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Candidates are required to give answers in their own words as far as practicable. Figures in the
margin indicate full marks.
Attempt all the questions.
Group "A"
Rewrite the best alternative to the following questions each. (11×1 = 11)
1. HBr is manufactured by reacting NaBr with
a) Conc.H2SO4 b) Conc.HNO3
c) Anhydrous AlCl3 d) H3 PO3
2. CO reacts with Cl2 in presence of sunlight to give
a) Phosgene b) Chloroform
c) Mustard gas d) Nitrochloroform
3. According to Boyles law, which one of the following graphs is correct?

a) Plot a & b b) Plot b &c

c) Plot c &a d) Plot a, b & c
4. What is the weight of one atom of hydrogen?
a) 1.66 × 10−24 𝑔𝑟𝑎𝑚 b) 1.66 × 10−27 𝑔𝑟𝑎𝑚
c) 1.66 × 10 𝑘𝑔 d) 1.06 × 10−24 𝑔𝑟𝑎𝑚
5. Which one is acidic flux?
a) Dolomite b) Calcium oxide
c) Beryllium oxide d) Silicon dioxide
6. Which one of the following would not conduct an electric current?
a) Solid sodium chloride b) Liquid sodium chloride
c) Aqueous sodium chloride d) Liquid mercury
7. Which one of the following electron transitions in a hydrogen atom would
produce light in the visible region of the spectrum?
a) n = 2 to n = 1 b) n = 5 to n = 4
c) n = 6 to n = 2 d) n = 4 to n = 1
8. What is the basis of froth flotation process?
a) Oxidation b) Reduction
c) Absorption d) Adsorption
9. The alcohols, methanol, ethanol, propanol, butanol etc. form a homologous
series. This means that they:
a) have similar chemical properties but gradually changing physical properties
b) have similar physical properties but gradually changing chemical properties
c) have the same molecular formula but different physical properties
d) have similar physical properties and the same structural formula
10. Which one is polar molecule?
a) 𝐵𝐹3 b) 𝐶𝐶𝑙4
a) 𝐶𝐻3 𝐶𝑙 d) 𝐶𝑂2
11. When propane undergoes complete combustion reaction, for each mole of
propane burnt, how many moles of oxygen are consumed and how many moles
of water are formed?
a) 3 & 8 b) 5 & 8
c) 3 & 4 d) 5 & 4
Group 'B'
Give short answers to the following questions. (8 × 5=40)
1. Classification of elements is done later in modern periodic table.
a) State Modern periodic law. (1)
b) What are the features of modern periodic table? (3)
c) Write the Lewis structure of H2CO3. (1)
Ionization energy is one of the important atomic properties.
a) Define ionization energy. (1)
b) How do nuclear charge and size of atom influence the magnitude of
ionization energy? (3)
c) Ionization energy of nitrogen is higher than that of oxygen. Why? (1)
2. Ammonia gas is manufactured by Haber’s Process.
a) Give the principle chemical reaction. (1)
b) What happens when it is passed into CuSO4 solution till excess? (2)
c) Explain the ring test of nitrate ion with chemical equation. (2)
3. a) What is meant by redox reaction? (1)
b) Balance the following equation by oxidation number method or ion- electron
method. (3)
KMnO4 + C2H2O4 + H2SO4 K2SO4 + MnSO4 + CO2 + H2O
c) Identify the oxidant and reductant in above reaction. (1)
Derive the ideal gas equation PV= nRT where the symbols have their usual
meaning. Why is a gas deviated from ideal behavior? State the conditions under
which a real gas shows ideal behavior. (3+1+1)
4. Metallurgy is related with the extraction of metal.
a) Write any two differences between hydrometallurgy and pyrometallurgy. (2)
b) Define minerals and ores with example. (2)
c) What is the main use of flux during metallurgy? (1)
H2 S is used in the qualitative analysis of inorganic salts.
a) How is H2 S prepared in the lab? (1)
b) What happens when H2 S is passed through ……….. ? (1+1)
i) conc. nitric acid
ii) acidified potassium dichromate
c) Write any two differences between diamond and graphite. (2)
5. Down’s process is used for extraction of one of the active metals i.e. sodium.
a) What is the principle for its extraction? (2)
b) Give well labeled diagram of Down’s cell. (2)
c) Why this metal imparts characteristic colour to the flame? (1)
6. Functional group drives organic compound regarding to its properties and same
functional group form homologous series.
a) Define functional group with examples. (1)
b) What are homologous series, homology and homologue? (2)
c) Mention important characteristics of homologous series. (2)
7. The term hetero element is used in organic chemistry.
a) What do you mean by it? (1)
b) How the detection of halogen is done by Lassaigne’s test. Write necessary
reactions. (3)
c) Give the structure of any one organic compound containing halogen as
hetero element. (1)
8. Halogens are group VII A elements of periodic table which are generally found
in diatomic form (X2).
a) Why are they not found in free state? (1)
b) What happens when chlorine is passed into i ) excess NH3 ii) hot and conc.
NaOH? (2)
c) What happens when red rose is placed in a jar containing Cl 2 gas? Explain with
chemical reaction. (2)
Group 'C'
Give long answers to the following questions. [8×3 =24]
9. Hydrogen is the lightest element of the periodic table.
a) What are the different isotopes of hydrogen? Which one is radioactive? (2)
b) Among nascent and molecular hydrogen, which is more powerful reducing
agent, why? (2)
c) Give two oxides of hydrogen and in which category do they fall? (2)
d) How does CFCs deplete ozone layer? (2)
Sulphuric acid is considered as king of chemicals.
a) What is the name of manufacture method and why the method is called so?
b) Give the principle involved for its manufacture. (2)
c) Draw its flow sheet diagram. (2)
d) Give one reaction for each showing its oxidising and dehydrating
property. (2)
10. A haloalkane (X) on heating with sodium metal in presence of dry ether
produces 2, 3- dimethyl butane as major product.
a. Identify ‘X’ with its IUPAC name and write complete chemical reaction. (2)
b. Give its position isomer along with IUPAC name. (1)
c. What is the action of (X) on alc. KOH? (2)
d. Write a chemical equation for (Language not necessary).
i. Markovnikov’s addition
ii. Catalytic dehydration of ethanol
iii. Controlled hydrogenation of ethyne (1+1+1)
11. 5 gm of pure CaCO3 if treated with 5g of HCl to produce CaCl 2, H2O and CO2.
a. Find which one is limiting reagent and give one importance of limiting
reagent? (2)
b. Calculate the mass of CaCl2 formed. (1)
c. How many number of water molecules are produced? (1)
d. Calculate the volume of CO2 produced at 27 C and 700 mm of Hg pressure. (2)

e. What mass of NaOH is required to absorb CO2 produced in above reaction? (2)
What are the drawbacks of Rutherford’s atomic model? How these drawbacks are
encountered by Bohr’s atomic model? Explain the origin of hydrogen spectra on
the basis of Bohr’s atomic model with the labelled diagram. Write the value of n,
l, m & s for 2px orbital. [1+2+4+1]

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