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Member Information Update 更新會員資料

To keep update with our Members, please return the completed form at your earliest convenience.

By email 電郵 ﹕
By fax 傳真號碼 ﹕(852) 2846-3261
By mail 郵寄 ﹕18/F, Universal Trade Centre, 3 Arbuthnot Road, Central, Hong Kong
香港中環亞畢諾道 3 號環貿中心 18 樓
Member Name 姓名 (English) Chan Tin O (中文) 陳天翺

Pseudonyms 別名

HK ID Card No. / BR no.

香港身份證號碼/ 商業登記號碼
Contacts 聯絡電話 (Mobile 手提) (Home/Office 住宅/公司)
Email address 電郵地址 (Contact person 聯絡人)
[Part A] Address Update 更新地址
Please indicate by a “” the corresponding address 請以 “” 註明通訊地址
 Home Address
Office Address

[Part B] Mailing Preference Update通訊方式
Please select your mailing preference (email will be arranged if no indication below)
請選擇您的通訊方式 如沒有註明以下選項,協會將以電郵方式安排
( )

By email 電郵 By post 郵寄 Unsubscribe 取消訂閱

[Part C] Bank Details Update 更新賬戶資料

Account Name 賬戶持有人

Bank Name 銀行名稱

Branch 分行地區
Account No. 賬戶號碼
For writer members, please use your own personal bank account for autopay. For publisher members, please use the corporate account. A copy of
the member’s HK Identity Card or HK Business Registration is required to submit with this form.

Signature of Member 會員簽署 Date 日期

Company chop is required for Publisher Members
( )

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