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Name:Andrew Tomlinson
Waterford High School
Subject: Social Studies
Teacher: Mrs. Mullings
Date: September 29,2021
Topic: Jamaican Citizenship
Table of Content
 Objective................................(1)
 Birth Certificate......................(2)
 Passport..................................(3)
 Tax Registration Number....... (4)
 National Insurance Scheme... (5)
 National Identification...........(6)
Project: Research and Design a citizenship
profile which should include pictures of
the following:
• 1. Birth Certificate
• 2. Passport
• 3. Tax Registration Number (TRN)
• 4. National Insurance Scheme (NIS)
• 5. Driver’s License or National ID
 Project must be completed in word
document showing pictures, the name of
document and their purpose then
uploaded to Google Classroom.
Birth Certificate

This is a Picture of what the Jamaican Birth

Certificate look like, it is very Important to have one.
It Provide Proof of Birth and Registration. The
Document consist of your name, Date of Birth, your
parent or parents Name on it, and other Vital
information. This Document is Prepared and process
by the Registration General Department of Jamaica.

This is a photo of the Jamaican Passport it has to be

Applied for. It is issued to Citizens of Jamaica for
international travel. Eligibility for the Jamaica
Passport, is you must have a Jamaican citizenship. It is
not just a travel document only it can be use and is
use as a form of identification. It has a Picture of you,
your Name and other Important information such as
places you travel. It is issued by (pica) the passport
Immigration and Citizenship Agency in Jamaica.
Tax Registration Number

The TRN/ Tax Registration Number is a Unique nine –

digit Number assigned to each Individual taxpayer,
business enterprise or organization by way of an
automated system here in Jamaica, after you applied for
your (TRN). It is use a lot when doing Business, such as
Filing tax Return, paying (gct) and (sct) taxes, obtaining
road licence for various business activities and more. You
will need and require to have your trn for many other
National Insurance
Scheme (NIS)

The National Insurance Scheme (nis) is a Compulsory

funded social security scheme covering all employed
person in Jamaica. It is administered under the
national insurance act and offers some financial
protection to the workers and his or her family against
loss of income arising from injury on the job, sickness,
retirement and or death of the bread winner. A benefit
of the NIS is old age pension.
Identification (ID)

The Jamaica National (ID) is used for Identification

purposes. It is use when voting and is use alongside
other documents for extra verification. A citizen can
apply for the National (ID) once he or she is 18 and

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