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The lecturer argues that none of the strategy for dealing with white nose syndrome

can be implemented. This contradicts the reading passage‘s claim that several plans
of action can prevent the disease.

First, the lecturer poin ts out that increasing the acidi ty in ba t caves is unworkable.
Certain types of fungus is tolerant to acidic conditions. Also, it is impossible to keep
high acidi ty level in the caves. This cast doubt on the reading passage‘s claim that
making ba ts habitats inhospitable can discourage the fungus from growing.

Next, the lecturer asserts that antifungal treatmen ts have more of a harmful effects
that positive ones. The drug can destroy some beneficial fungu s and bacteria. This
leads to disrupting ecological balance. Also it can endanger other animal species and
bats. This counters the reading passage‘s claim that killing fungus using drugs is a
positive strategy.

Finally, the lecturer contains that providing artificial habitats for the ba t species is
impractical. It is not possible to construct habitats for all bats and even if there is a
way to do it, when the bats return they might become vulnerable to the fungus
again. This refutes the reading passage‘s claim tha t providing artificial habitats cab
protect bats against the WNS fungus.

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