CP-306, Exposición Al Benceno en El Lugar de Trabajo

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Core Process

Occupational Exposure to 2HI-H030-00306

Bechtel Environmental, Benzene

Safety, and Health 306

1.0 Introduction zene, time duration chemical is to be used, current expo-

This procedure provides guidance in establishing compli- sure controls in place, etc.). The results of the assess-
ance with the requirements for protecting personnel ment will determine the need for monitoring.
against occupational exposure to benzene and benzene-
containing compounds/substances. Exposure monitoring, including personal monitoring sam-
ples, will be performed by a qualified professional under
2.0 Specific Definitions the direction of a qualified industrial hygienist.
In addition to the definitions applicable to the implementa-
tion of all Core Processes, the following apply specifically Determinations of any employee’s exposure will be made
to this Core Process: from breathing zone air samples that are representative of
 Action Level: Airborne concentration of benzene of each employee’s average exposure to airborne benzene.
0.5 ppm, calculated as an 8-hour time-weighted aver-
age (TWA). Personnel monitoring will consist of attaching a sampling
 Authorized Person: Any employee authorized by the medium (e.g., organic vapor monitor or low flow pump) in
employer to enter a regulated area. the breathing zone of the employee. Each sample will be
 Benzene: Liquefied or gaseous benzene, including representative of each work operation/area.
benzene contained in liquid mixtures and the benzene
vapors released by these liquids. When a new work area is entered, initial monitoring will
 Employee Exposure: Exposure to airborne benzene, first be conducted by taking breathing air zone samples.
which would occur if the employee were not using res- These samples will be taken for a minimum of one 8-hour
piratory protective equipment. shift to determine accurately the airborne concentrations
 Permissible Exposure Limits (PEL): Time-weighted of benzene to which employees may be exposed.
average limit, an airborne concentration of benzene in
excess of 1 part of benzene per million parts of air (1 If the initial monitoring reveals employee exposure below
ppm) as an 8-hour time-weighted average; short-term the action level, only periodic additional monitoring will be
exposure limits (STEL), an airborne concentration of required.
benzene in excess of 5 ppm as averaged over any 15-
minute period. These limits are based upon USA If the initial monitoring reveals employee exposure at or
OSHA criteria. For operations in non-USA locations, above the action level but at or below the TWA, such mon -
applicable local regulations will apply. In the absence itoring will be repeated at least once a year.
of such regulations, compliance with the OSHA stan-
dards shall become mandatory. If the initial monitoring reveals the employee exposure
 Regulated Area: Any area where airborne concentra- above the TWA, such monitoring will be repeated at least
tions of benzene exceed or can reasonably be ex- every 6 months. This periodic monitoring can be changed
pected to exceed the permissible exposure limits, ei- from 6 months to once a year if two consecutive measure-
ther 8-hour TWA exposure of 1 ppm or the short-term ments taken at least 7 days apart indicate the employee
exposure limits (STEL) of 5 ppm for 15 minutes. All exposure has decreased to the TWA or below but is at or
regulated areas will have controlled access points. above the action level.

3.0 Requirements If the initial monitoring reveals employee exposure at or

The requirements for a program to prevent occupational above the permissible exposure limits, the work area will
exposure to benzene are as follows: be designated as a “Regulated Area,” and personnel expo-
sure monitoring will be performed.
3.1 Exposure Monitoring:
An exposure assessment will be performed before initiat- Monitoring for the STEL will be repeated as necessary to
ing exposure monitoring to properly characterize the expo- evaluate exposures of employees subjected to short-term
sure risk (i.e. amount of chemical used, % content of ben- exposures.
Revision Number: 2 This Core Process is based upon Best Industry Practices and, as such, constitutes the minimum acceptable requirements
Supercedes all previous versions/revi- that must be followed on any Bechtel Project at any location worldwide, regardless of country of operation and/or Global
sions Business Unit. Projects that must implement more stringent requirements than those described herein (due to certain con-
Date: 01 APR 05 siderations, local government regulations, client/customer agreements, or any other reason), may only do so pending writ -
ten approval for such deviations is obtained from BESH Management prior to implementation. Implementation of less-
Developed By: BESH stringent requirements than those contained herein is not permitted.
Applicable To: All Projects
All GBUs In the absence of proper approval, deviation from the minimum requirements described herein is not authorized.
Copyright  2003, 2004, 2005. Bechtel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
Contains confidential information proprietary to Bechtel not to be disclosed to third parties without prior written permission from Bechtel Corporation.
BESH Core Process 306: Occupational Exposure to Benzene 2 of 3

 Include chemical protective garments, boots, gloves,

If there is a change in process, control equipment, person- face shields, and goggles
nel, or work practices that may expose workers, initial and  Be furnished at no cost to the employee.
periodic monitoring will be conducted.
3.4 Medical Surveillance:
Whenever the PELs are exceeded, a written notification Bechtel will make available a medical surveillance program
will be furnished specifying the corrective action required for employees who are or may be exposed to benzene at
to reduce the employee exposure to or below the PEL. or above the action level for 30 or more days per year or
at or above the PELs for 10 or more days per year.
Sampling data will be recorded on an Industrial Hygiene
Monitoring Form, (form used will be project-specific). All medical examinations will be performed by or under the
supervision of a licensed physician. An accredited labora-
Results of the sampling will be made available to employ- tory will conduct all laboratory analyses. Pulmonary func-
ees in writing or by posting in appropriate locations, within tion tests (if not performed by a licensed physician) will be
15 working days after the receipt of results. performed by a professionally trained and qualified person.

3.2 Respiratory Protection: CP-301 provides additional information regarding medical

Respiratory protection will be provided in accordance with surveillance requirements.
CP-312 and will be worn by all authorized persons working
in a regulated area. 3.5 Communication of Benzene Hazards:
Regulated areas will be barricaded using red barricade
The respirators will meet or exceed all the requirements tape, and signs bearing the following legend will be posted
given below for airborne concentrations of benzene: at the perimeter of these areas:
 10 ppm: Half-mask, air-purifying, respirator with or-
ganic cartridges
 50 ppm: Full face piece with organic cartridges DANGER
 100 ppm: Full face piece, powered, air-purifying res- BENZENE
pirator with organic cartridges CANCER HAZARD
 1,000 ppm: Supplied-air respirator with full face
piece, positive pressure.
 1,000 ppm: Self-contained breathing apparatus
(SCBA) with full face piece, positive pressure. Full-
face piece, positive-pressure, supplied-air respirator NOTE: Local and/or federal regulations may apply, de-
with auxiliary self-contained air supply. (NOTE: An pending on the location of the project. The most stringent
SCBA is recommended if the potential for high concen- requirement(s) shall always take precedence.
trations of airborne benzene exists and/or concentra-
tions are unknown.) Containers of benzene in the workplace will be appropri-
ately labeled with warning signs bearing the following:
All employees required to use respiratory equipment will
be medically qualified to perform the work and to wear the
equipment, in accordance with CP-312.
All employees required to use respiratory equipment will
be fit tested in accordance with all country, state, and/or
local fit-test compliance regulations in accordance with CP-202 provides additional information regarding hazard
CP-312. communication requirements.

Where air-purifying respirators are used, the cartridge will NOTE: Local and/or federal regulations may apply, de-
be replaced at the expiration of its service life or at begin- pending on the location of the project. The most stringent
ning of each shift in which the cartridge will be used, requirement(s) shall always take precedence.
whichever comes first.
3.6 Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs) and Training:
3.3 Protective Clothing and Equipment: MSDSs will be provided during the initial training program
Additional outer protective clothing and equipment will be and will be made available at all times. An information and
provided and will be worn while in Regulated Areas by au- training program will be established and implemented.
thorized persons to prevent eye contact and limit dermal
exposure to liquid benzene. The clothing and equipment Employees will be required to attend scheduled training
will: sessions before being designated as authorized persons.
 Be chemically resistant to benzene Upon completion of all the requirements for authorized

Copyright  2003, 2004, 2005. Bechtel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Contains confidential information proprietary to Bechtel not to be disclosed to third parties without prior written permission from Bechtel Corporation.
BESH Core Process 306: Occupational Exposure to Benzene 3 of 3

persons, the employees will receive a sticker to be dis-

played on their hard hats indicating that they are autho-
rized to enter a regulated area. Any employee not dis -
playing this sticker will not be allowed access into a regu-
lated area. Authorized persons will be required to attend
an annual training program.

3.7 Recordkeeping:
In addition to the requirements under CP-104 (Monthly
Safety Performance Report and Safety Data System), the
following requirements specifically pertain to occupational
exposure to benzene:

3.7.1 Exposure Monitoring:

An accurate record of all measurements for benzene ex-
posure will be kept. This record will be kept on file at the
project medical facility for review.

3.7.2 Medical Surveillance:

An occurrence record of medical surveillance related to
benzene exposure for each employee will be maintained.
This record will be kept at the project medical facility for
review until the termination of the employee.

3.7.3 Availability:
Records will be made available to the affected employee
upon request. The following is an additional requirement
for hazardous waste and environmental sites:
 Records for personnel exposure assessments, medical
surveillance, and training will be kept in accordance
with CP-304, Occupational Health Records Mainte-
nance System (OHRMS).
 All records will be forwarded to the project document
control center (PDCC) and to the project environmen-
tal, safety, and health supervisor (ES&HS).
 The ES&HS will forward pertinent records to the

3.7.4 Observation of Monitoring:

Affected employees will be given the opportunity to ob-
serve the measuring or monitoring of employee exposure
to benzene.

4.0 References
CP-104: Monthly Safety Performance Report and Safety
Data System
CP-202: Hazard Communication Program
CP-301: Medical Surveillance
CP-304: Occupational Records Maintenance System
CP-311: Respiratory Protective Equipment

Copyright  2003, 2004, 2005. Bechtel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Contains confidential information proprietary to Bechtel not to be disclosed to third parties without prior written permission from Bechtel Corporation.

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