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Envirnmental management
1. Correct food chain is Paddy field -> Grasshopper -> Frog -> snake-> egale
2. Such food chain is seen in terrestrial ecosystem. There are many biotic and
abiotic factors in this ecosystem.
3. The above example mention about paddy field so it must be in vicinity of
coastal land.
4. In the above example paddy field is producer, first consumer is grasshopper,
second consumer is frog, snake is tertiary consumer and the apex consumer is
eagle. At every trophic level bacteria and fungi act as a decomposer.
5. in this ecosystem solar energy is transferred from paddy field to eagle in step
wise food chain.

1. The above statement refers to the fact that earth belongs to everyone ,from
our ancestors to our future generations.
2. It indicates towards the point that the planet earth should be protected and
conserved in the same way as our ancestors, so that it can be passed on to our
future generation.
3. Due to over increasing population, industrialization, construction activities such
as dams, roads and bridges we have overexploited many natural resources
causing destruction of the earth’s natural ecosystem.
4. Due to problems like climate change, global warming, pollution, droughts etc.
the environment is impacted.
5. Thus in order to keep sustainability of earth, we have to remember that the
earth has not been obtained only as ancestral property but we have to save it for
future generation.
a) Environmental conservation
1. Environmental conservation is a broad term which refers to the action we take
in order to protect our planet and conserve its natural resources.
2. The human life on earth is supported by the various components of the
environment. There is direct relationship between environment and life of earth.
Any kind of harm to environment will directly and indirectly affect the quality of
life of organisms on the earth.
3. In order to save organisms and maintain the environmental balance, there is
need for environmental conservation.
4. Environmental conservation implies to conservation of forest, water, minerals
etc. Judicial use of natural resources is also a way of environmental conservation..
5.goverment has formulated acts and rules. UN has established UNEP for the
conservation programs. The people participation in the conservation movement is
essential. From school age, the environmental values are inculcated in the young
6. Conservation of environment is the social responsibility of everyone.
b) Chipko movement of Bishnoi
1. The chipko movement or chipko Andolan was a forest conservation movement
where people embraced the trees to prevent them from being cut.
The first Chipko Movement took place in Khejarli village in 1730 AD. In this village
363 Bishnoi, led by Amrita Devi scarified their lives for protecting the trees of
Khejri trees, which trees considered as sacred by Bishnoi.
2. Amrita Devi said “if a tree is saved even at the cost of one’s head, it’s worth it.”
She was killed with the axes that were brought to chop off the trees. Her three
daughters sacrificed their lives for trees.
3.83 Bishnoi villages came together and sacrificed their lives after hearing about
Amrita Daevi’s sacrifice.363Bishnois were killed .After realizing the mistake, the
king apologized. He issued royal decree to protect trees and wild life.
4. Chipko movement of 1970s in Uttarakhand also followed the same pattern of
embracing the tree and saving them from cutting.
c. Biodiversity
textbook pgno. 42 and 43
d. Sacred Groves
textbook pg no. 43
e. Disaster and its management.
1. Any natural or man made event which has a negative impact on life, property
and livehood and causes permanent change to environment, ecosystem and
human society is termed as a disaster. Disaster may be manmade or Natural
2. The damage caused by disaster can be reduced by making ourselves prepared
in disaster management.
3.Disaster management is strategy and course of action to be executed at the
time of any such disaster to save as much life as possible. This includes:
* Improving tolerance
* Preventing losses and dangers
* Providing relief to the affected people
* Preparing for action to be taken at the time of disaster
*Assessing the damage caused
* arrangement of rescue for the affected
* Rehabilitation and rebuilding the affected area.
1. Pollution is created only due to human activities. Air, Water, soil, noise,
radiation, thermal, light, plastic are different types of pollution.
2. All, types of pollution directly or indirectly affects environment and particularly
threatening the survival of living organisms.
3. Pollution must be controlled in order to have good quality of life . e.g. i)When
plastic is thrown anywhere, it causes pollution of land, it clogs the rain water
drainage, it affect feeding of animals. ii) pollution of water results in the death of
aquatic life and making most of the water bodies unfit for human and animal use.
Air pollution due to different gases emitted by vehicles and factories makes air
even difficult to breath.
4. All the above problems highlights the fact that pollution is one of he cause of
environmental degradation. Therefore,if we reduce different types of pollution ,
we automatically help to regain the environmental health.
Q.5 which projects will you run in rerlation to environmental management? How/
Plastic pollution can be completely stopped by us through proper management of
plastic waste.ii)

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