable Also called storyline, the plan, scheme, or main story of literary or dramatic © @ work, as a play, novel, or short story. '® Read the definitions and match them with the corresponding word ‘Once upona tine -O Story Elements Characters: Plot: People in the story. The plot is what we summarize. Theme: The message the author is 6 trying to send. (the author’s Author: or main character's thoughts Person who writes or feelings) the storybook. Conflict: The major problem of the story. Critiques: reader’s opinions of the story. Climax: : ALARGE event that Setthing: changes the outcome of When and where the story takes place. the story. © Read the elements of the story. Falling Action Resolution Exposition: Introduction that provides information about characters and setting. Rising Action: The part of the story that develops the problem that builds interest and/or suspense. | Climax: Where the problem reaches its peak. | Falling: Action: The event(s) that lead to the resolution. Resolution: The conclusion to the story that reveals the solution to the problem. ‘© Read the plot chart ofa story ‘Once upon a tine Cee rouse — What is a Fairy Tale? ‘Afairy tale is a make-believe story for children about magic and enchantment. Elements: + The opening starts with “ Once upon a time” + The setting is made up Often includes characters such as magical creatures, vilans, kings and queens. + Contains magic Ends with “ they lived happily ever after” © Read the Fairy ale chart. ‘Once upon atime rr) Little Red Riding Hood The wolf pretends to be the the grandmother. The woods. The wood cutter helps little red riding hood scare the wolf away. Little Red Riding Hood. © Watch and listen to the “Little Red Riding Hood’ video. 2 Cutand paste the story elements in the correct box. 7 oy es cs Title of the book | think the story takes place in: think there are characters in this story. I think the conflict of the story is: Choose a book you have never read. Look at the cover and think what the story could be about. b Once upon atime 10 eee Pen © Color, cut and assemble the dice. Roll the dice. Look at the picture that the dice shows and think of a fairy tale story. Write it on the following page. nce wpona tine Si © Color, cut and assemble the dice. Roll the dice. Look at the picture that the dice shows and think of a fairy tale story. Write it on the following page. | once upon ine i

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