Detailed Lesson Plan Determine The Relevance and Truthfulness of The Ideas Presented in The Material Viewed

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GRADES 1 to 12

School: San Miguel Rural Development High School Grade Level: Grade 9
Teaching Dates and
Time: March 1, 2023 Quarter: Third

A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates communicative competence through his/her understanding of
British-American Literature, including Philippine Literature and other texts types for a deeper
appreciation of Philippine Culture and those of other countries.
B. Performance Standards The learner skillfully performs in one-act play through utilizing effective verbal and non-verbal
strategies and ICT resources based on the following criteria: Focus, Voice, Delivery, and
Dramatic Conventions.

C. Learning Competencies / Objectives The learners’ task in this lesson includes:

Write for the LC code for each  Determine the relevance and truthfulness of the ideas presented in the material

At the end of the discussion, the students should be able to:

 Identify the message conveyed in a material viewed
 Compare and contrast the information presented in the video clip
 Analyze the information contained in the material viewed

A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials pages Learning Activity Sheet English 9
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from Learning Resource “Presyo ng Abaca sa Catanduanes, patuloy na bumababa”,
(LR) portal v=0g-2X8sVByE&t=57s
“Catanduanes declared Philippines abaca capital”,
“Prices of egg, meat, vegetables, increase” CNN Philippines
“The 50/30/20 Rule of Thumb for Budgeting”,
B. Other Learning Resources Smart TV, Laptop, PowerPoint Presentation, video, images


Before the Lesson Good morning class! Good morning, Ma’am.
A. Review previous lesson or
presenting the new lesson Let us pray first.

Let us check the attendance…

Ma’am Sally gave you an assignment last, last

week. Who has a preparation?
Please read to the class what your assignment
was and share to the class your preparation. Answers may vary.
B. Establishing a purpose for Task #1 -
the lesson I will show you an image and what you will do is
analyze the image.
1. Where can you see this kind of image? This kind of image can be found in editorial articles in

2. What is the picture about? The image/picture shows that a Filipino is being lifted off
the ground by the “inflated” prices.

3. What are your thoughts about it? The image suggests that the Filipino is poor because of
the ragged clothes. It also suggests that the increase in
the price of goods are the reason why people are
suffering and poor.
“Stop the steady rise in
market prices, inflation
rate” from the Manila

C. Presenting Task #2
examples/instances of the new Now, we will watch a news clip from CNN
lesson Philippines about the increase in the price of egg,
meat, and vegetables. (2 minutes, 19 seconds)

After watching the video, answer the following

questions: The video is about the price increase of basic food
1. What is the video all about? products such as eggs, meat, and vegetables.

2. What was the problem/issue presented in The increase in the price of meat, eggs, and vegetables.
the video? The sellers finding it difficult to sell their products just
like the woman who is an eatery owner.

3. Do you experience the problems stated in Yes.

the video?

4. What is the importance of showing this This video is important so we can be aware of the prices
video to you? of the food that we eat; that we won’t take for granted
the food that we eat.

I cope with these problems by growing my own

5. How do you cope up with these problems? vegetable garden in the backyard or in pots. This way
we won’t have to buy vegetables and I get to eat more
vegetables. For the eggs, I can get the eggs by raising
my own chickens.
6. In your own way, how can you alleviate the
burden from your family? I can alleviate the financial strain in my family due to the
different price increase by only asking for things that I
truly need, working to help with the expenses, and
saving money.
During the Lesson Because of the inflation rate in the country, a lot of
D. Discussing new concepts and Filipinos find it difficult to purchase essential or
practicing new skills #1 basic goods. This has put a strain on families
because they cannot provide their family with food.
Not only are the families suffering, but also the
sellers too.
Faced with this problem, what can we do?
One thing that we can do is budgeting that is in
your mathematics and TLE subjects.
When you budget you are creating a plan to spend
your money.

This is an example of a budgeting rule in which

you divide your income/money into three

Creating a spending plan allows you to determine in

So, what is the purpose of budgeting? advance whether you will have enough money to do
the things you need to do or would like to do.
Why is it important to learn how to budget in
today’s time? Budgeting is important nowadays because

E. Discussing new concepts and Task #3

practicing new skills #2
Now, I will show you another video clip from UNTV
News and Rescue.

“Presyo ng Abaca sa Catanduanes, patuloy na

bumababa” (4 minutes, 15 seconds)

Comprehension Check:
1. What is the news all about? The news is about the continuing decline of the price of
Abaca in the province.
2. What were the main reasons why the price
of abaca is cheap? Pandemic, price of petrol, and Japan not importing
abaca fibers.
3. What solutions did the abaca farmers
thought of to sustain their families’ needs
despite the cheap abaca price and Budgeting, look for other means of livelihood
F. Developing Mastery Task #4
Compare and contrast your experience with those
from the news clip. Create a Venn Diagram to
illustrate the similarities and differences.

G. Finding practical applications How do you relate to the situation of the people in
of concepts and skills in daily the videos you have watched? Answers may vary.
As a son/daughter of an abaca farmer in San
Miguel, what would you do in order to help your
family? I can help my family through this crisis by helping them
in their work or
After the Lesson Who among the class can share what they learned
H. Making generalizations and today? What are their thoughts or feelings for the
abstractions about the lesson activities that we did? I learned today the hard work done by abaca strippers.
The irony between Abaca being the main material used
in money but those that harvest and process the abaca
are commonly the people who do not have money.
I felt appreciation to those people.
I. Evaluating learning Task #5

“Inflation, making lives difficult for Filipinos” (2

minutes, 17 seconds)

Analyze the video and answer the following
1. What issue was presented in the video Inflation rate in the country
clip? Before the pandemic, the jeepney driver was able to
2. Before the pandemic, what was life like for provide for his family. He made daily trips but restrictions
the Filipino in the video? limit him to three or 4 journeys a week.

3. What does the statement, “Developed

nation’s prices in a developing economy” This means that the price of the basic commodities in
mean? our country which is categorized as a developing
country, is the price of those ‘rich’ countries. This means
that expensive prices for people who can barely afford.

4. If you would be given an opportunity to talk

to someone regarding the issues presented
in the news, who would you talk to and If I were given an opportunity to raise this concern to
what would you tell him? someone, it would be to those political officials. I would
say to them to look for and secure another contract with
countries that use Abaca fibers or create a sustainable
plan for the abaca farmers in the province.

J. Additional activities for Assignment:

application or remediation Our island province is one of the main producers
of Abaca. Because of the introduction of polymer
banknotes made of a synthetic material, Abaca
fibers are not used anymore.
Research on the internet the pros and cons of
using abaca fibers in making paper bills and
compare it to using polymer. Present it using a
graphic organizer.

Prepared by:


Practice Teacher

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