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Adult Big Idea Discussion Guide

Written by: Carter Moss

Series Graphic by Nick Plassman
Booklet Cover and Design by Sherry Gossman
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,
stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any
means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, or otherwise, without the
prior written permission of Community Christian Church.

All scripture passages in this guide, unless otherwise noted are from
the Holy Bible, New International Version (NIV). The NIV is copyrighted
1973, 1978, and 1984 by the International Bible Society. Used with
permission of Zondervan Publishing House. All Rights reserved.

1635 Emerson Lane

Naperville - IL 60540
A Reproducing Church tm Resource
Table of Contents

Session 1

Session 2

Session 3

Christian No More
Session 4
GO 27

Leader’s Guide 35

Spiritual Inventory 40

Big Idea Discussion Guide 3

Session 1 - STOP
Series Big Idea
The goal of this series is to help us understand what it means
to be a true Christ-follower (one who models his/her life after
that of Jesus Christ), instead of being what the world perceives a
“Christian” to be.

Let’s STOP being what people generally think of

when they hear the word “Christian.”

Christian No More - STOP

“Most folks think Christianity is an outdated
religion. But it turns out it is neither outdated
nor a religion. It is safe to say that when most
of us read the word Christianity we really read
“religious institution”, and a bad one at that.
Surprisingly, when the word was first coined
it referred to something more simple and
provocative and shocking.
For starters, Jesus was not a Christian. He never
asked anyone to become a Christian, never built
a steepled building, never drew up a theological treatise, never
wore religious garments… He simply called people to follow
Him. Jesus isn’t the proud founding father of Christianity. He
isn’t even the patron saint of Christianity.”
-Don Everts, Jesus With Dirty Feet

What if someone were to ask those of us who consider

ourselves “Christians” to stop being “Christians”? And what if
someone asked those of us who are not yet Christians to promise to
never become one?

Big Idea Discussion Guide 5

Here are a few things that people think of when they hear
the word Christian.

• Being a Christian is a way to know you’re a good

person: a set of rules, morals and ethics.
• Being a Christian provides a safety net: I make a
transaction with Jesus which gives me a “get out of hell
free” card.
• Being a Christian give me Protection: I will no longer
have pain, suffering, temptation or problems.
• Being a Christian is a religion: religious rituals and
behaviors that are compartmentalized and take care of
the “God stuff” in my life.
• Being a Christian is a heritage: a way of identifying
myself based on me and my family’s background.

Instead, we are called to be Christ-followers, people who have

encountered Jesus in a personal way and have decided to model our
lives after Him. Our relationship with Him becomes the center, hub
and spokes of the whole wheel of our life.
M o re

Here’s what God’s Word has to say about it:

“As Jesus went on from there, he saw a man named Matthew

sitting at the tax collector’s booth. “Follow me,” he told him, and
Matthew got up and followed him.” –Matthew 9:9 (NIV)
N o

“The Word became flesh and blood, and moved into the
neighborhood. We saw the glory with our own eyes, the one-
of-a-kind glory, like Father, like Son, Generous inside and out,
C h r i s t i a n

true from start to finish.” John 1:14 (The Message)

“Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name,
he gave the right to become children of God—children born not
of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will,
but born of God.” John 1:12-13

6 Session 1 - STOP
Opening Question
Share a funny stereotype you’ve seen or experienced when it
comes to Christianity. (something you heard a child say, movies or
television, or a misconception you had earlier in life, etc.)

Story Time
My next door neighbor was a young single guy named Mike
who doesn’t believe in God. He was a very generous guy however,
and we got along really well
(despite me being a church
leader who is married with 3
kids). One summer we started
hanging out literally every
single night in his garage,
playing darts, listening to
hard rock, and drinking (beer
for him, usually pop for me).
This continued night after night, with many of our other neighbor
guys (including Brian) joining in. We’d talk about almost anything
in life, and every once in awhile about God and church. They knew
where I stood in my relationship with Jesus, but also were blown

M o re
away by how well I could fit in with them. I always prayed God
would use those relationships to break down those guys’ stereotypes
of “Christians” and show them what a true Christ-follower could be

After a great friendship was developed, Mike moved away.

I never got to see the fruit of that relationship. Brian, however,
N o

ended up facing some infertility issues with his wife. When they were
finally ready to check out a church,
they came and talked to me about
C h r i s t i a n

it, and decided to visit my church. I

was waiting there that first Sunday in
my shorts and t-shirt, so Brian would
feel at home. They were surprised
at how many people already knew
them at a new church on their first
Sunday there (I had been inviting him to join me and other church
friends for flag football and XBOX-nights too), and they’ve been
hooked ever since. They went on to join our small group (which

STOP - Session 1 7
was a great support after they had triplets!) and serve in leadership
at our campus. God had successfully shown them, through me and
others, what a life following Him could really be like!

1. When your average co-worker or neighbor hears the word

“Christian,” what top 3 words do you think come to their

2. What top 3 words do you wish would come to their mind

when they hear the word “Christian?”
M o re

Christianity Myth #1
“Christianity gives me some rules to follow so I can be a
N o

good person, and in the end, earn my way into heaven.”

C h r i s t i a n

What God says

“8God saved you by his special favor when you believed. And
you can’t take credit for this; it is a gift from God. 9Salvation
is not a reward for the good things we have done, so none of
us can boast about it. 10For we are God’s masterpiece. He has
created us anew in Christ Jesus, so that we can do the good
things he planned for us long ago.” (Ephesians 2:8-10, NLT)

8 Session 1 - STOP
3. This passage is basically the definition of true “grace”—an
undeserved gift. Why is it so hard for us in our current
culture to really grasp this idea of “grace”? Or, why are
we so intent on trying to earn things from God rather than
accept His grace?

Christianity Myth #2
“Once I accept Jesus’ payment for my sins, I’m saved,
set to go to heaven, done. The rest of my life I can live
how I want, as long as I continue to believe in Jesus.”

What God says

“23Then Jesus said to the crowd, “If any of you wants to be my
follower, you must put aside your selfish ambition, shoulder

M o re
your cross daily, and follow me. 24If you try to keep your life for
yourself, you will lose it. But if you give up your life for me, you
will find true life. 25And how do you benefit if you gain the whole
world but lose or forfeit your own soul in the process? ” (Luke
9:23 -25 NLT)
N o
C h r i s t i a n

4. What does the phrase “shoulder your cross daily” mean to


STOP - Session 1 9
5. So if our job here on this planet is not to just do good
enough to get into heaven, then what is our job? (Why
wouldn’t God just take us right to heaven as soon as we
believe in Him?)

Christianity Myth #3
“If I am a Christian, God will protect me from pain,
suffering, and trials. He loves me so much that He wants
me to have a safe, easy, and comfortable life.”

What God says

“2Dear brothers, is your life full of difficulties and temptations?
Then be happy, 3for when the way is rough, your patience has
a chance to grow. 4So let it grow, and don’t try to squirm out of
M o re

your problems. For when your patience is finally in full bloom,

then you will be ready for anything, strong in character, full and
complete.” (James 1:2 -4 TLB)
N o

6. James basically assures us that we will face difficulties and

temptations. So if the Christ-follower’s life isn’t any easier
than the non-believer’s, is there any “advantage” to a life
C h r i s t i a n

with Christ on this earth?

10 Session 1 - STOP
7. Why does God care so much about us growing in our
character while we are here on earth?

Christianity Myth #4:

“I am a Christian because my family is—it’s our
heritage. I pray when things are bad, go to church on
holidays, and believe in God.”

What God says

“19Are there still some among you who hold that “only
believing” is enough? Believing in one God? Well, remember
that the demons believe this too—so strongly that they tremble
in terror! 20Fool! When will you ever learn that “believing” is

M o re
useless without doing what God wants you to? Faith that does
not result in good deeds is not real faith. (James 2:19 -- TLB)

N o
C h r i s t i a n

8. Why does James say that “real faith” needs to result in

“good deeds”? How are those two things related?

STOP - Session 1 11
9. Do you remember a specific time in your life when you made
the conscious decision to begin following Jesus? Share the story.
What was one specific area of your life that you changed once
you began following Him?

Where the Rubber Meets the Road

It does take a lot of time and action to erase people’s stereotypes and
create new ones for them, but it can be done! What radical thing could
you do over the next week to blow away the stereotype someone in
your life has of a “Christian”?

(Rake their yard unexpectedly? Buy someone’s dinner randomly at

a restaurant? Spend some time with someone enjoying their hobby,
especially if they don’t think you ever would?)
M o re

Movie-Time - Optional Homework or Group Fun Night

Watch the film “Saved” (starring Mandy Moore & MacCaulay
Culkin). It pokes fun (in a funny but gentle way) at “Christian”
subculture, and even better, it contrasts the “religious” kids at a
N o

Christian school with the “rebel” kids. In the end, which group ends up
really showing Christ’s love and following His example?
C h r i s t i a n

12 Session 1 - STOP
Session 2 - FOLLOW

Three of the vital experiences in the life of a

Christ-follower are celebrating, connecting, and

“Jesus simply called people to follow Him. That’s it.

That, despite its simplicity, is it. He called people to follow
Him. The first two were brothers: Andrew and Simon.

Christian No More - FOLLOW

Regular guys. Simple fishermen. The first two Christians ever.
Those brothers didn’t think at all about becoming “Christians”
or taking on a new religion. Here was this thirty-year-old
man who simply said “follow Me.” And they believed Him.
So in faith, these two brothers gave their lives to Him, literally.

Here was the birthplace of a way of life, or a reality that

would change the world forever. Before hurrying on with
words and centuries of theology, we must pause at the
cradle of what we call Christianity. It is never more (and
never less) than Jesus’ call: Follow Me.”

-Don Everts, Jesus With Dirty Feet

So what does this following look like? What does it mean? If

it’s not all that religious, morality, standard-misconception stuff,
what is it? God’s Word shows us three primary directions that
Jesus calls us to:

Move away from crowded loneliness toward
genuine community
Christ-following is not an individual thing; it’s always meant
to be lived-out and experienced in community. Community for
a Christ-follower is being in close relationships with other Christ-
followers who become our friends and in the truest biblical sense

Big Idea Discussion Guide 13

of the word, our brothers and sisters. The early Christian “church”
grew rapidly. This growth was partly the result of Christ-followers
who were radically loving, accepting and caring for one another.
This kind of commitment and love attracted people. We’re called
to love each other like family, even more then family. The church
is called to be a family of family; a gathering of people made up
of small groups that care for each other like family.

Move away from meaningless consumption
toward reckless generosity
Christ-following is not focused primarily on what I get out of it.
It’s outward focused. It’s focused on what I can to give to others,
to the world, and to God. We are all called to give our time, our
talents, and our finances for the cause of helping people find their
way back to God. As Christ-followers, we are blessed to bless,
meaning it is our responsibility to bless others with what we have
been blessed with. God has designed and created each of us to
make a unique contribution to the lives of others and to His dream
of the world being changed.
M o re

Moving away from individual accolades toward
making God famous
N o

As Christ-followers, we gather together with others to

celebrate and personally experience God’s goodness, grace, power,
inspiration and strength. We celebrate regularly, which is not the
C h r i s t i a n

same thing as “going to church”. It’s being the church, becoming

part of the celebration. This celebration can also take place in our
lives through individual times of prayer and meditation, where the
focus is on how good God is to us and responding in thanksgiving
to His goodness.

14 S e s s i o n 2 - F O L LO W
“They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to the
fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Everyone
was filled with awe, and many wonders and miraculous signs
were done by the apostles. All the believers were together and
had everything in common. Selling their possessions and goods,
they gave to anyone as he had need. Every day they continued
to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in
their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts,
praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And
the Lord added to their number daily those who were being
saved.” -Acts 2:42-47

When you were a child, who is someone that you really wanted to
emulate your life after?

Have you ever experienced someone looking up to you so much

that they wanted to model themselves after you in a certain area?

M o re
N o

(Moving away from crowded loneliness toward

genuine community) A life with Christ is a life meant to
be lived in community with others and with God.
C h r i s t i a n

“Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit

of doing, but let us encourage one another—and all the more as
you see the Day approaching.” (Hebrews 10:25 -- NIV)

F O L LO W - S e s s i o n 2 15
1. Community isn’t easy. Why would God want us to live
our lives with other people, in community? Why not just
call us to live lives that are focused solely on our individual
relationship with Him?

2. Have you ever experienced “crowded loneliness”? Explain

This idea of “genuine community” will not always come
naturally or easily. What intentional steps must we take in
order to experience this true community?

M o re

(Moving away from meaningless consumption toward

reckless generosity) A life with Christ is about what I
can contribute to God, His mission, and others, using the
gifts He gave me and the person He created me to be.
N o

“58With all this going for us, my dear, dear friends, stand your
C h r i s t i a n

ground. And don’t hold back. Throw yourselves into the work
of the Master, confident that nothing you do for him is a waste
of time or effort” (1 Corinthians 15:58 – The Message)

16 S e s s i o n 2 - F O L LO W
3. Share a time when God used someone to minister to you in a
real way.

4. If you are currently contributing to God’s mission through

serving at your local church, share what that experience has
been like for you. If you are not currently contributing, share
an obstacle that is holding you back.

5. Would you follow God if He clearly led you to move to a

different state? How about a different country? Explain.

6. Do you think God leads us to places that we are not M o re

passionate about in order to challenge us, or does He always
lead us to places that line up with our feelings/passions?
N o

C h r i s t i a n

(Moving away from individual accolades toward making
God famous) A life with Christ includes regularly meeting
with other Christ-followers to celebrate who God is, what
He has done, and how He is at work in our lives.

F O L LO W - S e s s i o n 2 17
“Come let us sing to the Lord! Let us give a joyous shout
to the rock of our salvation! Let us come before Him with
thanksgiving. Let us sing him psalms of praise. Come let us
worship and bow down. Let us kneel before the Lord our
maker, for He is our God. We are the people He watches over,
the sheep under His care. Oh that you would listen to His voice
today!” (Psalm 95 -- NLT)

7. At what times do you find yourself really “celebrating” the

most; letting loose and getting excited? (Sporting events,
concerts, parties, holidays?)

8. How do that type of “actions” we see in the Psalm above

compare to the celebration services you usually attend?
M o re

9. What is your favorite part of the celebration services at the

N o

church you currently attend? Why?

C h r i s t i a n

10. What could you do to take an even more active role in the
celebration that is happening? (anything from the time you
walk in the door to the time you leave)

18 S e s s i o n 2 - F O L LO W
11. Share an experience where you had an individual time of
celebration and thanksgiving with God.

Where the Rubber Meets the Road

Take the 3C inventory starting on page 40.
Based on your results in the 3C Inventory, pick one of the 3
experiences (Celebrate, Connect, Contribute) that you want
to “take to the next level” in your own life, then share this
with your small group so they can hold you accountable.

Movie-time: optional homework or group fun night.

Watch the Civil War movie “Glory” (starring Matthew
Broderick and Denzel Washington). Like some other great
movies about a band of military men, this movie shows

M o re
what is possible when you get together a community of
like-minded people all following a leader to the same cause.
Watch how they celebrate together, how they connect deeply
by sharing their lives with one another, and how each man
plays his part to contribute to the cause. N o
C h r i s t i a n

F O L LO W - S e s s i o n 2 19
M o re
N o
C h r i s t i a n

20 S e s s i o n 2 - F O L LO W
Session 3 - LEAD
Being a Christ-follower means changing the world
and leading the world to a better place--back to
what God always intended it to be.

The first Christ-followers became

famous (or notorious, depending on
who you asked) for “turning the world
upside down.” In the same way, our
community of Christ-followers is not
meant to just “make a difference”, we

Christian No More - LEAD

are meant to actually make the world
different. We’re not meant to just
connect and be relevant to our culture, we are meant to redeem
and create culture through leading missional lives.

We are all meant to be leaders, not in the sense of people

reporting to us or us having a fancy title or being the one who
comes up with big ideas. True leadership can be defined in just
one simple word—influence. Leaders influence people, influence
culture, influence change. We are all meant to both individually
and together have influence on our culture by changing it and
helping create it. For anyone who sees themselves as a leader,
this means they get to lead the world in a new direction. For
anyone who is an artist, their art becomes a way of changing the
world. And for anyone with any compassion for a world that
is clearly pretty messed up, it means we don’t just help people
pick up the pieces of their lives, it means we get to help people
put together whole new lives based on the reality that God is at
work in us, bringing the world back to Him.

And we don’t just do this on a “rah-rah, let’s go get ‘em!”

kind of do-gooderism or activism. This is about God bringing
things out in us and bringing us together to lead the world to a
better place and a better way of living—the way He originally
designed it.

Big Idea Discussion Guide 21

“These men (the Christ-followers) have turned the rest of the
world upside down, and now they are here disturbing our city,”
they shouted.” -Acts 17:6

Opening Question
Share a time when you were in some sort of leadership position
(whether a formal one like in church/at work, or an informal one
like being the leader of your group of friends in high school). What
was the most fun/rewarding part of that experience? What was the
most challenging part?

1. Do you believe that everyone has the potential to be a
leader (i.e., to influence other people)? Why or why not?
M o re
N o

2. Do you feel like you see people mostly using their

leadership to influence people/culture in positive ways or in
negative ways? Explain.
C h r i s t i a n

Read these words of Jesus spoken to His followers—they are the

last words that we have recorded from Him before He was taken
up to heaven:

22 Session 3 -LEAD
“You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you;
and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and
Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” (Acts 1:8 NIV)

God’s Word confirms this elsewhere, that if you are currently a

follower of Jesus, then you have this “Holy Spirit power” within you.
In the original Greek, this word “power” can mean “force, ability,
abundance, meaning, might, miraculous power.”

3. Do you very often feel like you have this power? What
would it look like to really understand this kind of power
and use it for God’s purposes?

M o re
4. What do you think Jesus meant by the word “witnesses”?
What have you witnessed when it comes to God working in
your life?
N o
C h r i s t i a n

This whole idea of “redeeming culture” can take on many

forms, both big and small. In fact Webster’s dictionary defines the
word “redeem” as “to buy back; to recover.” So redeeming culture
doesn’t always have to mean changing laws or changing major
opinions in society (as we often think)—sometimes it can mean

LEAD - Session 3 23
taking something that God created for His good purposes but
Satan has used to influence sinful ways, and recovering it for God’s
Kingdom, buying it back. For example, when we take a song or
movie that wasn’t meant to have anything to do with God, and
instead choose to learn something about God and our world from it,
and let God speak to us through it.

5. Besides music/movies, what are some other examples of

ways that we can redeem things in our culture (i.e. recover
them to be used for God’s purposes)?

6. What are some ways that we as Christ-followers can help

“recover” our world after a major tragedy, like 9/11 or
M o re

Hurricane Katrina?
N o

Hell is not just a place people go after they die. What if “hell
C h r i s t i a n

on earth” isn’t just a saying, but a reality? It’s no secret that Satan is
attempting to bring hell to our earth right now, sometimes through
major tragedies (like 9/11) and sometimes through letting sin creep
in and destroy lives (like a marriage suffering the sin of an affair).
Heaven is also not just a place to wait to go to after we die. Jesus
wants us to bring Heaven to earth right now. God promises in book
of Revelations that He will completely bring Heaven to earth. Jesus
promises “I will build my church here and that gates of hell will

24 Session 3 -LEAD
not be able to stand against it.” This is the kind of leading Jesus
is calling us to—leading the charge against hell on earth, to bring
Heaven to earth!

7. How do you feel about this whole heaven/hell on earth

thing? Are there real things we can do as “normal people”
who are Jesus-followers to bring a little of Heaven to earth
and push back a little of hell?

George Barna in his book The Power of

Vision talks about what he calls “vision killers”,
things that can prevent us from having this kind
of impact: tradition (believing God wouldn’t
want us to change the way we do things),
complacency (not caring for much beyond just
ourselves and our comfort), fatigue (feeling

M o re
like we’re already too overwhelmed to take on
any other mission), and fear (feeling like there’s no way that we as
sinners could have any real impact).

N o

8. Which of these 4 vision killers is the biggest challenge for

you? What could you do to overcome that?
C h r i s t i a n

“If you have a God-given dream, then you’ll have the

God-given strength to accomplish that dream.”
(Dream Releasers, Wayne Cordeiro)

LEAD - Session 3 25
9. If you could try any dream you’ve had for your life and know
with certainty that you would not fail, what would it be?

Where the Rubber Meets the Road

Make a list of the people on whom you have the most direct
influence. It might be certain family members, co-workers, friends,
neighbors, or people at church. Choose the top 2 or 3 people that you
most want to spend your time and energy influencing right now. How
are you leading/influencing them? What can you do to better lead
them where God might want them to go?

Movie Watch: Optional homework or group fun night

Watch any of the following powerful movies, if you haven’t
already: Schindler’s List, Hotel Rwanda, or World Trade Center. Watch
M o re

how these “common men” step out of their tradition/complacency/

fatigue/fear to lead and influence and make a major step in pushing
back hell and bringing heaven to earth. What is it that drives them?
What makes them believe that they can actually be the one to make a
N o
C h r i s t i a n

26 Session 3 -LEAD
Session 4 - GO
Everything we are called to be as a Christ-follower
is accomplished through the work of God’s Spirit, so
it critical to learn to be people who are “Spirit-led”.

What does it mean to be “Spirit-led”? What is the Holy Spirit?

What is the difference He is supposed to make in my life and how
can I relate to Him?

There are many misconceptions and stereotypes about the

Holy Spirit, maybe more than any other aspect of the Christ-
follower’s life. We’ve all seen or heard about televangelists who
claim to be knocking people down on stage with the power of the
Holy Spirit. Or we may have heard of folks who go to the other
extreme and relegate the Holy Spirit to some lifeless truth on the

Christian No More - GO
shelf of our spiritual lives.

In one word, the Holy Spirit is the one who makes us “go”. As
Christ-followers, we can be very intentional about allowing God’s
spirit to lead us. We can be led by the Holy Spirit moment to
moment, as well as in the “big” moments of decision in our lives.
It’s hard to give clear, detailed descriptions about exactly what
“hearing from God” really means in our lives, but when we open
ourselves to His Spirit, we will find that God is trying to speak to
us far more often than we realize. And when we listen and follow
God’s Spirit our lives become a great adventure.

“Hearing God? A daring idea, some would

say-presumptuous and even dangerous.
But what if we are made for it? What if
the human system simply will not function
properly without it? There are good reasons
to think it will not. The fine texture as well as
the grand movements of life show the need. Is
it not, in fact, presumptuous and dangerous
to undertake human existence without
hearing God?” (Hearing God, Dallas Willard)

Big Idea Discussion Guide 27

“Those who enter into Christ’s being-here-for-us no longer have
to live under a continuous, low-lying black cloud. A new power
is in operation. The Spirit of life in Christ, like a strong wind, has
magnificently cleared the air, freeing you from a fated lifetime
of brutal tyranny at the hands of sin and death. The law
always ended up being used as a Band-Aid on sin instead of a
deep healing of it. And now what the law code asked for but
we couldn’t deliver is accomplished as we, instead of redoubling
our own efforts, simply embrace what the Spirit is doing in
us…God’s Spirit beckons. There are things to do and places to
go! This resurrection life you received from God is not a timid,
grave-tending life. It’s adventurously expectant, greeting God
with a childlike “What’s next, Papa?” God’s Spirit touches our
spirits and confirms who we really are. We know who he is, and
we know who we are: Father and children. “
(Romans 8:1-2, 4,15-17, The Message)

Opening Question
If you could ask God anything right now and know He’d
answer in a clear, audible way, what questions would you ask Him?
M o re

Story Time
Looking back on my life, I can now
N o

clearly see the times that God was speaking

to me and leading me. Sometimes I listened,
and sometimes I didn’t. I remember when I
graduated from college and was looking for
C h r i s t i a n

my first job. I was planning to get a job close

to where I went to college, a place that I had
interned at for a few summers. However I
also interviewed for a job that sounded pretty
incredible—it would be a place where I could
combine my computer software degree with
my love of the Bible and desire to do ministry. But it would mean
moving over 2 hours away to a new city. I got that job offer—and

28 Session 4 - GO
despite God making it pretty clear that I should go, I turned it down.
I justified it by claiming that God would want me to say near my
college, since I had just begun investing spiritually in some freshmen
there. But the truth was I wanted to stay where I was comfortable
and not take on the challenge of moving. Ultimately God didn’t
let my lack of listening mess up His plan for me—the place I had
interned turned me down, so I humbled myself and called back the
other place asking if I could change my answer, and they accepted!
So I gave up my ministry, moved, and ended up meeting and
marrying my wife. I began doing ministry in a different church and
worked at that job for 9 years. Having that job lead me to the
Chicago suburbs where I got involved at my church and eventually
had the opportunity to become a campus pastor.

After moving, starting this new job and getting married, I was
challenged again. My wife’s job wanted to move her to another city.
We needed to decide who would quit their job and where we would
live. We had 24 hrs to make the decision. This time I did listen to God.
We both sought God in intense prayer, I studied God’s Word, and
I got some strong spiritual direction from my pastor. The next day,
God led us both clearly to the same answer, and again because of
that, our lives ended up right where they are now. And we haven’t
looked back!

M o re

1. Growing up, what were your impressions (if any) of the Holy
Spirit? What did you believe about Him?
N o
C h r i s t i a n

2. When you hear the name Holy Spirit right now, what is the
first thing that comes to your mind? Why do you think this

GO - Session 4 29
3. Do you feel like you hear from God currently in your life?
Why or why not?

Let’s take a look at the A, B, C’s of hearing from God:

Ask God to Speak to You.

“Show me your ways, O Lord, teach me your paths;

guide me in your truth and teach me.”
(Psalm 25:4-5 -- NIV)

4. Many of us have had the experience of asking God to “give

us a sign” or “show us the way”, but then feeling like He
M o re

was silent and did not give us a clear answer. Why do you
think this happens?
N o

C h r i s t i a n

The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God.
For who among men knows the thoughts of a man except

the man’s spirit within him? In the same way no one knows
the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God. 12We have not
received the spirit of the world but the Spirit who is from God,
that we may understand what God has freely given us. 13This
is what we speak, not in words taught us by human wisdom
but in words taught by the Spirit, expressing spiritual truths in

30 Session 4 - GO
spiritual words. 14The man without the Spirit does not accept the
things that come from the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness
to him, and he cannot understand them, because they are
spiritually discerned. 15The spiritual man makes judgments
about all things, but he himself is not subject to any man’s
judgment: 16”For who has known the mind of the Lord that he
may instruct him?” But we have the mind of Christ.
1 Corinthians 2:10-16

5. Based on these verses, in what ways should we expect to

communicate with God? In your experience, what is it like
to have “mind of Christ?”


M o re
Listen to God speaking to you through His Word.
“Every part of Scripture is God-breathed and useful
one way or another—showing us truth, exposing our
rebellion, correcting our mistakes, training us to live
N o

God’s way.” (2 Timothy 3:16, The Message)

C h r i s t i a n

6. What are some common things people claim God told

them to do, but in reality are completely inconsistent with
what the Bible says?

GO - Session 4 31
7. Do you believe the Bible (an ancient book written in
ancient cultures) can offer real direction for you in things
you are currently going through? Why or why not? If so,
share an example of how the Bible has given you direction

Seek the input of other Christ-followers to help
you hear from God.

“When two or three of you are together because of

me, you can be sure that I’ll be there.” (Matthew
18:20, The Message)
M o re
N o

8. Who are some trusted spiritual advisors in your life that

you can go to when you need help in following where God
is leading?
C h r i s t i a n

32 Session 4 - GO
Look around at the circumstances that God has
placed you in and see if they line up with the things
you feel God is telling you.

“For if you remain silent at this time, relief and

deliverance for the Jews will arise from another
place, but you and your father’s family will perish.
And who knows but that you have come to royal
position for such a time as this?” (Esther 4:14, NIV)

9. Share a time when circumstances seemed to line up with

the ABC’s of ASK, BIBLE, and COMMUNITY giving you
direction in your life.

M o re
10. Which way do you tend to look to the most when it comes
to hearing from God?

a. Ask - Prayer
b. Bible
N o
c. Community
d. Circumstances
C h r i s t i a n

11. In which of the above areas would you like to hear more
from God? Share a step you are willing to take this week
to grow in that area.

GO - Session 4 33
Where The Rubber Meets the Road
Pick something in your life that you currently need God’s
leading in, and commit to doing the ABC’s: really pray to God for
clear direction, read some Scripture that pertains to your situation,
and seek the input of some trusted spiritual friends in your life
(they might be able to direct you to some Scriptures as well). Then
share your experience with your small group.

Movie Watch: optional homework or group fun night

Watch the thriller Frailty (Bill Paxton, Matthew

McConaughey), about a man who claims that God is calling him
to go out and kill specific (innocent) people, because he needs to
“eliminate the demons in our world.” He has no doubt that his
killings are following exactly the word of God, and he even enlists
his family to help him. Discuss how people can get this delusional,
and why it is so important to verify claims of “the voice of God”
with what the Bible
M o re
N o
C h r i s t i a n

34 Session 4 - GO
Leader’s Guide
Session 1: STOP
1. Answers will vary, but the point is to see if the group is
in touch with how the people in the world around them
perceive Christianity and those associated with it. Some
words that might arise: judgemental, conservative,
political, aggressive, holy, prideful, caring

2. Answers will vary, help the group really think about how
they’d like to be defined as Christ-followers. Wouldn’t it
be cool if the following words were the first thing to come
to the average person’s mind when they meet a Christ-
follower: loving, humble, generous, unselfish, edgy, funny,
intelligent, caring, thankful, good listener

3. We live in a culture that is so intent on people needing

to work hard and earn their way (“there’s no such thing
as a free lunch”, “too good to be true”, “he didn’t have
to work for anything he has”). In fact we often look

Christian No More
down on those who have their possessions in a way we
think was undeserved (like some rich kid who inherited
his parents’ millions). So this whole idea that God gives
us something with no strings attached, completely un-
earned and undeserved, can be tough to grasp. Plus it
means that the serial killer and homeless man can get
the same grace I do. It’s important to not take grace
lightly, but really let the magnitude of it sink in.

4. Often we think of this phrase as only relating to people

carrying some heavy burden with them (like a disability
or haunted past), but it’s important to understand that
every one of us has the burden of sin to bear, and that
Jesus calls us to daily lay our selfish ways before Him and
follow His ways.

Big Idea Discussion Guide 35

5. God does have many blessings for us to enjoy on Earth (all
the good things He created, like family, marriage, friends,
children, nature, etc.), but is it possible that the sole mission
we have while we’re here to is help introduce other people
to God, and show them what a life with Him can be like?
The entire New Testament seems to support this.

6. Even though Christ-followers will face many trials on this

Earth (sometimes even more than the non-believer), there
are some key differences: we can know that God can bring
His good purposes out of any situation, we can know there is
often a purpose in what we are going through, we can know
that Jesus, a man who endured the ultimate trials, is there to
comfort and strengthen us through them.

7. If our mission is to show the un-believing world what a life

following Jesus Christ can be like, then it makes sense that
God would want to constantly refine us to make us more
like the beings He originally created us to be. Plus He always
wants what is ultimately best for us and for His glory.

8. If “real faith” means fully trusting in who God says He is

and what He wants for us, then we can’t help but live out
our lives in the way He designed, which does result in “good
M o re

deeds” (and far more).

9. Answers will vary, but the goal is to help people identify that
something in their life really did change once they began
following Jesus. If someone can’t identify something, the
goal is not to beat them up over it, but to help them see
N o

how Jesus might be calling them right now to live their life
differently (and starting with just 1 thing at a time is much
less overwhelming).
C h r i s t i a n

Session 2: FOLLOW
1. God always wants what is best for His children, and that
includes having us live life with other people—loving and
being loved, sharing joys and trials, etc. Second, God’s
primary mission for us is to witness to the un-believing world,
and one of the best ways to do that is by showing how we
can do life with other people.

36 Leader Guide
2. The goal here is to help people understand that community
rarely just happens—that we actually have to work at it
and be intentional about it. Often people that hit a certain
age and suddenly realize they’re lonely, is a result of them
waiting for community to happen to them rather than
pursuing it. Some steps we could take: get into a small
group, reach out to other people, serve people, invite them
into our lives, open ourselves up.

3. Answers will vary, but the goal is to help people see that God
most often uses other people to minister to us.

4. Answers will vary, but the goal is to help people identify

what specifically is keeping them from serving, and help
them work through it.

5. Answers will vary.

6. God leads us to what is best for us and for His mission, which
sometimes lines up with our current desires, and sometimes
not. So what if the closer we get to Him, the more our
desires line up with His, meaning that His will ends up lining
up with our desires? I don’t think God calls us to things we

M o re
are not designed for—even though it may feel like it in the
moment,we often end up realizing why we were led there.

7. Answers will vary.

8. Singing, shouting, worshiping, bowing down, thanking,

N o
listening. The goal is to realize that celebration services
should be active on our part, not passive.

9. Answers will vary.

C h r i s t i a n

10. Some ideas: singing out more, taking notes during the
message, intentionally meeting people before/after service,
taking time to prepare yourself for worship before going to
church, rather than the usual mad dash.

Leader Guide 37
Session 3: LEAD
1. If leadership is really influence over people, and God
wants to use us to accomplish His mission of reaching other
people, then it is very possible that we’re all called to
leadership of some type.

2. Answers will vary, but ask for examples to back up the


3. It’s a hard thing to grasp, but what if as our recognition of

this power increases, we live our lives with more confidence,
boldness, self-sacrifice, generosity, and love than ever?

4. Think of a witness in the courtroom—someone who testifies

to what they have seen.

5. Some examples: the Internet (used for porn and all kinds of
evil, but can be used to spread the gospel worldwide faster
than ever before!), sports, TV, theater, print media, etc.

6. Some examples: give financially, give time, pray, show

public support, get radical and go get involved.
M o re

7. It’s not just about the huge things, but the “little” things we
can let God do through us do help bring heaven on earth:
helping reconcile a marriage, providing for someone in
need, helping people find their way back to God, raising
kids that will be a force for the Kingdom.
N o

8. Answers will vary.

9. Answers will vary.

C h r i s t i a n

38 Leader Guide
Session 4: GO
1. Answers will vary.

2. Answers will vary.

3. Answers will vary.

4. It could be a number of reasons: sometimes there is sin in

our lives keeping us from clearly listening, sometimes we
still need to let go of a selfish desire before we can clearly
hear, and sometimes God’s timing is just different than
ours, and our faith is stretched to trust Him in the silence.

5. Answers will vary.

6. People have claimed all sorts of things: from “God told

me to be with this other person even though we’re having
an affair” to “God told me to get a divorce” to “God is
providing for me by doing this, even though it’s illegal.”

7. Paul the apostle calls the Bible the “living and active”
Word of God—and that’s why, because it can actively
impact the lives of people in any century and any culture.

M o re
8. Answers will vary. If they can’t name anyone, challenge
them to seek someone out.

9. Answers will vary.

N o

10. Answers will vary.

C h r i s t i a n

Leader Guide 39
3C Spiritual Inventory

We gather together weekly to celebrate what God is doing in
our lives and in the church.

Primary relationship: me: God

5 - Absolutely or Always
4 - Mostly or Frequently
3 - Somewhat or Occasionally
2 - Not much or Seldom
1 - Not at all or Never

_____ 1. I believe there is one God, creator and sustainer of life

and He reveals Himself to us in 3 equal, distinct, divine
persons - Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
_____ 2. Before Celebration Service, I prepare my heart to worship
through personal prayer & confession.
_____ 3. My decisions are guided by the Bible as my source for
truth, the final authority on matters of faith and conduct,
and the revelation of the character and will of God.
_____ 4. I believe that God came in the flesh in the person of Jesus
M o re

Christ, lived a sinless life and died on a cross to pay the

price for sin and that he rose from the dead.
_____ 5. I attend Celebration Service weekly to worship with the
_____ 6. I depend on God for wisdom, strength and guidance
through daily prayer.
N o

_____ 7. I believe that Jesus Christ is the eternal and divine Son of
God whose life, death and resurrection won victory over
the power of sin and death.
_____ 8. I am not ashamed to be known as a Christ-follower.
C h r i s t i a n

_____ 9. I experience a spiritual connection with God and others

during worship at Celebration Service.
_____ 10. My greatest desire is to ever increasingly know and love
_____ 11. I believe there is one Mediator between a holy God and
sinful humanity - Jesus Christ.
_____ 12. I regularly confess my sins to God.
_____ 13. I trust God with my circumstances and do not allow them
to dictate my mood.

40 Leader Guide
_____ 14. I believe Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life, and that
no one comes to the Father except through Him.
_____ 15. I have made a personal commitment to Jesus Christ as my
Lord and Savior.
_____ 16. I have a consistent time & daily practice for Bible reading,
journaling and prayer.
_____ 17. I exercise self-control in my private and public behavior to
honor God.
_____ 18. I encourage others to develop a daily time with God and
other spiritual disciplines for growth.
_____ 19. I believe the Holy Spirit dwells in every believer empowering
us to live Christ- like lives.
_____ 20. I follow through on commitments I make to God.
_____ 21. I believe I receive forgiveness of sin, the indwelling of the
Holy Spirit and the gift of eternal life when I put my faith
in Jesus Christ and commit my life to Him as my Lord and
_____ 22. I am not proud or boastful.
_____ 23. I regularly pray with others.
_____ 24. I believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God, entirely ac-
curate, and the Spirit will not contradict His written Word.
_____ 25. I am frequently able to recall Bible verses I have memorized
that encourage others or myself

M o re
_____ 26. I discipline my thoughts based on my faith in Jesus Christ.
_____ 27. I am confident that I will go to heaven when I die.
_____ 28. I have made a public commitment of faith through choos-
ing to be baptized.
_____ 29. I am an example of contagious joy found in Jesus Christ.
_____ 30. I have completed a spiritual growth plan that includes ac-
N o

countability for my goals.

Personal reflection:
C h r i s t i a n

Leader Guide 41
We experience Biblical community as we connect with others
through weekly small groups.

Primary relationship: me: the church

5 - Absolutely or Always
4 - Mostly or Frequently
3 - Somewhat or Occasionally
2 - Not much or Seldom
1 - Not at all or Never

_____ 1. I believe the local church is the body of Christ on earth,

the hope of the world.
_____ 2. I believe God’s plan for spiritual growth is always in the
context of a community of Christ followers. (i.e. the
church / small groups).
_____ 3. I participate weekly in a small group to grow spiritually
and experience Biblical community.
_____ 4. I have a reputation for being gentle, patient and compas-
sionate with others.
_____ 5. I am an includer and easily approachable.
_____ 6. I understand and can explain the Biblical teaching on
God’s plan for the church.
M o re

_____ 7. I believe God calls me as a believer to commit to a church

and Biblical community.
_____ 8. My speech and actions build up others and promote unity
in the church body.
_____ 9. I support and pray for the leaders at CCC.
_____ 10. I can clearly and succinctly communicate my spiritual
N o

_____ 11. I unconditionally love others in obedience to Jesus.
_____ 12. I actively seek opportunities to encourage and develop
C h r i s t i a n

_____ 13. I have at least one other CCC attender in whom I actively
invest myself for growth & development
_____ 14. Others would say that I am not easily offended and quick
to forgive.
_____ 15. I embrace the vision of CCC for Helping People Find Their
Way Back to God.
_____ 16. I pray weekly before Celebration Service for God to give
me opportunities to connect with newcomers

42 Leader Guide
._____ 17. I participate in opportunities to help newcomers to CCC
take the next step.
_____ 18. My first inclination is to seek the good of others before
_____ 19. I believe God has given me spiritual gifts to use to build up
the church and reach unbelievers.
_____ 20. I believe I can experience spiritual growth and Biblical
community in a small group with other believers.
_____ 21. I am open to receiving love and care from others in my
small group and in the church.
_____ 22. I make a specific contribution in my small group to encour-
age growth and the development of Biblical community.
_____ 23. I am open, teachable, & accountable with the members of
my small group.
_____ 24. Others would say I am not defensive or resistant to instruc-
tion or correction.
_____ 25. I believe all people are created in the image of God and
therefore have equal value, regardless of race, religion or
_____ 26. I regularly reach out to the unconnected/unchurched and
invite them to my small group /church.
_____ 27. I rejoice in others’ blessings and share the burdens of those
who are suffering.
_____ 28. I believe that God has a purpose for my life.

M o re
_____ 29. I am not overly upset when recognition of my accomplish-
ments goes unnoticed.
_____ 30. I am known as a peacemaker.

Personal Reflection:
N o
C h r i s t i a n

Leader Guide 43
We impact our world as we contribute weekly to God’s work using
our unique talents, passions, and resources.

Primary relationship: me: the world

5 - Absolutely or Always
4 - Mostly or Frequently
3 - Somewhat or Occasionally
2 - Not much or Seldom
1 - Not at all or Never

_____ 1. I believe that God is the source of all blessings in the

_____ 2. I hold all things loosely and consider all that I own at
God’s disposal.
_____ 3. I understand what the Bible has to say about spiritual
_____ 4. I have taken the LifeMAP course and identified my person-
ality, gifts and passion.
_____ 5. I contribute through the use of my spiritual gifts weekly
at CCC.
M o re

_____ 6. I put God’s timing, will and purposes ahead of my own.

_____ 7. I regularly pray for specific individuals who don’t know
_____ 8. I actively seek out opportunities to have spiritual conver-
sations with those who don’t know God.
_____ 9. I am able to use Scripture to effectively communicate how
N o

to become a Christ follower to others.

_____ 10. I am actively involved in my community to be a Christian
_____ 11. I treat others with respect even though they may believe
C h r i s t i a n

differently than me.

_____ 12. I understand God works through me to build up the
_____ 13. I participate regularly in leadership development opportu-
nities at CCC.
_____ 14. I understand Biblical principles of financial giving.
_____ 15. I believe that investing my time, talents and resources in
the church helps people find their way back to God.

44 Leader Guide
_____ 16. I live an intentional lifestyle that allows me to contribute
/maximize my time, energy and resources for the kingdom.
_____ 17. I give 10% or more of my income to the church and king-
dom to support God’s work.
_____ 18. I am eager to help others when I hear of a need.
_____ 19. I believe God will use me to reach those in my circle of
influence for Jesus Christ.
_____ 20. I serve those in my neighborhood by meeting needs to wit-
ness the love of Christ.
_____ 21. I freely share my time, possessions and resources with those
in need.
_____ 22, I give without expecting anything in return.
_____ 23. I do not envy others, or covet their possessions.
_____ 24. My choices of activities and how to spend my time are
based upon my relationship with Jesus as Lord.
_____ 25. I value a simple lifestyle over one cluttered with activities
and material possessions.
_____ 26. I believe God calls me to be involved in the lives of the
poor and suffering.
_____ 27. I willingly sacrifice my time, talents, and resources to meet
the needs of others.
_____ 28. I build relationships with those I serve and who serve me.
_____ 29. I believe that through Jesus, I can accomplish things that I
could not do on my own.

M o re
_____ 30. I am trustworthy and known to maintain honesty and
integrity when under pressure.

Personal Reflection:
N o
C h r i s t i a n

Leader Guide 45
Evaulate Your Responses

Knowledge - Add your answers to questions
1, 4, 7, 11, 14, 15, 19, 21, 24, and 27.
Write the total here____________

Action - Add your answers to questions

2, 5, 9, 12, 16, 18, 23, 25, 28, and 30.
Write the total here____________

Character - Add your answers to questions

3, 6, 8, 10, 13, 17, 20, 22, 26, and 29. ________

Add the three totals above and write here:_________

15 50 75 100 125 150

Least Growth Most Growth
Experienced Experienced

M o re

Knowledge - Add your answers for questions

1, 2, 6, 7, 10, 15, 19, 20, 25, and 28. ________

Action - Add your answers for questions

3, 8, 9, 12, 13, 16, 17, 21, 22, and 26. ________
N o

Character - Add your answers for questions

4, 5, 11, 14, 18, 23, 24, 27, 29, 30. ________
Add the three totals above and write here:_________
C h r i s t i a n

15 50 75 100 125 150

Least Growth Most Growth
Experienced Experienced

46 Leader Guide
Knowledge - Add your answers for questions
1, 3, 4, 9, 12, 14, 15, 19, 26, and 29. ________

Action - Add your answers for questions

5, 7, 8, 10, 13, 17, 20, 21, 24, and 28. ________

Character - Add your answers for questions

2, 6, 11, 16, 18, 22, 23, 25, 27, and 30. ________

Add the three totals above and write here:_________

15 50 75 100 125 150

Least Growth Most Growth
Experienced Experienced

M o re
N o
C h r i s t i a n

Leader Guide 47
C h r i s t i a n N o M o re

Leader Guide

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