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1. When we arrive in London we will need to rest, because we ____________

about 800 miles
A. will be driving B. will have driven C. will drive D.
have driven
2. By the time you arrive, I _____________ something spectacular and dinner will
be on the table waiting for you
A. will cook B. will have cooked C. will be cooking D.
have cooked
3. This task _____________ well by the time you come back
A. will have solved B. will have been solved C. will solve D. will be
4. Two weeks from now, we _________________our destination.
A. will reach B. will have reached C. will be reaching D. will
5. On next Tuesday, Toby ____________with the company for exactly 35 years
A. will be B. will have been C. will be being D.
have been
6. When we meet tomorrow afternoon for presentation, we __________ at all the
sales figures and necessary information.
A. will look B. will have looked C. will be looking D.
will looked
7. When you come to his house tomorrow, he _______________ soccer.
A. will play B, will be playing C. will have played D.
8. At 6 o'clock on this Friday they ……………… the new song.
A. will sing B. will be singing C. will have sung D.
9. In less than 2 years, my grandparents ____________ for 50 years. We are going
to celebrate it
A. will have been married B. will be married C. will be getting D.
10. Leave at once or I wall call the police
A. Unless you don’t leave at once, I will call the police
B. I would call the police if you didn’t leave at once
C. When you don’t leave at once, I won’t call the police
D. Unless you leave at once, I will call the police
11. She ________ (let) us know later, when she’s ready to leave
A. will let B. will be letting C. will have let D.
12. I hope I’ll ____________ here in 20 years
A. will work B. be working C. have worked D.
13. Her grandfather’s illness was _____________ we thought at first
A. more seriously as B. more seriously C. more serious than D.
more seriously than
14. Your house is _____________ mine
A. twice big as B. twice than C. more twice than D.
twice as big as
15. For__________, it is certain that in the future some things will be different
A. better or bad B. good or bad C. the better or the worse D.
better or worse
16. He ____________ on the report at this time tomorrow
A. will be working B. works C. will work D. will have
17. The Smiths ______________their gardening when you ____________ next
A. will do - come B. will be doing - come C- will have done- come
D. will do - came
18. We ___________- for you when you ______________ back
A. will wait / get B. will be waiting / got C. will be waiting/ get D.
will have waited / get
19. I wish I had studied harder for the last semester
A. I regret not studying hard for the last semester
B. I regret to study hard for the last semester
C. You don’t study hard for the last semester
D. You did study hard for the last semester
20. I wish you had given me a chance to tell you the truth
A. You don’t give me a chance to tell the truth
B. You didn’t give me a chance to tell you the truth
C. If only you gave me a chance to tell you the truth
D. I wish you gave me a chance to tell you the truth
21. I missed the TV programme. I wish I ____________ it
A. had seen B. have seen C. saw D. would see
22. I wished I _____________ in London
A. lived B. would live C. had lived D. will live
23. I wish I _____________ in London now
A. lived B. would live C. had lived D. will live
24. I wish I _____________ in London in the next 2 years
A. lived B. will live C. would live D. had lived
25. I am not good at English pronunciation. I wish I ____________ at English
A. were B. was C. are D. would be
26. He likes to swim. He wishes he … near the sea.
A. lives
B. lived
C. had lived
D. would live
27. I have to work on Sunday. I wish I … have to work on Sunday.
A. don’t
B. didn’t
C. won’t
D. wouldn’t
28. If only I_______________ able to attend your wedding next week.
A. will be
B. would be
C. were
D. had been
29. I regret letting her know the truth.
A. I wish I had let her know the truth
B. I wish I hadn’t let her know the truth
C. I didn’t let her know the truth
D. I don’t let her know the truth
30. I wish I (not fail) the Maths test yesterday.
A. didn’t fail B. would not fail D. had not failed D. not
1. She wish she could speak English well.
2. I wish I was a doctor to save people.
3. He wishes it didn’t rain yesterday, so we could go out for dinner
4. She wishes she could speak English as fluent as her sister
5. I wishes you had been at the meeting yesterday
6. He got bad marks. He wishes he reviewed his lesson carefully
7. I really wish we can make a trip around the world
8. If only we knew all this information about the market many weeks ago
9. I wish I can speak another language well too
10.The more polluted air we breathe, the more weak we get
11.The more I tried my best to help her, the more lazy she became
12.I think he will be finishing the project by next week.
13.By the time the concert begins, all the tickets will be sold
14.We would go to the beach if the weather is good
15.At 8.00pm tomorrow, we will have finished our cooking
16.Let’s go out after you will finish eating dinner

My first job was a sales assistant at a large department store. I wanted to work
part-time, because I was still studying at university and I was only able to work a
few nights a week.
I came __________(1) the advertisement in the local newspaper. I remember the
interview as though it were yesterday. The (2)______ manager sat behind a large
desk. He asked me __________(3)_questions which surprised me because all I
wanted was to work in sales. An hours later, I was told that I had got the job and was
given a contract to go______(4)_____. I was to be trained for ten days before I took
my post. Also, as a member of staff, I was (5)________ to some benefits, including
When I eventually started, I was responsible (6) ______ the toy section. I
really enjoyed it there and I loved demonstrating the different toys. I was surprised
at how friendly my colleagues were, too. They made working there fun even when
we had to deal___(7)______customers (8) _____ got on our nerves. On the whole,
working there was a great experience ___(9) _____I will never forget.
1. A. on B. into C. across D. over
2. A. personal B. personnel C. personage D. person
3. A. various B. vary C. variety D. varies
4. A. over B. on C. of D. into
5. A. given B. entitled C. awarded D. handed
6. A. for B. of C. about D. on
7. A. with B. about C. up D. for
8. A. which B. where C. when D. that
9. A. which B. where C. when D. whom

The position of sport in today's society has changed out of all Câu 1: (11)
recognition. People no longer seem to think of sports as 'just
a game' - to be watched or played for the (1) ________ of A. benefit
enjoyment. Instead, it has become big business worldwide. It
has become accepted practice for leading companies to
provide sponsorship. TV companies pay large sums of B. good
money to screen important matches or competitions. The
result has been huge rewards for athletes, some of (2)
________ are now very wealthy, particularly top footballers,
golfers and tennis players. C. advantage
(3) ________, it is not unusual for some athletes to receive
large fees on top of their salary, for advertising products or D. sake
making personal appearances. A trend towards shorter Câu 2: (12)
working hours means that people generally tend to have
more free time, both to watch and to take in sporting activity; A. who
sport has become a significant part of the recreation industry
that we now rely (4) ________ to fill our leisure hours.
Professional sport is a vital part of that industry, providing B. whom
for millions of (5) ________ people all over the world.

Câu 5: (15) C. whose

A. extremist
D. that
B. mighty Câu 3: (13)

C. ordinary A. In contrast

D. abnormal B. However

C. In addition

D. Therefore
Câu 4: (14)

A. on

B. with

C. for

D. in

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