Essay C1 Cambridge

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Test 1 Part 1: Essay

Let us get started by bringing focus to the topic of technology, as it has proven to be a
highly controversial one in this day and age. It happens to be that this sector is growing
in such a rapid way that society does not even have time to assimilate it. Be that as it
may, a question needs to be raised. How are our lives to be affected by these constant

First and foremost, I would like to give prominence to the fact that technology has
transformed the way we communicate with others. It is uncontested that we are provided
with a wide range of possibilities to be in touch with people worldwide within a minute. In
turn, social media has been converted into one of the most popular advertising methods
in order to reach a more extensive audience.

On a different note, recent research underscores that excessive use of technology may
lead to diminished face-to-face communication. Not only are we losing interpersonal
skills, but also we are not conscious of how exposed we are to potentially dangerous
people behind a screen.

By and large, I hold the view that technology is undoubtedly increasing our interactions
to a great extent. It has made communication easier despite physical and time barriers.
Conversely, it is crystal clear that technology is affecting the depth and quality of
personal relations. Only by conscious use of technological devices may we be capable
of finding the balance between both.

Julia López Pérez

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