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Reading Plan Diary #4

“1984”- George Orwell

By María Camila Polanco Céspedes

Main Ideas
1. Winston met with Julia, she fell in front of him and he helped her but it was a trick to
gave him a paper that said I love you ⟶ He felt the message gave life back to him
2. He was searching ways to speak to the woman and arrange a meeting
3. He was really scared that she would dislike him if he waited too much time
4. Winston managed to talk to Julia at lunch very quickly and they established they
should meet in Victory Square
5. There was too much people and telescreens so Julia gave instructions to Winston to
meet again in a forest with no risk of telescreens
6. While they were on Victory Square they saw some prisoners from Eastasia and
Eurasia that were asumed that were going to forced labor camps
7. They meet at the forest, and it was obvious JUlia have been there before, they were
talking and then Winston grabbed her hand and asked her why dud she liked him if
he was old and sick (varicose), she said she didn´t cared and then kissed him (she
was 10 or 15 years younger than him)
8. Winsotn liked her but he didn´t felt any necessity of being with her because he was
not used to have a woman on his life
9. Julia revealed she acquired some things at the black market and that she used all of
her activities at the Party like the work at the anti sex league just to keep an image
that she was normal to protect her life
10. They had sex and she told him that she has been with many men
11. Winston thought that love before and now was different because before it was true
but now it could never be true because it was always mixed with hate and fear
12. Julia seem to know a lot about the countryside of London because she gave
directions very well.
13. They could not meet or kiss too much because of work and they free days didn`t
alined so they had to use installments that was having conversations that were
interrupted and suddenly brought again another day
14. The Party made a connection with orthodoxy and sex, because if you had sex you
were wasting energy and felt happy, and if you felt happy you wont care about ideals
or defending them with energy, this same happened with parenthood and happiness
from child, so they decided to use kids against parents.
15. Winston one day thought of killing his first wife Katharine by throwing her over a cliff
in a forest that had no microphones, but he didn´t and now he regrets it.
16. Julia disagrees with Winston on positive things because she does not admit that the
nature of the human was to be defeated, for example she didn't accept that they
were going to die because of the Tought Police one day or another, while Winston
thought of himself as a corpse that could die any moment
17. Another meeting they had was at the small room Mr. Charrington had offered
Winston at the junk shop and she carried food from the members of the inner party,
wich was real and not “Victory”
18. In te room Julia put on makeup and Winston liked how pretty she looked, they were
in the bed when they saw a rat, and Winston was scared of it because he associated
the rats with what was behind a black door in his dreams (self-deception)
19. Winston and Julia both knew the song of the St. Clement’s church, wich had not an
specific date, Mr. Carrington teached it to Winston and the grandfather teached it to
Julia (he was vaporized)

Characters’ traits
Main characters xxx 2ry characters xxx 3ry characters xxx
39 year old
Has a varicose ulcer on his right ankle
Winston Smith
Expressionless face from habit
Coughs a lot

Works in the Fiction Department

27 years old
Girl on the Black hair
corridors: Julia Freckled face
Junior anti-sex league
Her grandfather was vaporized qhen she was 8
Military presicion giving orders for Winston to go to directions

Proprietor of the junk shop

60 years old
Long nose
White hair but black eyebrows
Mr. Charrington Time before was maybe an intellectual or musician
A good accent at the difference of other Proles
Knew a lot of ancient history
Talked to Winston about the church and that his wife died and he
was trying to sell her things

Where in yellow trucks

Shabby green uniforms
Leg irons
Prisioners from The bus was custiodied by guards armed with submachine guns in
Mongole each corner
Some were hanged and others vanished
Went to forced labor camps
From Eurasia or Eatasia

Haired-eared poet
Wanted to sit with Winston

Wilsher Silly face

Places’ descriptions
Canteen: Full of tables, were people at the Minstry got lunch, there Winsotn searched for Julia by
sitting in the same table

Victory square: Place where Winston and Julia met for the first time, she has been there times before
because of the presicion of the directions she gave him

Forced Labor-camps: Mongol prisioners on the buses were carried there

Hidding place: Belfry of a a ruined church in an almost-deserted stretch of country where an atomic
bomb had fallen thirty years earilier

Church tower: Where Winston and Julia met and talked about of many things.

Hostel: Where Julia and 30 other girls lived together.

Junk shop: Where Winton and Julia met the last time because it was a private place (the room).

London and the kitchen hostel of Julia: There were many rats, some parts of Londond had a lot of

While Winston tought that everyone was destined to die, Hulie had hope
Man v.s man
that they will turn down the Party and live a good life

Winston related the rats with a dream he had of self-deception where he

Man v.s self
was scared of opening the door because behind it there were his fears.

The relation between Julia and Wintons goes against the Party ideal
Man v.s
because they forbide relations between members that are not married and
wich purpose is not to concieve kids.

sling: a device for supporting a broken or damaged arm in which the arm
roughed: hit and kick someone
kaleidoscope: toy in the shape of a tube, that you look through to see different
patterns of light made by pieces of coloured glass and mirrors
shocking: offensive, upsetting, or immoral
folly: being stupid, or a stupid action, idea
welled up: to came up (brotar)
steadly: firmly
scrimmage: a short, not very serious fight
shoved: to push someone or something forcefully
butted: to hit something or someone hard
squirmed: to move from side to side in an awkward way, sometimes because of
wriggled: to twist your body, or move part of your body, with small, quick
pulp: a soft, wet mass
fixedly: to look continuously at one thing
mournfully: in a very sad way
nests: a structure built by birds or insects to leave their eggs
dappled: covered with areas of light and darkness
lane: narrow road in the countryside or in a town
swine: a person who you consider to be extremely unpleasant and unkind
stream: water that flows naturally along a fixed route
dace: type of small fish
thrush: a brown bird with a pale breast with spots on it that is known for its
tufts: a number of short pieces of hair, grass, etc. that grow closely together
loose-strife: number of different plants, some with tall purple or yellow flowers,
that grow wild and in gardens.
shabby: looking old and in bad condition because of being used for a long time
or not being cared for
ticking: a strong cotton material, usually with stripes, that is used to cover bed
gateleg: type of furniture that has been around for centuries, with its origins traced back
to England in the 16th century.
fender: low metal frame around an open fireplace that stops the coal or wood
from falling out
bettered tin oilstove: estufa mejorada de estaño
conceal: to prevent something from being seen or known about
Normal pillar: strong column made of stone, metal, or wood that supports part
of a building:
brawny: physically strong and with big muscles
fro: other
pegging: small stick or hook that sticks out from a surface and from which
objects, especially clothes, can hang
diapers: square of thick soft paper or cloth that is fastened around a baby's
bottom and between its legs to absorb its urine and solid waste
corked: corcho
readiness: preparation
lunacy: stupid behaviour that will have bad results
tumbled: to fall quickly and without control
spanners: metal tool with a shaped end, used to turn nuts and bolts (llave
screwdriver: tool for turning screws, consisting of a handle joined to a metal rod
shaped at one end to fit in the cut in the top of the screw (destornillador)
frock: dress

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