AAA CAT and Aptitude Reports

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Date: 21/10/2023

Psychological Assessment
Name: AAA D.O.B.: 09 Oct 2005
Age: 18 years Sex: Female
Informant: Parents
Psychometric Tests Administered: David’s Battery for Differential Aptitude (DBDA)
Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)
Test Taking Behaviour: Rapport was easily established with AAA and Eye
contact was maintained during the testing process.


Integrated Summary:

Intellectual Level: Considering the form characteristics of all the stories, the most endorsed intellectual level is
above Average.
Emotional Maturity: The client is mostly identified with Female heroes age with different age group (majority
falling under the range of 20-30). The hero's behaviour is more than age appropriate to the client’s age. The
system control is strong enough to impose an adequate form and the content is in logical harmony with the
facts of the picture. Moreover, adequacy of the hero is present in most of the stories, indicating ego strength.
Thus, the client’s emotional maturity is at a higher proportion.
Personal Adjustment: The client has mentioned the presence of negative emotion ‘sadness’, ‘fear’, ‘inferiority’
comparatively more than positive emotions. Therefore, her personal adjustment is unsatisfactory.
Social Adjustment: In most of the stories, the hero has interpersonal difficulties with partner, indicating
unsatisfactory social adjustment.
Dominant Needs: The most dominant need found in the stories are Succorance (05 stories) Affiliation
(Associative) (03 stories) followed by Construction, recognition (02 stories).

Date: 21/10/2023
Significant Conflicts: The most reported significant conflict is fulfillment of the basic needs (04 stories),
interpersonal conflict (03 stories).
Ego Structure: The stories indicate a good ego strength as the stories are reality oriented, uses of defense in
normal range, shows the capacity to resolve conflicts in an acceptable form in most of the stories. However,
there is a presence of negative emotions over positive.

Structural Summary:
The client was given 10 cards for the assessment. She had produced stories of long length (more than 10 lines)
with imaginative with little Descriptive content (0I).

Plot was Present in most of the stories. Most of the stories had a well define beginning and ending and the
overall thought process was found to be complete.
Common/Recurrent Themes:
The main themes elicited from the stories were related to themes of psychological, family and Social nature.
Stories based on psychological theme comprises of disturbance, self-identity, freedom, hardworking,
loneliness, trying to avoid conflict. Social theme indicates expression of expression of unfavourable social
conditions, lack of social support, unstable conditions, social skills and dominance by others.
Needs. Press and Conflicts:
The main needs reflected in the stories are the needs for Succorance (05 stories) (A tendency to cry, plea, ask
for help, protection, or love. Being dependent, helpless, and perhaps capitalizing on one's mishaps. To crave
affection or tenderness and accept favors without hesitation. To have a close and devoted protector or
supported. Seeking to be nursed, sustained, supported, advised, guided, indulged, forgiven, or consoled). and
Affiliation (To establish friendly relations. This may be focal, in which case the need is directed toward
affectionate feelings for specific people. It may also be diffuse, in which case the feeling is directed toward all
sorts of people) and She has perceived the press (environment) as Full of conflicts in most of her stories. At
times it has been seen as Unfavorable view as well. The major conflicts inferred from the stories revolve
around Fulfilment of basic needs. There is other conflict related to Interpersonal difficulties. Most of the
stories had a positive past, negative present and unclear future. The most prevalent inner state found in the
client is dejection followed by Emotional Change.

Date: 21/10/2023
The most observed anxieties are anxiety of helplessness and deprivation, followed by anxiety of loss or lack of
love and being deserted/disapproved. The client deals with this anxiety by using a Passive defense
mechanism. At times, the client prefers to either avoid or escape from the situation causing stress rather than
confronting it.

Object Relations Summary:

The stories were correlated with object-relations theory which reflected the following significant findings:
The hero/main character of the stories, which is the self, is predominantly seen as a contemporary figure
which is a female character that seems to be weak and deprived in most of the instances. she has perceived
oneself as both harming which includes belief in one's potential of hindering self’s progress and harming self.
In all the stories, it has been observed that the hero sometimes does not ask for help from anyone to resolve
the conflict. Rather the hero passively copes by observing silently and being tolerant or by Avoiding to solve
the conflicts with the parental figure.

David’s Battery for Differential Aptitude (DBDA)

AAA’s score indicates Average verbal ability in comprehension and use of English words and
language. she has average ability to comprehend English vocabulary and verbal skills for usage in practical
She also has Average numerical ability to Showing fluency in fundamental numerical operations. She
has an average ability to understand and apply rapid numerical solution to computational task
Her Spatial Ability comes in Extremely high range to understand spatial relations and grasp
relationship among two dimensional figures can be successful in task dealing with architecture commercial
art, dress-designing etc.
She has Extremely high range Closure ability to understand and grasp relationship among
incomplete stimuli. She has a highly motivated or goal directed observation along with rapid perceptual
accuracy to comprehend the surroundings can do well in such situations.
She has Average Clerical Ability to perform with speed and accuracy in a monotonous task. She is
likely to make some errors in tasks involving repeated activity for long periods.

Date: 21/10/2023
On Reasoning Ability, she has scored Extremely high range which indicates she has excellent ability
to apply logical reasoning from some specific information to a general principle. Can do well in such activities
which involve logical thinking such as computer programming, engineering, scientific technology, or
mathematics related pursuits.
She has Poor Mechanical Ability which indicates she has poor understanding of basic mechanical
principles underlying simple machine tools electrical and automatic operations.
Her Psycho-motor Ability is average and helps her to maintain a fine-muscle dexterity in manual tasks.

Here are some career options that might be suitable for person with these abilities:

1. Graphic Designer/Animator: High spatial abilities are crucial in graphic design and animation. Designing
visuals, layouts, and animations require a strong sense of space and aesthetics.

2. Architect: Spatial reasoning is fundamental in architecture. Architects design spaces and structures,
relying heavily on spatial visualization and closure abilities.

3. Interior Designer: Similar to architecture, interior designers plan and create functional and aesthetically
pleasing indoor spaces. Spatial abilities are essential in visualizing and organizing these spaces effectively.

4. Landscape Architect: Landscape architects design outdoor spaces. They need strong spatial abilities to
plan and create functional, attractive, and sustainable landscapes.

5. Urban Planner: Urban planners work on developing land use plans and programs for communities.
Spatial reasoning skills are essential in understanding how different elements fit together in urban

6. Video Game Designer: Game designers create virtual worlds and gameplay experiences. Spatial abilities
are critical for designing game environments, characters, and interactive elements.

7. Cartographer/GIS Specialist: Cartographers create maps, and GIS (Geographic Information Systems)
specialists work with spatial data. Both roles require strong spatial abilities for mapping and analyzing
geographic information.

8. Surveyor: Surveyors measure and map the Earth's surface. They use spatial reasoning skills to interpret
survey data and create accurate maps.

Date: 21/10/2023
9. Industrial Designer: Industrial designers develop products and systems that optimize function, value, and
appearance. Spatial abilities are vital for conceptualizing and prototyping designs.

10. Virtual Reality (VR) Developer: VR developers create immersive virtual experiences. Spatial abilities are
essential for designing 3D environments and interactions within virtual reality platforms.

11. Forensic Artist: Forensic artists use their artistic and spatial skills to create visual representations of crime
suspects or unidentified individuals based on witness descriptions or skeletal remains.

12. Medical Illustrator: Medical illustrators use their artistic skills and spatial abilities to create visual
representations of medical and biological subjects, often for educational or instructional purposes.
It's important to note that many of these careers may require formal education, training, or specific
certifications. Additionally, staying updated with relevant software and technology is crucial in fields such as
graphic design, architecture, and game development. Consider exploring internships, workshops, or online
courses to gain practical skills and enhance your prospects in your chosen field.
Summary: Overall profile indicates signs of depressive and anxious pattern along with adjustment
issues and passive aggressive traits. There are also chances of having avoidant, dependent and generalized
anxiety feature.
*All tests have limitations and need correlation with other related tests and clinical signs and symptoms.
Kindly interpret accordingly.

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