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Chickenpox diet is immensely helpful in making chicken pox go away. Chickenpox is a highly
contagious disease whose symptoms include headaches, fever and sore throat. It's most
disturbing and annoying symptom are the red itchy skin spots. Luckily chicken p ox can be
avoided altogether by having injected the Varicella vaccination as a child. However, for people
plagued by chicken pox, sincere care needs to be taken to get better and a chicken pox diet
conducive to mitigating the illness plays an integral part in that system of care. The following
are key points to be remembered in the preparation of said diet. Antiviral foods – Chickenpox
is caused by a herpes virus, therefore consuming antiviral foods such as garlic and turmeric is

a must. Herpes viruses thrive in conditions where the amount of amino acid arginine in the
blood is more in quantities compared to another amino acid lysine. Consequently, foods with a
higher lysine to arginine content such as yoghurt, organic cheese and milk and fruits such as
mango, papaya, cherries, apples and pineapples should be consumed. Foods which have a
lower lysine to arginine content such as nuts, grains, tofu, caffeine and chocolate must be
avoided. Antihistamine foods – To prevent the body from producing too much histamine which
leads to scratching of spots and as a result, an infection; antihistamine foods are
recommended. Foods such as broccoli, kale, spinach, onions, kiwi, apples and strawberries
have antihistamine effects.




Food Items to Limit

 Nuts and seeds; these have the worst lysine arginine ratio
 Grains (including wheat, oats, rice)
 Tofu
 Fruits: grapes, blackberries, blueberries, grapefruit and oranges (including
 Caffeine (not an issue for my 4 year old)
 Chocolate (an issue for my 4 year old)
 Onions and garlic – but in view of their strong antiviral and antihistamine
properties from eating a low amount of them, I have opted to keep these in my
chicken pox diet

Do's And Dont's

 Increased water intake : During chicken pox, there will be dehydration. So try to
consume lots of water. One must be sure that the water must be boiled and
cooled down.
 Brat diet : This diet includes banana, rice, apple and toast.
 Broken wheat/ wheat rava:One can also go for broken wheat which contains
necessary micro-nutrients and fiber content. One can also make upma of wheat
rava by steaming it and in to it add chopped vegetables like carrot, tomatoes
and capsicum.
 Increased consumption of fruits:During chicken pox, try to consume more fruits.
One can go for soft fruits i.e. grapes, bananas; apples, melons etc. frequently
consume these fruits in the form of milkshakes and juices.
 Tender coconut water:It contains vital minerals and vitamins, having zero
calories which provides cooling effect to your body and helps in boosting the
immunity. It is also helpful in keeping the acidity bay.

 Boiled vegetables: Try to consume a boiled vegetable which does not include
oil in cooking. One can go for carrot, sweet potato, beans, potato and cabbage.
 Curd : It is very effective in healing the skin. It also contains calcium and
probiotics. So try to consume curd throughout the day.

Food Items You Can Easily Consume

 Antiviral Foods : Yogurt, Fish, Meat including beef, lamb, chicken, turkey, Organic
cheese and milk, Specific fruits: stone fruit (mango, apricots, cherries, avocados,
papaya), apples, pears, figs and pineapples
 Stay Hydrated : It’s important to keep hydrated – water, coconut water or home made
ice lollies
 Vitamin C rich foods: These include kale, broccoli, peppers, papaya, kiwi and
 Skin Health : Brightly coloured fruits and veggies (for Vitamins A, C and E), grass-fed
beef and lamb, spinach, mushrooms and asparagus (for skin-healthy zinc) and olive
oil, avocado and oily fish (for their healthy fats).

- - - - - - - - - - - - - THANK YOU - - - - - - - - - - -

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