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‫الحمد هلل‬
‫والصالة والسالم على رسول هللا وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين‬

‫نسألك في هذا اليوم وخير ما بعده‬

‫ونعوذ بك من شر ما في هذا اليوم‬..

Oh Allah, we ask for the good of this day and the days preceding it
And we seek refuge from you from the evil of this day and the days preceding it,

Oh Allah, We are gathered here this morning Upstream SKG 16 Forum 2022
As a disseminate knowledge sharing, networking and fostering synergy
To give thanks and recognition to those with positive contributions to the organization

Make this gathering a means of leaving behind a positive legacy for others in the future, and steering
our organization towards a trajectory of betterment.

Oh Allah,
Unite our hearts in synergizing towards fulfilling our aspirations of Moving Forward Together MFT

Open up our hearts to consistently uphold the values of our organization which You Are Pleased with
– as human beings with Integrity to their Principles, in cohesiveness, collaborating to uphold the
highest degrees of Professionalism.

Make us amongst those who are disciplined in continuously improving our character, etiquettes and
our morals.

Make this platform a means to instil within us the ability to inculcate and cultivate our PETRONAS
Cultural Beliefs in order to achieve our MFT 50:30:0
• to deliver the best solutions for our stakeholders, and nurturing CUSTOMER FOCUSED
• To challenge norms and push boundaries towards INNOVATE NOW
• To BE ENTERPRISING, in seeking opportunities and making them happen
• To SPEAK UP, express our views and openly share ideas in a safe, collaborative environment
in the spirit of continuous improvement
• To take action with progress and pace, and develop the COURAGE TO ACT

Oh Allah, Al-Aziz, Possessor of Victory and Honour, ya Fattah, the possessor of victory
As PETRONAS faces one of the toughest periods in the history of the organization amidst the COVID-
19 pandemic and challenging economic tides of our industry today, grant us with the patience,
willpower, perseverance and steadfastness to endure them with success.
Make these scenarios and challenges as a platform to bring out the best in our leaders, and to
nurture great talent and potential amongst our future generations.

Oh Allah, you are Ar-Razzaq, al-Wahhab – The One Who Grants and Gives,
You have granted to us innumerable blessings in our health, family and wealth which suffice for us,
you have protected us from the disastrous effects of the COVID-19, the floods, and continue to give
us second chances
Make us amongst those who are always grateful and thankful for your blessings, and never those
who forget or become heedless of them,
to share and contribute to others, and never use these blessings in ways which Displease You.

Oh Allah, granter of guidance and controller of Hearts,

In fulfilling our potential and seeking excellence of our worldly affairs, please do not make us
heedless and forgetful towards fulfilling our obligations towards You, your humble servants, to be
thankful to you, to worship You and to fulfil your Rights upon us as our Lord and Creator.

Do not make us amongst those who get complacent and heedless from our own success – instead,
make us amongst those who continuously improve ourselves in our professional, personal and
spiritual lives – amongst those who always repent from our sins and turn to you for forgiveness, and
amongst those upon the path of guidance and of continuously improving ourselves in our faith and

‫ َو َغ َلَبِة الِّر َج اِل‬، ‫ َو َض َلِع الَّدْيِن‬، ‫ َو اْلُجْبِن َو اْلُبْخ ِل‬، ‫ َو اْلَع ْج ِز َو اْلَك َس ِل‬، ‫الَّلُهَّم ِإَّنا َنُعوُذ ِبَك ِم َن اْلَهِّم َو اْلَح َز ِن‬

Oh Allah, We seek refuge in You from sadness, and grief,

From lack of capability, from weakness and laziness,
From cowardice and stinginess,
From burdens of debt and overpowered from others,

And we seek refuge in You from the torment of the Grave and the torment of the Hellfire

‫ربنا آتنا في الدنيا حسنه وفي االخرة حسنة وقنا عذاب النار‬

Wa sallAllahu

Amin ya rabb

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